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Civil Service reform : A confirmation of Disaster

Bureaucrats shall be out of the business of public policy making and implementation. These jobs shall be carried out by the public representatives, with the assistance of the technocrats, within their respective areas of specialization.
Read with https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/restructuring-and-reforming-civil-service-of-pakistan.574738/

1-Scrap hiring permanent gazetted officers wrt civil service altogether.recruit them from a rookie stage.

2- never give them power beyond a district. Hired and retired in the district.

3- make watchdog kinda committees constituting civil society and technical guys over every department like they do in the assemblies. Many would volunteer for them in their free time.

4- make every department chief answerable to the elected mayor and he in return to the city council and those committees.

5- hire professionals at provincial and federal level to serve as secretaries for a 3-5 years term. Besides Constitute more committees of nerds and layman like they would do in a district. This practice gonna revolutionize our education system and shall directly connect the technical head and the elected representatives with no middleman (pas) obstructing the state's business.

6- adopt American policing system with a local touch . No cop shall be transferred to any other city but he be rotated in the Thanas of his own city of domicile only . However the deputy and chief must be from some other city to curb nepotism and stagnant performance . This way we could quickly fix the responsibility and no I.g sy report talab kr li drama. Coz there won't be no ig left. Every chief and deputy will be held responsible for maintaining his city's law and order.

7- a cop must not be taken bonded labor from. He do his 8-10 hours shift he goes home with city govt paying for all the challans, fuel and stationery expenditures - - - - - - - -. Having said that the forensic and ballistic expert guys shall remain independent as an institution.

8- no civil servant must be sent on deputation in any other department period! Case in point no local cop, as there won't be no csp's, should go to FIA or anti corruption at any level. Coz he's not trained to investigate corporate crimes.

9-provincial anti corruption must be made an independent body like nab. The only interference they have is when the cm and opposition leader appoints its chief.

10- raising of a judicial police force to execute court orders working on the lines of us marshals and also composed of registered volunteers to decrease the expenses of the city govt is needed.

11- for all civil service employees other than the professional secrataries and d.g 's directly hired on contract a complete abandonment of the colonial seniority based promotion criterion by using fpsc, ppsc and nts to conduct performance based promotional exams for all govt entities.otheriwse keep working in the same pay scale or get retired.

12- a complete ban on allocating renovation, tea parties, luxury vehicles, villas, foreign scholarships budgets other than a decent 5-10 Marla govt quarter, health insurance and ta/da. Like they provide it to govt doctors, engineers lawyers etc. Fix a time span only after which a paint scheme or other wear and tear grant could be allowed like plumbing and other basic expenditures. That's it.

13- no minni trucks for anyone other than the police force as they are the one carrying the civil hard power. Any other guy working on field duty can very well discharge his functions using a 1000 cc of the department or of his own.

13- now if our primary aim is getting the service and not drawing a yearly lottery for an ordinary Joe like what they show in the hunger games then the recommendations I listed are very much practical, cost efficient and acceptable to all except for the csp's and specifically for the pas. Never give raw power into govt employee's hand and fix responsibility. Make everyone look out for everyone and that only happens when all are given balanced perks.

@Verve @Haris Ali2140

Where's scrapping of CSS?

Entry to civil service should be open to everyone.

There should be no stopping of a graduate to progress from entry level job all the way to the top job.

Civil service should have centralised training organisation that provides either in-house or outsourced trainings to all those desiring career progression.

No transfers!

One main civil service job portal and people apply on their own for a job elsewhere, whilst competing with those from private sector.

Protectionism must END. Incompetent should be fired, and a well defined and clear employment laws constituted.

Private sector people will move to Civil Service despite a lower pay because the life-work balance is far greater, and that's from doing the minimum legal hours. Give the people overtime as days off.

It's utter bullshit to suggest that people from private sector won't move to public sector due to lower pay!
Part last:
پاکستان کی سول سروس میں گذشتہ ساٹھ سال میں کی جانے والی تبدیلیوں پر نظر ڈالنے کی اس لیے بھی ضرورت نہیں ہے،کیونکہ عمران خان صاحب کی ''تبدیلی ٹیم'' نے جو تازہ ترین اصلاحات پیش کی ہیں۔ ان تمام گذشتہ ناکام اصلاحات کا بھونڈا چربہ ہیں انہی میں سے مواد حاصل کرکے ایک بارہ مصالحے کی چاٹ بنانے کی کوشش کی گئی ہے۔ ان میں ہر وہ تبدیلی جسے ایک نئی کوشش اور تجویز بنا کر پیش کیا جا رہا ہے، وہ بار بار نافذ ہوئی، ناکام رہی اور پھرسابقہ حکومتوں نے انتہائی بے شرمی سے اسے واپس لے لیا۔مثلا، دوسرے صوبوں میں نوکری کرنے کی لازمی شرط، پہلے ضیاالحق نے لگائی، اس پر چند سال عملدرآمد کروایا، پھر اسے ختم کردیا،دوبارہ مشرف نے یہی پابندی لگائی،کچھ عرصہ عملدرآمد کروایا، پھر واپسی ہو گئی۔ اثاثوں کے گوشوارے گذشتہ پچاس سال سے داخل ہو رہے ہیں مگر یہ ایک بند کمرے میں ردّی کی صورت جمع ہیں جنہیں کوئی دیکھ نہیں سکتا۔ سلیکشن بورڈ کو پندرہ فیصد سے تیس فیصد نمبر پہلے بھی کئی بار دیے گئے اور اس کا انہوں نے جس طرح غلط اور ناجائز استعمال کیا، اس پر سپریم کورٹ کے لاتعداد فیصلے اتنے بڑے فورم کی بددیانتی پر مہر تصدیق ثبت کر چکے ہیں۔ ذوالفقار علی بھٹو نے ہر گریڈ میں سپیشلسٹ لینے کے لئے ''بعد میں داخلہ''(Lateral Entry) کے نام پرایک تجربہ کیا جو بری طرح ناکام ہوا۔ پاکستان کے ہر صوبے میں صحت اور تعلیم کے محکموں میں خصوصا اور دیگر محکموں میں عموما سپیشلسٹ افراد کو بیوروکریسی نے لاکر اعلیٰ عہدوں پر بٹھایا لیکن ناکامی میں وہ بھی کسی سی ایس ایس آفیسر سے کم نہ تھے، بلکہ زیادہ ہی تھے،یہاں تک کہ انکے اپنے ساتھیوں نے ہی ان کے خلاف صدائے احتجاج بلند کی اور انہیں ہٹانا پڑا۔ کسی خاص شعبہ کو اپنے لیے مخصوص کرنے کا اور مہارت حاصل کرنے کا تصور نافذالعمل ہے۔ سب جانتے ہیں کہ سوائے فنانس اور پلاننگ کے شعبوں کے تمام شعبوں میں سیکرٹریٹ کی سطح پر کام ایک جیسا ہی ہوتا ہے۔ اسی لئے فنانس اور پلاننگ کے محکموں میں افسران گذشتہ ستر سال سے مخصوص مہارت والے ہی چلے آرہے ہیں اور کوئی انہیں کسی دوسرے محکمے میں پوسٹ کر کے کارکردگی تباہ نہیں کرنا چاہتا۔کیونکہ ایسا کرنے سے بجٹ کی تیاری تک رک جائے ۔یہ مذاق بھی عجیب ہوگا کہ ایک امراض قلب کا ماہر، ایک مکینیکل انجینئر، فزکس، کا پروفیسر یا کوئی ایسا ماہر اپنا اصل کام چھوڑ کر سیکرٹری لگے،عمارتوں کے ٹینڈر کھولے، چھٹیوں کی منظوری دے، پروموشن بورڈ بنائے اور دیگر انتظامی کام کرے،جس کا اس کی تعلیم اور تجربے سے دور کا بھی واسطہ نہ ہو۔ ایسا بھی کئی بار کیا گیا اور یہ تجربہ بھی ناکام ہوا۔ صوبائی افسران اور مرکزی افسران میں کوٹے کی تقسیم صرف اور صرف پنجاب کا مسئلہ ہے۔ بلوچستان میں تو صوبائی افسران مرکز کے آفیسران سے زیادہ بہتر پوسٹوں پر تعینات ہوتے ہیں اور زیادہ تیزی سے پرموشن لیتے ہیں۔ اسے قومی مسئلہ بنا کر صرف رپورٹ خوبصورت کی گئی ہے۔ ایک اور دور کی کوڑی لائی گئی کہ ماتحتوں کے کام کی جائزہ رپورٹیں جنہیں ACRS کہا جاتا ہے ان میں سے صرف 20 فیصد ''سب سے اچھی''، 30 فیصد'' بہت اچھی''، 30 فیصد''اچھی''،10 فیصد ''درمیانہ'' اور دس فیصد'' درمیانے سے بھی کم'' لکھی جانی چاہییں۔ پہلی بات تو یہ ہے کہ اسوقت پاکستان کی پوری بیوروکریسی کی دراصل درمیانے (Mediocre) سطح کے لوگوں پر مشتمل ہو چکی ہے۔ گذشتہ پچاس سالوں سے ان میں سے اکثر کی ACRS ان کے آفیسران نے کثرت کے ساتھ ''سب سے اچھی'' لکھی ہیں۔ یہ جھوٹ اور مسلسل جھوٹ کیوں بولا گیا۔ اس کی لاتعداد وجوہات ہیں، جن میں اپنے گروپ کے افسران کے ساتھ تعصب، رشوت اور کمیشن کا بندوبست کرنے والے ماتحت کو نوازنا، ذاتی تعلق، سیاسی دباؤ، اگر کچھ اور نہ ہو تو اچھی ACRS لکھوانے کے لیے نقد رقم بطور رشوت بھی وصول کی جاتی رہی ہے۔ اس گروہ اور قبیل کے افسران پر جب صرف 20 فیصد ''سب سے اچھی''لکھنے کی پابندی لگائی جائے گی تو ایسا کرنے سے صرف اچھی ACR لکھنے کا ریٹ بڑھے گا ۔ پاکستان کی سول سروس جن اقدامات سے تبدیل ہو گی اسکی جانب عمران خان صاحب کو کوئی نہیں جانے دے گا۔ اس لیے کہ ایسا کرنے سے بیوروکریسی کا وہ تمام سٹیٹس کو (Status Quo) ٹوٹ جائے گا اور وہ ایک دیانتدار اور عوام دوست سول سروس بن کر برآمد ہو گی۔ ایسا کرنے کے لئے مندرجہ ذیل اقدامات ضروری ہیں، ورنہ یہ تبدیلی بھی ایسی ہے جیسے سات سو کی بجائے سات لاکھ ڈول پانی بھی نکالو، کنواں پاک نہیں ہوگا۔ oابھی تک سول سروس میں داخلے کی شرائط ایسی ہیں کہ اس میں ننانوے فیصد وہ لوگ امتحان پاس کرتے ہیں جن کے والدین انہیں اعلیٰ انگریزی میڈیم اداروں میں تعلیم حاصل کروا سکتے ہیں۔ یہ سب پہلے سے بااثر ہوتے ہیں اور اپنے ساتھ سفارشوں کے پلے کارڈ بھی اٹھائے ہوتے ہیں۔ سیاستدانوں، جرنیلوں، سرمایہ داروں کے بیٹے بھتیجے اور داماد۔ یہ صرف اس وجہ سے سول سروس میں اعلیٰ پوزیشن لیتے ہیں کیونکہ سول سروس کا امتحان انگریزی میں ہے۔ یہ ''انگریزی زدہ'' طبقہ جو اپنی آئندہ 35 سالہ نوکری میں کبھی انگریزی کا استعمال نہیں کرتے کیونکہ انہوں نے عام آدمی پر حکمرانی کرنا ہوتی ہے۔ لیکن مقابلے کے امتحان میں انگریزی صرف اس لئے لازم کی گئی کہ سول سروس میں صرف اشرافیہ کے بچے داخل ہوسکیں اور عام آدمی کا بچہ محروم رہے۔ جب تک سول سروس کا امتحان اردو میں نہیں ہوتا، جس کے نتیجے میں ایک عوامی بیوروکریسی وجود میں نہیں آتی کوئی تبدیلی نہیں آسکتی۔ oایک دیانتدار اہل اور صاحب کردار بیوروکریٹ کے لیے تحفظ بنیادی شرط ہے۔ اس لیے کہ اس کے اردگرد اور اس کے بالا آفیسر، اگر کرپٹ بددیانت اور نااہل ہوں اورواقعی ایسا ہی ہے،تویہ افسران اس کی ساری نوکری عذاب بنا سکتے ہیں ، بلکہ وہ نوکری سے نکالا بھی جا سکتا ہے۔ ایسا بار بار ہوا ہے کہ جب سیاسی آقاؤں کو خوش کرنے یا پھر اپنے مفاد کے تحفظ کے لئے بیوروکریٹ کسی ایماندار آفیسرکے خلاف متحد ہو گئے اور اس کو مسلسل کھڈے لائن لگایا، پرموشن سے محروم رکھا اور پھر بالآخراسے نوکری سے بھی نکال دیا۔ اسی لئے ایک ایماندار سول سروس کے لیے آئینی تحفظ انتہائی ضروری ہے جو ایماندار کو ناجائز احکامات ماننے سے انکار کرنے پر تحفظ دے۔ oسول سروس کی بہتری کے لیے یکساں مراعات کے سوا کوئی چارہ نہیں۔ وہ سہولیات جو اسوقت صرف چند لوگوں اور چند پوسٹوں کو میسر ہیں۔ یہ مراعات ہی کرپشن اور ناجائز کاموں کی بنیاد بنتی ہے۔ ایک ڈپٹی کمشنر یا ڈی پی او اپنے کئی ایکڑ کے گھر گاڑیوں اور نوکروں کی فوج ظفر موج کو چھوڑ کر سکرٹریٹ میں نہیں آنا چاہتا، جہاں گھر میسر ہو اور نہ گاڑی۔ اسی طرح جن کو لاہور، کراچی، کوئٹہ، پشاور یا اسلام آباد میں بڑے بڑے گھر میسر آجائیں، اور دیگر مراعات بھی مل رہی ہوں تو پھر آپ ان سے سہولیات چھن جانے کے خوف سے جو چاہیں کروا سکتے ہیں۔ oسول سروس کے افسران کے اثاثہ جات کے تعین کے لیے ایک بالکل علیحدہ ادارہ ہونا چاہئے جس کا بیوروکریسی سے کوئی تعلق نہ ہو۔ جہاں ایک آفیسر نوکری کے آغاز میں اپنے اثاثوں کی فہرست جمع کروائے اور ہر پرموشن سے پہلے اس کے اثاثوں کو عوامی جائزے کے لیے مشتہر بھی کیا جائے اور وہ آزاد ادارہ پروموشن سے پہلے اپنی رپورٹ بھی جمع کروائے۔ oاس وقت موجودہ سول سروس دو سیاسی پارٹیوں کے ونگ بن چکے ہیں۔ انکی گذشتہ نوکریوں میں بہترین تعیناتیوں کو دیکھ کر ان کی وفاداریوں کا جائزہ لیا جاسکتا ہے اور اس کی بنیاد پر ایک وسیع تطہیر کی ضرورت ہے۔ یہ تمام لوگ اپنی سیاسی وابستگیوں کی وجہ سے بہت کچھ کما چکے اور بہت زیادہ لطف اندوز ہوچکے۔ ان کا سایہ سول سروس کو صرف خراب کر سکتا ہے۔ بہتر یہ ہے کہ ایک بہت بڑا ایماندارانہ جائز لیا جائے اور سول سروس کو ازسر نو ترتیب دیا جائے۔ میں نے ایک طویل جائزہ تحریر کر دیا ہے آخر میں صرف ایک درخواست ہے کہ عمران خان صاحب، آپ اپنی پوری ٹیم جو اس تبدیلی کی سفارشی ہے، اسے پورے میڈیا کے سامنے عوام کے روبرو پیش کر دیں تاکہ وہ سوالات کا سامنا کریں۔میرا دعویٰ ہے ،دودھ کا دودھ اور پانی کا پانی ہو جائے گا۔

Translation last Part:

There is no need to look at the changes made in Pakistan's civil service in the last sixty years, as the latest reforms by Imran Khan's "change team". All of these past unsuccessful reforms have been crumpled up and tried to make a spice lick by getting the ingredients out of them. Each of these changes, which is being proposed with a new effort and proposal, has been repeatedly implemented, failed, and the previous governments have shamelessly withdrew it. For example, the prerequisite for employing other provinces. First, Zia ul Haq imposed it, implemented it for a few years, then abolished it, again Musharraf imposed the same ban, took some time to implement, then returned. Assets speculators have been entering for the past fifty years, but they are accumulated in a closed room that no one can see. The selection boards were given several times before the fifteen percent to thirty percent numbers and the numerous Supreme Court decisions on how they used them wrongly and illegally, have registered a seal on the misconduct of such a large forum. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto experimented with "Lateral Entry" to take specialists in every grade, which failed miserably. The bureaucracy, in general and other departments in particular in the health and education departments of every province of Pakistan, has been appointed to the highest positions by the bureaucracy; His own comrades raised a protest against him and had to be removed. The concept of specializing and mastering a particular field is enforced. Everyone knows that the work at the Secretariat level is the same in all fields of finance and planning. That's why officers in the finance and planning departments have been running special skills for the past seventeen years, and nobody wants to ruin their performance by posting them in another department. Doing so will stop the budget preparation. It would be strange to have a cardiologist, a mechanical engineer, a physics professor, or any such specialist leave his original job and take up the secretary, open the tender of buildings, approve vacations, make publicity boards and do other administrative work. It has nothing to do with education and experience. This has been done many times and this experiment also failed. The distribution of quota among provincial officers and central officers is the only and the problem of Punjab. In Balochistan, provincial officers are posted on better posts than the officers of the center and get promotions faster. The report has been made beautiful only by making it a national issue. Another round was brought up that only 20% of subordinate work review reports called ACRS were "best", 30% "very good", 30% "good", 10 percent should be written "medium" and ten percent "less than medium". First of all, the entire bureaucracy of Pakistan has, at the moment, consisted of people of the mediocre level. For the past fifty years, most of them ACRS officers have often written "best". Why was it a lie and a constant lie? There are a number of reasons, including prejudice, bribery and commission subordination with your group's officers, personal relationships, political pressure, if nothing else, as well as receiving cash as a bribe to write good ACRS. Has been done When this group and tribal officers are banned from writing only 20% "best", doing so will only increase the rate of good ACR writing. Imran Khan sahib will not let go of the steps which will change the civil service of Pakistan. Because doing so would break the status quo of the bureaucracy and export it into a loyal and public-friendly civil service. To do this, the following steps are necessary, otherwise this change is such that even instead of seven hundred million dollars of water, the well will not be clean. Till now, the requirements for enrollment in the civil service are such that ninety-nine percent of those whose parents pass their education can be educated in higher English medium institutions. They are all effective and carry play cards with recommendations. The nephews and sons-in-law of politicians, generals, capitalist sons. They take a high position in the civil service simply because the civil service exam is in English.
This "English-speaking" class who never used English in their next 35-year-old job because they have to rule the common man. But in the competition test, English was only required to allow the elite children to enter the civil service and the common man's child would be deprived. Unless the civil service exams in Urdu, which results in a public bureaucracy, nothing can change. o Security is the basic prerequisite for a honest, competent bureaucrat. Because the officers around him and his superiors, if the corrupt is malicious and incompetent and indeed so is, these officers can make all his job a punishment, but he can also be fired. It has happened again and again that when the bureaucrats united against an honest officer to appease political masters or protect their interests, he consistently lined up, deprived him of publicity, and eventually even deposed. That's why constitutional protection is so important for an honest civil service that protects the honest from refusing to obey illegal orders. o There is no alternative to civil service improvements. Facilities that are currently only available to a few people and a few posts. These privileges are the basis of corruption and illicit acts. A deputy commissioner or DPO does not want to leave the Zafar wave of his many acres of home-made cars and servants to come to the secretariat where the house is available and not a car. Likewise, those who come to Lahore, Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar or Islamabad, and get other concessions, then you can do whatever they want for fear of losing the facilities. o There should be a separate entity for the determination of the assets of civil service officers that have nothing to do with bureaucracy. Where an officer should submit a list of his assets at the beginning of the job and his / her assets should be advertised for public review before every promotion and he / she should also submit their report before promotion. o At present the present civil service has become the wing of two political parties. Their loyalties can be assessed by looking at the best deployments in their previous jobs and this requires a great deal of variation. All these people have earned a lot and enjoyed a lot because of their political affiliations. Their shadow can only worsen the civil service. It is better to have a very honest review and to restructure the civil service. I have written a long review. Finally, the only request is that Imran Khan, your entire team, who is recommending this change, should present it to the whole media to the public so that they face questions. The claim is, milk will become milk and water will be water.

Link to Last Part
Where's scrapping of CSS?

I already alluded to this thing. Both css and pms have no place in modern governance. Any test must be qualification specific

Mate do me a favor, stop beating the dead horse. They can never deliver even if they all develop angel instincts coz they don't know about the job they are supposed to do.

Bureaucrats shall be out of the business of public policy making and implementation. These jobs shall be carried out by the public representatives, with the assistance of the technocrats, within their respective areas of specialization.

This is the thing. The politician wants a job done, he must directly be in touch with the technical guy
Mate do me a favor, stop beating the dead horse. They can never deliver even if they all develop angel instincts coz they don't know about the job they are supposed to do.
Well, I can't do much. To be honest, I don't have that capability as well. But it's my pledge to dead bodies of my ancestors that I will do everything for Pakistan, whatever I could.
So I will keep suggesting, may be something better happens to Pakistan.
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This is the thing. The politician wants a job done, he must directly be in touch with the technical guy
So,you want to say that likes of Mian and Zardri be allowed to chose men of their own choice for doing destruction they desire.
So,you want to say that likes of Mian and Zardri be allowed to chose men of their own choice for doing destruction they desire.

They gonna do it either way but the technical guy is there for damage control of whatever sort as it would stain his job profile if he's shown the door one day .See it from this angle.

Sorry to say but your argument didn't make nay sense. I mean should the health guys replace doctors with judges if the m.s is corrupt?

may be something better happens to Pakistan.
Ameen :victory1:
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Here is my solution: Pakistan needs one party solution. The members should be bureaucrats and politicians at a time. Separating Bureaucracy and politics is imperial way of ruling. The power should be divided from top to bottom. Each and every member of state should be accountable to higher members and should be protected by the law. And protection should be provided to an extent, that the president can not order directly to the local counselor, and local counselor have more power than anyone under his jurisdiction.
Multiparty and parliamentarian system is not suitable for Pakistan. And power in few hands has rottend everything.

@Sine Nomine @Mentee
They gonna do it either way but the technical guy is there for damage control of whatever sort as it would stain his job profile if he's shown the door one day .See it from this angle.

Sorry to say but your argument didn't make nay sense. I mean should the health guys replace doctors with judges if the m.s is corrupt?

Ameen :victory1:
Funny thing is what you have suggested is going to make cesspit of corruption and nepotism,every junta would have their own set of people and they would keep changing with rapid defanging of every
accountability arm.
Funny thing is what you have suggested is going to make cesspit of corruption and nepotism,every junta would have their own set of people and they would keep changing with rapid defanging of every
accountability arm.

Better than pampering and maintaining a single layman's royal lifestyle for eternity. It's any govt's right to hire people it deems fit for the job though. Moreover it increases the options for elective representatives leaps and bounds. As for the corruption gripe we aren't scandanavia right now.

Here is my solution: Pakistan needs one party solution. The members should be bureaucrats and politicians at a time. Separating Bureaucracy and politics is imperial way of ruling. The power should be divided from top to bottom. Each and every member of state should be accountable to higher members and should be protected by the law. And protection should be provided to an extent, that the president can not order directly to the local counselor, and local counselor have more power than anyone under his jurisdiction.
Multiparty and parliamentarian system is not suitable for Pakistan. And power in few hands has rottend everything.

@Sine Nomine @Mentee

Pick any from of govt but how do you intend to run that system? Same layman babu inevitablity syndrome or technocrats schooling clerks?
Better than pampering and maintaining a single layman's royal lifestyle for eternity. It's any govt's right to hire people it deems fit for the job though. Moreover it increases the options for elective representatives leaps and bounds. As for the corruption gripe we aren't scandanavia right now.

Pick any from of govt but how do you intend to run that system? Same layman babu inevitablity syndrome or technocrats schooling clerks?
Through continuous social education, and nurturing existing structure.
Change - > Feedback - > Change....
Through continuous social education, and nurturing existing structure.
Change - > Feedback - > Change....

This generic statement requires Prophets to be in command and saints to be Their loyal subjects for achieving that sort of utopia. Do take into consideration the ordinary human instincts.

How hard is it for anyone to understand jis ka Kam us ko saajhy. Plz do something about your nostalgia
Do not shake the hornets nest if you do not intend to stick around for the aftermath.

Civil service is a reflection of civil society of the country. I think they are doing a fine job representing the cut throat business attitude Pakistanis are familiar with each other.
This generic statement requires Prophets to be in command and saints to be Their loyal subjects for achieving that sort of utopia. Do take into consideration the ordinary human instincts.
How hard is it for anyone to understand jis ka Kam us ko saajhy. Plz do something about your nostalgia
Tbh, bureaucracy is not a big issue, just like bacteria in our intestines. They are there to help us. But when body's immune system doesn't work properly, the same bacteria over grow, cause problems. @Dubious
Pakistan needs a better driving force. A more knowledgeable, a more wealthy one, the one determined to correct things.
Beureaucrats are just nokar log. When Beureaucrats begin to play major role, then central govt is certainly weak.
Now, from where this better driving force will come? That my friend is the real question. Main pagal nai, bs, banda zara serkari hon. :pakistan:
Iam so touched by the "colonial inevitability doctrine" that might even recommend my father to directly consult the munshi for any kinda business approval for the factory. Might even go to the extent of making an in house rule declaring his advice binding. Hamara MBA Jay bhaard m. Dumb paakis!

Do not shake the hornets nest if you do not intend to stick around for the aftermath.

Civil service is a reflection of civil society of the country. I think they are doing a fine job representing the cut throat business attitude Pakistanis are familiar with each other.

If anyone related to you is in civil royalty do ask him to atleast buy water and tea from his own pocket. I told my cousins the same and they got pissed ever since
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