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Kashmir | News & Discussions.

So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Do you guys believe that Kashmir is normal now? Look at the protest and violence that is happening. can an Indian Prime minister visit Kashmir without the ARMY presence for a week and return?

what can pakistan do for kashmir? all i can see is another bomb blast(in the likes of peshwar,lahore ,karachi), fake puppets in power......failing economy. besides they have already given a part of it to china.....they are already sell outs....terrorism wont stop coz now the terrorists are fighiting pakistan too). they become indian muhajjirs or what ever you call it and hence are treated loke second class citizens......this last thing was evident from one of the pakistani members post here regarding muslims who moved from various parts of present day india to pakistan during the partition..i am sure you all know that somebo**

if kashmir is with india(i.e if that was a complete settlement and pakistan does not interfere again and hence troops move out completely)-----they elect their own leaders already, a fast growing economy,development,better life ,no gun culture here in India,they are free(some are holding anti-india rallies under indian protection). kashmir is a tourist hotspot....and foreigners are not vary of india viz-a viz pakistan
1948 UN resolution means squat today. if US and EU supports, there is a great probability for Independent Kashmir. It needs some difficult decisions on Pakistan side, but it is feasible

Seriously? US and EU would want to support a cause that is already indirectly draining them billions of $$ and suffer our displeasure of multi-billion dollar revenues they get from our businesses and economic deals? Think again.

Neither US nor EU are in a position to do this. This is not illegal sessation of Bosnia and neither this is 90s. There's simply too much to lose for both politically and economically.

This is a corporate world dude. I am surprised that I've to tell you this despite you living in USA--the most capitalist country on this planet.
For its stake on Kashmir
1) India has intrument of accession
2) India has the resolution passed by government of Kashmir, headed by Muslim of valley that it agree's to accession with India (1953).

What does Pakistan have to keep its land of Azad Kashmir?

lolzzzz, resolution by puppet govt of indian kaashmir?
Kashmir exposure (or the lack of) today is not because of India's good deeds in Kashmir but due to Pakistan playing the spoiler role. I believe this can reversed, if Pakistanis changes their course. the question is: Will they? They have some key trump cards which India does not have.

India's upper hand today is because support from the big guys. If this support is negotiable, India will dance to the tune.

Let me say is: For US, everything is available on the table for negotiation. We don't rule out anything and we know what string to pull to move India in the right direction

Seriously? US and EU would want to support a cause that is already indirectly draining them billions of $$ and suffer our displeasure of multi-billion dollar revenues they get from our businesses and economic deals? Think again.

Neither US nor EU are in a position to do this. This is not illegal sessation of Bosnia and neither this is 90s. There's simply too much to lose for both politically and economically.

This is a corporate world dude. I am surprised that I've to tell you this despite you living in USA--the most capitalist country on this planet.
Pakistan has the powerful bargaining chip. It is eliminating terrorists safe heavens, Taliban, AQ and bringing in peaceful settlement to Afghan problem today. US and NATO heavily depends on Pakistan for this. No one can do this not India, not China and not Iran or Afgans themselves.

If Pakistan can deliver on this, they can negotiate the price catch, namely the Kashmir. They can also play a moderator role for many issues in Europe, being a moderate Muslim country.

The problem is that no one is thinking in those line in Pakistan, and you guys in India have become lucky. Not because of your good deeds, but because you have a neighbor who keep giving you these gifts now and than

Seriously? US and EU would want to support a cause that is already indirectly draining them billions of $$ and suffer our displeasure of multi-billion dollar revenues they get from our businesses and economic deals? Think again.

Neither US nor EU are in a position to do this. This is not illegal sessation of Bosnia and neither this is 90s. There's simply too much to lose for both politically and economically.

This is a corporate world dude. I am surprised that I've to tell you this despite you living in USA--the most capitalist country on this planet.
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Pakistani-American Lashkar operative David Coleman Headley has reportedly told US and Indian investigators that the March 2000 Chittisinghpora village massacre, which took place three days before then US President Bill Clinton’s visit to India, had been carried out by the Lashkar-e-Tayyeba.

India’s security establishment had always blamed the LeT and the Hizbul Mujahideen for the massacre in Anantnag district of south Kashmir.

But many others — including the US administration — doubted the claim. President Clinton condemned the massacre, but was cautious to blame “unknown groups”. Years later, writing the introduction to his then secretary of state Madeleine Albright’s subsequent book Madam Secretary: A Memoir, he is said to have blamed ‘Hindu militants’ for the attack. The reference was however, edited out by the publishers.

Strobe Talbott, then deputy secretary of state, later confirmed Clinton was never convinced the Lashkar was behind the violence.

A number of facts about the killings led to these doubts. Most important was the fact that most of those killed were Sikhs. Sikhs had never before been targeted by Kashmiri militants.

An army encounter five days later in Pathribal village, which was later found to have been staged, indicated there was more behind the Chhittisinghpur killings than met the eye.

Before the visit of President Barack Obama to India — he is expected on November 6 — the National Investigation Agency has revealed Headley had said an LeT operative called Muzzammil — aide of Lashkar’s chief military commander Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi — had spoken to him of his involvement in the Chittisinghpora massacre.

"I recollect that once Muzzammil had told me how he had gone and killed civilians in a village in south Kashmir before the visit of the then US President Bill Clinton to India. After coming to Muzaffarabad, he was initially given the charge of operations,” Headley told NIA sleuths in the presence of FBI agents.

Headley also credited Muzzammil, 34, with planning and conducting the Akshardham Temple attack in Gujarat, according to his 109-page interrogation report apart from helping with the 26/11 attacks.

The confirmation of the Lashkar role is significant in the backdrop of noises from ***************** Kashmir. Syed Salahuddin, who heads the United Jihad Council — the amalgam of militant outfits active in Kashmir — has “cautioned” that Indian security agencies could carry out another massacre such as the one in Chattisinghpora and blame it on terrorists.

Indian agencies maintain Salahuddin’s statement could be an effort to draw suspicion away from the jehadis, who may well be planning a major attack.
"Quit Kashmir Movement" has started in Pakistani Occupied Kashmir

To reinforce the ongoing Quit Kashmir movement in Kashmir, hundreds of JKLF workers on Friday staged a demonstration at Khoierata adjacent to the Line of Control (LoC).

Besides JKLF stalwarts, the demonstration was attended by the members of JKSLF (student wing of the party) and a large number of people hailing from southern district of Kotli, Nakial, Charoi and Sehansa.

JKLF activists told Greater Kashmir that hundreds of people particularly the youth participated in the rally. He said the participants gathered at Khoierata and later marched towards Seeri village near to the LoC.

The rally culminated peacefully near the border village of Seeri in district Kotli.

Addressing protesters, the speakers including JKLF Chairman Sardar Sahgir Advocate expressed their support to Kashmiris` ongoing peace struggle for right to self-determination. Lauding the political resolve of Kashmiri peoples they said that they (Kashmiris) had rendered matchless sacrifices to achieve their cherished goal.

Terming Kashmir as an indivisible entity they said all out efforts would be made to protect the political as well as the geographical integrity of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir.

As a part of the ongoing Restoration of national integration campaign " the speakers said that JKLF would hold another protest long-march from Hajeera to Teetrinote in District Rawalokat on October 25. They said another protest march would be taken from Muzaffarabad to Chakoti on October 27

---------- Post added at 09:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:35 PM ----------

A movement against Pakistan's illegal occupation of Azad Kashmir - Yahoo! India News

Mon, Oct 18 05:35 PM
Azad Kashmir, October 18: Azad Kashmir has been illegally occupied by Pakistan. It has its own elected President, Prime Minister, legislature, high court and an official flag.

But, the puppet government is controlled by Pakistan. Azad Kashmir wants `complete independence from Islamabad and the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) faction led by Amanullah Khan has launched a Quit Kashmir Movement.

At a meeting held in Rawalpindi on September 30, 2010, JKLF has decided to hold a series of protest demonstrations in Azad Kashmir and in Gilgit and Baltistan.
And he reveals this about a year after capture?

He was interrogated by the NIA in July this year; my counting says its three months..... Security agencies aren't supposed to brief the media about all their findings, usually its the leaks that reveal information...like this one.

And that too something Indians WANT to hear?[/

More like something Pakistanis wouldn't like the world to hear, that the terrorists they try to justify as "freedom fighters" carry out massacres of civilians, and the terrorism that is justified as jihad for freedom is actually extremist hate killings targeting certain religious minorities.
Azad Kashmir CJ Riaz deposed, Justice Manzoor-ul-Hassan appointed as acting CJ
Found this at the following link.

JKNIA Letter to British House of Commons/Lords and MEP`S.


The candidates for UK parliamentary elections summer 2010.

Dear Sir/Madam,


The issue of an occupation of Jammu Kashmir, violation of Human rights, and the threat to the regional peace in South East Asia in the future.

I am writing to you on behalf of Jammu Kashmir National Independence Alliance (JKNIA ) which is an alliance of Kashmiri political organisations in the UK working for the peaceful settlement of the Kashmir issue to achieve a united, independent,secular and democratic Jammu Kashmir for all the people of Jammu Kashmir.

You may already be aware of the occupation of Kashmir issue. This directly affects approximately 700,000 people of Kashmiri origin who are citizens of UK and would like to see a resolution of the long standing Kashmir issue.There are currently over half a million Indian forces in Indian Occupied Kashmir and there is constant violation of human rights including torture, abductions, **** of women, murder of innocent Kashmiri men, women and children.

The so called government institutions in both the Indian occupied Kashmir (IOK) and Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (***) are serving the political interests of their respective masters in India and Pakistan, without regard to the views of the ordinary citizens of Jammu Kashmir. [For example Pakistan Government has recently annexed Gilgit Baltistan (as a de-facto Pakistani province) which is historically an integral part of Jammu Kashmir.] As a consequence there is a deprivation in infrastructure and a huge lack of resources for health facilities, education and employment for the people of Jammu Kashmir which affects them deeply and causes suffering on a daily basis.
Without going into the detail or history of the issue (which some of you will be fully aware of) we are writing to you at this important point in time before the General Election in 2010. At this important time the UK citizens of Jammu Kashmir origin will participate in the elections and may be able to influence the outcome of elections in some constituencies throughout the UK. We should be obliged if you would address the following points in particular:


As an individual candidate please clarify your position on the resolution of the Kashmir issue leading to the creation of a unified, independent and democratic Jammu and Kashmir.

The position of your Political Party in this respect

How you and your party in your respective roles regardless of whether or not you win would help the Kashmiris in the UK and JKNIA in particular to advance the core cause for resolution of this very important issue.

No doubt you will be aware that until and unless this issue is resolved there is a grave danger to peace in this region and to the World at large. As both nuclear powers India and Pakistan continue to regard this as a territorial dispute for their own interests and ignore the views of the people of Jammu Kashmir. Kindly acknowledge safe receipt of this letter a timely response to this letter will be appreciated. We trust this clarifies this matter if however you have any further queries or questions on this important issue please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours faithfully,

Nadeem Aslam,

General Secretary JKNIA Email- nadeemjknia@aol.com
It's like we are getting daily horoscopes from Headly. Bored of this news on his information.

Nothing is being done and I will only be interested if the Government is taking some action!!!
The Hindu Maharaja of Kashmir was not going to hand over Kashmir to Pakistan even if Kashmir had a Muslim majority population and was attached to Pakistan geographically.

The British Mountbatten awarded Ferozepur and Gurdaspur ( Muslim majority districts in Punjab that borders Pakistan today) to India. According to the Partition plan, Muslim majority areas of Punjab were to go to Pakistan. Gurdaspur was a gateway to Kashmir thats why Mountbatten awarded Gudaspur to India because of Kashmir. He then became India's first Governor General.

Well. Pakistan jumped the gun and we will now never know.. Would we. ? However, had that invasion by Pakistan army irregulars hadnt happened, Pakistan would have had a much stronger case aganist accession to India if that went down..Not anymore...
Pakistan already lost a lot of its territory in 1971, we are not willing to lose an inch more. Besides Azad Kashmir is very important to Pakistan strategically, it connects Pakistan to China. We will never give up that part of Kashmir.

If only India Occupied Kashmir becomes independent that can also be a problem for Pakistan especially in Azad Kashmir. Also I doubt that neighbouring nuclear powers will let India Occupied Kashmir stay an independent sovereign country.

True colors coming out?

According to UN resoultions, theres only 2 choices for Kashmiris, either be part of Pakistan or India. No independent option was passed in the United Nations and Pakistan will never agree on an independent option sorry.
A lot of members on the forum dont seem to agree with you.. About Independent Kashmir that is..

If you are a Muslim Kashmiri you should want to be with Muslim majority Pakistan. Notice Hindus want to be India, sad that some Kashmiri Muslims want to divide the Ummah even more than it already is.

And what about 165 million Muslims in India? Or are they no longer considered Muslims because they live in India?

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