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India's Missile Defenses Can Now Take On Decoys. That's a Really Big Deal

Yeah and yet both thaad and aegis failed miserably and multiple times to intercept north Korean missiles that violated Japanese airspace. Oh, lemme guess, they "did not" want to intercept them, right?
Use your brain, when you type something. Pakistani ballistic missiles failed miserably and multiple times to strike India. Wait, they were never fired towards India.

1. THAAD battery is not deployed in Japan.
2. Japan decided against intercepting North Korean ballistic missiles unless they were aimed towards Japanese targets: https://www.ft.com/content/ea0b00de-a808-11e7-ab55-27219df83c97
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i do not dispute this, india has very advanced missile technology because it has fantastic engineers and because russia helped it a lot (my opinion), but even american/russian missile defence systems have not shown an ability to deal with decoy warheads etc (even in bullshit scripted test conditions, let alone in reality), so this is the basis for my scepticism

what good comes from thinking about how to create a 'holocaust' of hindus/pakistanis?? war has no winners and you are just continuing cycle of hatred...

Russia helped in terms of seekers.We have replaced it with our own. Rest of system is desi. The most complex part is writting algorithm cobes and we are master in it.

what good comes from thinking about how to create a 'holocaust' of hindus/pakistanis?? war has no winners

What you say is true but if we are attacked with nukes, we shall retaliate with our full force as per our nuclear doctrine.
Our first test was in 2006 in hit to kill mode.We have been working on the system for over 2 decades now. Our system is getting better and better. Now we have a composite missile with indegeneou seeker.
I do understand that, but what @Persian Gulf 1906 said is right. To intercept a missile, we need to detect the launch, trace the trajectory, launch many missiles towards it, the margin of error is very less. Also, if the missile is a decoy or conventional low yield warhead that can trick the BMD and can launch a nuclear missile in Tandem. Developing BMD is good because we will learn a lot and can employ the technology in our strike missiles. The BMD system in today's terms cannot counter any threat.
1) these statistics are bullshit
Who gets to decide this? You?

"The Missile Threat website brings together authoritative and up-to-date open source information and analysis about ballistic and cruise missiles around the globe and the systems designed to defend against them."

The Missile Threat website is not a trivial source.

2) experts admit KSA did not intercept even primitive houthi missiles: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/12/04/world/middleeast/saudi-missile-defense.html
Yemen have achieved strikes in Saudi Arabia:-


Did those strikes achieve anything meaningful? Is the valid question.

1. Scud derivatives are known to veer-off-course and strike unintended locations because they lack in course-correction capabilities.

2. PAC-2 and PAC-3 systems are not deployed everywhere in Saudi Arabia; they are deployed in such a way that they shield only high value targets from external threats.

3) i am talking about your claim that MD systems can deal with countermeasures such as decoys re: your claim that they can do so, where is your evidence? i am still waiting
Yes, they can. The ICBM-class target which GMD defeated in a test in 2017 (FTG-15), was armed with realistic decoys. FYI: https://breakingdefense.com/tag/flight-test-ground-based-interceptor-ftg-15/

THAAD also defeated an MRBM with unspecified countermeasures in a test in 2017 (FET-01).

Bear in mind that American Missile Defense Agency (MDA) have a history of withholding sensitive information from public in relation to its experiments due to security-related considerations. It isn't wise to disclose everything to the public because other countries will learn.
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Use your brain, when you type something. Pakistani ballistic missiles failed miserably and multiple times to strike India. Wait, they were never fired towards India.

1. THAAD battery is not deployed in Japan.
2. Japan decided against intercepting North Korean ballistic missiles unless they were aimed towards Japanese targets: https://www.ft.com/content/ea0b00de-a808-11e7-ab55-27219df83c97
But the thaad is deployed in south korea. And yeah, sure, the decided not to intercept multiple missiles violating their airspace unless it is targeting Japanese targets. If it violates their airspace what else do they need? The warheads actually falling on their cities??? Naah dude, not buying it... it's merely a face saving tactic on the part of the Japanese.
But the thaad is deployed in south korea. And yeah, sure, the decided not to intercept multiple missiles violating their airspace unless it is targeting Japanese targets. If it violates their airspace what else do they need? The warheads actually falling on their cities??? Naah dude, not buying it... it's merely a face saving tactic on the part of the Japanese.

North Korea is known to test its ballistic missiles in a careful manner, to minimize provocation.


North Korea is a nuclear power on top. Japan wouldn't pick a fight with North Korea unless its territory is threatened in a significant way.

North Korea is known to test its ballistic missiles in a careful manner, to minimize provocation.


North Korea is a nuclear power on top. Japan wouldn't pick a fight with North Korea unless its territory is threatened in a significant way.

Those tests are harmless.
Man, if north Korean missiles violating their airspace isn't considered as a territorial threat by the Japanese then their people need to get their money back...
Man, if north Korean missiles violating their airspace isn't considered as a territorial threat by the Japanese then their people need to get their money back...
North Korean ballistic missiles are fired in lofted trajectory in order to minimize their chances of violating Japanese airspace. If North Korea is being calculative in its experiments, then Japan is doing the right thing by exercising restraint.

North Korea is an established nuclear power with ruthless/hardcore leadership. No point in picking a fight with it over seemingly harmless experiments.
North Korean ballistic missiles are fired in lofted trajectory in order to minimize their chances of violating Japanese airspace. If North Korea is being calculative in its experiments, then Japan is doing the right thing by exercising restraint.

North Korea is an established nuclear power with ruthless/hardcore leadership. No point in picking a fight with it over seemingly harmless experiments.
the north korean missile tests in 2017 were purposefully aimed to streak through japanese air space and that too, right under the noses of the thaad systems installed in south korea. they did that on purpose, they were not trying avoid anything. what? the japanese were able to view the instructions code inside the missiles' control systems? How do they know they weren't programmed to change trajectory and head straight down on a japanese city or head towards tokyo? the answer is that japan did NOT know. And yet, they supposedly "chose" to not intercept. Dude, I was born at night but not LAST night, and nor am I shoppin' for any beach front property in arizona...its plainly obvious. there is a reason why a war monger like trump decided to tone his rhetoric down and finally "talk" to kim jon un. just do the math dude...
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i do not dispute this, india has very advanced missile technology because it has fantastic engineers and because russia helped it a lot (my opinion), but even american/russian missile defence systems have not shown an ability to deal with decoy warheads etc (even in bullshit scripted test conditions, let alone in reality), so this is the basis for my scepticism

The Indian BMD tests were never scripted. We have developed capability against dealing with SRBMs and MRBMs. And our most recent test even demonstrated our capability in dealing with decoys.

On August 2nd, India tested its Advanced Area Defence (AAD)/Ashvin Advanced Defense interceptor missile against decoy targets for the first time.

“One target among simultaneously incoming multiple targets was selected on [sic] real time, the weapon system radars tracked the target and the missile locked on to it and intercepted the target with a high degree of accuracy,” India’s government announced in a press release .

The test was against a medium-range ballistic missile with a range of 1,500 kilometers.

I do understand that, but what @Persian Gulf 1906 said is right. To intercept a missile, we need to detect the launch, trace the trajectory, launch many missiles towards it, the margin of error is very less. Also, if the missile is a decoy or conventional low yield warhead that can trick the BMD and can launch a nuclear missile in Tandem. Developing BMD is good because we will learn a lot and can employ the technology in our strike missiles. The BMD system in today's terms cannot counter any threat.

This is the range at which we can detect a large bird, like a duck, at our new radar sites.
the north korean missile tests in 2017 were purposefully aimed to streak through japanese air space and that too, right under the noses of the thaad systems installed in south korea. they did that on purpose, they were not trying avoid anything. what? the japanese were able to view the instructions code inside the missiles' control systems? How do they know they weren't programmed to change directory and head straight down on a japanese city or head towards tokyo? the answer is that japan did NOT know. And yet, they supposedly "chose" to not intercept. Dude, I was born at night but not LAST night, and nor am I shoppin' for any beach front property in arizona...its plainly obvious. there is a reason why a war monger like trump decided to tone his rhetoric down and finally "talk" to kim jon un. just do the math dude...
1. Ballistic missile does not shift course like a cruise missile.

2. Trump administration forced Kim Jong-Un to reconsider his strategy and consider negotiations as the way forward through crisis.

Trump administration also send a message to Kim Jong-un that American homeland defenses have the capability to defeat ICBM-class targets (with decoys) in 2017:-

Doesn't seem like Trump administration was afraid to take on North Korea. It seems like you were not paying attention.
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1. Ballistic missile does not shift course like a cruise missile.

2. Trump administration forced Kim Jong-Un to reconsider his strategy and consider negotiations as the way forward through crisis.

Trump administration also send a message to Kim Jong-un that American homeland defenses have the capability to defeat ICBM-class targets (with decoys) in 2017:-

Doesn't seem like Trump administration was afraid to take on North Korea. It seems like you were not paying attention.
yeah and what happened afterwards? THIS...

nikki haley and trump's buk buk was just face saving in front of the nation dude...come on. I live here and I've seen how even americans rolled eyes at how they would "destroy" north korea, even americans didn't buy that load a horse manure.

and making ballistic missiles change trajectories isn't rocket science...it's been done to as a measure to defeat interception, not rocket science (no pun intended).
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