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The 'clean-up' of Empress Market doesn't have to be this way

how many jobs created before 2000 families' livelihood taken away, as per Imran berozgari fuel terrorism
Make sense...

When court orders and you dont follow dont cry foul!

He is the only PM who is ACTUALLY doing something about the poor....But the poor also seem to think that they are elite!
Alright I think I need to clarify. In Punjab, where there is a PTI government, I supported the initiative. I knew they will look after the poor. Case in point, the dumb stallkeeper whose plight was highlighted in the media.

But then, the Bani Gala case came up, AND the operation in Karachi is bring run by Waseem Akhtar. I think Imran Khan has lost the moral upper ground now. Everyone saying people can just grab government land and then make demands, well that is essentially what Imran Khan has also done.

And secondly, I have no trust in Waseem Akhtar.

@Oscar @Dubious @Thorough Pro @Kabira and everyone else
Imran Khan's case is different. In that case, he was allotted the land.

Imagine you live on a 100 feet wide road, and someone makes a shop right in front of your house and blocks 50 feet of the road.. The guy is poor.. Will you let him continue or ask him politely first to move somewhere else, then give him warning and the call the authorities to throw him somewhere?
No matter how its done it serves a clear message to qabza / encroachment/ patharaydar mafia and that is state is now serious and have enough of their badmashi .. gtfo of public land .. qabza mafia wont be Tolerated any more

Big thank you to the higher courts only u could do it keep pushing for it ... as empress market is just scratching the surface and only covers a very small percentage of khi population may be 1/2 % if this is done in. A methodical manner and the scale is many giga times bigger than a human can imagine

1. Illegal encroachment on public land
2. Illegal portiions
3. Illegal commercial usuage of residential properties
Etc etc etc

Get rid of them them and keep the balance btw pathan and mohajir populations as they will keep whinning and use race cards if the otherones are spared for any reason
PTI must use the most brutal method. People should know that in Naya Pakistan, you can not encroach land and/ or build illegal building. Unless of course your name is Imran Khan or, Azam Swati. Poor and ugly People must be forcibly removed from city centres as they spoil the scenery. Naya Pakistan must appear beautiful and rich. Poor should feel proud to spill their blood for this dream of elite.
I feel as if I comment it will be unfair because I am an outsider, but Karachi really looks like a shadow of her former self. Here is a view of the same road Empress Market is on from 1944-1947
s-l1600 (13).jpg
Make sense...

When court orders and you dont follow dont cry foul!

He is the only PM who is ACTUALLY doing something about the poor....But the poor also seem to think that they are elite!

Yes, poor are the real elites


We are not allowed to shout at a beggar. You may excuse yourself, but you can't be angry.

There is something higher than court orders. Where we see the court having a bias towards the rich and uncaring towards the poor, we need to call out this bias in court orders.

Imran Khan's case is different. In that case, he was allotted the land.

Imagine you live on a 100 feet wide road, and someone makes a shop right in front of your house and blocks 50 feet of the road.. The guy is poor.. Will you let him continue or ask him politely first to move somewhere else, then give him warning and the call the authorities to throw him somewhere?

Read the OP. The proper process was not followed and people's inventory was destroyed.
ye achi baat hai kabza ker ke 50 saal haram khao or end main bolo hum ghareeb hain .
There are so many historical buildings in Karachi which are in a similar state. Obviously the government need to have this anti encroachment drive but the method is very harsh. Considering that they are the ones who allowed this to occur anyway. At the same time, I can see where the government is coming from as our people probably would not listen if given more time anyways.
There is something higher than court orders. Where we see the court having a bias towards the rich and uncaring towards the poor, we need to call out this bias in court orders.
I ignored the 1st part...because it is clear you didnt get my sarcasm

2ndly, Court order is for the nation/ the city...not for an individual and surely not for those who are hoarding govt land. Being govt land they can claim it back anytime. That is how the world works...
I feel as if I comment it will be unfair because I am an outsider, but Karachi really looks like a shadow of her former self. Here is a view of the same road Empress Market is on from 1944-1947
View attachment 520078

No. This is Lakshmi Building, Tower area.

At present. without Lakshmi

Karachi can only be dealt with an iron fist . It Need to follow Singapore model with Karachi it's the only way need to focus on literacy and education to improve civic sense and be strict and be very heavy handed against anyone not following the rules to keep the city in line just like the Singaporeans do.
Look how well it worked out they built a model city state and are respected the world over. Korea copied Pakistan in the 60s and look at them now so why can't we now copy them ? if it's possible for them then it's possible for us. It's interesting to Look at the difference and yet Singapore is only 1/5 the size of Karachi and far more densely populated.


There are way too many hypocrits in our society and plenty of them on this very forum.
First they have issues with the streets not being clean, and when some one actually goes out and does it then they have issues with how and why it's being done.

Why don't you idiots just shut up for an year or two and go sleep and waste your life in some cave and let things happen, instead of falling victim to propaganda from the media?

These idiot shopkeepers are supposed to know the orders of the Supreme Court and those bulldozers are not being operated by indians, they are their own country men and I'm sure they would have done their thing to be courteous, but these idiots instead of vacating their shops would have tried some back hand deals to keep the shops which failed of course.
And for those who have issues with the orders of the Supreme Court and Imran Khan's residence whatever, why don't you go and ask that from the Supreme Court instead of being hypocrits and loud mouths with no brains as usual?

If some one doesn't do anything you idiots have issues.
If some one is doing something then you still have issues.
Do you people even deserve a legit and civilized government? I think most of you should be sent to a different part of the country and let the corrupt assholes rule over you because that's all you deserve I guess...
There are way too many hypocrits in our society and plenty of them on this very forum.
First they have issues with the streets not being clean, and when some one actually goes out and does it then they have issues with how and why it's being done.

Why don't you idiots just shut up for an year or two and go sleep and waste your life in some cave and let things happen, instead of falling victim to propaganda from the media?

These idiot shopkeepers are supposed to know the orders of the Supreme Court and those bulldozers are not being operated by indians, they are their own country men and I'm sure they would have done their thing to be courteous, but these idiots instead of vacating their shops would have tried some back hand deals to keep the shops which failed of course.
And for those who have issues with the orders of the Supreme Court and Imran Khan's residence whatever, why don't you go and ask that from the Supreme Court instead of being hypocrites and loud mouths with no brains as usual?

If some one doesn't do anything you idiots have issues.
If some one is doing something then you still have issues.
Do you people even deserve a legit and civilized government? I think most of you should be sent to a different part of the country and let the corrupt assholes rule over you because that's all you deserve I guess...
Some of the commentators may not even be Pakistanis, and those that are, are just trying to show that they are some important people and are equal to anyone (at-least from behind the keyboard). Most of these nutjobs even believe in All these PDF rankings e.g. general, colonel think tank consultant/analyst etc. So they have no choice but to keep up the pretense, it's an ego thing.

Great business model/gimmick on part of PDF for generating traffic etc.
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