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The unification of the Arabian Peninsula?

Secular Arab nationalism has failed and it will fail again. It has to deal with the strong tribal culture in the region which has been in force since the ancient time. Specifically, secular nationalism will certainly fail as in the past. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was aware of this fact millenium and a half ago. Therefore, he proposed Islam as the bonding force to unite all tribes and he did succeeded. Secular Arab nationalism is a creation of the west to weaken Islam which is seen as West's biggest challenger towards global domination and hegemony. If you become a secular nationalist by abondonning Islam, you are doomed as a loser for life. Examples are all around us.
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Secular Arab nationalism has failed and it will fail again. It has to deal with the strong tribal culture in the region which has been in force since the ancient time. Specifically, secular nationalism will certainly fail as in the past. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was aware of this fact millenium and a half ago. Therefore, he proposed Islam as the bonding force to unite all tribes and he did succeeded. Secular Arab nationalism is a creation of the west to weaken Islam which is seen as West's biggest challenger towards global domination and hegemony. If you become a seckar nationalist by abondonning Islam, you are doomed as a loser for life. Examples are all around us.

The secularists need to be punished as well
You might see the smaller Arab states join into a Federation but Iraq nor Syria will ever join such a federation. Many Arabs in the GCC are far to racist oddly enough to Yemenis and Omani's for them to want to join. I could see Bahrain or UAE joining within 20 years provided their is enough incentive to do so. As of yet their is zero incentive. At least not for many decades.
Don't forget, most of these people being called "Arabs" are not even arabs. Minus the dialect they share, they're different genetically. The real Arabs are the yemenites.

Some kind of IQ test need to be made in order to prevent Arabized Farsi trolls from obsessing and trolling in Arab-related topics.

Expect for the fact that all Arabs share the same geography, the same culture, language, the same DNA (clustering with each other very closely) and haplogroups (paternal and maternal), the same ancient Semitic past, have been part of the same ancient civilizations, empires, cultures, caliphates, kingdoms, emirates, sheikdoms, sultanates etc. since recorded time, cuisine, tribal and clan ties and basically everything that makes up an ethnic group.

No such thing as "real Arabs" either. All Arabs are fellow Semites and the first Arabs originated in Hejaz, Northern Arabia, Southern Sham and Southern Mesopotamia, not Yemen. Arabic is also a Central Semitic language not a Southern Semitic language. Moreover most of Yemen did not speak Arabic prior to Islam and was likewise Arabized.
Some kind of IQ test need to be made in order to prevent Arabized Farsi trolls from obsessing and trolling in Arab-related topics.

Expect for the fact that all Arabs share the same geography, the same culture, language, the same DNA (clustering with each other very closely) and haplogroups (paternal and maternal), the same ancient Semitic past, have been part of the same ancient civilizations, empires, cultures, caliphates, kingdoms, emirates, sheikdoms, sultanates etc. since recorded time, cuisine, tribal and clan ties and basically everything that makes up an ethnic group.

No such thing as "real Arabs" either. All Arabs are fellow Semites and the first Arabs originated in Hejaz, Northern Arabia, Southern Sham and Southern Mesopotamia, not Yemen. Arabic is also a Central Semitic language not a Southern Semitic language. Moreover most of Yemen did not speak Arabic prior to Islam and was likewise Arabized.

IQ tests would be needed I think to prevent you from making your 100th fake account.
You might see the smaller Arab states join into a Federation but Iraq nor Syria will ever join such a federation. Many Arabs in the GCC are far to racist oddly enough to Yemenis and Omani's for them to want to join. I could see Bahrain or UAE joining within 20 years provided their is enough incentive to do so. As of yet their is zero incentive. At least not for many decades.

More Farsi nonsense. I gotta love the fact that some clueless Iranians are talking on behalf of 500 million + Arabs while not being able to count to 10 in Arabic (despite Farsi being almost an Arabic dialect and Arabic being obligatory in schools and universities in Iran). What kind of nonsense is that?

Everything that you wrote is utter nonsense from start to end.

Why don't you worry about your own ethnically diverse country before blabbering about homogenous Arab countries?

This is the best thing for Muslims across the world - a strong, rich Arab state with a large population.

Expect for a few tiny (in comparison to Arabs on all fronts) regional entities. For them it would be terrible news given their meddling in the Arab world (only able to do so in war torn Arab countries - no wonder) and for the West as well. I could see the EU wanting it to happen in order to have a strong Arab world as a buffer zone against the future hordes of Sub-Saharan African migrants/refugees wanting to reach Europe but even that is doubtful given the historical (last 200 years at least) meddling of European powers like Italy, UK and France in the Maghreb and other regions of the Arab world. USA and suffice to say their child (Israel) would be against it as well.

Ironically a strong and united Arab world would suit most of the world (economically and security wise). If that was the case there would be no unstable Libya, no unstable Syria no unstable Iraq, no unstable Yemen etc. to deal with and millions of refugees and rise of extremist groups that threaten the safety of not only locals but the world.

Problem is lack of qualified, courageous, dedicated and visionary leadership. People like Ibn Saud was a visionary for his time. Without his conquest and unification of what is modern-day KSA, we would have some 5-6 (potentially) more Arab states and even more disunity/weakness.
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A quick on top of my head calculation of the giant possibilities that a single federal Arab state (once again) would result in as of today:

1) Second largest landmass in the world after Russia

2) Third largest population in the world after China and India

3) Largest (by far) hydrocarbon wealth and mineral wealth in the world

4) Longest coastline in the world and control of some of the most strategic waters in the world

5) Fourth largest economy in the world with amble potential for growth

6) One of the fastest growing and youngest populations in the world

7) Largest sovereign wealth funds with some the biggest investment portfolios in the world

8) Second largest standing active army in the world after China

Despite being much more ethnically and culturally diverse (not to mention climatic differences) the likes of India, Russia, China and USA are living examples of the necessity of the adoption of large nation states. India prior to 1947 was divided into 1000 different entities. Russia is the result of Russian conquest of non-Russians. 90% of the Russian territory was originally non-Russian. Similarly in China (Tibet, Xinjiang). The US is the biggest melting pot divided into over 50 states. All somehow manage to survive so the prospect of 1 single federal Arab state is objectively speaking (at least solely looking at history geography, culture, ethnic harmony, language etc.) should very much be possible eventually once again

We need Arab leaders who openly pursue such policies and openly work towards regional Arab cooperation and integration. More visionaries. Few such leaders occurred in the past 100 years. Can only think of Ibn Saud who managed to unite a large Arab territory into a single state that otherwise would have been further fragmented.
Insha'Allah this will change in the future and Arabs should all work towards that goal actively in whatever means that we have. Starting with regional Arab cooperation.

In many ways it could not be any different after 400 years of darkness (Ottoman period) in half of the Arab world and after/before that Western meddling. In some cases like Algeria this lasted almost 150 years. In the past few decades we have been trying to find our feet again despite largely useless leadership (by large), foreign meddling/invasions of superpowers and divisions as a consequence of all this. Even to this day we have 4 main unrest hotspots in the Arab world (Yemen, Libya, Syria and Iraq to a degree due to political instability). All those problems and challenges can only be solved jointly and it is time for people to wake up to this reality and stop waving their small little flags. Nation states and borders have been changing since the first human appeared on the planet. It will be no different in the future. Better join hands and create a strong entity rather than the current status quo.

@Slav Defence

Permission to change the thread title to "The unification of the Arabian Peninsula/Arab world?"

Thank you.
A quick on top of my head calculation of the giant possibilities that a single federal Arab state (once again) would result in as of today:

1) Second largest landmass in the world after Russia

2) Third largest population in the world after China and India

3) Largest (by far) hydrocarbon wealth and mineral wealth in the world

4) Longest coastline in the world and control of some of the most strategic waters in the world

If you are talking about unification of only Arabian peninsula then how come this country will become second largest land mass???

Arabia peninsula has Saudi with roughly 22 lacs sq km territory, Oman around 3 lacs sq km, Yemen around 5.5 lacs sq km, UAE around 84k sq km, Qatar and Bahrain 13k sq km put together gives you a landmass equal to India and bigger than Argentina... if you add Iraq, Jordan,Syria and Lebanon as a part of peninsula then you get additional territory roughly equal to Egypt.... still this country will be smaller than Brazil and Australia let alone very large countries like China, Russia, Canada.... and coastal lines will still be smaller to Australia, Russia, Canada not the longest in the world.... I think you should change the title from Arabia peninsula to entire Arabian world which is from Arabian peninsula till Morocco... in that case certainly your country will be second largest and yes most powerful after USA, Russia my friend...
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Only the Zulfiker, currently taking Teshrif at the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul, can do that unification!! The last time Yavuz Sultan Selim practically showed it...

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