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Protesters in Iran chant "Palestine, Syria, are the causes of our miseries"


Aug 18, 2010
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Tens of millions of Iranians live in terrible poverty. Millions of educated Iranians can't find job or earn embarrassing wages (even for toilet cleaner in Romania). Yet crazy mullah government spends tens of billions of dollars to slaughter kids in Syria, Israel, Yemen...

Tens of millions of Iranians? Lol

There are stupid folks in every society but these stupids are remaining rubbish of idiots Shah's ideology. One should ask them, what have you done for Palestine so far? That makes them misery? We have done nothing for them, at least not something too important.

And an Israeli comes to support this little numbered pro Shah folks, why am I not surprised? @mohsen

At least it proves that our idiots are making Israelis happy, but no worries, they are well taken care of. God damn stupids.
Tens of millions of Iranians live in terrible poverty. Millions of educated Iranians can't find job or earn embarrassing wages (even for toilet cleaner in Romania). Yet crazy mullah government spends tens of billions of dollars to slaughter kids in Syria, Israel, Yemen...

Not Tens of millions but a decent amount. Stop trying to exaggerate.
Tens of millions of Iranians live in terrible poverty. Millions of educated Iranians can't find job or earn embarrassing wages (even for toilet cleaner in Romania). Yet crazy mullah government spends tens of billions of dollars to slaughter kids in Syria, Israel, Yemen...

How many million in the clip?
According to Jews isreal has illegaly occupied Palestine

According to Jews isreal has illegaly occupied Palestine
Tens of millions of Iranians live in terrible poverty. Millions of educated Iranians can't find job or earn embarrassing wages (even for toilet cleaner in Romania). Yet crazy mullah government spends tens of billions of dollars to slaughter kids in Syria, Israel, Yemen...

Tens of Millions????This Is Not Even A Hundred
It looks like the Tazis' efforts continue to bleed their beloved Parsis.
The amount of funding Iran sends to Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad is not the reason for economic miseries as the amount pales in proportion to what the US, Germany and other EU nations send to Israel just in military aid. If you want to point out specifically Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza, they get together around tens of millions a month, in the lower range. They don't need much economic aid(just to pay salaries) and there is a limit to what they can acquire in weaponry so extensive funding is not needed.

What is the problem is the US sanctions towards Iran because of their funding of those groups and because of nuclear program. Hezbollah in Lebanon gets the most funding, because it is a larger group and very important ally to Iran. It isn't affected by the limits Hamas and Islamic Jihad have in Gaza so Iran can spend more on it militarily. But, still, it is not going to affect the economy. The problem is US classifies these groups as terrorist organizations so it will result in sanctions. Even if they don't support them, US will still put pressure on them until they adopt US model and stances in the region. So it's disingenuine for Israeli's or US administration to signal to Iranian public that problem is limited to Iranian support of these few groups.

Reality is, if they work towards democracy and want to have influence in the region, they will reinforce sanctions on them. It's the treatment every Muslim country gets in their own local region. Only Israel is exempt of this policy. EU has slightly different vision and willing to compromise in some areas but can't stop the US or risk rupture in relations. Sanctions will hit Egypt or Saudi Arabia or whomever else in future if they have effective economy, stability and ability to overtake Israel as military/domestic leader in the region. It was only several decades ago war was waged against Egypt for that reason.

So inevitably if US keeps up this policy it is going to contribute to downfall of nations and not help in building them to modern Western standards and levels of efficiency. Of course much responsibility is pinned on the local regimes themselves. The true victims are the people. And the youth in this region need to be prepared for complete rebuilding of region because current leaderships and foreign influence are repressing the populations.

We want to be proud people, not subservients to foreign culture/way of life. These regimes and foreign nations are fighting the local people through various means to prevent a proud, modern Islamic youth that wants to value education/science/history/rich culture of region without becoming completely liberal or adopting Western way of life. But, regimes and US want to enforce their culture and way of life upon the people of the region. And they blow out of proportion the small minority of people in the region who submit fully to that agenda and give up their rights/morals/culture/beliefs so easily because of constant US/regime led terror and attempt to force culture on us. It's gonna lead to an ugly blowback and in the midst of the blowback Allah will arrange matters for scholars to give allegiance to a righteous/good man in Mecca to lead Muslims to security/prosperity and freedom to worship(not just pray 5 prayers, to establish region where you can adopt different view on life that submits to God of Abraham and brings genuine justice to world without threat of being killed or pursued or anything else).

Muslims(general people not regimes, I don't think any of the regimes are righteous, they have pros and cons)should be proud of themselves as bad as things are, we are sticking up for our right and freedom to worship the God of Abraham. Just because government allows you to pray and study Islam doesn't mean you're free to worship. Especially when they penalize you for condemning injustice or condemning moral degradation or trying to observe many tenets of Islam that amount to worship. They tell you to just accept what they want for us, pray in your mosques or closed doors but that's the limit. That''s not good but even then I wouldn't advise any armed rebellion or taking matters into your hands. Just simply stick to your beliefs by tongue and remembrance of Allah(SWT)/God. Just keep saying you appreciate your beliefs and won't abandon them and believe in your beliefs. That's all that is needed for them. The events will take their natural course. Don't get yourself involved in any violence or even bad political disputes.

We still a way to go but I believe we will successfully achieve a new model for our region that will exceed Western standards in terms of justice, balanced way of life, etc... inshaallah ... nothing against Westerners as a people of course. We don't have no clash of civilizations or anything, many Westerns don't like the too liberal leaning way of life and other political matters arising as well. We just want to build an moderate Islamic society that values justice, prosperity, education, science and worship. Without neglecting worship.... And no terrorist groups will be involved in that effort, it will be the ordinary youth ....
The amount of funding Iran sends to Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad is not the reason for economic miseries as the amount pales in proportion to what the US, Germany and other EU nations send to Israel just in military aid. If you want to point out specifically Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza, they get together around tens of millions a month, in the lower range. They don't need much economic aid(just to pay salaries) and there is a limit to what they can acquire in weaponry so extensive funding is not needed.

What is the problem is the US sanctions towards Iran because of their funding of those groups and because of nuclear program. Hezbollah in Lebanon gets the most funding, because it is a larger group and very important ally to Iran. It isn't affected by the limits Hamas and Islamic Jihad have in Gaza so Iran can spend more on it militarily. But, still, it is not going to affect the economy. The problem is US classifies these groups as terrorist organizations so it will result in sanctions. Even if they don't support them, US will still put pressure on them until they adopt US model and stances in the region. So it's disingenuine for Israeli's or US administration to signal to Iranian public that problem is limited to Iranian support of these few groups.

Reality is, if they work towards democracy and want to have influence in the region, they will reinforce sanctions on them. It's the treatment every Muslim country gets in their own local region. Only Israel is exempt of this policy. EU has slightly different vision and willing to compromise in some areas but can't stop the US or risk rupture in relations. Sanctions will hit Egypt or Saudi Arabia or whomever else in future if they have effective economy, stability and ability to overtake Israel as military/domestic leader in the region. It was only several decades ago war was waged against Egypt for that reason.

So inevitably if US keeps up this policy it is going to contribute to downfall of nations and not help in building them to modern Western standards and levels of efficiency. Of course much responsibility is pinned on the local regimes themselves. The true victims are the people. And the youth in this region need to be prepared for complete rebuilding of region because current leaderships and foreign influence are repressing the populations.

We want to be proud people, not subservients to foreign culture/way of life. These regimes and foreign nations are fighting the local people through various means to prevent a proud, modern Islamic youth that wants to value education/science/history/rich culture of region without becoming completely liberal or adopting Western way of life. But, regimes and US want to enforce their culture and way of life upon the people of the region. And they blow out of proportion the small minority of people in the region who submit fully to that agenda and give up their rights/morals/culture/beliefs so easily because of constant US/regime led terror and attempt to force culture on us. It's gonna lead to an ugly blowback and in the midst of the blowback Allah will arrange matters for scholars to give allegiance to a righteous/good man in Mecca to lead Muslims to security/prosperity and freedom to worship(not just pray 5 prayers, to establish region where you can adopt different view on life that submits to God of Abraham and brings genuine justice to world without threat of being killed or pursued or anything else).

Muslims(general people not regimes, I don't think any of the regimes are righteous, they have pros and cons)should be proud of themselves as bad as things are, we are sticking up for our right and freedom to worship the God of Abraham. Just because government allows you to pray and study Islam doesn't mean you're free to worship. Especially when they penalize you for condemning injustice or condemning moral degradation or trying to observe many tenets of Islam that amount to worship. They tell you to just accept what they want for us, pray in your mosques or closed doors but that's the limit. That''s not good but even then I wouldn't advise any armed rebellion or taking matters into your hands. Just simply stick to your beliefs by tongue and remembrance of Allah(SWT)/God. Just keep saying you appreciate your beliefs and won't abandon them and believe in your beliefs. That's all that is needed for them. The events will take their natural course. Don't get yourself involved in any violence or even bad political disputes.

We still a way to go but I believe we will successfully achieve a new model for our region that will exceed Western standards in terms of justice, balanced way of life, etc... inshaallah ... nothing against Westerners as a people of course. We don't have no clash of civilizations or anything, many Westerns don't like the too liberal leaning way of life and other political matters arising as well. We just want to build an moderate Islamic society that values justice, prosperity, education, science and worship. Without neglecting worship.... And no terrorist groups will be involved in that effort, it will be the ordinary youth ....
Iranian regime currently funds two full scale wars: in Syria and in Yemen. Full scale war costs billions of dollars a year. They fund dozens of sectarian militias in Iraq. Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

A country that during Shah had GDP per capita higher than South Korea now looks like this:

Open Jobs in Iran S-300 operator

Jobs in Iran , manufacture Aviation AIRcraft


Jobs in Manufacturing

Lot of jobs I think
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The amount of funding Iran sends to Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad is not the reason for economic miseries as the amount pales in proportion to what the US, Germany and other EU nations send to Israel just in military aid.

It's not about the amount that Iran spent, it's about the economic hostilities Iran earned in return from west. I still remember Signing or clicking "I agree" to a USA company policy which explicitly states that you cannot do business with Iran and North Korea if you are employed with that Organization.
Syria is better off under Arab influence from a united Arab front. Neither Iran nor Turkey who both have been harmful to Iraq and Syria, the nearest 2 Arab states, both are better off without Turkish and Iranian influence. Saddam goes away and suddenly they both become animals
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