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Pakistan defence forum- Annual meeting 2019-20

Any reference or example will be appreciated so that we can look into this. Nonetheless, just explained everything to you in the GHQ.
The use of the P word and Saying words like Donkey eaters, Khottaism, Khotakhors to some one supporting a political group is not always removed. But using Y word makes u get a warning straight away
The use of the P word and Saying words like Donkey eaters, Khottaism, Khotakhors to some one supporting a political group is not always removed. But using Y word makes u get a warning straight away

An oversight cannot be termed as bias. Members shall report such matters and move on without quoting back or doing so in kind. That will help resolve issue.
Another thing i forgot to mention. Can you plz plz plz keep a block option like FB, Insta instead of "ignore" option. Why would i want to be notified about the jackass i am trying to ignore. By blocking these trolls/full time assholes i won't even have to see their tails like the picture below. I don't want to see their BS thread, don't want them to see my thread or let them pollute my post. I don't even want to know about their existence.


Any reference or example will be appreciated so that we can look into this.

A particular so called PDF Veteran (basically a stupid immature prick) often poops in our sub-forum but never saw him getting banned even after reporting him multiple times. Mods/admins don't even delete his rant/BS/troll.
@Slav Defence Buddy,
I noticed one thing, every new achievement/progress of something, take block 3 as example. We eventually move to power dynamics and all the derailing discussions. How about, introduce some system to just indicate/report an achievement on specific thread while all the discussion happens in a general thread
@ghazi52 Bhai aap kuch bataein. You are doing a great work for Pakistan.(showing development in country).

Yea, he is the best at bringing mix content.

@ghazi52 is one of the best members.

we need a new section named Aerospace and satellite.

A humble request.

Please make a subforum for Pakistan Space Program. Please.


Why not a common sub-forum for South Asian space programs ?? There was the SAARC satellite project in which sadly Pakistan could not participate. But so what ?? PDF can provide an extra place where a Indo-Pak and even BD space programs can be discussed. Knowledgeable members like @KapitaanAli, @ps3linux and @fitpOsitive can contribute.

@Slav Defence
@ghazi52 is one of the best members.
Why not a common sub-forum for South Asian space programs ?? There was the SAARC satellite project in which sadly Pakistan could not participate. But so what ?? PDF can provide an extra place where a Indo-Pak and even BD space programs can be discussed. Knowledgeable members like @KapitaanAli, @ps3linux and @fitpOsitive can contribute.

@Slav Defence

I am always for such Initiative. However, in that section, no trolling, or useless comment should be allowed. Rather than limiting to South Asia, a WORLD SPACE CORNER will be a Very good sub part of the forum.

@WebMaster @WAJsal @HRK Guys your comments please.
Rather than limiting to South Asia, a WORLD SPACE CORNER will be a Very good sub part of the forum.

Yes, why not.

After all, space is for all humankind and each current nation has learned from others. For example, the International Space Station's construction from smaller modules was learned from the USSR's construction of the Mir space station. Another example is of SpaceX's promotion of reusable space vehicles.

So I agree to your recommendation of a World Space Corner.
@Slav Defence

There are few suggestions for improving the quality of discussion at the board:

  • Please get rid of this "Seniors Section" it doesn't seem to be of any value, I mean honestly I see "Seniors" whose entire contribution to the board had been one liner sarcasm, one liner comment, or trolling. If not the seniors section then at-least the seniority criteria should be changed to quality instead of quantity, instead of number of posts to number of likes or positive ratings.
  • I know a moderators job is thankless and slavery, but the board can benefit by adding active moderators and enforcing board rules, I see people creating threads with videos from youtube or other source, which I understand is against the board rules.
here is one such case:

  • Unfortunately I see people here whose sole contribution seem to be creating new threads by copy/pasting news items, while news items are OK but they are already available on the net, what is the contribution of that particular member "copy/paste" I suggest without analysis at-least a para by the thread creator no such threads should be allowed, at times there are multiple threads with the same news topic.
Here is a typical case:

  • I have been a second time member at this board with almost a decade of time, and I have seen a disturbing trend here people of at-least two countries are using this board as propaganda machine to further their respective countries agenda, not only that they are extremely aggressive towards any one who challenges their POV, perhaps as a policy matter the management needs to look in to this.
  • The ban policy is extremely liberal, difference of opinion (D.O.O) is a different thing, I too may have D.O.O, may have had a scuffle or two with couple of people but people having too many (D.O.O) and frequent harsh posts should be relegated to "comments requiring moderation", and in addition three warnings from the mods team should be enough to perma ban the concerned member.
These steps will definitely help improve the quality of the board.
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Over the years, almost a decade I had witnessed the quality of content taking a nose dive. I was observing PDF for years before I joined in 2009. It was one of the best source of information a whole range of topics related Pakistan Armed forces and security related issues. I remember there once reading an interview of a special forces operative who had seen action in SWA, it was a good one but it just disappeared.

The biggest problem at PDF is not lack of content, its the lack of quality content. Over past few years all I see Indians flooding the forum, starting flame wars and overall successfully bringing down the quality of content. Would such behaviour be allowed on Indian Defence Forum? I dont think so.

Furthermore what is the purpose of the Seniors Cafe? And who exactly is a senior here, its an elitist useless section and must be rid off ASAP.

Few other sections:
-Book Reviews: A dedicated section for books related to different topics. Members can also recommend books there as well.

- Interview experts: I think its about time some high caliber interviews on a whole range of topic primarily related to defence are conducted for PDF.

-Video Content: PDF is in dire need of video content, there must be an official PDF YouTube channel if there isn't one already. I know its a very expensive idea not just monetarily but will take up a lot of time, but YouTube is a great tool that must be utilised effectively. The content should be in English, not Urdu. We already have a gazillion useless Urdu Channels like KhojiTv, Haqeeqat (no 1 laanti) etc but few in English such as Ace of PAF (Fake accent, lol).
We need to have one in English so a wider audience can be reached, leave urdu to these dabba channels.

- Its 2020, please bring your forum to it as well by upgrading its graphics and layout.

- Last but not least: Can some one please send Mastan Khan to a english language class so he can finally learn how to write a sentence properly, reading him gives me a migraine. A psychiatric evaluation of him would be a good idea, but that is beyond the scope of PDF.
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I agree and have two points to make about this :

1. It is not democratic.

2. It is not necessary that new members will troll and senior members will not troll.

@Slav Defence

there is the second part as well
If not the seniors section then at-least the seniority criteria should be changed to quality instead of quantity, instead of number of posts to number of likes or positive ratings.

@Slav Defence linked with my 4th suggestion is that while rest of the world (few countries may be) is shoving its propaganda down our throats through this board and others, while on the other hand people like @Mangus Ortus Novem , @Dubious , @graphican , @ghazi52 , undersigned and a lot of others are fighting to project a positive image of Pakistan and get out of the negativity that we have been spoon fed for decades, why not start an initiative to highlight positive things about Pakistan and debunking negativity being spread about Pakistan at-least on this forum.

There are just too many threads being opened about cases of rape in India, the purpose from what I understand is to ridicule them, however, in reality with a population base of 1 billion plus these events do occur, and their media is even worse than ours, we have our share of demons; but truly highlighting these type cases by us is insensitive there are many female members of the board and many people are sensitive to these news particularly those who have daughters. Indians have been doing it against Pakistan but the key question is do we want to stoop to their level? I suggest there should be check on opening threads (may be a moderation requirement if there is a keyword "rape")
I am always for such Initiative. However, in that section, no trolling, or useless comment should be allowed. Rather than limiting to South Asia, a WORLD SPACE CORNER will be a Very good sub part of the forum.

@WebMaster @WAJsal @HRK Guys your comments please.
there is the second part as well

@Slav Defence linked with my 4th suggestion is that while rest of the world (few countries may be) is shoving its propaganda down our throats through this board and others, while on the other hand people like @Mangus Ortus Novem , @Dubious , @graphican , @ghazi52 , undersigned and a lot of others are fighting to project a positive image of Pakistan and get out of the negativity that we have been spoon fed for decades, why not start an initiative to highlight positive things about Pakistan and debunking negativity being spread about Pakistan at-least on this forum.

There are just too many threads being opened about cases of rape in India, the purpose from what I understand is to ridicule them, however, in reality with a population base of 1 billion plus these events do occur, and their media is even worse than ours, we have our share of demons; but truly highlighting these type cases by us is insensitive there are many female members of the board and many people are sensitive to these news particularly those who have daughters. Indians have been doing it against Pakistan but the key question is do we want to stoop to their level? I suggest there should be check on opening threads (may be a moderation requirement if there is a keyword "rape")
@Horus @Slav Defence Based on the concept of @ps3linux , i believe pdf must have a sub forum on main forum page of 5th gen war, and a heading “Uncovering the hoaxes”, in which not all but some of your v.talented think tanks and researchers to take a topic, read multiple news channels propagating false news on a similar/same topic, gather as many site links as possible of those false news and prepare a counter article with reference to all links which should be mentioned in the counter article and clearing the false vs reality.

Then , share these articles on main page and fb/twitter
I have three suggestions.

1) Bangladesh Defense section should be removed and some other country's dedicated defense section like American Defense section should replace it. Because that Bangladesh defense section has hardly any post related to Bangladesh defense. It is just a troll sub section which needs to be removed.

2) Political/Siasat section should be removed. Political discussion shouldn't be allowed in a defense forum.

3) Just like Air warfare, land warfare, naval warfare, military forum; there must be a dedicated space warfare section.
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