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“I was going home after 71 years”: The emotional ‘homecoming’ of an Indian in Pakistan

That admission alone would cast a critical light on the subject matter in this thread.

That's an undeniable fact.

At max, one can argue that those relevant parts of the Indian Constitution/Penal Code have not been implemented properly in their true spirit.
That's an undeniable fact.

At max, one can argue that those relevant parts of the Indian Constitution/Penal Code have not been implemented properly in their true spirit.

One could argue that, but this is precisely the sort of substance that damages the image of Pakistan internationally compared to India's, if you can see what I am pointing at here.

One side refuses to even consider amending or eliminating clearly discriminatory laws, the other says our laws are fair, and we are trying our best to implement them better and better every year, and we need your help to do that.
BS Propaganda

Pakistan should demand India for war reparations for the imposed war on Pakistan by the Indian state.

Nobody is interested in this aman ki asha ka tamasha.
Indeed..the reparations would be negative 100billion perhaps.

Rahul Sharma
The author is currently employed with a technology company in Gurgaon, India. He comes from a family that has roots in the Potohar region of Pakistan, and has a deep interest in the region's shared history and heritage. He tweets @rahuls_77 (twitter.com/rahuls_77).

This guy doesn't look like 71 years old.
This ceremony bullcrap needs to stop, pointless. It's our turn to bomb the shit out of India - see how much they like it.
Hello.. you have been doing that since 1990 and we have been sitting doing nothing. Chor. Kotwal. .
That admission alone would cast a critical light on the subject matter in this thread.

You added this line later. Would it be fair to say that the social discrimination is probably the same on both sides, but the legal discrimination is not?
In the south , which has some 280 million people and 12% population of Muslims there not just no discrimination but reverse discrimination against majority by minorities.

That's an undeniable fact.

At max, one can argue that those relevant parts of the Indian Constitution/Penal Code have not been implemented properly in their true spirit.
Mostly it has ,in fact the current bjp was voted because of the backlash against all the mollycoddling of the minorities and giving them more rights than the majority in the last 70 y.
Yes in the last 4 years you could say that equality is being attempted. But if BJP lose it will be back to days for the minorities where they get more.
You may believe/claim that they are not true representatives of Islam. And they may believe that the rest are misguided... That's entirely besides the point.

The fact that you have disregarded the core definition of their identity, makes you inept on this subject. Because you have zero knowledge on Islam. Najdi ideology has proliferated throughout the Islamic World on the back saudi-wahhabi oil money. It is the same ideology that drove Osama Bin Laden, who was trained by CIA and funded by saudi ruling elite, that ran rampant throughout Central Asia, Afghanistan and North Africa.

There are 2 billion Muslims on this planet, the overwhelming majority are peaceful and practicing Muslims. These Muslims are what represent Islam, not the Najdi psychopaths, and their western off-spring misguided bunch of buffoons that populate ISIS, HTS, AQ & etc. They are NOT Muslim, because Muslims respect all the Prophets of God and their followers. The fact that you cannot understand that, shows your narrow mindedness and lack of intelligence.

Such statements only prove that you have no arguments counter-arguments. Try harder

With the level of your acumen, or the lack there of. I honestly don't need to try at all. You're shooting blanks in the hopes to get me riled up. That's what's not gonna happen, so you're the who needs to try harder, other than hopping from one topic to another. It's so obvious, that's laughable.

That quote only proves that your 'assumptions' are wrong and your ideology is flawed.

Says the buffoon who has been prancing around from one failed argument to another. You really ought to stop embarrassing yourself. Or continue doing so, doesn't matter to me how much of a buffoon you make of yourself in front of others on this forum.

But 10 points for being persistent though!

Why being so evasive? I asked a very simple question, let me repeat myself:

Evasive? Yeah that's what I have been doing, while wasting my time responding to a buffoon who has as much grasp of the subject as a fish has to flying. But hey, keep repeating yourself, if luck would have it, you just might just realize you're talking to yourself in front of a mirror.

Also, there are as many Muslims (if not more) in India as in Pakistan. Are they lesser Muslims, according to you?

Alright bud, lemme post that part of my remark again. This time, don't forget to wear your glasses, four eyes!

My previous post, verbatim:

Muslims in india are our brothers and sisters in Islam. Their mistreatment in your country india, is for the world to see.

And I repeat again ... "Of course you're blind as a bat, who couldn't see past your own snout."

Thanks for proving correct!!
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Mostly it has ,in fact the current bjp was voted because of the backlash against all the mollycoddling of the minorities and giving them more rights than the majority in the last 70 y.
Yes in the last 4 years you could say that equality is being attempted. But if BJP lose it will be back to days for the minorities where they get more.

The same argument is put forward by Pakistani right-wingers. They too claim that there is no discrimination against minorities in Pakistan, rather the Minorities enjoy more rights than the majority...
The same argument is put forward by Pakistani right-wingers. They too claim that there is no discrimination against minorities in Pakistan, rather the Minorities enjoy more rights than the majority...
When was it like that? Maybe it's news to me.
Well, I gave you a chance to bring forward arguments (if you had any)decently
But you have once again proved that you are just another ill-mannered guy who cannot argue in a decent way.

And I gave you several opportunities to understand the subject, but you managed to squander all of them. It's a pity, because indians have some of the most brilliant minds. But then again, knowledge comes to those who seek it, not tout it.
And I gave you several opportunities to understand the subject, but you managed to squander all of them. It's a pity, because indians have some of the most brilliant minds. But then again, knowledge comes to those who seek it, not tout it.

Just a friendly bit of advice:
Learn some manners first, if you want to be taken seriously...
And when a person like you talks about 'knowledge', it's laughable actually.
Stop embarrassing yourself further, and stop quoting me.

Have a nice day

When was it like that? Maybe it's news to me.

It's always been like that. There are many posts on PDF by Pakistani posters claiming so. You can use the 'search' option
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