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Imran Khan warns UN of potential nuclear war in Kashmir

The Eagle

Oct 15, 2015
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Imran Khan warns UN of potential nuclear war in Kashmir

Pakistan PM says he has tried to tell world leaders of growing risk of conflict with India over disputed region

Julian Borger in New York and Azhar Farooq in Srinagar

Thu 26 Sep 2019 06.28 BSTLast modified on Thu 26 Sep 2019 08.56 BST

Imran Khan, the Pakistan PM, speaks to the media in New York where he said: ‘We are heading for a potential disaster of proportions that no one here realises.’ Photograph: Angela Weiss/AFP/Getty Images
Pakistan’s prime minister, Imran Khan, has said he has been trying to raise the alarm at the United Nations this week about the danger of a nuclear war breaking out over Kashmir.

India and Pakistan came close to a conflict in February when India bombed Pakistani territory for the first time in a half century and warplanes from both countries fought a dogfight over the divided region.

Tensions were defused when Pakistan returned a downed Indian pilot. But they have grown again since India revoked a constitutional clause that endowed semi-autonomous status on the part of Kashmir under its control in August. India moved hundreds of thousands of troops to the region and carried out thousands of arrests.

Khan said the move was driven by the Hindu nationalist ideology of the Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, whom he called a “fascist”.

The Muslim-majority territory is currently under heightened security, while mobile and internet services have been cut, but Khan predicted a popular backlash once such measures are lifted.

“They’ll come out on the streets. What happens then?” Khan told journalists at the UN general assembly. He pointed to the presence of a 900,000-strong Indian force there currently enforcing security.

“I fear there will be a massacre and things will start to go out of control,” the Pakistani leader said.

“My main reason for coming here was to meet world leaders at the UN and speak about this. We are heading for a potential disaster of proportions that no one here realises,” Khan said. “It is the only time since the Cuban crisis that two nuclear-armed countries are coming face to face. We did come to face to face in February.”

Khan has vowed to defend Pakistani territory but has also expressed fear of an uncontrolled escalation. He spoke on Wednesday about his dilemma on being told of the Indian air strikes.

“In February, my army chief calls me up and the air force chief, [saying] that Indian jets have come and bombed Pakistan territory. What do we do? What do we do?” Khan said. “Should I – should we – have to make that choice.”

He said he had expressed his fears in conversations this week with Donald Trump, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and Boris Johnson.

Trump has offered to mediate, but only if both Pakistan and India agree. India has been resistant to outside mediation, and Modi has presented his actions in Indian-controlled Kashmir as essential to counter separatism and terrorism, which he accuses Pakistan of fomenting.

But Khan has faced an uphill task. Trump has become a close political ally of Modi, even appearing as the Indian prime minister’s guest last Sunday at a Texas rally of some Indian Americans. But on Monday, Trump described some of Modi’s rhetoric as “very aggressive”.

“I have tried my best,” Khan said. “What options do we have? What do we do? Do we just wait for this nightmare scenario to unfold and hope that nothing happens.”

In Kashmir, residents are watching the developments at the UN closely. “I hope the UN does something that helps Kashmir otherwise generations of our sacrifices will be ruined,” said Mohammad Ramzan, who lives in Pulwama, south Kashmir.

“At least my generation saw good days and also the bad days. But I fear for the future of my sons and daughters,” he said as he visited his son in Srinagar, Kashmir’s main city. “We are now caught between an abyss and a fire,” he said.

In parts of south Kashmir, which has been the epicentre of new generation of anti-India insurgents, local residents said militants had asked for a complete shutdown until Friday’s meeting, when Khan and Modi are both expected to address the annual session in New York.

“We are not sure if the militants have actually said it or not, but no one is willing to take a risk,” added Ramzan. Shops in South Kashmir remain shut and roads mostly empty.

Some are sceptical that the UN meeting will lead to progress. “I don’t think anything will happen. At the end it is our fight, no one else will come to fight it,” said a shopkeeper in Srinagar, who asked to remain anonymous.

Meanwhile, Khan said he had been asked by both the US and Saudi Arabia to act as a mediator with Iran.

“President Trump asked me and also Prince Mohammed bin Salman asked me to speak to the Iranians, and we are trying our best that this should not develop into a conflict,” Khan said. “The good thing about President Trump is that I feel he’s not a pro-war person, although I can see that there are others who are egging him on. But his instinct, quite rightly is not for war ... I think that’s very admirable.”

next 24 hours is important , india will try her best to stop IK 27 sept address at any cost. India is expected to do some foolish move - lets see what ...
It is suprise despite India being a much more expansive country than Pakistan, the latter’s Prime Minister, cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan, is beating his Indian counterpart in terms of popularity.
As backed by Google Trends, Prime Minister Imran Khan beats Indian premier Narendra Modi in the list of the top five most-searched leaders of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).
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Are you mad ,why would we even try.unless you believe something is going to come out of the speech on 27th.seriously we don't
Well your Army General contacted to Modi for special permission .somehting is cooking: =) but always remember you will start this war but we will end it in Delhi. It is our destiny, We don't scare to death.
Are you mad ,why would we even try.unless you believe something is going to come out of the speech on 27th.seriously we don't
Amit Shah ordered Pulwama attack to win elections for Modi....

They stoop too low, you can expect anything from these sub-humans.
Nuclear war on Kashmir would be correct term as nukes will fall on dehli , mumbai karachi isalmabad lahore along with kashmir. not just limited to kashmir.
Well your Army General contacted to Modi for special permission .somehting is cooking: =) but always remember you will start this war but we will end it in Delhi. It is our destiny, We don't scare to death.
Be realistic ,why would we start war,we already did something which was not done in 72 years.until we consolidate the few districts in the valley where we have problem we cannot even think of the parts which Pakistan has.i feel a deal was reached between the leaders of both countries and all these are dramabazi is just to fool the public.
You should look at the signals.
1- Can you believe Pakistan govt or establishment had no idea what was to happen,when I have seen people here on PDF talking about it a month in advance.
2- Silence of the would after India removed the article 370 and 35A.
3-With the network Pakistan has in parts of Kashmir we have is it hard for you to bring information out even if there is no internet or people not allowed to gather.you will not be seeing the leaders say let them remove the curfew and people will come out protesting.
Nuclear war on Kashmir would be correct term as nukes will fall on dehli , mumbai karachi isalmabad lahore along with kashmir. not just limited to kashmir.

There will be no war between the two states over this issue, nuclear or otherwise. The present stalemate with skirmishes limited to the LoC will continue, that is all.
Are you mad ,why would we even try.unless you believe something is going to come out of the speech on 27th.seriously we don't

We are not expecting anything to come out of the speech either. Imran Khan is not expecting it, but he is still going to show Modi's and India's black faces to the world.
Deep down representatives and the leaders of all the countries know what is happening in Kashmir and that it is wrong. But like IK put it to the media, sadly they are putting their economic interests before humans. In this case Kashmiris.
Imran is taking just the necessary actions, so no one tomorrow raise fingers when Pakistan nukes your troops in Kashmir and other parts using tactical, battlefield and miniature nukes. You be rest assured Pakistan poses all three kinds and also long range missiles and ICBMs. And far more. I am privy to many information which I can not disclose here due to national security. Sheikh Rasheed is not stupid that he had been saying that we have very small nuclear weapons.
You should not doubt for one second, this time the gloves would be off.
World would notice it then surely, when the mushroom clouds gathers and cover the planet earth.
Modi is playing with fire, he is not gonna get away with it now. It is not Nawaz in control of Pakistan, the man in control is Imran Khan. Modi is just a poodle in front him.
The small man Modi would be standing naked in front of the world, have no doubts.
“They’ll come out on the streets. What happens then?” Khan told journalists at the UN general assembly. He pointed to the presence of a 900,000-strong Indian force there currently enforcing security.

“I fear there will be a massacre and things will start to go out of control,” the Pakistani leader said.

It may be that the Indian bet is there will be no widespread street protests to spiral out of control as PMIK fears. Whether that turns out to be the case or not remains to be seen.
We are not expecting anything to come out of the speech either. Imran Khan is not expecting it, but he is still going to show Modi's and India's black faces to the world.
Deep down representatives and the leaders of all the countries know what is happening in Kashmir and that it is wrong. But like IK put it to the media, sadly they are putting their economic interests before humans. In this case Kashmiris.
Imran is taking just the necessary actions, so no one tomorrow raise fingers when Pakistan nukes your troops in Kashmir and other parts using tactical, battlefield and miniature nukes. You be rest assured Pakistan poses all three kinds and also long range missiles and ICBMs. And far more. I am privy to many information which I can not disclose here due to national security. Sheikh Rasheed is not stupid that he had been saying that we have very small nuclear weapons.
You should not doubt for one second, this time the gloves would be off.
World would notice it then surely, when the mushroom clouds gathers and cover the planet earth.
Modi is playing with fire, he is not gonna get away with it now. It is not Nawaz in control of Pakistan, the man in control is Imran Khan. Modi is just a poodle in front him.
The small man Modi would be standing naked in front of the world, have no doubts.

Very entertaining

Take up shot at writing fiction novels or conspiracy theories...you could mint good money and feed the liking of many on your side.
PMIK needs to put some redlines now infront of the world.... or just publically accept GanguDaesHegemony... as some posters here are conditioning us to.

In my opinion, it appears that Pakistan is left with only two choices:

1) Circumstances, resulting in a full-scale war with India, irrespective of its outcome and consequences
2) Acceptance of hegemony of India and gross betrayal of the cause of Kashmir, which would inevitably lead to total moral and political decline and ultimately demise of Pakistan

Utter desperation and distress is more than evident in all the recent statements of IK.
In my opinion, it appears that Pakistan is left with only two choices:

1) Circumstances, resulting in a full-scale war with India, irrespective of its outcome and consequences
2) Acceptance of hegemony of India and gross betrayal of the cause of Kashmir, which would inevitably lead to total moral and political decline and ultimately demise of Pakistan

Utter desperation and distress is more than evident in all the recent statements of IK.

There is a third option in the middle between the extremes of war and capitulation: the status quo on the LoC. That is the most likely outcome here.

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