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India's GDP overtakes France to become the 6th largest in the World. Britain is next


Jul 10, 2017
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India's GDP overtakes France to become the 6th largest in the World. Britain is next
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Source Link: CLICK HERE

  • India's GDP amounted to $2.597 trillion at the end of last year, against $2.582 trillion for France
  • India has doubled its GDP within a decade and is expected to power ahead as a key economic engine in Asia, even as China slows down
  • According to the IMF, India is projected to generate growth of 7.4 per cent this year and 7.8 per cent in 2019
India has become the world's sixth-biggest economy, pushing France into seventh place, according to updated World Bank figures for 2017.

India's gross domestic product (GDP) amounted to $2.597 trillion at the end of last year, against $2.582 trillion for France.
The country's economy rebounded strongly from July 2017, after several quarters of slowdown.

India, with a population of around 1.34 billion, is poised to become the world's most populous nation, whereas the French population stands at 67 million. This means that India's per capita GDP continues to amount to just a fraction of that of France which is still roughly 20 times higher, according to World Bank figures.

Manufacturing and consumer spending were the main drivers of the Indian economy last year, after a stutter blamed on demonetisation and implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST).

India has doubled its GDP within a decade and is expected to power ahead as a key economic engine in Asia, even as China slows down.

This compares to the world's expected average growth of 3.9 per cent.

The London-based Centre for Economics and Business Research, a consultancy, said at the end of last year that India would overtake both Britain and France this year in terms of GDP, and had a good chance to become the world's third-biggest economy by 2032.

At the end of 2017, Britain was still the world's fifth-biggest economy with a GDP of $2.622 trillion.

The US is the world's top economy, followed by China, Japan and Germany.
India's GDP overtakes France
Why are you posting this? To prove how poor India is? What you are saying is 22 Indian's productivity is same as just one French. That is pretty distressing figure.

If it took me, my four brothers, my eight cousins, my nine second cousins to pick the same weight as a regular French bodybuilder at my local gym you think I would come here on PDF and brag about it? I would fcukin hide that fact. Hide in shame. That it took 22 of us to pull what one Frenchie does. Not start opening threads about it.
India's GDP overtakes France to become the 6th largest in the World. Britain is next
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Source Link: CLICK HERE

  • India's GDP amounted to $2.597 trillion at the end of last year, against $2.582 trillion for France
  • India has doubled its GDP within a decade and is expected to power ahead as a key economic engine in Asia, even as China slows down
  • According to the IMF, India is projected to generate growth of 7.4 per cent this year and 7.8 per cent in 2019
India has become the world's sixth-biggest economy, pushing France into seventh place, according to updated World Bank figures for 2017.

India's gross domestic product (GDP) amounted to $2.597 trillion at the end of last year, against $2.582 trillion for France.
The country's economy rebounded strongly from July 2017, after several quarters of slowdown.

India, with a population of around 1.34 billion, is poised to become the world's most populous nation, whereas the French population stands at 67 million. This means that India's per capita GDP continues to amount to just a fraction of that of France which is still roughly 20 times higher, according to World Bank figures.

Manufacturing and consumer spending were the main drivers of the Indian economy last year, after a stutter blamed on demonetisation and implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST).

India has doubled its GDP within a decade and is expected to power ahead as a key economic engine in Asia, even as China slows down.

This compares to the world's expected average growth of 3.9 per cent.

The London-based Centre for Economics and Business Research, a consultancy, said at the end of last year that India would overtake both Britain and France this year in terms of GDP, and had a good chance to become the world's third-biggest economy by 2032.

At the end of 2017, Britain was still the world's fifth-biggest economy with a GDP of $2.622 trillion.

The US is the world's top economy, followed by China, Japan and Germany.
Indian overtakes French economy but still home of worlds largest poorest population, large percentage of population don't have basic facilities like toilets....Poor wana be Yahoodi aka Indian troll love to post such news only to make India a laughing stock.
India has already surpassed Britain's economy 6 months back. I did a small analysis and found out that with current dollar exchange rates, the economy of Britain is 2.6 Trillion, although there is no data they are giving out beyond 2016, where as India has passed the 2.8 Trillion mark. And will be over 3 trillion by next year.

Some people here don't have pity or not even ashamed of what they are posting. One of the is comparing his gym orgasm with economy of two nations which is utter nonsense and other making stupid comments like oh India is still home to poor. This is nothing but jealousy among those who don't even have money to build their dams.
India has already surpassed Britain's economy 6 months back. I did a small analysis and found out that with current dollar exchange rates, the economy of Britain is 2.6 Trillion, although there is no data they are giving out beyond 2016, where as India has passed the 2.8 Trillion mark. And will be over 3 trillion by next year.

Some people here don't have pity or not even ashamed of what they are posting. One of the is comparing his gym orgasm with economy of two nations which is utter nonsense and other making stupid comments like oh India is still home to poor. This is nothing but jealousy among those who don't even have money to build their dams.
Kindly post per capita income of Britain, France and India.....
Ok I will post for you...
GDP per capita
$39,673 (nominal; 2017)
GDP per capita: 39,899.39 USD (2016)

GDP per capita: 1,709.39 USD (2016)

Now cry me a river buddy :lol:
India has already surpassed Britain's economy 6 months back. I did a small analysis and found out that with current dollar exchange rates, the economy of Britain is 2.6 Trillion, although there is no data they are giving out beyond 2016, where as India has passed the 2.8 Trillion mark. And will be over 3 trillion by next year.

Some people here don't have pity or not even ashamed of what they are posting. One of the is comparing his gym orgasm with economy of two nations which is utter nonsense and other making stupid comments like oh India is still home to poor. This is nothing but jealousy among those who don't even have money to build their dams.
Are you thick or something. Productivity is just one variable. Your gross looks dazzling until you look at your freakin population numbers. Your about to hit 1.4 billion people. At that number even retards could outdo smaller countries. Trust me India is the last country I am jealous of. Ugly people, dirty, shite flying everywhere, no sanitary manners, filthy hell multiplied 1.4 billion times is stuff of dystopian nightmare.
Kindly post per capita income of Britain, France and India.....
Ok I will post for you...
GDP per capita
$39,673 (nominal; 2017)
GDP per capita: 39,899.39 USD (2016)

GDP per capita: 1,709.39 USD (2016)

Now cry me a river buddy :lol:

I think you don't know the difference between GDP and GDP per capita. How much is Pakistan's?
Kindly post per capita income of Britain, France and India.....
Ok I will post for you...
GDP per capita
$39,673 (nominal; 2017)
GDP per capita: 39,899.39 USD (2016)

GDP per capita: 1,709.39 USD (2016)

Now cry me a river buddy :lol:



Even China is slowing to less than 6% growth rate from 2022 as per IMF latest figure, Only India is growing >7% in coming years
I think you don't know the difference between GDP and GDP per capita. How much is Pakistan's?
Lols I know the difference just wanted to show you real picture...French population is much smaller than Indian....lolsss
You need 10 x time bigger economy to match French and British per capita income.
I think you don't know the difference between GDP and GDP per capita.
I think he knows. It's you who is missing the obvious. Imagine you win lottery jackpot with £10,000. You will be overjoyed right. But then find that the jackpot is going to be shared with 100 of your work colleagues. Next thing your looking at getting just £100. Now £100 is okay but no reason to have a orgasm over.

It's the per capita that matters.

Ps. Looked at from GDP point of view Pakistan is bigger then many European countries like Ireland and just few slots behind Israel. But that is no brag rights. Rather it's other way around. It's embarrasing because population of those countries is tiny.
Are you thick or something. Productivity is just one variable. Your gross looks dazzling until you look at your freakin population numbers. Your about to hit 1.4 billion people. At that number even retards could outdo smaller countries. Trust me India is the last country I am jealous of. Ugly people, dirty, shite flying everywhere, no sanitary manners, filthy hell multiplied 1.4 billion times is stuff of dystopian nightmare.
The same can be said about China too. Four Chinese is less than productivity of one French OR productivity of 10 Chinese is less than one Swiss citizen. So, following your line of thought, Chinese must be as you say "retards, ugly people, dirty, shite flying everywhere, no sanitary manners, filthy hell multiplied 1.4 billion".

Honestly, when you write so many words where one simple "No, I do not feel jealous" might have sufficed, it betrays your extreme hate and jealousy.
Are you thick or something. Productivity is just one variable. Your gross looks dazzling until you look at your freakin population numbers. Your about to hit 1.4 billion people. At that number even retards could outdo smaller countries. Trust me India is the last country I am jealous of. Ugly people, dirty, shite flying everywhere, no sanitary manners, filthy hell multiplied 1.4 billion times is stuff of dystopian nightmare.

Get back to school and brush up the basics of economics.
You are taking GDP and GDP per capita on the same account and as same quantities. Kindly don't get mixed up.
Your previous gym orgasm example was explaining GDP per capita not GDP.

It's the per capita that matters.

If its only per capita that matters why Pakistan's SC had to shout and request people that government has no money please do charity. GDP is tax payers money in the basic language!
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Even China is slowing to less than 6% growth rate from 2022 as per IMF latest figure, Only India is growing >7% in coming years

Honestly though, India need 9%+ growth and rapid industrialisation. The 'Make in India' initiative has made some impact but not as much as advertised (unsurprisingly). The reason for China's slowdown is due to the fact that they are now classified as a middle income country. India will experience the same difficulty in years to come.
I think he knows. It's you who is missing the obvious. Imagine you win lottery jackpot with £10,000. You will be overjoyed right. But then find that the jackpot is going to be shared with 100 of your work colleagues. Next thing your looking at getting just £100. Now £100 is okay but no reason to have a orgasm over.
It quite works in the other way as well. With a population being as "un-productive" as India, their sheer number lets them do things which would have otherwise been impossible for them. Quantity is a quality in itself.

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