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360 killed in terrorist blasts targeting Easter in Sri Lanka

AFAIK, the hotels had mostly Indian tourists. While estimated death toll was around 150, I heard that except 35 all were Indians.

Worse, my senior Mr. Swaminathan is a Tamil, was there in Sri Lanka for some weeks. Not able to contact him for a while.:(

The guy himself is a Muslim. You expect anything better? Even my neighbor Muslim friend spews lot of conspiracy theories just like PDF keyboard warriors.

Sick of them!!

It's not the fault of Indians. Most others speculate Muslims as well initially in case of a blast. Even during NZ bombing.

Islamist terrorists may only form 6% of total terrorist population. But they are responsible for 3/4ths of deaths due to terrorism, hence most famous. This is an unpleasent image of Islam which was created by jihadis and their apologizers sitting in Middle East, North Africa and Indian Subcontinent (Pak, Afghan & Indian Sunnis) who justify it. Not going to change very soon.

As far as Pakistan is concerned, you guys have a history of overtly and bravely supporting terrorist groups like Taliban. It's overtness may no longer exist but they still have been confirmed to be your assets various times by various countries.

As targets were also Indians, we got no reason to believe that you guys aren't involved.
You subhumans on forums and social media were celebrating Pulwama attack until you guys realized that sh!t is going to be deep, deleted tweets and started preaching "peace" to Indians to look "mature" (Pakistan doesn't ask for peace coz its want peace but because it can't afford war).

You guys yet blame them for war mongering as if nothing happened and keep pushing useless conspiracy theories theory.

As for today's attack:
It was other an answer by Islamic terrorists to NZ bombing or attack on Indians sponsored by Pakistan or both. It was an explicit act of Islamist terrorism.
And deal with it!! Anyone rejecting this just a pathetic conspiracy theorist.
Calling everyone Islamophobe won't change it.

When your nation has elected a well known terrorist as a prime minister you guys have no moral height to call Pakistanis as sub human, You have Terrorist Militia/Political wings who openly support killing and ousting of Muslims Christians and Hindus of low caste. Your own Country was the reason why Srilanka suffered terrorism for 35 years and you guys lost one prime minister in the same fire which you started.

You have RSS and shiv sena roaming around in India and contesting elections but you guys point fingers when it comes to Hafiz Saeed and JeM. Your double standards and high level of Hypocrisy is the reason many small neighboring states are suffering, So look into your own matters when pointing fingers at Pakistan and Pakistanis you don't have a moral high ground which you claim you have.

Regarding Pulwama ......well we have seen how wide is the chest of MODI and you got a BLOODY NOSE when you messed with Pakistan and you will get a BLOODY NOOSE every time you will mess with Pakistan in future as well.

Pakistan supported Srilanka in their fight against Tamil tigers and we will support our Srilankan brothers in this fight as well
i think india is involved in these attacks like they did in past
Islam condemns the Killing of all innocents. This attack is not justified in any way.
Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors. -Quran 5:32
My prayers and condolences to the poor people hit by these horrible attacks. Rest in peace Sri-Lankan brothers and sisters and the guests hit.

This looks like ISIS with Sri-Lankan Muslim followers carrying out the assaults. I've seen with my own two eyes how a section of the Sri-Lankan has become very radicalised. Here in the UK, in London particularly we saw waves of Sri-Lankan Muslims come in the 90's and settle. They came to Pakistani mosques etc and integrated somewhat. However in recent years they have stopped coming to our mosques and formed their own, very often strangely led by Salafi preachers. I enquired from some of them why they stopped coming to our mosques and the response was "you do milad", "there is biddah and shirk" and so on. With this trend I'm not surprised that willing ISIS recruits could be found.

Back to the situation this is not a response to NZ, stop your stupidity. The shooter was an Aussie and ISIS would and could strike in the heart of his homeland. This assault is a typical terrorist assault, in part aimed at the West and also Christians, evil ba$tards. This will sadly hurt tourism in Sri-Lanka.
Also I don't believe any agency or foreign hand is involved in this. It's an intelligence failure.

My thoughts with them.ch


Your assessment seems to be correct. But, you cannot deny the possibility of Christchurch being a motive for this. If this was just a simple Islamic terror attack, they could have targetted Buddhists and Hindus in Sri Lanka who are much higher numbers than Christians.

Targetting only churches and hotels seems to indicate a likelihood of some element of revenge of Christchurch.
who do you think advices indian intelligence service ?

if you are not as simple minded as americans you should be able to grasb what i just pointed out , it's pretty viable

That is not a proof. It still remains a conspiracy theory as usual. The fact is you don't have an IOTA of proof other than petty 3rd rate allegations.
Nearly 160 dead, 500 injured as 2 more blasts strike Sri Lanka
AP | Reuters | AFPUpdated April 21, 2019


Sri Lankan soldiers secure the area around St. Anthony's Shrine after a blast in Colombo. ─ AP


Sri Lankan military officials stand guard in front of the St. Anthony's Shrine. ─ Reuters


A shoe of a victim is seen in front of the St. Anthony's Shrine after an explosion in Colombo, Sri Lanka on April 21, 2019. ─ Reuters


Sri Lankan security personnel keep watch outside the church premises following a blast at the St. Anthony's Shrine in Kochchikade, Colombo on April 21, 2019. ─ AFP


Sri Lankan soldiers secure the area around St. Anthony's Shrine after a blast in Colombo. ─ AP


Sri Lankan military officials stand guard in front of the St. Anthony's Shrine. ─ Reuters


A shoe of a victim is seen in front of the St. Anthony's Shrine after an explosion in Colombo, Sri Lanka on April 21, 2019. ─ Reuters


Sri Lankan security personnel keep watch outside the church premises following a blast at the St. Anthony's Shrine in Kochchikade, Colombo on April 21, 2019. ─ AFP


Sri Lankan soldiers secure the area around St. Anthony's Shrine after a blast in Colombo. ─ AP

A devastating series of eight bomb blasts ripped through high-end hotels and churches holding Easter services in Sri Lanka on Sunday, killing nearly 160 people, including dozens of foreigners. Nearly 500 people were injured in the attacks.

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe condemned the attacks ─ the worst act of violence since the end of Sri Lanka's civil war a decade ago ─ as "cowardly", and said the government was working to "contain the situation".

At a glance:

  • Four hotels ─ Cinnamon Grand, Shangri-La, Kingsbury and Tropical Inn ─ targeted in Colombo
  • One church each targeted in Colombo (St Anthony's Shrine), Negombo (St Sebastian's Church) and Batticaloa (Zeon Church)
  • At least 47 killed in Colombo blasts: police
  • At least 25 killed in Batticaloa blast: police
  • At least 67 killed in Negombo blast: police
  • 35 foreigners ─ including Dutch, US and UK citizens ─ dead: police
  • Nearly 500 injured
  • Curfew, 'temporary' social media ban imposed
Three churches ─ one each in Colombo, Negombo and Batticaloa ─ and three Colombo hotels were targeted in the initial series of blasts. Another hotel and an unspecified location in Colombo were struck by two more blasts two hours later.

The death toll included worshippers and hotel guests. The injured flooded into local hospitals, where officials reported hundreds of wounded were being admitted.

Hospital sources said British, Dutch and American citizens are among the 158 dead overall, with Britons and Japanese also injured. A Portuguese man also died, the country's LUSA news agency reported.

After the eighth explosion, the government declared a curfew with immediate effect and said it would last "until further notice". A social media ban was also imposed across the country. Government officials said major social media networks and messaging apps, including Facebook and WhatsApp, have been blocked to prevent misinformation and rumours.

The nature of the blasts was not immediately clear, but an official speaking on condition of anonymity said police suspects the initial blasts at the churches in Colombo and Batticaloa were carried out by suicide bombers.

There have been no immediate claims of responsibility.

Trail of terror
The first explosions were reported at St Anthony's Church in Colombo and St Sebastian's Church in the town of Negombo just outside the capital.

Shortly after those blasts were reported, police confirmed three hotels in the capital had also been hit, along with a church in the town of Batticalao, in the east of the country. Police immediately sealed off the attack sites. Sri Lankan security officials are investigating the attacks.


Sri Lankan military officials stand guard in front of the St Anthony's Shrine. ─ Reuters

A person identified as Alex Agieleson who was near St Anthony's at the time said that nearby buildings shook with the impact of the blast, and that he saw a number of injured people being carried away in ambulances.

An AFP photographer at the scene at St Anthony's saw bodies lying on the floor, some draped with scarves and clothes.

Much of the church roof was blown out in the explosion, with roof tiles, glass and splintered wood littering the floor along with pools of blood.

St Sebastian's appealed for help on its Facebook page. The explosion ripped off the roof and knocked out doors and windows at the church, where people carried the wounded away from blood-stained pews, TV footage showed.

Local TV showed damage at the Cinnamon Grand, Shangri-La and Kingsbury hotels in the capital. The Shangri-La's second-floor restaurant was gutted in the blast, with the ceiling and windows blown out. Loose wires hung and tables were overturned in the blackened space.

A police magistrate was at the hotel to inspect the bodies recovered from the restaurant. From outside the police cordon, several bodies could be seen covered in white sheets.

Photos circulating on social media showed the roof of one church had been almost blown off in the blast. The floor was littered with a mixture of roof tiles, splintered wood and blood. Several people could be seen covered in blood, with some trying to help those with more serious injuries. The images could not immediately be verified.




Breaking News : Explosions were reported at St. Anthony's Church in Kochchikade, Kotahena and St.Sebastian's Church in Katuwapitiya,in Katana a short while ago, police said. #SriLanka


8:35 AM - Apr 21, 2019

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i think india is involved in these attacks like they did in past

Yes, we did it deliberately so that we can push Sri-Lanka completely into the a Chinese camp. R&AW is really smart, ain't they?? ;)
Your assessment seems to be correct. But, you cannot deny the possibility of Christchurch being a motive for this. If this was just a simple Islamic terror attack, they could have targetted Buddhists and Hindus in Sri Lanka who are much higher numbers than Christians.

Targetting only churches and hotels seems to indicate a likelihood of some element of revenge of Christchurch.

Yes I can and here's the very simple explanation, have there been terror attacks in Australia, yes. Does ISIS have the ability to strike within the country, yes. Is Australia actively helping against the ISIS threat, yes. There are more than ample reasons that they would have struck against Australia for the attack in NZ. Churches and Christchurch do not connect, if that had been the case we would see attacks on churches in Muslim countries which would easier to do. I'm sorry I only see Indian posters writing about this.

Do you realise what would have happened if they targeted Buddhist shrines! The Muslim community would face riots they have never seen and be wiped out. The assaults were clever in targeting a community that the majority don't identify with much i.e. Christian Tamils, and on foreign guests.
Yes I can and here's the very simple explanation, have there been terror attacks in Australia, yes. Does ISIS have the ability to strike within the country, yes. Is Australia actively helping against the ISIS threat, yes. There are more than ample reasons that they would have struck against Australia for the attack in NZ.

The security must have been heightened heavily in New Zealand and Australia after Chirstchurch attack. It could not have been easy to carry out such an attack there. So chose a soft target where the country wont be prpared - like Sri Lanka.

What you are saying could also be true. May be this had nothing to do with Christchurch, but at least at this stage you cannot deny the possibility of this being one of the motives considering that mainly churches were targetted.
Already Pakistanis are starting conspiracy theories about India being behind the attack, despite Indo-Sri Lankan relations being better than they have ever been. It looks like they are trying to cope with the recent humiliation they suffered internationally and in Balochistan by blaming India in a completely unrelated tragedy. Absolutely pathetic people.

Ajit Doval strikes again and this time Srilanka. Interesting ISS only target Muslim Countries or those non-Muslim who are trying to abandon their relations with the biggest supporter of proxies in the region “India”. Manufacturer of the terrorist organizations from Mukti Bahini, Tamil Tigers (LTTE), BLA (Baloch Liberation Army), Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) and many more.

Why not such incident taking place in those countries where the India’s puppet holding the key seats? Coincidence — Like Haseena Wajid, Ashraf Ghani and Iranian Govt who are busy in constructing Chahbahar Port near Gawadar with the support of India (where the RAW Indian Intel officer Kulbushan Yaduv was based and destabilizing Pakistan).

Despite of many U.S commanders and U.S defence secretary officially statements that the India is creating problem and exporting terrorism in Pakistan from Afghanistan. Similarly supporting Tamil tigers and other elements in the region to destabilize other states, still no action has been taken against India by the FATF and UN. Serious repercussions and consequences of this for India if GOI/RAW continuing their support to terrorism and destabilizing other countries.

Note: Pakistan doesn’t support any such Terrorist activity against any country. India’s strategy is bullying those who are abandon their relations or not accepting Its hegemony. When India is completely failed to counter Pakistan through the direct military confontration as we have seen recently, now cowardly use terrorist outfits to target innocent civilians of Pakistan, similarly with Srilanka (limited to proxy wars).

Recently Indian funded terrorist organization from Iran killed 14 Pakistanis in Baluchistan before Pakistani Prime Minister visit to Iran. The intelligence shared with the Iranian Govt by Pakistan’s foreign office. After evaluating the reports and related info, Iran agrees to take action against those culprits.
You are aware that Wickremsinghe is Pro-India, right? India sponsoring a terrorist attack would only hurt its own interests in Sri Lanka. Please think before you post stupid things about such a horrendous tragedy.

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