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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

No need for a guide but guide may help for foreign tourists otherwise there will be difficulty in communication. Even standard Mandarin may not help in many locales, as I experience often.

People mostly like to travel in groups. Even in Taiwan, Mainland tourists travel in groups (and same for Taiwan travelers in Mainland) as they find it more convenient (especially senior tourists -- and most of China's tourists are seniors as they retire quite early).

But I never signed up for a guided tour so far.

I traveled alone when I was in college.
I took 30+hour train from Shanghai, and, only a hard seat!

Now, of course, we can enjoy a fast and convenient bullet train ride to Northern Xinjiang.

In Xinjiang, I visited Urumqi City, Tianchi Mountains, Kanas National Park.
My father's student is one of Xinjiang's top10 richest <40 young people.
Luck me, I stayed in his resort!
The resort is in a city (五家渠) governed by 建设兵团,an amazing paradise built on the outskirt of a desert.

Everything in Xinjiang is mind-blowing.
I thought I would have traveled to a third-world slum.
Instead, I saw the same development as I saw in Shanghai.

What do you expect from that brainwashed to the core Indian. Who doesn't even bother to check thousands of Xinjiang traveling vlogs posted by westerners on Youtube.

Where is the guide..?
Xinjiang's development and infra is light years ahead SP2012.
I traveled alone when I was in college.
I took 30+hour train from Shanghai, and, only a hard seat!

Now, of course, we can enjoy a fast and convenient bullet train ride to Northern Xinjiang.

In Xinjiang, I visited Urumqi City, Tianchi Mountains, Kanas National Park.
My father's student is one of Xinjiang's top10 richest <40 young people.
Luck me, I stayed in his resort!
The resort is in a city (五家渠) governed by 建设兵团,an amazing paradise built on the outskirt of a desert.

Everything in Xinjiang is mind-blowing.
I thought I would have traveled to a third-world slum.
Instead, I saw the same development as I saw in Shanghai.

Xinjiang's development and infra is light years ahead SP2012.

Development is the best response to the fixed-minded, close-eyed cynics (I will not say what Cynic meant in Ancient Greece).

Anything can be denied, but, development cannot. Denial comes at one's own expense. China is on the right path by focusing on development and leaving aside mouthful words.

Material reality speaks for itself. For China, for India, for anyone.
Development is the best response to the fixed-minded, close-eyed cynics (I will not say what Cynic meant in Ancient Greece).

Anything can be denied, but, development cannot. Denial comes at one's own expense. China is on the right path by focusing on development and leaving aside mouthful words.

Material reality speaks for itself. For China, for India, for anyone.
That year was even before Urumqi opened her first high-speed railway and very first subway.
I hope I could travel again to see a brand new Xinjiang!

And driving across Tianshan Mountains!
That year was even before Urumqi opened her first high-speed railway and very first subway.
I hope I could travel again to see a brand new Xinjiang!

And driving across Tianshan Mountains!

I think Xinjiang renews itself every year. So, each travel will bring in different experience than the previous one.

Perhaps it makes more sense to compare Mumbai with Xinjiang, rather than Shanghai.
I think Xinjiang renews itself every year. So, each travel will bring in different experience than the previous one.

Perhaps it makes more sense to compare Mumbai with Xinjiang, rather than Shanghai.
They need light years to match the current level of cities in China's poorest province.
Reprinted: I lived in Thailand since I was a child. Because of the low latitude and low weather in Thailand, I saw more seas. After I went to study in China, my Xinjiang classmates often told me about delicious Xinjiang cuisine. The beauty of online Raiders also fascinated me. The deserts, grasslands and snow mountains of Xinjiang, China are yearning for the future. For us, Xinjiang is a magical land. However, I am a little embarrassed. I have seen the news of the "7·5" incident in Urumqi, Xinjiang, and the reports of large and small riots on the Internet. The people who are full of blood and blood, the cruel terrorists who hold the machete... I once Hesitated. So in the summer of 2018, with the encouragement of my Xinjiang classmates, I finally got the courage and decided to go and see for myself. What is Xinjiang like? !
["Living and fragrance" - Urumqi]

At 12 noon, the plane landed at Urumqi Diwopu Airport on time. I took my luggage and got ready to take a taxi to book a good hotel. I thought the Western style, surrounded by the desolate Gobi, was actually quite different from what I imagined. The sky here is very blue, the blue is dazzling, the clouds are like a silky disk in the sky; the green is covered with the streets, the shade is cool and pleasant; the high-rise buildings everywhere, the Han and the ethnic minorities come and go, talk and laugh, lively Extremely, this is clearly "plug on Jiangnan"!
When I arrived at the hotel, I was a little hungry and decided to go out and look for food to start my wonderful journey today. I walked all the way, and the ethnic minorities with different forms of yellow skin, listening to a variety of incomprehensible languages, made me feel particularly interesting.
If you want to know a place, just look at what kind of people live in this city, you can know the local customs of this place. The people of Xinjiang are very enthusiastic. When I ask for directions, the enthusiastic ethnic minorities point me in the direction. They don’t exclude foreigners. The fruits are everywhere, the price is low, cantaloupe, grapes, pears, peaches, red dates... sweet to me. In my heart.
When I came to the restaurant, I decided to order the famous Xinjiang dish - the big plate chicken. The succulent chicken still retains a tough taste, and the soft, crispy potatoes are a bite. Hanging the soup with a root belt is better than eating meat!
I plan to visit the sights in Urumqi: People's Park, Shuimogou Park and the International Grand Bazaar. People's Park is the largest park in Urumqi. The trees are towering, the flowers and plants are everywhere, and the lake is surrounded by lakes and green trees.
In the square, ethnic minorities of all ethnic groups sing and dance, each with a gesture and a peaceful, I did not feel that there was a serious violent incident here. This is the true life of the people of Xinjiang!
When I was on the bus to go to Shuimogou Park, a building on the street attracted my attention.
The vaulted tower, the tip of the crescent, is solemn and majestic.
I hurriedly got out of the car and came close to know that this is an Islamic mosque named Khan Tengri, which means the king of the king.
As the evening approached, I decided to cancel the plan to go to Shuimogou Park and take a look at the International Grand Bazaar.
Spacious neighborhoods, yellow and white buildings, dazzling handicrafts, and most importantly, the fragrant Xinjiang cuisine, Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar is the world's largest Bazaar.
Neon lights entangled in the buildings of the Western Region, making the city of the Western Region more mysterious.
Before coming to Xinjiang, the online Raiders told me that there is no nightlife in Urumqi. The Grand Bazaars are ethnic minorities without Han Chinese. However, the truth is that there are people in front of them. They bought a fried noodle soup and could not find a seat. They can only taste in the corner. It's hot and delicious, it's delicious!
Huang Chengcheng's roasted whole lamb, the dish of oil beads, pepper and chicken, spicy goat's hooves, handmade ice cream, delicious and delicious food, the taste of the people of the city and the exquisiteness of the tall, can best reflect the life scene of the people. In this lively and extraordinary sea, this is a human fireworks belonging to the people!
I played very happy during the day, but I also found that the security check in Xinjiang is strict! I have to open the package for security when I eat, enter the park, and enter Bazaar. It’s really troublesome!
However, although I feel very safe and at ease, I will try my best to adapt!
I think we have misunderstood the Uighurs, misunderstood Islam, and misunderstood the beautiful Xinjiang.
Maybe we were all scared by the little terrorists, thinking that Xinjiang, like Iraq on TV, is so hot, but actually?
What I see is a stable and harmonious society, a warm and hospitable people, a fruity fragrance, a gourmet paradise! Xinjiang is really a good place!
["Guizi ancient country" - Kuqa]
At 06:39, the train K9772 steadily stopped at the Aksuku Che County Railway Station and opened the second stop of my trip to Xinjiang.
"When you look at the 100,000 peaks of Kucha, you know that the Five Sacred Mountains are also mediocre; he wants to be Xu Xiake, and he goes to Tianxi and then to the east. On the ground, there are five hundred gongs in the Xiangong, and Chixia shakes the North Tianmen; Not as big as a cloud."
This is a magnificent poem written by the famous Chinese scholar Feng Qiyong during the tour of Kuqa. I was also deeply attracted by the Kucha ancient treasury.
In the past, the ancient country of Kucha, the historical city of history, the end of the Hotstan Road is the Kuche Palace, the Kucha Museum in the Wangfu, which has been seen all the time.
When I came to Kuqa, I had to eat a Kuche.
Well, at first I thought it was the big cake I had in my Chinese school because it was similar to scones. The oysters I saw in Urumqi were small, and the Kuqa was large and thin. It is said that the largest one is more than 2 meters in diameter and is called the "King of the Suizhong". There will be one or two families in every street in the old town of Kuche, and thousands of gongs can be made in one day.
The next day, my Xinjiang classmate and her father came to pick me up. Because her father was sent to work in Wushi County before, I planned to go there to have a look.
When I arrived in Wushi County, I really felt the true rural life in Xinjiang. After I learned more, I deeply felt that Xinjiang can have the stability of the present, and it is really hard to come by.
In 2014, 16 and 18 years, this is the third time that her father was sent to the village of Yukak Kau Tuol in Aksuash County. I didn't understand it before. Why did the unit send him to work so far and so poor?
His father explained to me that since 2014, Xinjiang has carried out the activities of “visiting the people, benefiting the people and living together, gathering people's hearts”, and sent hundreds of thousands of cadres to serve the masses through the grassroots work and solve the poverty problem.
"Wen can preach, Wu can plow the ground, get the hall, get the kitchen", in the field through the wind and rain, in the farmhouse, the grounding gas, they and the villagers eat and sleep with the same labor, pull home, make friends, to the villagers Explain the good policies and good thoughts of the Communist Party of China, and call the brothers and sisters, and say nothing. This is the most real life state of the cadres I feel.
The villagers could not earn money by farming villagers. After seeing the difficulties of the poor households in the village, the cadres visited the survey and decided to build chicken sheds for 8 poor households according to the characteristics of the village and the actual situation of the poor families. Equipment, choose the chicken breed suitable for the villagers.
Looking at the chickens and ducks growing up a little, seeing the faces of the poor villagers with a gratifying smile, they can finally get rid of the hats of poor households, and I am really happy and happy for them!
My friend told me that thousands of ordinary cadres like his father were sent to various parts of Xinjiang. They abandoned their own small family. For the sake of peace, stability, prosperity and development in Xinjiang, they have been adhering to the front line of the grassroots for a long time. They have always lived with the people of all ethnic groups, want to be together, work together, and hold tight like pomegranate seeds. together!
Here I learned a saying, and I was touched.
The people of Xinjiang love national unity as much as they love their eyes, and cherish national unity as much as they cherish their own lives.
Seeing the scene in front of me, I heard a touching story. I also thought that there were some media and netizens on the Internet who smeared China and smeared Xinjiang. It was very sad.
They may not have come to Xinjiang at all, but they are smeared and accused by delusions and speculations. This is not right!
Today, I want to record what I have seen and heard, and let more people know that when you approach Xinjiang, you will find that it is a beautiful and moving place. I think, this trip, I will definitely remember for a lifetime.
["South Xinjiang Pearl" - Kashgar]
If you have never been to Kashgar, you have never been to Xinjiang. This is the saying of Xinjiang people. So, I flew to the city of Kashgar, which is 71° east longitude and 35° north latitude.
The plane, the dry air and the yellow sand make me feel uncomfortable.
Came to the hostel, put down the luggage, and downstairs is the Etihad Square. Around the square is a Uighur old man sitting in a circle chatting. The children are joking and running in the middle of the square. Visitors are taking photos to commemorate the photo. The sunset of Etihad Square is particularly beautiful in the warm sunshine.
The Etihad Mosque is a landmark in the city centre of Kashgar. In the morning, the horn of the horn from the horn of the square and the siren of the patrol car on the street woke me up. I found that there were more patrol cars in Kashgar than in other areas. The security check was stricter, but I stayed for so many days. Get used to it.
Muslims entered the mosque's side door in twos and threes, and the mosque couldn't fit it. They paved the mat and worshipped the square. After the ceremony, the crowds dispersed and restored their tranquility, as if they had never been there before.
I entered the Etihad Mosque, not the time of worship. The temple was quiet, the staff was cleaning the courtyard, and in the hall, occasionally several Muslims prayed piously.
Walk out of the mosque and continue on the old streets.
Not far from the mosque is the ancient city of Kashgar. The ancient city is the oldest Uighur residential area in Kashgar. Most of the houses are civil and brick-wood structures, and the streets and corridors with flexible layout are criss-crossed.
Going to the ancient city to find specialties is a good choice for food. In addition to the well-known hand-caught meat, mutton skewers, and clams, there are also baked buns, jar meat, haggis, and koji.
The hand workshops distributed in different blocks are a major attraction of the ancient city, including ironware, bronze making, leather goods, musical instrument processing, etc. The craftsmanship of the craftsmen is basically ancestral.
I like to take pictures of local children. They are innocently shy and friendly with a smile.
The high-class residences, built in the Uighur settlements on the high cliffs, have a history of thousands of years. Compared with the ancient city scenic spot that has been renovated to the opposite side, it is more original and is the essence of the old city.
Upstairs, over-street, suspended buildings, crooked, staggered alleys, and Uighur residents who have lived here for generations have formed a living folk museum.
But after so many places I found a problem.
Today's craters and I seem to be a little different in the online Raiders. The old craters I saw on the Internet were very rudimentary, but I walked three cities and found that the squats seemed to be clean. I used to see people on the Internet saying that "halal is clean and safe", "people who eat halal are clean, people who don't eat halal are dirty", I still think, is halal food synonymous with clean? ?
Later, I learned that some people were confused and distorted by religious extreme thoughts, and regarded clean as a halal label. Now the crater, after the transformation, clean and hygienic, to extremes from the tip of the tongue, starting from the most common cockroaches, I like this move in Xinjiang!
A far away place, you think that going there is a very complicated matter, but when your feet are stepping on the real land, you will find that everything is not as difficult as you think.
The reason why many people dare not come to Xinjiang to travel to southern Xinjiang is to worry about personal safety. Before I came to tell the truth, I was also somewhat scared. But after I came, I discovered that because the government took precautionary measures to prevent problems, social security was no problem. .
This place in Xinjiang, social stability, national unity, and quiet years; the Uighurs are warm, friendly, and versatile. It is not demonized as described by the outside world. It is not them who demonize.
The holiday is coming to an end, and I should also finish the trip to Xinjiang. Xinjiang, a beautiful place, look forward to meeting you again! I hope that you will always be stable and always beautiful!
There are some of the most beautiful scenery in the world, the very harmonious people of all ethnic groups, the barbecues that you can't eat so delicious anywhere else, the people there are warm and hospitable, they have experienced turbulence and they cherish and satisfy the present. Peace and security.
China had spent lots of time and money developing Xingjiang, so its not surprise people have a good life in there.

tourists are welcomed in Xingjiang, you shall come with unbiased thought and views.

chinese are one of the most benevolent people on this planet, we never kill innocent people.
chinese are one of the most benevolent people on this planet, we never kill innocent people.

Google Falun Gong. Use non-Chinese sources.

There's Tiananmen Square massacre as well.

And then, let's not forget about the Cultural Revolution.
unlike those so called civilized western babarians killed and enslaved Africans and Indians like animals,on what base they have the rights to accuse China? we gave those ethnic minorities health care, education, preserving their culture with huge investment, jobs, even fund Masjid for them. what the **** China shall be blamed?

Google Falun Gong. Use non-Chinese sources.

There's Tiananmen Square massacre as well.

And then, let's not forget about the Cultural Revolution.
those people in Tian an men Sqaures are rebellions, shall be dealt with iron fists. dont think Indians knowing more than me.a bunch of brainless students instigated by CIA agents wanted to overthrow the goverment. see the result?

Indians are not welcomed in China, dirty and filthy creatures.
those people in Tian an men Sqaures are rebellions, shall be dealt with iron fists. dont think Indians knowing more than me.a bunch of brainless students instigated by CIA agents wanted to overthrow the goverment. see the result?

Is that what the CCP told you? :lol:

Indians are not welcomed in China, dirty and filthy creatures.

But you can't help it, you need us.

Another thing the CCP hasn't told you, that they screwed up the birth rate.
Is that what the CCP told you? :lol:

But you can't help it, you need us.

Another thing the CCP hasn't told you, that they screwed up the birth rate.
you are incurable.

the only one who feed lies is the west, and India is their slave

keep enjoying your democracy and pee on the street side.
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