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India's GDP overtakes France to become the 6th largest in the World. Britain is next

I think he knows. It's you who is missing the obvious. Imagine you win lottery jackpot with £10,000. You will be overjoyed right. But then find that the jackpot is going to be shared with 100 of your work colleagues. Next thing your looking at getting just £100. Now £100 is okay but no reason to have a orgasm over.

It's the per capita that matters.

Ps. Looked at from GDP point of view Pakistan is bigger then many European countries like Ireland and just few slots behind Israel. But that is no brag rights. Rather it's other way around. It's embarrasing because population of those countries is tiny.

In that case even country like Finland should be the super power, as they have higher per-capita income.Per-capita matters, but in real world, collective income+population+soft power+military power+resources+total economic figure+yearly growth rate+forex reserves+export+fdi and infrastructure+stock exchange market cap+MNC's presence etc matters most...
The same can be said about China too. Four Chinese is less than productivity of one French OR productivity of 10 Chinese is less than one Swiss citizen. So, following your line of thought, Chinese must be as you say "retards, ugly people, dirty, shite flying everywhere, no sanitary manners, filthy hell multiplied 1.4 billion".

Honestly, when you write so many words where one simple "No, I do not feel jealous" might have sufficed, it betrays your extreme hate and jealousy.

Don't pay any attention to the idiot. Pakistani envy is clear for all to see.
Kindly post per capita income of Britain, France and India.....
Ok I will post for you...
GDP per capita
$39,673 (nominal; 2017)
GDP per capita: 39,899.39 USD (2016)

GDP per capita: 1,709.39 USD (2016)

Now cry me a river buddy :lol:

Does the Thread talks about Per capita ???? You realy need a burnol...

you people cheer for chinese as the world richest.... let have a look at Chiese per capita
8,123.18 USD

whuch is behind Britain.... :lol:

Buy in Huge quantity .. You'll require them further

What you are saying is 22 Indian's productivity is same as just one French
You are again wrong. Not every thing can be sold in a common international market. As you may already be aware from your own experience, consulting fees of a top cardiologist in USA for one appointment is about 200+ USD. In India it is around 500-1000 INR. That is 8-16 dollars. Obviously, GDP of USA gets inflated and no, it does not mean a cardiologist in India is any less productive. It is simple that his services cannot be sold in international market efficiently.

What it means is, although 3 Indians can lift as much as 1 french man, their gyms are not on the same planet hence the mass they lift does not carry same weight.
Does the Thread talks about Per capita ???? You realy need a burnol...

you people cheer for chinese as the world richest.... let have a look at Chiese per capita
8,123.18 USD

whuch is behind Britain.... :lol:

Buy in Huge quantity .. You'll require them further

Beta Jalli tu teri hai when i state facts.....Tu Burnol laga nahien seeda le le...:lol:
The same can be said about China too.
Which is very true. China is no France. China is no UK. It is way behind them. However it is far closer to the big boys as it's per capita is lot, lot higher then yours. Point being despite having vast population it still has reasonable, note reasonable per capita figures whereas as India is in the same league as Pakistan, Bangladesh
You are again wrong. Not every thing can be sold in a common international market. As you may already be aware from your own experience, consulting fees of a top cardiologist in USA for one appointment is about 200+ USD. In India it is around 500-1000 INR. That is 8-16 dollars. Obviously, GDP of USA gets inflated and no, it does not mean a cardiologist in India is any less productive. It is simple that his services cannot be sold in international market efficiently.

What it means is, although 3 Indians can lift as much as 1 french man, their gyms are not on the same planet hence the mass they lift does not carry same weight.
I agree with you there but that is not particular to India. Same can be said about Pakistan. A haircut in UK is £20. Same in Pakistan is £2. This alludes more to the weakness in measuring GDP figures as abstractions of the real economies out there. For instance these figures ignore the unrecorded side of economic activity. In pakistan this is particularly relevant as the black ecnomy is bigger then the recorded economy. In other the figures are way off the mark.

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