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No issue is unresolvable, including Kashmir issue | PM Imran Khan media talk with Indian journalists

Improving conditions of our people/country is not a hostage to relationship with Pakistan. Only thing of concern with respect to Pakistan is terror groups working against India and her interest from your soil. One has to be really gulible to believe that we would let you guys sweep all of that under the rug and act like virgin.
Military spending is already less than 2%of GDP and most of it is salaries and pension so it goes back into the economy..don't know why many people here think that peace with Pakistan can bring prosperity in India. Less than 2% military spending is what we should have even if we have no enemy as our ambitions will need hard power support them in future.
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Then stop running behind us for talks.
Who is running behind you? lol Its you who is crying and moaning about Pakistan on every international platform as if you are victim baby and Pakistan is aggressor . If you think talking about peace mean we should become colony of India like Bangladesh and should blindly accept every demand of you then middle finger to such peace that's why I said that Imran khan is naïve to talk about peace with Hinduvata who has deep rooted hatred for Pakistan/Pakistani in their hearts and are working on policy of " Bagal main shuri moun main Ram Ram"
Kulbhushan Yadav got kidnapped from Iranian waters illegally against the consent of the local police or the government authorities.

If he was operating for RAW in Iran, for whatever reason we have with consent of Iran, I don't see how that is going to make any more sense than say India kidnapping a dozen Pakistani expats from UAE or Saudi, torturing them brutally and making them confess of a sabotage attempt being made against India.

How the heck does that make any sense?

So is this going to be the new norm? Kidnap government officials and related persons from third countries and torture them to extract false confessions?

After Afghan war, your generals should have de-militarised the crazy warlords of Taliban after Soviet war and given them regular jobs to integrate into the normal society. Instead, you thought of using them as unofficial contractors to the military. and today, when they are tempted for power in your land, you are squarely blaming us for your problems.

BLA has our support for the same reason you create havoc in J&K. And we haven't even given them a full direct support the way your diplomats openly scream in UN of direct support. If we start doing that, it could spell a lot of trouble for you.

This isn't a threat; this is something which you as a UK resident don't understand, sitting in your London suburb house and getting appeased by UK Labour Party. Live in Pakistan like a common Pakistani that, in addition to economic woes, has to suffer from the safety of his family. Then talk about escalations and all the needless nonsense that you are propagating here.

Your country has the choice to end the violence and initiate a new era of reason and peace, using this Kartarpur corridor as an opportunity.

Living in Mughal and Arabic era isn't going to get you very far with us diplomatically and as much as you want to go against us on this forum, your ground reality is very different.

This is EXACTLY the non sense I was talking about. "Toeing the Indian establishment narrative". No one in India has got balls to challenge the Indian establishment narrative and ask this question, maybe, just maybe, this guy as state operative, not some random non state actor, was involved in killing of around 250 Pakistani citizens in different acts of terrorism.

And what the hell Afghan Taliban got to do with the Indian sponsored terrorism in Pakistan? Kulbi boy is a not Taliban is he? We are talking about direct Indian sponsored terrorism in Pakistan by its "state operatives".

So you are admitting that you are supporting BLA terrorist group which was involved in targeting the Chinese consulate? Do you understand that Baluchistan is sovereign part of Pakistan just like UP or Gujarat is to you? Kashmir on the other hand is a disputed territory, anything goes there. Your analogy only works if you try to play hanky panky in AJK. By admitting that you are creating terrorism on sovereign Pakistani soil, you are leaving yourself for some horrible repercussions, and perhaps the talk of Khalistan is the beginning of how things will pan out in near future.

LOL, kiddo, I am very much in loop as to what goes back home. Worry about your own kind, you are picking up wars which you cannot afford specially when sitting on a time bomb.

My country has got only one choice is to look after its own interests, its own people and skin alive those who have been terrorising its people. India is insignificant, you are nothing, irrelevant.

Its is India own interest not to go too far and raise the stakes to that level that it will find no exit strategy. American patronage and support will only last till its expiry date which by the looks of it not far. Indian establishment is acting immature and not thinking about the scenario when American backing will dry up. "Then what" scenario is truly terrifying for India where it not only got Pakistan with gloves off approach but China as well breathing down its neck.
My country has got only one choice is to look after its own interests, its own people and skin alive those who have been terrorising its people. India is insignificant, you are nothing, irrelevant.

Oh but everyone else thinks it quite the other way around.

I wouldn't write an essay on that; a quick search through all prominent bodies of the world will tell you the facts yourself.

Its is India own interest not to go too far and raise the stakes to that level that it will find no exit strategy. American patronage and support will only last till its expiry date which by the looks of it not far. Indian establishment is acting immature and not thinking about the scenario when American backing will dry up. "Then what" scenario is truly terrifying for India where it not only got Pakistan with gloves off approach but China as well breathing down its neck.

I like your grandstanding, assuming that the Chinese government, listening to its members here, will actually be breathing down our neck when on one side we are only expanding avenues of cooperation, economies and even trying to build military-to-military trust.

You really haven't understood them all these years have you? That, is their strength; they work like a mystery which seems all too easy to understand but no one really understands them.n

China isn't USA or Soviet; it is not an ideological state. It is a state with 1.5 billion people of its own and that is what it cares about. Our issue with China is not ideological; it is political which can always be solved and will be.

You will need to worry a lot when India takes its gloves of dossiers, approaches, talks and debates off.
Oh but everyone else thinks it quite the other way around.

I wouldn't write an essay on that; a quick search through all prominent bodies of the world will tell you the facts yourself.

I am not going to spend too much time dwelling about your poverty and pathetic state of your country, just purely on geopolitics, where are you at regional level, let along in global? No one is even taking you on-board on regional issues like Afghansitan. You were propped up by western civilization starting way back in 90s, to be a nuisance for Pakistan, and that is where your utility ends.

I like your grandstanding, assuming that the Chinese government, listening to its members here, will actually be breathing down our neck when on one side we are only expanding avenues of cooperation, economies and even trying to build military-to-military trust.

You really haven't understood them all these years have you? That, is their strength; they work like a mystery which seems all too easy to understand but no one really understands them.n

China isn't USA or Soviet; it is not an ideological state. It is a state with 1.5 billion people of its own and that is what it cares about. Our issue with China is not ideological; it is political which can always be solved and will be.

You will need to worry a lot when India takes its gloves of dossiers, approaches, talks and debates off.

You kids in India live in lala land. Let me explain to you how geopolitics works.

Pakistan was the ally of yanks, we were non NATO major ally as well, yet American deep state left no opportunity go by where it did not back stab Pakistan, hurt its interests , to the point, getting involved in sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan with its lackeys like India. With this in mind, what is your relation with China? How long ago was Doklam which was resolved through one kung fu kick? Let me remind you, you are working against CPEC, the flagship OBOR project which Chinese establishment consider absolutely vital for their global dominance. The latest Karachi consulate attack was the terrible threshold that Indian establishment crossed.

I would say just wait till the time American monkey is off Pakistani shoulders, you will and India by large will know its worth. Turmp it seems is now falling in line after getting some dressing down by IK, that chap Zalmay is in Islamabad as we speak.
Imran Khan says forget the past, let's start new relationship on mutual interest for the future.
Indian presstitutes: Hafiz Saeed bla bla, Dawood Ibrahim bla bla

@GHALIB @third eye @ranjeet
This govenment is taking the initiative. Political master strokes. Its putting our enemies in bad light foe not striving towards peace.
The sikhs are very happy and soon even the hindus will realise their politicians are nuts
Pakistan was the ally of yanks, we were non NATO major ally as well, yet American deep state left no opportunity go by where it did not back stab Pakistan, hurt its interests , to the point, getting involved in sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan with its lackeys like India. With this in mind, what is your relation with China? How long ago was Doklam which was resolved through one kung fu kick? Let me remind you, you are working against CPEC, the flagship OBOR project which Chinese establishment consider absolutely vital for their global dominance. The latest Karachi consulate attack was the terrible threshold that Indian establishment crossed.

I would say just wait till the time American monkey is off Pakistani shoulders, you will and India by large will know its worth. Turmp it seems is now falling in line after getting some dressing down by IK, that chap Zalmay is in Islamabad as we speak.

Are you really thinking that US is holding you back from 'striking India'? We are not a NATO member mate. If anything you would focus on surviving the next 5 years without going bankrupt again, while we expand our trade ties with everyone including China.

Learn from the big boys like a good boy now.
Are you really thinking that US is holding you back from 'striking India'? We are not a NATO member mate. If anything you would focus on surviving the next 5 years without going bankrupt again, while we expand our trade ties with everyone including China.

Learn from the big boys like a good boy now.

You think you are sitting in Afghansitan on your own? Where were you in pre 9/11 Afghanistan? If you don't know your history, let me educate you. There is a rat hole called Panjsher valley, that is where you were in Afghansitan. You are in Afghansitan riding American shoulders, nothing more nothing less. And that is why your establishment is desperate for America to stay in Afghansitan. Without American sponsorship, you wont even last a day in Kabul. And once we have pacified Afghanistan, our underbelly, culminating with American withdrawal, MARK MY WORDS, we will show you your place.

Big boys? HAA. LOL. You are shitty third world pathetic country, a nuisance for Pakistan. You have already surrender 2000 KM of territory to PLA. With China eyeing the north east, and gradually salami slicing your land, I sincerely hope, may this "cooperation" with China continue. LOL.. Shuuu now.

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