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If Liu Xiaobo was an American, they would have thrown him in jail too.


Apr 17, 2010
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Liu Xiaobo, President of Chinese dissident group ICPC:

Liu Xiaobo, Celebrity: - ZoomInfo Business Information

ICPC received $135,000 from the NED in 2007:


$135,000 from the NED in 2006:


$85,000 from the NED in 2004:


Now, I’m pretty sure it is a violation of the Foreign Agent Registration Aact for someone US resident to take Chinese government’s money, then advocate/incite the overthrow of the US government and abolition of existing US constitution.

And ICPC is not the only source of tax dollar for Liu Xiaobo. He also gets money from Uncle Sam for minzhu zhongguo (Democratic China):

- $145,000 in 2007:


- $136,000 in 2005:


- $135,000 in 2004:

(some of the NED links went dead but you can still find the same info on the NED with a search)
China | NED

The National Endowment for Democracy Extends Its Warmest Congratulations to Grantee Liu Xiaobo on Receiving the Nobel Peace Prize
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) joins democrats and human rights defenders in China and around the world in congratulating Charter 08 co-organizer Liu Xiaobo on receiving the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. Liu Xiaobo's intellectual independence, moral courage, and thoughtful advocacy of democratic approaches to China's challenges have won him deep respect in his own country and abroad.

Among his many contributions to the advance of democratic ideas and values in China have been his work as editor of Democratic China magazine (English via GoogleTranslate) for several years until his arrest in 2008, and serving two terms as President of the Independent Chinese PEN Center, from 2003 to 2007. NED is pleased to have been able to provide grant support to both organizations for their activities supporting free inquiry and freedom of expression over the years.

NED unites with supporters of fundamental human rights worldwide in calling for Liu Xiaobo's release from prison and for respect for freedom of association, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press in China.

For media inquiries, please contact Jane Riley Jacobsen at (202) 378-9700.


NED (National Endowment for Democracy)
The National Endowment for Democracy, or NED, is a U.S. non-profit organization that was founded in 1983 to promote US-friendly democracy by providing cash grants funded primarily through an annual allocation from the U.S. Congress. Although administered as a private organization, its funding comes almost entirely from a governmental appropriation by Congress and it was created by an act of Congress. In addition to its grants program, NED also supports and houses the Journal of Democracy, the World Movement for Democracy, the International Forum for Democratic Studies, the Reagan-Fascell Fellowship Program, the Network of Democracy Research Institutes, and the Center for International Media Assistance. It has been accused by both right-wing and left-wing personalities of interference in foreign regimes, and of being set up to legally continue the CIA's prohibited activities of support to selected political parties abroad.

National Endowment for Democracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
National Endowment for Democracy - SourceWatch

Foreign Agents Registration Act
The act requires people and organizations that are under foreign control ("agents of a foreign principal") to register with the Department of Justice when acting on behalf of foreign interests. This law defines the agent of a foreign principal as someone who:

Engages in political activities for or in the interests of a foreign principal;

Acts in a public relations capacity for a foreign principal;

Solicits or dispenses any thing of value within the United States for a foreign principal;

Represents the interests of a foreign principal before any agency or official of the U.S. government.

Foreign Agents Registration Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

FARA can land you up to 25 years in jail.

Original post here
The 2010 Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo and what it means to the Chinese | Hidden Harmonies China Blog
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The political football, known as the Nobel Peace Prize, has nothing to do with promoting peace. In relation to China, its sole purpose is to create internal dissent and attempt to impose the chaotic, fractious, and self-interested Western model of governance upon China.

The modern New China (i.e. founded in 1949) could not possibly exist today without the CCP. That is a simple uncomfortable fact. A gleaming modern country cannot be built if every government proposal to build a new high-speed-rail (i.e. HSR), highway, airport, dam, seaport, special economic zone (i.e. SEZ), nuclear power station, etc. is contested in court for over a decade.

Under the Western model of governance, China's development will be set back by decades. I don't understand why the West bothers trying to convince the CCP or the Chinese people to change their system of governance. Everybody in the world knows that the CCP has accomplished the most fantastic achievement in human history: lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in three decades and modernize the country (e.g. Chinese 2008 spacewalk is sufficient proof).


Modern Futian, China

Cape Cod Wind Farm Gets Approved - NYTimes.com

"Apr 29, 2010 ... After nine years of regulatory review, the federal government gave the green light ... offshore wind farm, a fiercely contested project off the coast of Cape Cod. ... $4 billion over the next 20 years in extra costs,” he said. ... It had approved the plan, but that decision lapsed because of delays. ..."

"She said that nine state and local permits were still being appealed in the courts and several parties had filed notices of intention to sue."
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Well, in human history so many atrocities have been committed under the banner of God. And so many dirty evils have been done under the banner of democracy: subversions, assassinations, usurps, armed riots, color revolutions,…

Frankly, if those agitators/trouble-makers aren’t ended up in hell, don’t know what the hell the hell is created for.
Agreed. If Liu was an American in the US being paid to support communism and overthrow the US constitution he would be dead already. So why are the whites surprised that he, as a Chinese in China being paid to support Westernization and overthrow the Chinese constitution, he ends up in jail?!
@ Thread: How does it matter what US or anybody else would have done guys?

It's your country, run it the way you like. :wave:

You're right. There will be no impact on how China is run but against a chorus of blind praise for this red guard of a different stripe it is important to point some salients facts.
Noble prize was never given to Mahatma Gandhi for his act but it was given to President Obama because of his acting (drama)

So dear Chinese friends don't bother about Liu Xiaobo, keep the success engine running...
Noble prize was never given to Mahatma Gandhi for his act but it was given to President Obama because of his acting (drama)

So dear Chinese friends don't bother about Liu Xiaobo, keep the success engine running...

The only man who founded a major country without bloodshed, denied a Peace prize, instead it was freely given to Arafat, Gore, Kissinger, Obama, Carter, and the UN panel of climate change. Yeah I know what you mean.
The only man who founded a major country without bloodshed, denied a Peace prize, instead it was freely given to Arafat, Gore, Kissinger, Obama, Carter, and the UN panel of climate change. Yeah I know what you mean.

Exactly right. :tup:

NED money employed in worthwhile causes !! I am sure $135,000 a years buys a very comfortable life in China.
I don't think Liu should be in prison. Even if he's saying how China needs to colonized by the West and all, he shouldn't be jailed unless he's actually working towards that goal. Everybody has the freedom of speech.
I don't think Liu should be in prison. Even if he's saying how China needs to colonized by the West and all, he shouldn't be jailed unless he's actually working towards that goal. Everybody has the freedom of speech.

My point in this article was to say that he is an American paid mouthpiece whose goal is not the welfare of the Chinese people but the overthrow the government. Any country (including America) has the right imprison people under foreign government pay who works to overthrow that country's legitimate government.

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