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I oppose imran khan decision of giving citizenships to illegal aliens

Secondly, Afghanistan is not an enemy country, rather, it has a hostile government propped up by our enemy.

And if you don't understand the plight of Afghans and Bengalis, you are devoid of human empathy.

Its a enemy state that claim Pakistan lands. We Pakistanis didn't know because of Zia propaganda but Afghani pashtuns are most rabid anti-Pakistan people out there, from their leaders to average afghani pashtun. Zia propaganda of muslim brathar was one big lie. It will be like giving citizenship to RSS hindus. Taking advantage of common ethnicity they could easily infiltrate our agencies and security forces, many already have that are caught from time to time.

Bengolis have already proven themselves in 1971. I think with good planning Pakistan can repatriate bengolis and afghanis in coming years. Especially if our pashtun PM stop making stop statements for ethnic reasons. Only ethnic nationalist parties are on board to give citizenship, PkMAP, ANP, PTI. Every other province and party have rejected proposal.

Correct. I have made no attempt to change my surname to Pakistan. Now your orignal allegation stands rejected.

I don't need to remind you how Pakistan treat hindus, christians, ahmadis. Not to forget even islamic sects like shias. In muharram whole Pakistan is locked down, I wonder why?
Its a enemy state that claim Pakistan lands. We Pakistanis didn't know because of Zia propaganda but Afghani pashtuns are most rabid anti-Pakistan people out there, from their leaders to average afghani pashtun. Zia propaganda of muslim brathar was one big lie. It will be like giving citizenship to RSS hindus. Taking advantage of common ethnicity they could easily infiltrate out agencies and security forces, many already have that are caught from time to time.

Bengolis have already proven themselves in 1971. I think with good planning Pakistan can repatriate bengolis and afghanis in coming years. Especially if our pashtun PM stop making stop statements for ethnic reasons. Only ethnic nationalist parties are on board to give citizenship, PkMAP, ANP, PTI. Every other province and party have rejected proposal.

Baseless generalizations, relying on incorrect extrapolation from limited data set.

I don't need to remind you how Pakistan treat hindus, christians, ahmadis. Not to forget even islamic sects like shias. In muharram whole Pakistan is locked down, I wonder why?

And I don't need to remind you that we lock down entire Pakistan so our Shia brothers can practice their faith. Saying Shias are mistreated in Pakistan is akin to saying Jews are mistreated in Israel.

Similarly, every minority enjoys their rights. If you don't believe this to be the case, please file a case in the Supreme Court and see how quickly action is taken.

But, your line of reasoning is flawed in its basis. Even if every single religious minority were hypothetically persecuted, it does not justify further persecution of people. You are wasting internet bandwidth with specious argumentation.
Baseless generalizations, relying on incorrect extrapolation from limited data set.

And I don't need to remind you that we lock down entire Pakistan so our Shia brothers can practice their faith. Saying Shias are mistreated in Pakistan is akin to saying Jews are mistreated in Israel.

Similarly, every minority enjoys their rights. If you don't believe this to be the case, please file a case in the Supreme Court and see how quickly action is taken.

But, your line of reasoning is flawed in its basis. Even if every single religious minority were hypothetically persecuted, it does not justify further persecution of people. You are wasting internet bandwidth with specious argumentation.

Remind me again why PTI had to remove Atif Mian from advisory council?
I am a nationalist and i put my country before any religion,so no need to tell me that i need to think like a pakistani first.But i will never think like a pakistani who is not productive for his nation.
And i think you are the one who did not read my post carefully or simply diverted the topic to win an argument.
Whatever happened to your father in the convent school also happens in madrassas. Priests and mullahs both rape little kids,they are same material.
I can ensure you as far O and A level system is concerned,this system is not threatening the religious freedom or making people irreligious. There are plenty of my classmates who were literally mullahs and used to pray five times a day.Concepts and learning efficiency wise i admire the foreign system and thats it.There is nothing wrong in bench marking the good and rejecting the poor performing.Just like the west copied the golden age of islam when we were shining.
I really do not support any kind of religious imposition from the state.I support a neutral system where a muslim can freely pray and recite his quran,a hindu can go to his temple,christian to his church and an atheist can openly declare he is in fact atheist..Exactly the system MA jinnah wanted.

Elaborate please
I agree with u in most part really, but lets
just include these convents and A/O levels schools/collages in NAP, along with all those private universities inorder to ensure what we both r saying...Lets ensure that the education institutions like the ''educators'' r also put under watch, which teach children that pakistan lost all wars against india, and Kashmir isnt part of Pakistan.
Lets monitor their curriculum and what teachers make students study there....Along with off course those religious schools like convents as well. As far as madrassas are concern they r no longer a real threat anymore as most of them r neutralized, thats why terrorists come from afghanistan, but still i agree we should keep on monitoring them in NAP.
Can you please cite that.

Please read this thread.

This discussion seems to have digressed from the central issue, which is that should Afghan & Bengali origin residents who have been born in Pakistan should be given the nationality or not?

These people have been living in Pakistan at least for one generation and therefore not “Additional” to the existing population. Besides, Afghan origin persons are indistinguishable from Pakistani Pusthuns and most have Pakistani ID cards. Have we forgotten that Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Mansour, killed by US drone near Quetta in May 2016, had a Pakistan Passport?

The question is purely academic, because whether these people are granted Pakistani citizenship or not, will hardly make a material difference on the ground.
But then the anti state elements within Pakistan will now have “legitimate” support.

If we are comparing apples to oranges, then why not offer them naturalization based on the length of their 'residence' like the US and EU do too? :agree:
When not allow men to marry another like the US and EU do?
I agree with u in most part really, but lets
just include these convents and A/O levels schools/collages in NAP, along with all those private universities inorder to ensure what we both r saying...Lets ensure that the education institutions like the ''educators'' r also put under watch, which teach children that pakistan lost all wars against india, and Kashmir isnt part of Pakistan.
Lets monitor their curriculum and what teachers make students study there....Along with off course those religious schools like convents as well. As far as madrassas are concern they r no longer a real threat anymore as most of them r neutralized, thats why terrorists come from afghanistan, but still i agree we should keep on monitoring them in NAP.
Those schools who are teaching our youth false history or making them anti pakistan should simply be shut down.But i can ensure you being a student of O and A levels does not make one anti religious or anti pakistan.In pakistan if you want to complete your O levels you must pass urdu and islamiat. Similarly private universities just teach about a particular subject and thats it.They wont make one a less pakistani.
And if in convents they are teaching christanity to christian students and not imposing it on muslim students in any way then you should not be complaining about it.Convent schools are religious missions and we cannot deny them from their right.Go learn about the right of minorities in our constitution and what does the white colour in pakistani flag means.
Seriously i dont know from where you are getting all that information.Please change your source of info.
Those schools who are teaching our youth false history or making them anti pakistan should simply be shut down.But i can ensure you being a student of O and A levels does not make one anti religious or anti pakistan.In pakistan if you want to complete your O levels you must pass urdu and islamiat. Similarly private universities just teach about a particular subject and thats it.They wont make one a less pakistani.
And if in convents they are teaching christanity to christian students and not imposing it on muslim students in any way then you should not be complaining about it.Convent schools are religious missions and we cannot deny them from their right.Go learn about the right of minorities in our constitution and what does the white colour in pakistani flag means.
Seriously i dont know from where you are getting all that information.Please change your source of info.
kid! im a Muslim so is my father and there aint no christians or non muslims in complete AJK or in Murree, where some of the oldest Convent Schools r operating since british era.....And in Karachi Jibran Nasir etc are Muslim names not christian names and so he claims himself to be Muslim....

U claim where i get my info i have already told u, its from my own father who is studied from convents and from a friend who graduated from those schools in 2007 plus u can go and see jibran nasir's personal account in FB, to see his schools is from Saint Joseph, Karachi, which is a missionary religious school.

This is where my info is coming from kid. From research. And now u still havnt probably gone and cross check my info even after me telling u that before should act ''indifferent'' infront of me.

Further more kid, just start meeting people and broaden yr circle of friend so u actually know that there r simply no equal opportunities for everyone, specially those who arnt from privileged backgrounds to afford A/O level education certificates on their job CV and after wards get LUMS, IBA CV....Thats because i have seen this myself.....A lot of my friends have studied in LUMS and i can see where they r now, and those who havnt studied there where they r now, even though those were better students then them and scored better in exams then them and certainly far more intelligent then them, but were not from privilege background like me and those who studied in LUMS. Yr probably too young to notice that or u have a very limited circle of friends or acquaintances.

I would rather suggest u to go and first notice this over time (if yr too young) or just broaden yr circle to compare and notice this class difference yrself first hand as i do.

Those schools who are teaching our youth false history or making them anti pakistan should simply be shut down.But i can ensure you being a student of O and A levels does not make one anti religious or anti pakistan.In pakistan if you want to complete your O levels you must pass urdu and islamiat. Similarly private universities just teach about a particular subject and thats it.They wont make one a less pakistani.
And if in convents they are teaching christanity to christian students and not imposing it on muslim students in any way then you should not be complaining about it.Convent schools are religious missions and we cannot deny them from their right.Go learn about the right of minorities in our constitution and what does the white colour in pakistani flag means.
Seriously i dont know from where you are getting all that information.Please change your source of info.

It is not enough to merely include subjects named Islamiat, and Urdu. What matters is the brainwashing the students are subjected to. In the name of critical thinking, doubts are introduced into the minds of students about faith, Allah, Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam, and Islam. They are confronted with logical dillemmas, and the necessary deductive tools are not provided which would allow them to see the validity of Islam. On top of all this, they maintain an environment of shamelessness and indulgence. The average student from these institutions considers America and the West as ideals to be blindly followed. In the name of education, people are being turned into mental slaves. This is the reality and something needs to be done about it.
Baseless generalizations, relying on incorrect extrapolation from limited data set.
And I don't need to remind you that we lock down entire Pakistan so our Shia brothers can practice their faith. Saying Shias are mistreated in Pakistan is akin to saying Jews are mistreated in Israel.

Similarly, every minority enjoys their rights. If you don't believe this to be the case, please file a case in the Supreme Court and see how quickly action is taken.

But, your line of reasoning is flawed in its basis. Even if every single religious minority were hypothetically persecuted, it does not justify further persecution of people. You are wasting internet bandwidth with specious argumentation.

When will there be an order against kidnapping Hindu and Christian girls ?

It is not enough to merely include subjects named Islamiat, and Urdu. What matters is the brainwashing the students are subjected to. In the name of critical thinking, doubts are introduced into the minds of students about faith, Allah, Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam, and Islam. They are confronted with logical dillemmas, and the necessary deductive tools are not provided which would allow them to see the validity of Islam. On top of all this, they maintain an environment of shamelessness and indulgence. The average student from these institutions considers America and the West as ideals to be blindly followed. In the name of education, people are being turned into mental slaves. This is the reality and something needs to be done about it.

Obviosly / Its clear you did not go to one of these schools where the concept of critical thought is taught .
When will there be an order against kidnapping Hindu and Christian girls ?

Obviosly / Its clear you did not go to one of these schools where the concept of critical thought is taught .

If you don't have anything to contribute, get a move on.
If you don't have anything to contribute, get a move on.

You asked if there is a complain about Minorities. i asked when would the kidnapping of Hindu and Christian girls going to stop. there have been innumerable cases over decades. dont tell me no one in the Supreme court has about it?

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