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Tejas(LCA)- Setting the record straight

Where is the pic ??

LITENING pod will be used in LCA ..right..??
so another 1month to go for tejas to get IOC..
does it mean that tejas is inducted after it gets IOC????
Holy crap what happened to LSP-5.. is LSP-4 is the final configuration? I heard that they are revamping the cockpit in LSP-5 which will be equal to the IOC standard?? Last i heard it was taxing .... some can shed some light here?
31 years of testing should be enough, if you really want to sure another 31 may definately do it for sure.

Just take an example of Eurofighter,

EF programme started 1982, First flight on March 1994, IOC - Aug 2003.

LCA prog. Launched in 1983, Design Finalized in 1990(pls note, we have no previous experiance unlike EF prog. engineers), First Flight on Jan 2001, IOC - Dec. 2010.

All should be patient for a good fighter..
Any pic of LCA fully armed to the teeth with missiles and eevrything?

ready for war

is Drop tank = Fuel tank?.. what is the range of LCA?
What is a Service ceiling?

By the way 3000 Km is not a small distance ... does it include the fuel tanks? or only the internal fuel??

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