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The US is more alone than ever, just at the moment the world needs its leadership


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The US is more alone than ever, just at the moment the world needs its leadership

Updated 0420 GMT (1220 HKT) June 28, 2020

London (CNN)The United States is in uncharted territory, on an exponential path to becoming a Covid-19 pariah and an unreliable ally to its friends.

America's fall in global esteem is turning into an international horror show as the world watches the superpower struggle to match the efforts of many poorer nations to get the coronavirus pandemic under control.

Three-and-a-half years of President Donald Trump in office has changed America's international reputation and perhaps its future role in a way that seemed unimaginable when he took the oathof office on the steps on the Lincoln Memorial on January 20, 2017.

He set the tone in the drizzle that day: "We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs."
Trump's early decisions were deliberate, turbulent and at times seemed giddy.

Three days after his inauguration, he abandoned the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a potentially lucrative 12-nation Pacific trade deal. Executive Order 13769 swiftly followed, banning citizens of seven Muslim nations from travel to the US.

So when European Union leaders gathered in Malta for an emergency summit in February 2017, "America First" was very much on their minds. EU Council President Donald Tusk wrote to the bloc's leaders: "The change in Washington puts the European Union in a difficult situation; with the new administration seeming to put into question the last 70 years of American foreign policy."

Europe's matriarch and often its moral compass Angela Merkel declared: "Europe has its destiny in its own hands. And I believe the stronger we state clearly how we define our role in the world, the better we can take care with our transatlantic relations."

Three months later -- on his first overseas trip -- Trump proved Merkel right. At NATO HQ in Belgium, on May 25, the President not only roasted Merkel over Germany's performance on trade and attacked his allies for failing to meet NATO funding targets but showed shocking disdain for his peers, pushing past Montenegro's PM Dusko Markovic and giving a very frosty handshake to newly minted French President Emmanuel Macron.

His coup de grace at NATO HQ that day was failing to endorse the alliance's founding principle, its Article 5, under which it is obliged to protect each and every one of its members.

Three-and-a-half years of Trumpian vacillations later, NATO's upper echelons privately fear that a second Trump term could lead to "the effective end" of NATO. Those fears hit the front burner two weeks ago when Trump announced pulling 9,500 troops from bases in Germany. Angela Merkel had not been notified.

Last week one senior NATO source told me if Trump is re-elected it would be "extremely bad news" and could "fundamentally f**k up the alliance". It would not cease to exist but the concept of transatlantic deterrence would "no longer be fit for purpose."

What Trump is proposing, the source said, is "very real, it is a lot of troops." And it was emblematic of a larger problem, that "the US can't be relied on."

That vein of often mercurial unilateralism has been the trademark of Trump's first term. His doctrine of America-first, multilateralism-last has shifted Washington from being the global center of gravity that generations of American policymakers built, to an unreliable centrifugal force in danger of scattering democratic forces.

In capitals across the world, Trump's impact has become the endless hangover. The global village is in a semi-permanent spin, the geopolitical furniture rarely where it was the night before.

The heap of pressing international issues -- climate change, the coronavirus and the economic meltdown it threatens, the inexorable rise of China -- teeters to the point of collapse.

How much America is "on the outs" can no longer be hidden. When it comes to international cooperation, Europe is now as likely to side with China as it is with the White House. Not least because of Trump's utter unpredictability, whether on Syria, North Korea, trade or NATO.

In January, Trump praised China's handling of Covid-19, saying: "I think our relationship has never been better. We're very much involved with them, right now, on the virus that's going around."

But by the end of April, the White House wanted China castigated and punished for failing to warn the world about the pandemic.

At a vote last month during the World Health Organization's annual meeting, Europe resisted US pressure to demand an investigation into how China had handled the pandemic, while Trump railed that WHO was a Chinese puppet.

Former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt said it was like "observing the post-American world. A confident and assertive China with clear strategic approach. A EU trying to rescue what's left of global cooperation. And a disruptive U.S. more keen on fighting China than fighting COVID19," Bildt tweeted.

And worse, Trump's own actions have rendered his opinions on fighting the virus almost worthless. It's not just that he's suggested ingesting bleach or taking the drug, hydroxychloroquine, against most health guidelines. But stacked up against China, America is failing its people.

If Covid-19 were Trump's only crisis, the world might be a bit more forgiving. But in his presidency he has jangled nerves around the world more than any of his recent predecessors.

He pulled out of the global climate change agreement, quit the JCPOA -- the multilateral deal constraining Iran's nuclear ambitions, started a trade war with China, has another brewing with Europe. He toyed with sparking conflict against Iran and has had a turbulent on-again, off-again relationship with Kim Jong Un in North Korea, as well as spats with most major multinational bodies, from the UN to the IMF and more.

On top of all that, he seems barely capable of criticizing powerful dictators. On his watch, China and Russia have both moved towards leaders for life in presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin.

By Independence Day next week, the United States will perhaps be more alone than it has been in decades. Trump has cut many of the ties that have bound the country to expected international norms, but it is coming at a cost to the rest of the world.

But Trump's unorthodox unreliability may have met its match in Covid-19. Unlike many other leaders, a virus can't be browbeaten. As infection numbers rise in more than 30 US states, the world's willingness to turn a blind eye to the US President's obvious failings is fast evaporating.

As the biggest global economy, US failure to rein in the pandemic will affect us all. More than at any time in recent history, the rest of the world has a stake in an American course correction.

Short of the highly improbable -- that Trump acknowledges his failings in directing America's response to Covid 19 -- Washington's allies will have to wait until November for the possibility of deliverance.

Covid-19 is the beginning of the end of US century old world domination.

Europe should brace for a reality in which US is no longer a world power – Merkel

European nations need “to carry more of the burden than during the cold war” in terms of defense spending, Merkel said, because they cannot assume that the US will be there to protect them.

“We grew up in the certain knowledge that the United States wanted to be a world power. Should the US now wish to withdraw from that role of its own free will, we would have to reflect on that very deeply,” she said, in an interview published in six European newspapers.
Covid-19 is the beginning of the end of US century old world domination.
It was Xi Xinping plan all along. The world will deeply investigate into the origins of Covid-19 and answers will be found. Europe, US, Japan etc just need to sacrifice their lifestyle, give up buying cheap-good looking Chinese things - and the dragon will become more tame than a puppy.
Who need US lead?
Global leadership is a trap. This is a Western conspiracy. They want China to take more responsibility for the world and repeat America's mistakes. Americans realized that global leadership did not benefit them and Trump successfully persuaded them that "America First". China should not repeat mistakes
Well when one opts for Yankees First policy then there is hardly any question of providing any sort of leadership to rest of the world. To be a leader US needs to sacrifice lot of financial capital which has been made impossible after current economic depression. China will effectively check mate US in every sense by 2030. Even hardcore allies of US will start finding meager excuses to divert diplomatic capital toward China. US will truely become a country with yanks first and rest of the world will finally know peace.
It was Xi Xinping plan all along. The world will deeply investigate into the origins of Covid-19 and answers will be found. Europe, US, Japan etc just need to sacrifice their lifestyle, give up buying cheap-good looking Chinese things - and the dragon will become more tame than a puppy.
Scientists are already working on this.

The Coronavirus Was Detected In Sewage In March Of 2019, Far From Wuhan, China
Jun 26, 2020,08:38pm EDT
Eric Mack

As new cases of Covid-19 reach record levels in the United States, there’s new evidence the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 that causes the disease has been with us much longer than previously thought.

Researchers from the University of Barcelona say they detected the virus in sewage samples were collected in the Spanish city on March 12, 2019. That’s several months before the first cases that would lead to the current pandemic were officially identified in Wuhan, China in early December.

It’s previously been reported sewage samples suggested the coronavirus was present in Spain in mid-January of this year, over a month before the first case was confirmed there.

The team analyzed frozen waster water samples from nine different dates between January 2018 and December 2019. All the samples came back negative for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 genetic material, except for low levels that were found in the March 12, 2019 sample.

It’s a little odd, to say the least, that the coronavirus popped up only once in Barcelona’s wastewater nearly a year before Spain reported its first cases.

“When it’s just one result, you always want more data, more studies, more samples to confirm it and rule out a laboratory error or a methodological problem,” Dr Joan Ramon Villalbi of the Spanish Society for Public Health and Sanitary Administration told Reuters. “It’s definitely interesting, it’s suggestive.”

In their summary of their findings, the team makes a point to note the oft-repeated theory that some particularly rough influenza cases that were reported in the months prior to the new coronavirus emerging may have actually been Covid-19 cases.

“It has been suggested that some uncharacterized influenza cases may have masked COVID-19 cases in the 2019-2020 season,” the Barcelona researchers write.

“Those infected with COVID-19 could have been diagnosed with flu in primary care by mistake, contributing to the community transmission before the public health took measures,” adds co-author Albert Bosch in a statement. Bosch is also president of the Spanish Society of Virology.

It’s important also to note that this research has not yet been peer reviewed, which is a key part of the scientific vetting process prior to publication in a journal. However, given the need for information on the origin and spread of the pandemic, many scientists are publicly sharing and promoting their data prior to publication, but it should still be treated as preliminary and taken with a grain of salt.

Global leadership is a trap. This is a Western conspiracy. They want China to take more responsibility for the world and repeat America's mistakes. Americans realized that global leadership did not benefit them and Trump successfully persuaded them that "America First". China should not repeat mistakes

Modus Operandi of US and China is very different in every sense. US is still stuck in that phase where it could black mail or sanction countries into submission which was a good option in unipolar world but not current multi polar world of today. For one thing China is not restricted by all the red tape that usually comes with Democratic system of west aand US. China basically say that if you can pay for it then you can have anything whereas US has always been a flight risk in term of defense purchases and if you cant pay for it we will give you money so you can buy it on installments. For US they relied mostly on Aid to exert pure control where as china uses lending loans as a mean of exerting partial control giving other countries more space. US method was to strip a country bare of its dignity via Aid but china gives them option of maintaining their dignity by giving them enough space to roam free. Gone are the times when you could make a country submit through shear force bcz now world not only have International players but also powerful regional players.
The US is more alone than ever, just at the moment the world needs its leadership

Updated 0420 GMT (1220 HKT) June 28, 2020

London (CNN)The United States is in uncharted territory, on an exponential path to becoming a Covid-19 pariah and an unreliable ally to its friends.

America's fall in global esteem is turning into an international horror show as the world watches the superpower struggle to match the efforts of many poorer nations to get the coronavirus pandemic under control.

Three-and-a-half years of President Donald Trump in office has changed America's international reputation and perhaps its future role in a way that seemed unimaginable when he took the oathof office on the steps on the Lincoln Memorial on January 20, 2017.

He set the tone in the drizzle that day: "We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs."
Trump's early decisions were deliberate, turbulent and at times seemed giddy.

Three days after his inauguration, he abandoned the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a potentially lucrative 12-nation Pacific trade deal. Executive Order 13769 swiftly followed, banning citizens of seven Muslim nations from travel to the US.

So when European Union leaders gathered in Malta for an emergency summit in February 2017, "America First" was very much on their minds. EU Council President Donald Tusk wrote to the bloc's leaders: "The change in Washington puts the European Union in a difficult situation; with the new administration seeming to put into question the last 70 years of American foreign policy."

Europe's matriarch and often its moral compass Angela Merkel declared: "Europe has its destiny in its own hands. And I believe the stronger we state clearly how we define our role in the world, the better we can take care with our transatlantic relations."

Three months later -- on his first overseas trip -- Trump proved Merkel right. At NATO HQ in Belgium, on May 25, the President not only roasted Merkel over Germany's performance on trade and attacked his allies for failing to meet NATO funding targets but showed shocking disdain for his peers, pushing past Montenegro's PM Dusko Markovic and giving a very frosty handshake to newly minted French President Emmanuel Macron.

His coup de grace at NATO HQ that day was failing to endorse the alliance's founding principle, its Article 5, under which it is obliged to protect each and every one of its members.

Three-and-a-half years of Trumpian vacillations later, NATO's upper echelons privately fear that a second Trump term could lead to "the effective end" of NATO. Those fears hit the front burner two weeks ago when Trump announced pulling 9,500 troops from bases in Germany. Angela Merkel had not been notified.

Last week one senior NATO source told me if Trump is re-elected it would be "extremely bad news" and could "fundamentally f**k up the alliance". It would not cease to exist but the concept of transatlantic deterrence would "no longer be fit for purpose."

What Trump is proposing, the source said, is "very real, it is a lot of troops." And it was emblematic of a larger problem, that "the US can't be relied on."

That vein of often mercurial unilateralism has been the trademark of Trump's first term. His doctrine of America-first, multilateralism-last has shifted Washington from being the global center of gravity that generations of American policymakers built, to an unreliable centrifugal force in danger of scattering democratic forces.

In capitals across the world, Trump's impact has become the endless hangover. The global village is in a semi-permanent spin, the geopolitical furniture rarely where it was the night before.

The heap of pressing international issues -- climate change, the coronavirus and the economic meltdown it threatens, the inexorable rise of China -- teeters to the point of collapse.

How much America is "on the outs" can no longer be hidden. When it comes to international cooperation, Europe is now as likely to side with China as it is with the White House. Not least because of Trump's utter unpredictability, whether on Syria, North Korea, trade or NATO.

In January, Trump praised China's handling of Covid-19, saying: "I think our relationship has never been better. We're very much involved with them, right now, on the virus that's going around."

But by the end of April, the White House wanted China castigated and punished for failing to warn the world about the pandemic.

At a vote last month during the World Health Organization's annual meeting, Europe resisted US pressure to demand an investigation into how China had handled the pandemic, while Trump railed that WHO was a Chinese puppet.

Former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt said it was like "observing the post-American world. A confident and assertive China with clear strategic approach. A EU trying to rescue what's left of global cooperation. And a disruptive U.S. more keen on fighting China than fighting COVID19," Bildt tweeted.

And worse, Trump's own actions have rendered his opinions on fighting the virus almost worthless. It's not just that he's suggested ingesting bleach or taking the drug, hydroxychloroquine, against most health guidelines. But stacked up against China, America is failing its people.

If Covid-19 were Trump's only crisis, the world might be a bit more forgiving. But in his presidency he has jangled nerves around the world more than any of his recent predecessors.

He pulled out of the global climate change agreement, quit the JCPOA -- the multilateral deal constraining Iran's nuclear ambitions, started a trade war with China, has another brewing with Europe. He toyed with sparking conflict against Iran and has had a turbulent on-again, off-again relationship with Kim Jong Un in North Korea, as well as spats with most major multinational bodies, from the UN to the IMF and more.

On top of all that, he seems barely capable of criticizing powerful dictators. On his watch, China and Russia have both moved towards leaders for life in presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin.

By Independence Day next week, the United States will perhaps be more alone than it has been in decades. Trump has cut many of the ties that have bound the country to expected international norms, but it is coming at a cost to the rest of the world.

But Trump's unorthodox unreliability may have met its match in Covid-19. Unlike many other leaders, a virus can't be browbeaten. As infection numbers rise in more than 30 US states, the world's willingness to turn a blind eye to the US President's obvious failings is fast evaporating.

As the biggest global economy, US failure to rein in the pandemic will affect us all. More than at any time in recent history, the rest of the world has a stake in an American course correction.

Short of the highly improbable -- that Trump acknowledges his failings in directing America's response to Covid 19 -- Washington's allies will have to wait until November for the possibility of deliverance.

exxagerations made by CNN are about as new as the sky is blue....

What does CNN want ? A straight-out invasion of Syria and North Korea ?
CNN wants Biden elected as President of the USA, for internal political purposes.
You do realize this is CNN propaganda to get Biden elected right? Once he is, the deep state will have a compliant puppet again.

It’s China that needs to worry about its standing after this as it is being contained by the massive western alliance and by its neighbors. One by one they will fall in line with the IS because that’s where all the other rich economies stand.
In times of stress, people show who they really are.

Cue America and their racist jokes about "Kung Flu" while over 120,000 Americans have died and Asian Americans are being attacked on the streets.

The world was tested, and in the end America performed worse than even the most destitute third world countries.

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