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(OLD News 2019) COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa given 3 years extension

Congrats to General Bajwa for extension for 3 years we need experienced man at Top at present

I disagree ………… Not a good move …………. We need system ………….. We have to discharge this extension mindset...……. Kashmir almost lost …………. And our COAS got extension ……….. Better I keep quite.. Clearly a political move..
General Bajwa could've opposed/refused the extension. I guess there's more than what meets the eye..
Arynews. Extended due to Afghan peace talks and Indian border situation. Presidential order
there was no such need
we have been in an emergency for past 20 years and this Kashmir escalation is going to last for many many years
there would have been no break in the process of command change over as all his deputies are on board operationally. no where in the world happens like this
I am not surprised, I have noticed that Imran Khan and Gen. Qamar Bajwa have very similar personalities and mindsets.
Imran Khan is now "secure" for the next three years as prime minister :lol:.
General Bajwa could've opposed/refused the extension. I guess there's more than what meets the eye..
from what I've heard, he HAD been opposing it when PM Imran Khan had been offering an extension since June. but with the events in iok and the resultant war like situation, General Bajwa changed his mind since loc is pretty much a war zone and HIS strategy and soldierly intuition has put the indians on back foot.
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