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Why India Must Change Its Kashmir Policy - the Diplomat

I love your historical posts, which I find very valuable. Why would you tarnish your excellent work by attacking Islam and Muslims?

We are your brother Pakistanis, sharing the same blood, who are a 97% Muslim majority nation with great love for our Islamic traditions and heritage.

Leave this religious animosity and let’s try to do something beneficial for Pakistan and Pakistanis.
leave him @Indus Priest King is a false flagger filthy Indian Hindu @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
To mods. Dsr478 is definitely an Indian posing as a Pakistani Islamist. They are bent on trying to claim Pakistani DNA differs from North India because of Islam. That's false.

I asked this gandu why do Parsis have the same genetic makeup...and he decided not to answer.

Keep on eye on this filthy Gangetic trash.


Us being Muslim is clearly the biggest factor that differentiates us from Hindustan, you'd have to be brain-dead to think otherwise. If we were not Muslim I guarantee we would be a part of Hindustan, just like Hindustani Punjabis (even though they are genetically distinct from the rest of Hindustan). If everything boiled down to ancestry, Pakistan wouldn't have any Muhajirs and all the Punjabis, Brahmins and Kashmiris would have flocked to our region during partition.

We are Muslim, which means we aren't vegetarian, we don't venerate cows, we don't put dots on our heads, and our language doesn't look like spaghetti. Our heroes are their villains, and vice versa.

Our genetic difference is due to the fact that so many people migrated to Pakistan and assimilated into the region, we have been at the crossroads of just about every major civilisation, this includes the Islamic conquerors.
Nope, it's not your land. Pakistan was made for South Asian Muslims, if you don't like Islam, GET OUT! Because you're going to really start hating once Sharia is implemented and you people are thrown into the cellar.

Think Pakistan is your land? I dare you, go into the streets of Lahore and hurl your abuses at Islam. Heck, do it in a liberal city like Karachi. Watch how quickly you get lynched by a mob.

My policy with Qureshis and Syeds is a simple one, I know many are fake, but not all of them. I give them the benefit of the doubt unless proven otherwise.

Genetic studies that have came back negative have also admitted the mixture could have simply been diluted with time if most of the ancestry of the individuals tested was not Arab in nature, especially if this ancestry goes back to a thousand years ago (for many of them it does). You cannot disprove these claims, it's one of those claims where it might be true, it might not.

By the way, they've also revealed that Muslims in Pakistan and Hindustan all have ancestry from these Islamic conquerors (albeit in small amounts), although it's not necessarily Arab ancestry (in fact, it's usually Persian).

I'd like to see your study. Provide me with it, and I'll show you the ones I've read.

Been to Qatar, and I never, EVER faced racism. Maybe they only hate Vedic monkeys like you.


Us being Muslim is clearly the biggest factor that differentiates us from Hindustan, you'd have to be brain-dead to think otherwise. If we were not Muslim I guarantee we would be a part of Hindustan, just like Hindustani Punjabis (even though they are genetically distinct from the rest of Hindustan). If everything boiled down to ancestry, Pakistan wouldn't have any Muhajirs and all the Punjabis, Brahmins and Kashmiris would have flocked to our region during partition.

We are Muslim, which means we aren't vegetarian, we don't venerate cows, we don't put dots on our heads, and our language doesn't look like spaghetti. Our heroes are their villains, and vice versa.

Our genetic difference is due to the facwitht that so many people migrated to Pakistan and assimilated into the region, we have been at the crossroads of just about every major civilisation, this includes the Islamic conquerors.
I agree with you. Interestingly it is the Islamists/Salafis/Deobandis who rush to die for Pakistan first while the liberals/secular people are the first to leave Pakistan :lol:
I agree with you. Interestingly it is the Islamists/Salafis/Deobandis who rush to die for Pakistan first while the liberals/secular people are the first to leave Pakistan :lol:

They forget how many ghazis perished so that we can live. For every inch of soil we have, how many pious righteous Muslim souls gave their life so we can be free.

The whole history of Islam in Pakistan is due to these people, along with our Turkish/Persian Sufi sheikhs who brought us the spirituality of Islam.

We need to stand together, all Muslims of all sects, and resist those who wish to take our life water (Islam) which gives us our moral strength.
^^ Cool story. Too bad none of that is actually true. This topic was about the Kashmir dispute, a dispute that should be a nationalist Kashmiriyat front. Instead, you people hijacked it and made a mockery of it, no different than the Palestinian cause.

Please stop ruining all these movements with this fake Ummah trash. It doesn't exist.
^^ Cool story. Too bad none of that is actually true. This topic was about the Kashmir dispute, a dispute that should be a nationalist Kashmiriyat front. Instead, you people hijacked it and made a mockery of it, no different than the Palestinian cause.

Please stop ruining all these movements with this fake Ummah trash. It doesn't exist.
Kashmir cause is different from the Palestinian issue. Kashmir cause is a winnable cause while the Palestinian issue is a lost cause. As long as USA supports Israel, Palestine and the Arabs will never beat the technologically advanced Israel.

But Pakistan can beat India in a war.
Kashmir cause is different from the Palestinian issue. Kashmir cause is a winnable cause while the Palestinian issue is a lost cause. As long as USA supports Israel, Palestine and the Arabs will never beat the technologically advanced Israel.

But Pakistan can beat India in a war.

Neither Pakistan can beat India nor India can beat Pakistan in a war...please. If either scenerio were possible, why haven't either countries attempted to invade the other yet? Nuclear deterrence has all but eliminated a conventional war.

It shocks me how little value Pakistanis put in Kashmiri lives. Kashmiris are not pawns, they are people...we treat them likes pawns. Also what shocks me is how people think Jammu & Kashmir is actually a "real state"...sorry it's not. It's a British invention that was created...it's borders mean nothing. A group of people were forcibly put together in a "fake state" called Jammu & Kashmir.

When we talk about Kashmir, we're talking about the Kashmir Valley.

Kargil and Drass were never part of the Kashmir Valley, but rather the Ladakh Wazarat. They have more in common with people of Baltistan than the Kashmir Valley and are opposed to Kashmiri separatism because they would rather be own their own.

Us Pakistanis first need to learn the ground realities of Kashmir. This Islam Islam Islam nonsense isn't solving anything. For gods sake....learn the dispute.
Neither Pakistan can beat India nor India can beat Pakistan in a war...please. If either scenerio were possible, why haven't either countries attempted to invade the other yet? Nuclear deterrence has all but eliminated a conventional war.

It shocks me how little value Pakistanis put in Kashmiri lives. Kashmiris are not pawns, they are people...we treat them likes pawns. Also what shocks me is how people think Jammu & Kashmir is actually a "real state"...sorry it's not. It's a British invention that was created...it's borders mean nothing. A group of people were forcibly put together in a "fake state" called Jammu & Kashmir.

When we talk about Kashmir, we're talking about the Kashmir Valley.

Kargil and Drass were never part of the Kashmir Valley, but rather the Ladakh Wazarat. They have more in common with people of Baltistan than the Kashmir Valley and are opposed to Kashmiri separatism because they would rather be own their own.

Us Pakistanis first need to learn the ground realities of Kashmir. This Islam Islam Islam nonsense isn't solving anything. For gods sake....learn the dispute.
I know you are a false flagger. Muslims of all Jammu and Kashmir want secede from India.

@Horus @waz take care of the false flagger.
If it is giving heart burn to our enemies then it must be the right policy! :yahoo::toast_sign:

Other than the morons in the valley no body gives a damn shit about it. ppl of jammu & ladakh hardly want to associated with terrorists and are asking for union territory status that says a lot about their pathetic state.

Desperate proxy warlords like gilani,salahuddin, mirwaiz, yasin malik are just sacrificing common kashmiri who is suffering while these animals happily live of foreign funds.

ppl of jammu & ladakh hardly want to associated with terrorists
Quite right. No one wants association with Indian army or India.
Neither Pakistan can beat India nor India can beat Pakistan in a war...please. If either scenerio were possible, why haven't either countries attempted to invade the other yet? Nuclear deterrence has all but eliminated a conventional war.

It shocks me how little value Pakistanis put in Kashmiri lives. Kashmiris are not pawns, they are people...we treat them likes pawns. Also what shocks me is how people think Jammu & Kashmir is actually a "real state"...sorry it's not. It's a British invention that was created...it's borders mean nothing. A group of people were forcibly put together in a "fake state" called Jammu & Kashmir.

When we talk about Kashmir, we're talking about the Kashmir Valley.

Kargil and Drass were never part of the Kashmir Valley, but rather the Ladakh Wazarat. They have more in common with people of Baltistan than the Kashmir Valley and are opposed to Kashmiri separatism because they would rather be own their own.

Us Pakistanis first need to learn the ground realities of Kashmir. This Islam Islam Islam nonsense isn't solving anything. For gods sake....learn the dispute.

Brother, some of us were forced to relocate because of Indian designs in Kashmir. Kashmir and all the areas leading up to Kashmir were Muslim majority including Jammu.

Genocide was visited upon us because of our faith, not any other factor. We know with what anger and hate our enemies massacred, tortured, raped, mutilated, paraded our women naked, and burned us alive near the Pakistani border.

We are not in any doubt about the origin of the Kashmir and Punjab massacres. My brother, ask the victims of those crimes and they will tell you what their local neighbors, policeman, army men, priests were yelling as they committed these crimes.

If you have ever seen the movie ‘Jinnah’ you will remember the end when a girl asking for her murdered mom back was silenced by her father who thanked Quaid e Azam for his effort to make Pakistan. This is the Pakistan nation.

We are not in any doubt of our enemies’ hatred and violence against our faith. Pakistan is an Islamic nation and in Kashmiri minds that is the only connection they see with us. They don’t have time to think about IVC while their women are being dishonored and their sons are killed in false encounters.
I know you are a false flagger. Muslims of all Jammu and Kashmir want secede from India.

@Horus @waz take care of the false flagger.

The Kashmir Valley yes....not from Kargil or Drass. They are against Kashmiri hegemony and oppose rule from Srinagar. The very same people who liberated Gilgit-Baltistan were doing it for this reason. They didn't want to live under Srinagar's rule.

This is how ignorant you people are.

Brother, some of us were forced to relocate because of Indian designs in Kashmir. Kashmir and all the areas leading up to Kashmir were Muslim majority including Jammu.

Being a Muslim majority means nothing. There is more to the Kashmir conflict than just bloody religion...ethnicity plays a big role. Why are people in Kargil and Drass against Kashmiri separatism? Because they DO NOT WANT TO BE PART OF KASHMIR. This is something you folks have failed to comprehend and this is why the Kashmir dispute is lagging on.

Kargil and Drass are more closely associated with Skardu. They will only support secession of Kashmiri independence, if Kargil and Drass are guaranteed to become independent or part of GB. But our stupid Kashmir stand is of the British era...GB is NOT part of JK and hence Kargil and Skardu are not part of JK either.

Genocide was visited upon us because of our faith, not any other factor. We know with what anger and hate our enemies massacred, tortured, raped, mutilated, paraded our women naked, and burned us alive near the Pakistani border.

We are not in any doubt about the origin of the Kashmir and Punjab massacres. My brother, ask the victims of those crimes and they will tell you what their local neighbors, policeman, army men, priests were yelling as they committed these crimes.

I'm talking about the present-day Kashmir dispute. I'm indeed well aware of the massacres and ethnic cleansing that took place in Jammu, which Indians shamelessly deny. That still doesn't excuse Pakistan's ridiculous policy on Kashmir...it needs to change...for the sake of the conflict and for Kashmiris and for Pakistanis.

If you have ever seen the movie ‘Jinnah’ you will remember the end when a girl asking for her murdered mom back was silenced by her father who thanked Quaid e Azam for his effort to make Pakistan. This is the Pakistan nation. We are not in any doubt of our enemies’ hatred and violence against our faith. Pakistan is an Islamic nation and in Kashmiri minds that is the only connection they see with us. They don’t have time to think about IVC while their women are being dishonored and their sons are killed in false encounters.

So then make a f**king proper policy on Kashmir. That's what I'm trying to tell you.
The Kashmir Valley yes....not from Kargil or Drass. They are against Kashmiri hegemony and oppose rule from Srinagar. The very same people who liberated Gilgit-Baltistan were doing it for this reason. They didn't want to live under Srinagar's rule.

This is how ignorant you people are.

Being a Muslim majority means nothing. There is more to the Kashmir conflict than just bloody religion...ethnicity plays a big role. Why are people in Kargil and Drass against Kashmiri separatism? Because they DO NOT WANT TO BE PART OF KASHMIR. This is something you folks have failed to comprehend and this is why the Kashmir dispute is lagging on.

Kargil and Drass are more closely associated with Skardu. They will only support secession of Kashmiri independence, if Kargil and Drass are guaranteed to become independent or part of GB. But our stupid Kashmir stand is of the British era...GB is NOT part of JK and hence Kargil and Skardu are not part of JK either.

I'm talking about the present-day Kashmir dispute. I'm indeed well aware of the massacres and ethnic cleansing that took place in Jammu, which Indians shamelessly deny. That still doesn't excuse Pakistan's ridiculous policy on Kashmir...it needs to change...for the sake of the conflict and for Kashmiris and for Pakistanis.

So then make a f**king proper policy on Kashmir. That's what I'm trying to tell you.

If they are Balti, it only makes sense for them to join Gilgit-Baltistan.

I fail to see how this is a major problem. Kargil's population is 140k, Drass' is 1.2k. Currently both are in Ladakh which is also unnatural.

All this redistricting can be discussed after expulsion of India from the region.

No one should have any doubt as Pakistan has done the same on our side.
Brother, some of us were forced to relocate because of Indian designs in Kashmir. Kashmir and all the areas leading up to Kashmir were Muslim majority including Jammu.

Genocide was visited upon us because of our faith, not any other factor. We know with what anger and hate our enemies massacred, tortured, raped, mutilated, paraded our women naked, and burned us alive near the Pakistani border.

We are not in any doubt about the origin of the Kashmir and Punjab massacres. My brother, ask the victims of those crimes and they will tell you what their local neighbors, policeman, army men, priests were yelling as they committed these crimes.

If you have ever seen the movie ‘Jinnah’ you will remember the end when a girl asking for her murdered mom back was silenced by her father who thanked Quaid e Azam for his effort to make Pakistan. This is the Pakistan nation.

We are not in any doubt of our enemies’ hatred and violence against our faith. Pakistan is an Islamic nation and in Kashmiri minds that is the only connection they see with us. They don’t have time to think about IVC while their women are being dishonored and their sons are killed in false encounters.

Asalamu Alaikum

Exactly, my great grandfather was an Imam in Hindustani Punjab (Hoshiarpur I think) and he got stabbed for it by a Sikh, and this was BEFORE partition even occurred. My mothers family were all forced to leave the area during partition as well because of how bad it got.

Tensions are still there today. In the UK, I once had neighbours who refused to sell my family a house because we were Muslim (they were Hindustani Sikhs).

Thankfully, most expat communities have overcome these religious/ethnic tensions, but in Hindustan they still want us wiped out.

My fathers side was just lucky they lived in Azad Kashmir/Pakistani Punjab, if they lived just a few km east it would have been just as terrible for them.
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Asalamu Alaikum

Exactly, my great grandfather was an Imam in Hindustani Punjab (Hoshiarpur I think) and he got stabbed for it by a Sikh, and this was BEFORE partition even occurred. My mothers family were all forced to leave the area during partition as well because of how bad it got.

Tensions are still there today. In the UK, I once had neighbours who refused to sell my family a house because we were Muslim (they were Hindustanis Sikhs).

Thankfully, most expat communities have overcome these religious/ethnic tensions, but in Hindustan they still want us wiped out.

My fathers side was just lucky they lived in Azad Kashmir/Pakistani Punjab, if they lived just a few km east it would have been just as terrible for them.

Don't worry sikhs are dying breed now. They are going to be minority in their own "sada punjab" in next few decades.
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