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Chinese Media: Indian Aircraft Carrier INS Vikramaditya has left its home port

If India is not learning the lesson easy way, they will learn it the hard way - or they would learn after this life. Pakistan has no tolerance for their bull$hit - and I am sure as I am feeling, Pakistan will be feeling the same.
Do you really think INS Vikramaditya will need to come close to your border to conduct a strike?

Firstly we have said we will be targeting terrorist camps in Pakistan. If you don't have any camps near Karachi you don't have to worry.

Secondly if and only if the war escalates highly will the Navy be used. And be rest assured our navy is strong enough to decimate your navy which is the weakest of your 3 forces

More baseless bluster, these Indians still havent learned their lesson. Yeah sure please try to open another front and see what happens to your ancient aircraft carrier. I think retirement time for few Navy Admirals is also reaching in India.
Do you really think INS Vikramaditya will need to come close to your border to conduct a strike?

Firstly we have said we will be targeting terrorist camps in Pakistan. If you don't have any camps near Karachi you don't have to worry.

Secondly if and only if the war escalates highly will the Navy be used. And be rest assured our navy is strong enough to decimate your navy which is the weakest of your 3 forces
mehh - indian airforce is stronger indian ground forces are stronger indian navy is stronger - mehh
tired of that bullsh!t-
meanwhile the indian a$$ kicking will continue even at the seas - until you come up with the cr@p your mars base is stronger -
Very nice ilkustration with mirages.

But i don't think aircraft will go that close it it. Im of the opinion it will be sunk with a lightening fast strike of hyper sonic cruise missles from atleast 400 km away.
Lol we don’t have any hypersonic missile of that range..
We cant do much about brahmos that's a cruise missile.

But sinking a huge asss slow vessel some few hundred kilometers in water with hypersonic missiles is very easy. Piece of cake i should say.

Unless it is protected like usa protects them ..but even that protection is not impenetrable.

Indian battle groups can't protect that carrier from the options we have.

Also best way to neutralise carrier based aircraft is to sink their mother-ship. They wont have anywhere to fly from or land on.

Let alone fire missiles to sink the carrier. I have confidence to say that we could swarm and overwhelm the carrier and blow it to pieces from the sky. India is fighting a lost battle here. India cannot win by bringing the fight to Pakistan.
Why are pakistan I panties in a twist?

1 Vikramaditya is NOT on any mission. If it was no media will be reporting it.

2 if at all it comes into play it will be when war is truly underway.

3 If it is in play it will have a whole CBG accompanying it and none of your ships, submarines or aircrafts will be able to come anywhere near it

4 Ye darr achaa hai. Ever since the Balakot Strike the Pakistanis are running like headless chicken. You have closed your airspace with only limited movement allowed. Mysterious planes are leaving from Lahore to Gulf States without any registered passengers. There are blackouts every night. There are reports in your media regarding shortage of fuel. You are seeing phantom army movements, aircrafts and ships. There is panic on Imran Khan's face while Modi is going about his business in a carefree manner
Let alone fire missiles to sink the carrier. I have confidence to say that we could swarm and overwhelm the carrier and blow it to pieces from the sky. India is fighting a lost battle here. India cannot win by bringing the fight to Pakistan.

We are going to pay India back for 1971 very soon. If not this year, it is not too far off.

It’s buy one, get one free. Kashmir and Khalistan.
Why are pakistan I panties in a twist?

1 Vikramaditya is NOT on any mission. If it was no media will be reporting it.

2 if at all it comes into play it will be when war is truly underway.

3 If it is in play it will have a whole CBG accompanying it and none of your ships, submarines or aircrafts will be able to come anywhere near it

4 Ye darr achaa hai. Ever since the Balakot Strike the Pakistanis are running like headless chicken. You have closed your airspace with only limited movement allowed. Mysterious planes are leaving from Lahore to Gulf States without any registered passengers. There are blackouts every night. There are reports in your media regarding shortage of fuel. You are seeing phantom army movements, aircrafts and ships. There is panic on Imran Khan's face while Modi is going about his business in a carefree manner
They don't have to

What I fear is not the aircraft carrier it can just be an attention diversion.
The real package can be underwater.
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