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No change seen in Pakistan's view of India threat

The reason why India was invaded over and over was its inherint aggresiveness. Invasion came as a response of invasion
Evacuating captive Kashmir would help people in Pakistan and people in captive Kashmir see that India is willing to make sacrifices for relations with her neighbors.

Anything else Sir? Tea ? Coffee? Some medication for delusion?

Thanks but no thanks. We don't want to help Pakistanis that much !
Had you stayed away form east pakistan in 71 we did have different prespective of indian threat and may have come to resolve kashmir issue. Contanary to propoganda by ugly witch, there was no bengali persecution. All offical documents uptil that era were bi-lingual in Urdu and Bengali. Even the graves of Pakistan founding fathers are marked bilingualy. Pakistan which is home to tens of major languages natuarlly has to give higher preference to national language at one point but still Benglai language had near equal right to national language. The cream of Bengali talent was offered government scholarships without prejudice and Bengalis made the best intellactual brass which earned Pakistanis pride. Just to name a few below.

Fazul Khan who designed Sears towers, Abdus Suttar Khan distinguished aerospace researched at NASA whose input actually contributed to sucess of F14 and F15. And finally MM Alam who ejected some IAF pilots from this world faster than their ejection seats could work.

Its a shame on our behalf that we couldnt handle the defence of east pakistan and double shame on Indian behalf for tresspassing all measures of confidence and infiltrating completely unconcerned and undefended part of Pakistan and calling it a victory despite publicised PA war doctrine to limit all wars in western theater. This is called back stabbing the Indians are most famous for. :flame: There was no threat being posed to India from East Pakistan but the witch was in game for dominance by her soviet masters and tearing apart east-pakistan was first step.

But what ever happens does happens for good Pakistan not only emerged stronger with much bigger political clout post 1971 much to Indian dismay. But we also enjoy coordial releations with Bangladesh minus the AL regime prejudice.

It was also the epic of democracy failure happening at the hands of none other than democracy champion Mr ZA Bhutto. Had it been for fair share of power things would be different today. :pakistan:

East pakistan is a very complex issue....the picture is dramatically different from what you choose to selectively depict....one simple example is this.....if you really revered personalities like M.M.Alam (the little dragon).....general Osmani etc ....could you tell me why every single bengali personel of the then pakistan armed armed forces was grounded to avoid defection....including the revered fighter ace and the charismatic general who was later given command of the Mukti Bahini.....i speak from personal experience as I 'm myself a bengali and have interacted with dozens of bengali people who fled East bengal and settled in our various districts in West bengal during those times.....several of them are well settled and their second generations still listen to those war times horror stories with wide eyes.....it is a fact long acknowledged that bengalis are considerably culturally inclined and have had tremendous sucess in all sorts of intellectual fields.....which other ethnic community in south asia can you think of which has produced as many as 3 nobel prize winners (R. tagore ,A. sen and M.younis) ....and I don't know how many abroad......the humiliation and subsequent genocide of the bengalis is well documented ( even by pakistani sources)......and I as a human being would never regret Indian army's action....as far as morality goes......however to
answer your other point about india intervening in your "civil war" as you describe it.....it is because of certain significant reasons.....
1) the Indian economy then was in shambles and the mass influx of refugees created a nightmarish situation for our government agencies to handle....
2) India was at that moment firmly in alignment with the soviet union in the prevalent world order(the indo-soviet friendship treaty at once comes to mind)....what was going on behind the scenes(as is evident from recently declassified documents of the U.S state department) is that Nixon and Henry kissinger were quite anti-India and anti-Indira gandhi.....and tried everything from formenting civil unrest in punjab in the name of the erstwhile khalistan movement....to even sending a nuclear powered aircraft carrier into the bay of bengal.....that pakistan was used as a perfect launchpad for any covert operations is quite well known.....
3) technically it was pakistan which attacked first(although when war strategies are taken into account...this was apparently quite a logical pre emtive strike)
4)now faced with such a situation and considering that our hostilities went back since independence....what would any leader elected or otherwise do ?
so Indira did what she had too given the circumstances and had our places been reversed yahya khan would have done exactly the same....1947 and 1965 at once comes to mind.....in retrospect it would not be correct to blame any one party for this.....but it would surely be worthwhile to learn a few lessons from the past and strive to improve relations between our countries in the future......
best regards......:tup:
So in other words all Indian efforts through its so-called "World class lobbying" through US to convince Pakistanis and put down this delusion of India as Pakistan's friend, has drowned, dashes to grounds .
The reason why India was invaded over and over was its inherint aggresiveness. Invasion came as a response of invasion

well, I got to agree with you mate here, Indians are agressive and invaded others
So in other words all Indian efforts through its so-called "World class lobbying" through US to convince Pakistanis and put down this delusion of India as Pakistan's friend, has drowned, dashes to grounds .

well in other words it's on us and our intentions now to make this come true( if not now then definitely sometime in the future)......indian and pakistani diasporas world wide are ample proof that this is quite possible.....though I suppose for this to happen the most logical first step would be for the pakistan army high command to shed its mistrust of India based on a relic of the past.....military to military relations , social gatherings and perhaps a giant step in the form of limited joint exercises would be quite helpful in this regard.....I suppose one of our nations would have to produce the military equivalent of Anwar Sadat.....:undecided:
So in other words all Indian efforts through its so-called "World class lobbying" through US to convince Pakistanis and put down this delusion of India as Pakistan's friend, has drowned, dashes to grounds .

Again a paranoid reaction!!..weaving up conspiracy theories!!:disagree:

You consider India as biggest threat or not ..it hardly affect us..as I said before...Pakistan is in no position to pose a threat to India..neither are we short resources..we can keep as many troops on border as we want..It pakistan which is in dire straits...your forces are stretched to the max level.

If you keep most of your forces on eastern front ..then you will feel the pinch on western front ..which your army considers as "clear and present danger"..plus with army involved in flood relief..it further complicates situation...but then again it is your country and hence your have to prioritize ..if to save ppl in the west or keep eyeball to eyeball in the east.
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The reason why India was invaded over and over was its inherint aggresiveness. Invasion came as a response of invasion

Read some history and geography before making such statements. Dont live up to your name.
When the ADB says that as a percentage of the population Pakistan have a bigger middle class, our Indian friends say that is unfair and total numbers are a better reflection.

When poverty numbers are discussed, our Indian friends want percentages and not total numbers.

This is a reflection of that inherent agggressiveness I was referring to.

Now look at the stike corps and in particular the armor the Indian is amassing across the Pakistan border, The Indian says that China is her enemy, but unless it hopes to use armor over the Himalyas, this is a lie, and yet another example of the inherent aggressiveness, I have referred to.

India can change the threat perception in Pakistan - The threat perception is based on capablities and obviously 4 strike corps and thousands of armor are the substance of that capablity - India should reposition them against the China border, in accord with it's own stated positon, this would allow Pakistanis to see that India is willing to curb her aggressive tendencies.

Evacuating captive Kashmir would help people in Pakistan and people in captive Kashmir see that India is willing to make sacrifices for relations with her neighbors.

Dude,our rich are more than poor now and go handle your poors,with 20-30 million people suffering,your poverty population is going to rise tremendously,by the way,ours is decreasing tremendously.
... double shame on Indian behalf for tresspassing all measures of confidence and infiltrating completely unconcerned and undefended part of Pakistan and calling it a victory despite publicised PA war doctrine to limit all wars in western theater...

Totally focusing on the military aspect, you do realize that an attack on an "undefended" enemy area is fair game in war. War isn't played by Queensbury Rules. Plus what "measures of confidence" are you talking about? Did your intelligence services not foresee an Indian thrust into East Pakistan?

Also, it -might- (not sure that they did) have been a PA doctrine to limit war in the western front... but you forget that the Indian Army was also playing ball and it also had a doctrine. All I am saying is that -tactically- you can't really put rules in warfare...
If India want that Pakistan adds him in his good book than India must give us hold of Kashmir (ANY HOW WE WILL TAKE) & Gujrat, may be than we will think about that you are threat for us or not. VERY SIMPLE.
When the ADB says that as a percentage of the population Pakistan have a bigger middle class, our Indian friends say that is unfair and total numbers are a better reflection.

When poverty numbers are discussed, our Indian friends want percentages and not total numbers.

This is a reflection of that inherent agggressiveness I was referring to.

Now look at the stike corps and in particular the armor the Indian is amassing across the Pakistan border, The Indian says that China is her enemy, but unless it hopes to use armor over the Himalyas, this is a lie, and yet another example of the inherent aggressiveness, I have referred to.

India can change the threat perception in Pakistan - The threat perception is based on capablities and obviously 4 strike corps and thousands of armor are the substance of that capablity - India should reposition them against the China border, in accord with it's own stated positon, this would allow Pakistanis to see that India is willing to curb her aggressive tendencies.

Evacuating captive Kashmir would help people in Pakistan and people in captive Kashmir see that India is willing to make sacrifices for relations with her neighbors.
*already quoted*
Allow me to be frank here.

We Indians are, at this time, too caught up with catching up with the rest of the world economically and industrially. If anything, we are teetering on the edge of blind materialism- a bit like our new-found American friends.

Kashmir is a strategic issue. It is a gateway to central Asia, and any vacuum there will instantly be filled by China and NOT Pakistan. All the Pakistanis who think that India will demilitarize Kashmir, leave alone give it Azadi, are....well, I don't really have the words for them.

For India, Pakistan is an irritant more than anything else-sorry for this callous-sounding statement, but a few people killed in Kashmir every week does not really matter much to India in the bigger scheme. Pakistan's war of a thousand cuts ain't working. If they've noticed, their jihadi types are turning out to be a bigger pain in the a$$ for them than us.

As India pulls ahead economically, it gets easier to keep the military edge and isolate Pakistan diplomatically. This effect will become bigger as Pakistan spends more and more on defence and neglects it's economy, education the other stuff it really needs to concentrate upon.

Pakistanis, understandably, are proud of their Army as it is a pillar of stability in an otherwise barren landscape of governance. That same Army maintains it's eminence by demonizing India- that's what powerful militaries do. It's in their nature. As long as that happens, the economy will not get the urgent attention it needs.

I look at some point in the future and see South Asia like the way Europe is now-with a bitter past but open borders and interdependent economies. How that is going to happen, is up to the present generation of young Pakistanis. I hope they're upto it.

p.s Muse, you're not Muse any more.
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