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Pakistan using ‘thermal suits’ to dodge night-vision devices

Praveen Swami

DRASS, Aug. 10

PAKISTAN soldiers perched at peak 5,353 metres, on the strategic Marpo La Ridge had a grandstand view of this year's Vijay Diwas celebrations, marking the official end of the Kargil war. At least some of them must had wry smiles on their faces, for although peak 5,353 metres is inside the Indian side of the Line of Control (LoC), Pakistani troops held the mountain through the Kargil war and continue to do so today.

Completely untrue as far as Google Maps is concerned!!Such a big mistake right at the beginning, ain't looking that well but let's continue.

Artillery observers on peak 5,353 metres can direct accurate artillery fire on to up to 20 km of the National Highway 1A,
An entirely false statement based on misplaced assumptions and a total lack of geographical sense!!I bet he had never visited the area ever before he chose to vomit up this 'masterpiece'!!Meanwhile, according to the officials posted there, guys who have actually been there and know their stuffs, the stretch of the NH1A that is visible from the 5353 is no more than a mere 500 meters at best case scenario, on a clear sunny day!!
And it makes perfect sense actually if you think about it, why else do you think your soldiers needed to actually cross the LC and occupy vacant Indian posts atop the Tololing and Tiger Hill and other nearby ridge lines if their position on the mythical be all end all 5353 offered them with such level of tactical dominance??The answer is simple - the position simply does not offer that level of observation!!And also because point 5353 sits almost 12 kilometers away from the NH1A.Like I said, good luck spotting anything from up there, let alone passing on firing solutions of any value.

Oh and by the way, alternate lines of communication have already been completed and more are under works.Like I said, in the end, it was all for nothing, point 5353 is not at all strategically significant as far as blocking the highway is concerned.Now go suck your thumb kiddo. :D

and cripple Indian defensive positions from Mushkoh to Bhimbet.
Yeah, only to get your entire Neelum valley bombed into swiss cheese like we did back in the late 90s, lolzz. What do you really think we would do, just sit back and watch??And do remember this, just like you have point 5353, we have point 5608, the tallest peak in that region from where we can block the Palawar- Bunyal road pretty much at our will.
And in any case, if the guys sitting atop 5353 tries to but even move a finger our boys from nearby peaks can send them to oblivion by calling in artillery strikes right on their heads.
Indian troops are being forced to compensate for this tactical blunder by engaging in a series of operations in the Batalik sector.
If the hostilities had been ceased by that point, then how come the operations were still ongoing??Makes no sense.
Pakistani occupation of point 5353 means Operation Vijay's core objective in Drass, securing the highway, in effect failed. Officials in New Delhi attempt to argue that point 5353 is in an ambiguous location on the Line of Control, and that there are two peaks of the same height which are being confused, claims debunked by copies of the Army's own maps which are in Business Line's possession.
There is nothing remotely dubious or mysterious about the operations undertaken by the Indian Army higher ups in that region nor is there anything suspicious about the statements they issued afterwards!!This is how the events unfolded in the following chronological order -

First, you guys occupied the ridges overlooking NH1A including 5353 (west of LC), Tololing and the Tiger Hill.

Then the Indian Army determines to kick you out of the tololing and tiger hill as they posed a far more direct and credible threat to the Dras sector.

After that they did a threat assessment and decided against a direct assault against the 5353 as the climb was deemed too difficult and the risk being not worth any potential gains and therefore, decided to do a reverse Kargil and captured a couple of peaks by crossing the LC, namely p 4875 and p 4251 right before the ceasefire in august 1999.

Then these two were later returned to Pakistan during negotiations in exchange for 5353 and 5240 being vacated and both armies retreating back to their prewar positions.

Then, in october 1999, admittedly we made a dick move (can't really blame them given you guys are no less dicky yourselves)and decided to ciolate the "gentemen's words to occupy the now vacant 5353 and 5240.It was determined that both peaks would have to be taken simultaneously but the operation didn't go as planned for while the grenadiers did take the 5240,the Gurkha unit which was tasked with occupying that 5353 failed in their task and then you guys consolidated on that hilltop.Point 5165 was also occupied by the elements of Indian 8th mountain division during this time.

After that, no attempts were made to capture the peak since the risk was just too high for any potential gains, which would have been paltry at best.
So instead, we crossed the LC again and occupied a number of peaks on the Pakistani side, those being
1. Point 5608, the highest one in this region, which overlooks the strategic Palawar- Bunyal road.
2. Point 5130 was ceased in April the following year which brought the entire Kabutar bowl under our direct line of sight, which by the way, happens to be the only supply route for your precious 5353!! :rofl:
3. point 5070 was occupied sometimes in the next month, which turned the flanks of the **** positions opposite Dras.
So for a measly peak inside your territory, you lost at least three vital peaks in the vicinity with far more strategic and tactical significance that will have disastrous consequences for your side if and when you decide to do something funny again.

(typical indian government's twist to make a fool out of its own people)

That's more of a pakistani specialty, not ours.We'll come to that later.

Point 5353, like the features around it, had been occupied by Pakistani troops at the start of the Kargil war. Indian soldiers, however, were nowhere near its summit when hostilities were pronounced to have ended. All that had been achieved was the occupation of two secondary positions on the Marpo La ridge line, Charlie 6 and Charlie 7. (Yeah, you only managed to secure 2 pathetic little posts after sacrificing 30000 of your lives)
It's funny how you always try to dodge the fact that India never occupied 5353 or how it was not even in the Indian side to begin with since it will strip you off of your only semblance of some achievement (however misplaced and false) in this whole fiasco.
Yeah, you only managed to secure 2 pathetic little posts after sacrificing 30000 of your lives)
Like I previously said, why stop at 30 thousand, why not make it 30 millions or even trillions??!!After all one need not pay fines for being imaginative (or a moron!), let your stupidity er... your imagination fly!! :rofl:
In truth, Indian losses were no more than 650 KIA at most during the entire period of the confrontation.We're not the ISPR, we don't feel the need to disown our dead, wish I could say the same about you folks.

Pakistani troops also remained on point 5240, some 1,200 metres as the crow flies from point 5353.
And then he has a sudden change of heart and decides to write this in the very same article -
"When Pakistani troops detected the Indian presence on 5240, they promptly launched a counter assault on 5353."

56 Brigade Commander Amar Aul, in charge of the operations to secure point 5353, responded by occupying two heights on the Pakistani side of the LoC, 4875 and 4251, just before the ceasefire came into force. (big deal, point 5353 directed artillery can take out those posts at will, they are at our mercy).
Don't get it??No problem, I'll explain it to you shortly but first let me just savor this galactic level of stupidity of yours!!:rofl::rofl:

Com. Aul's tactics, evidently under political pressure to bring about as quick an end to hostilities as possible, were designed to secure a subsequent territorial exchange. In mid-August, 1999, his efforts to bring about a deal bore fruit. Extended negotiations between the Brigadier and a Pakistani interlocutor, who called himself Colonel Saqlain, led to both sides committing themselves to leave points 5353, 5240, 4251 and 4875 unoccupied.
And there's your explanation, the one I promised.As you can see, you are already too late for what you said you would do.:omghaha:

Both Indian and Pakistani troops were now pulled back to their pre-Kargil position, leaving an arial distance of about a kilometre between the armies along most of the Marpo La ridge. The deal wasn't ideal, for point 5353 was of enormously more strategic importance to India than either 4251 or 4875 were for Pakistan, but it was better than nothing. (So you geniuses event emptied whatever little you had gained, morons! :omghaha:)
Tell me, does your stupidity come naturally or do you have to train for it like 10 hours a day for 365 days a year??!!I'm really confused at this point.Don't you realize that you guys had to vacant strategically more important positions like 5353 and 5240 as well??!!
By the way, it's called strategic maneuvering you dolt!!By ceasing those 'insignificant, puny little' peaks as you describe them, Indian Army made sure that pakistan would be forced to come to the negotiation table, which they did!!And by returning those peaks, we made you guys vacant the 5240 and 5353 without having to move a finger!!They were simply setting you up for your blunders, they were just keeping their faith in your innate tunnel vision and lack of foresight and just they thought, you made a series of blunders.Don't you get it, well don't you worry, I'm here to explain it all to your sorry self.Stay tuned.
Once you guys had vacated the peaks, our boys occupied 5240, which led you into a frenzy and you guys promptly occupied the 5353 as a knee-jerk reaction just as they had thought, and you directed all your efforts and your energy into fortifying that useless peak without ever thinking about securing your flanks or rear!!
This in-turn enabled us to cease vital peaks like 5070 and 5310 unopposed, inside your territory which has since left your position atop the 5353 vulnerable as the rear areas!!The worst case of tunnel vision and lack of foresight at display here and yet you didn't learn anything from this mistake, as evidenced by your comments.So sad.

owards the end of October, things began to go horribly wrong. Commander Aul tasked the 16 Grenadiers to take point 5240 and the 1-3 Gurkha Rifles to occupy 5353, choosing to violate the August agreement rather than risk the prospect that Pakistan might reoccupy these positions again. While the 16 Grenadiers attack proceeded as planned, despite bad weather, the 1-3 Gurkha Rifles, for reasons which are still not clear, never made their way up 5353. When Pakistani troops detected the Indian presence on 52 40, they promptly launched a counter assault on 5353. Seven days later, in early November, the Grenadiers unit on 5240 watched Pakistan take up positions on the more important peak. (bas, parh liya? ab shup kar kay bsith jao).
Parh liya, zara khud bhi parh leta toh khudka aisa popat nehi bana leta.

pakistan moved rapidly to consolidate its position on 5353. Concrete bunkers came up on the peak, and a road was constructed to the base of the peak from Benazir Post, Pakistan's most important permanent position in the area. In the meanwhile, Commander Aul considered plans to retake the peak. He didn't have much choice. India's positions on 5240 were under threat, along with positions of the 2 Naga in Mushkoh, the 2 Grenadiers in Drass, and the 8 Sikh in Bhimbet. (yeah, they are at our mercy like sitting ducks) Offensives were discussed in January and February this year, and again in May and August, but had to be abandoned each time because of the risks involved. (in other words, you cowards CHICKENED OUT)!
Nope, it's called risk assessment and the risk was deemed to be far higher than any potential gains on the ground, so our army top brass decided not to go ahead with the operation, that's all.But don't you worry, our boys occupied a lot of the other peaks, in the vicinity, in your side of the LOC, inside Azad Kashmir!!
Now suck on that kid. :rofl:

And I find it interesting gust you didn't mention 1965
Well, if you insist, let me give you my thoughts about 1965 and pay attention cause I'm gonna say it only once.Here goes - "A strategy which doesn't take enemy's response into account is not a strategy but a mere wishful thinking"!!I don't know who said that but it fits the then pakistani decision makers quite well.Militarily, it was a defeat for Pakistan as they failed to take their stated objectives while the Indians achieved all of theirs and was at a far more advantageous position at the end of the hostilities.
...is it because the problems you face today in kashmir started with that war? :lol:
Nope, because it's completely irrelevant to our topic at hand.By the way, I didn't mention 48 or 71 or Siachen either, guess you failed to take note of that.
Now, lemme guess, the writer is a communist and anti government against bjp congressi, right? :disagree:
Well, a commie or not, the writer is completely uninformed and quite confused about the prevailing geo political situation of that region and makes plenty of contradictory claims.For example, at one point he claims (mistakenly) the point 5240 in **** hands only to claim the opposite later!!This doesn't really incite much confidence about his credibility.

Let the words of a PDF THINK TANK: CONSULTANT provide you with the wisdom you need so that you can finally wake up from your deep slumber -

Kargil war was a total disaster, claims Gen Majeed Malik

By the way,Mr. @GumNaam , this very writer, this Swami guy, the one you are putting so much faith on had this to say about this whole sh!t show in a later article -
"When Operation Parakram began a little over three years ago, both the Indian Army and the Pakistan Army began trading ferocious artillery fire up and down the LoC. In the high mountains, sudden winds and unpredictable atmospheric conditions ensure that shells rarely land where gunners intend them to. But, with a direct line of observation available to them, the Pakistani forces on Point 5353 should have been able to pass on corrections that would have enabled their artillery to obliterate Sando Top. If, that is, the Pakistani troops on Point 5353 had been given the chance. Indian soldiers on three posts, namely Point 5165, Point 5240 and Point 5100, guided their superior 155-millimetre Bofors howitzers with devastating accuracy. Pakistani troops on Point 5353 were first hit with smoke-filled mortar shells, to flush them out of their bunkers, and then with air-burst artillery, which showered down shards of metal at great speed. Well over 40 Pakistanis are believed to have died on Point 5353. Pakistan could not reinforce the troops since the Indian soldiers on Point 5165 and Point 5240 were in a position to hit their supply lines." :rofl: :rofl:
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Completely untrue as far as Google Maps is concerned!!Such a big mistake right at the beginning, ain't looking that well but let's continue.

An entirely false statement based on misplaced assumptions and a total lack of geographical sense!!I bet he had never visited the area ever before he chose to vomit up this 'masterpiece'!!Meanwhile, according to the officials posted there, guys who have actually been there and know their stuffs, the stretch of the NH1A that is visible from the 5353 is no more than a mere 500 meters at best case scenario, on a clear sunny day!!
And it makes perfect sense actually if you think about it, why else do you think your soldiers needed to actually cross the LC and occupy vacant Indian posts atop the Tololing and Tiger Hill and other nearby ridge lines if their position on the mythical be all end all 5353 offered them with such level of tactical dominance??The answer is simple - the position simply does not offer that level of observation!!And also because point 5353 sits almost 12 kilometers away from the NH1A.Like I said, good luck spotting anything from up there, let alone passing on firing solutions of any value.

Oh and by the way, alternate lines of communication have already been completed and more are under works.Like I said, in the end, it was all for nothing, point 5353 is not at all strategically significant as far as blocking the highway is concerned.Now go suck your thumb kiddo. :D

Yeah, only to get your entire Neelum valley bombed into swiss cheese like we did back in the late 90s, lolzz. What do you really think we would do, just sit back and watch??And do remember this, just like you have point 5353, we have point 5608, the tallest peak in that region from where we can block the Palawar- Bunyal road pretty much at our will.
And in any case, if the guys sitting atop 5353 tries to but even move a finger our boys from nearby peaks can send them to oblivion by calling in artillery strikes right on their heads.

If the hostilities had been ceased by that point, then how come the operations were still ongoing??Makes no sense.

There is nothing remotely dubious or mysterious about the operations undertaken by the Indian Army higher ups in that region nor is there anything suspicious about the statements they issued afterwards!!This is how the events unfolded in the following chronological order -

First, you guys occupied the ridges overlooking NH1A including 5353 (west of LC), Tololing and the Tiger Hill.

Then the Indian Army determines to kick you out of the tololing and tiger hill as they posed a far more direct and credible threat to the Dras sector.

After that they did a threat assessment and decided against a direct assault against the 5353 as the climb was deemed too difficult and the risk being not worth any potential gains and therefore, decided to do a reverse Kargil and captured a couple of peaks by crossing the LC, namely p 4875 and p 4251 right before the ceasefire in august 1999.

Then these two were later returned to Pakistan during negotiations in exchange for 5353 and 5240 being vacated and both armies retreating back to their prewar positions.

Then, in october 1999, admittedly we made a dick move (can't really blame them given you guys are no less dicky yourselves)and decided to ciolate the "gentemen's words to occupy the now vacant 5353 and 5240.It was determined that both peaks would have to be taken simultaneously but the operation didn't go as planned for while the grenadiers did take the 5240,the Gurkha unit which was tasked with occupying that 5353 failed in their task and then you guys consolidated on that hilltop.Point 5165 was also occupied by the elements of Indian 8th mountain division during this time.

After that, no attempts were made to capture the peak since the risk was just too high for any potential gains, which would have been paltry at best.
So instead, we crossed the LC again and occupied a number of peaks on the Pakistani side, those being
1. Point 5608, the highest one in this region, which overlooks the strategic Palawar- Bunyal road.
2. Point 5130 was ceased in April the following year which brought the entire Kabutar bowl under our direct line of sight, which by the way, happens to be the only supply route for your precious 5353!! :rofl:
3. point 5070 was occupied sometimes in the next month, which turned the flanks of the **** positions opposite Dras.
So for a measly peak inside your territory, you lost at least three vital peaks in the vicinity with far more strategic and tactical significance that will have disastrous consequences for your side if and when you decide to do something funny again.

That's more of a pakistani specialty, not ours.We'll come to that later.

It's funny how you always try to dodge the fact that India never occupied 5353 or how it was not even in the Indian side to begin with since it will strip you off of your only semblance of some achievement (however misplaced and false) in this whole fiasco.

Like I previously said, why stop at 30 thousand, why not make it 30 millions or even trillions??!!After all one need not pay fines for being imaginative (or a moron!), let your stupidity er... your imagination fly!! :rofl:
In truth, Indian losses were no more than 650 KIA at most during the entire period of the confrontation.We're not the ISPR, we don't feel the need to disown our dead, wish I could say the same about you folks.

And then he has a sudden change of heart and decides to write this in the very same article -
"When Pakistani troops detected the Indian presence on 5240, they promptly launched a counter assault on 5353."

Don't get it??No problem, I'll explain it to you shortly but first let me just savor this galactic level of stupidity of yours!!:rofl::rofl:

And there's your explanation, the one I promised.As you can see, you are already too late for what you said you would do.:omghaha:

Tell me, does your stupidity come naturally or do you have to train for it like 10 hours a day for 365 days a year??!!I'm really confused at this point.Don't you realize that you guys had to vacant strategically more important positions like 5353 and 5240 as well??!!
By the way, it's called strategic maneuvering you dolt!!By ceasing those 'insignificant, puny little' peaks as you describe them, Indian Army made sure that pakistan would be forced to come to the negotiation table, which they did!!And by returning those peaks, we made you guys vacant the 5240 and 5353 without having to move a finger!!They were simply setting you up for your blunders, they were just keeping their faith in your innate tunnel vision and lack of foresight and just they thought, you made a series of blunders.Don't you get it, well don't you worry, I'm here to explain it all to your sorry self.Stay tuned.
Once you guys had vacated the peaks, our boys occupied 5240, which led you into a frenzy and you guys promptly occupied the 5353 as a knee-jerk reaction just as they had thought, and you directed all your efforts and your energy into fortifying that useless peak without ever thinking about securing your flanks or rear!!
This in-turn enabled us to cease vital peaks like 5070 and 5310 unopposed, inside your territory which has since left your position atop the 5353 vulnerable as the rear areas!!The worst case of tunnel vision and lack of foresight at display here and yet you didn't learn anything from this mistake, as evidenced by your comments.So sad.

Parh liya, zara khud bhi parh leta toh khudka aisa popat nehi bana leta.

Nope, it's called risk assessment and the risk was deemed to be far higher than any potential gains on the ground, so our army top brass decided not to go ahead with the operation, that's all.But don't you worry, our boys occupied a lot of the other peaks, in the vicinity, in your side of the LOC, inside Azad Kashmir!!
Now suck on that kid. :rofl:

Well, if you insist, let me give you my thoughts about 1965 and pay attention cause I'm gonna say it only once.Here goes - "A strategy which doesn't take enemy's response into account is not a strategy but a mere wishful thinking"!!I don't know who said that but it fits the then pakistani decision makers quite well.Militarily, it was a defeat for Pakistan as they failed to take their stated objectives while the Indians achieved all of theirs and was at a far more advantageous position at the end of the hostilities.

Nope, because it's completely irrelevant to our topic at hand.By the way, I didn't mention 48 or 71 or Siachen either, guess you failed to take note of that.

Well, a commie or not, the writer is completely uninformed and quite confused about the prevailing geo political situation of that region and makes plenty of contradictory claims.For example, at one point he claims (mistakenly) the point 5240 in **** hands only to claim the opposite later!!This doesn't really incite much confidence about his credibility.

Let the words of a PDF THINK TANK: CONSULTANT provide you with the wisdom you need so that you can finally wake up from your deep slumber -

Kargil war was a total disaster, claims Gen Majeed Malik

By the way,Mr. @GumNaam , this very writer, this Swami guy, the one you are putting so much faith on had this to say about this whole sh!t show in a later article -
"When Operation Parakram began a little over three years ago, both the Indian Army and the Pakistan Army began trading ferocious artillery fire up and down the LoC. In the high mountains, sudden winds and unpredictable atmospheric conditions ensure that shells rarely land where gunners intend them to. But, with a direct line of observation available to them, the Pakistani forces on Point 5353 should have been able to pass on corrections that would have enabled their artillery to obliterate Sando Top. If, that is, the Pakistani troops on Point 5353 had been given the chance. Indian soldiers on three posts, namely Point 5165, Point 5240 and Point 5100, guided their superior 155-millimetre Bofors howitzers with devastating accuracy. Pakistani troops on Point 5353 were first hit with smoke-filled mortar shells, to flush them out of their bunkers, and then with air-burst artillery, which showered down shards of metal at great speed. Well over 40 Pakistanis are believed to have died on Point 5353. Pakistan could not reinforce the troops since the Indian soldiers on Point 5165 and Point 5240 were in a position to hit their supply lines." :rofl: :rofl:

your entire post was full of nothing but self delusional "feel good" comments based on wishful thinking and biased local news links...if you consider google maps a governmental authority then I'd ask for my money back from the school I went to if I was you. :lol:

the fact that you went on to rant this entire jibberish with multiple copy-paste repeats with absolutely no authoritative and verifiable source backup your claims indicates that I've hit the nail on the head, I've hit you where it hurts...for this is the typical indian behavior when they are exposed as the usual losers that they are. :omghaha:

I gave you a source from your OWN side that clearly states you miserably lost AND that your own military and government are merely playing with words to hide their shame and humilation. now do yourself a favor, and write up an entire book full of these rants of yours...it doesn't it doesn't change the fact that india lost miserably and has been simply playing with dodgy words EVER since to hide its failures...

and here, let me ruin your point 5608 fantasies...google 'point 5353 kargil' and you actually see news links and verifiable sources. most of them are garbage indian news links that portray that 'point 5353 tigerhill was the "turning point" for india' and yet, IT IS STILL WITH US!!! you call that crap a turning point??? :rofl: but at least there is some data there on oint 5353 from news sources as you can see here:
Screen Shot 2018-05-26 at 3.02.39 PM.png

google 'point 5608 kargil' and you get nothing, :lol: even youtube doesn't produce anything related point 5608, zip, ZILCH!!! abay did your general chuttarr singh stick his two fingers in his arse, pulled 'em out and smelt 'em, went cross-eyed and said "ahaa, oh ballay ballay, oh point 5608 oh pappay" :laugh: and then senior journalist ganday raam came running to smell the fingers and said "oh jabrdasht apun ich pay newj echtory banaoun gaa, gay hind"!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: stop pulling peaks out of your arse to make yourself feel good. and besides, don't your types like having thi"pushed" peaks into your arse to make you feel good? 8-) oh yeah that's right, it has to be push-in and pull-out and push-in again to make your arse feel good, right? :rofl:
Screen Shot 2018-05-26 at 3.02.26 PM.png

and btw, your aptly named thehindu link doesn't change the fact that WE STILL OWN POINT 5353! 8-)
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Victories come with absolute sacrifice.

They didn't fail the nation even though they lost their lives.
I have a lot of respect for Indian solders defending their borders. They are doing an honourable job but the monkeys oppressing Kashmir I have no sympathy for and most of you Indians dancers here are just that dancers

well first off, it is your OWN media monkeys that keep calling point 5353 as tigerhill so I'm just rubbing it in your face. And I could care less about whether the links you posted agree with the reality of facts that I have rubbed in your face or not. You ask me if I would take your "high ranking military officials" and their maps and documents seriously? little child, your own government officials, your own elected members of parliament, you own media journalists they don't take your so called "high ranking military" officials seriously. they have been exposed multiple times to lie to their public in their far fetched claims over and over and over again. no one takes liars seriously. if your media members and your intellectuals don't take your "high ranking military officials" seriously, then why should I?

and don't gimme that load a cow dung about how three toed lizards in wales or where ever the hell won't show up on google news and that lousy slippery fish tactic before the slippery fish gets impaled on a spear tactic. and shame on you for presenting a photoshopped map!
View attachment 476990

notice the break in the purple LOC line! you pathetic little FAGGOT TURDS, you idiots can't even cheat right, if you are gonna doctor up evidence, at least doctor it through proper channels and sources that actually mean something! We Pakistanis have already known about this useless tabloid know nothing website put together by two bit little armchair generals like who can't even doctor up evidence right.


and OF COURSE We will NOT take anything from the indian media or from the indian military establishment seriously! your own people don't take it seriously! heck there is an entire thread running right here on PDF that shows how the indian media takes money and publishes doctored news items as per anyone's desires!!! but when, by mistake, in spite of such corruption, someone presents evidence against your fake claims, OF COURSE WE WILL RUB IT IN YOUR FACES!!!

making fake documents that your government and generals stop anyone from scrutinizing and making bollywood b-rated feel good flicks are not gonna hide the humiliation of the indian military, it won't hide the true cold hard facts! you little homos need to face the facts...you lost in kargil! 8-)

your army generals are lying jokers and cannot be taken seriously!

it took over a decade but the truth finally got exposed from your pathetic joker indian army full of feminine little fags:

the list of ineptitude, corruption and failures of the indian army goes on and on and on! therefore how can anything coming from your government and military sources be taken seriously?!?!?! they cannot!

you are a nation of natural born loosers and faggots!!! :haha::haha::haha: 8-) :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:

Bravo bro. Statute you
well first off, it is your OWN media monkeys that keep calling point 5353 as tigerhill

The only ones who refer to 5353 as Tiger Hill are ISPR and the pakistani sheep like yourself who follows them like fish follows hippos (to feed on their poop of course :D )!!On the other hand, our side has always maintained, from the very beginning that Tiger Hill and 5353 were two different features, which are separated by more than 6 kilometers!!
It's only your na-pak army which keeps referring to 5353 as Tiger Hill as according to them, so as to make you fools believe that they are somehow still in possession of Indian territory and just to hide the fact that how humongous of an waste of time and lives and resources for you people was the shitshow which was Kargil!!In short, it's propaganda, just so you can sleep in some peace that finally, after half a century of defeats and humiliation, you have to something to take pride in!!
Only thing is that it's a lie and shouting it from the very top of your lungs wouldn't make it truth, it never works that way.In reality, you guys are no where near Tiger Hill and everyone knows that........everyone except for the bunch of nincompoops like your lot!!So keep believing the lies conceived by your not-so-glorious na-**** army, cause no one else does.lolzz. :D

so I'm just rubbing it in your face.
No kid, you are rubbing nothing.At this point, the only thing you are doing is just shutting your ears and closing your eyelids as tightly as you can while chanting 'la-la-la-la I don't believe you', just so that you wouldn't have to expose yourself to the bitter reality and burst your tiny little bubble, like little kids do!!

And I could care less about whether the links you posted agree with the reality of facts that I have rubbed in your face or not.
In other words, you are just too afraid to even take a glance at the real life facts as doing so would surely burst your bubble, your sense of false victory!!Truly, you guys never cease to amuse me, I mean no one else can make an utter humiliation sound like some sort of glorious victory like you porkies does!!That's about the only thing you're good at really, spreading ridiculous propaganda and stroking each other's weenies over that misplaced sense of achievement!!

You ask me if I would take your "high ranking military officials" and their maps and documents seriously?
Nope, I didn't ask you anything, no.I said you clearly lack both the mental capacity and the intellectual honesty to accept the bitter reality and let go off your previous believes which are not based on the grounds of reality, like every other paakis that came before you.
It would have been apparent to you only if you had been exposed to proper education as a child, which sadly, hasn't been the case.

little child, your own government officials, your own elected members of parliament, you own media journalists they don't take your so called "high ranking military" officials seriously. they have been exposed multiple times to lie to their public in their far fetched claims over and over and over again.
Just like your politicians do not believe the claims of your army??Gimme a break, don't tell me you are so naive.
no one takes liars seriously.
Like no one takes you guys seriously over any topics.Like this you mean??
Comedy Gold!!:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I should believe you on this one it seems, cause you are speaking from a position of experience, lolzz!! :D :D

if your media members and your intellectuals don't take your "high ranking military officials" seriously, then why should I?
I couldn't have cared any less what you believe!!I do not post here to hammer sense into the skulls of a bunch of nincompoops, I just post the facts so that people can watch them and what they do after that is none of my concerns!!
You can believe whatever you want to, it's a free world after all, right??Here, one isn't required to pay fines for stupidity!!I mean for fuckk's sake you follow the religion errr... death cult of ancient goat fucking desert rats camel jockies, follow a pedophile genocidal murdering maniac and believe in an invisible sky daddy...... you know, your alla-hu-snackbar!!This notion here, that you guys winning Kargil, in contrast, is far less ridiculous and laughable a belief, even if based on disinformation, half-truths and even straight up lies!!

and don't gimme that load a cow dung about how three toed lizards in wales or where ever the hell won't show up on google news and that lousy slippery fish tactic before the slippery fish gets impaled on a spear tactic.
But I gave you a load of pig sh!t about your DAD as well, didn't you notice??Why don't you address that question before carrying on with your bullsh!t??So what's your answer - the world wants to know!!
Here, I ask you once again, if you can't find your dad in Google then how can you be so sure he exists??This leads to the next logical and rather confusing question - if your dad doesn't exist fir tu kahase tapka re??!! Did your allah sent that muhammad of yours to do you know what your mum??!! Well, I won't be surprised if you actually believe that, when it comes to you pakistanis, nothing surprises me anymore.The only thing I've learnt after signing up for PDF is that anything is possible when it comes to your lot. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

All kidding aside, I wasn't trying to give you shit with that response, no!!Those are called analogies, I only wrote those to show you the inherent flaw in your argument or rather this belief of yours, that anything you can not find in Google shouldn't be true!!You would know what an analogy is and does only if you had received proper schooling in your childhood but clearly that hasn't been the case.Clearly, madrassas are not conducing to someone's metal health.
I guess I shouldn't have brought my hopes so high, it's no less than a bloody miracle that an illiterate kid like you can even successfully access the net to log into this forum and I probably should be content with that.My bad.

And coming to google, weren't you the one lecturing me about how google map was so not authentic and therefore invalid??!!What happened now, you an amnesiac or a straight up schizophrenic??Or do you suffer from cognitive dissonance or is it just hypocrisy or may be bits of everything combined??Seek help kid, seek help, you really need it!!

And besides, if my arguments are such garbage, then why have you been dodging them so far without actually ever showing the courage to directly go at them and tear them apart with logic and reason??Instead of just waiving them off as garbage and cow dung and there by showing the whole world how big of an imbecile you are, why don't you destroy my arguments with proper facts once and for all??Why are you hiding behind your rantings and emoticons instead of directly addressing them for once??
Can you dispute even one word I said??Can you dispute the fact that only 5% of the internet is accessible through Google and for the rest, you would need dedicated sear engines with completely different algorithms??No, you can not because that's the bloody truth!!And that's where your whole argument falls apart!!

And in any case, I already explained it to you why you couldn't find that point 5608!!Because you were looking in the wrong direction and I gave you the proper maps and sources to back up my claim!!But it takes a man to accept when he's proven wrong, it takes for a man to admit defeat and you are anything but one!!You are just a sore loser who's salty after suddenly finding out that he had been taken for a ride but is too much of an wimp to accept it and come to peace with it and therefore has gone on a ranting spree just to vent off the steam out of his @ss!!Don't worry, it will sink in in due time. :rofl::rofl:

and shame on you for presenting a photoshopped map!
View attachment 476990
notice the break in the purple LOC line!


There is nothing shopped in that image, nothing, zilch, nada!!I told you right then and I'm telling you again, I made that composite map just to show you the lay of the land!!I just put them together in MS Paint as hurriedly as I could and tried to align along the line depicting the LoC and I did that in may be 30 seconds!!Sorry if I didn't take the time to match them to a perfection, because after almost a whole day of studies and completing assignments, I was simply not feeling like it!!
And in any case, your rantings are all
meaningless as I had already provided the original maps and the source as well.But since the maps were on separate pages, I thought I should take the time to merge them together for the convenience of the viewers, to present a more complete picture and layout of that region so as to show the location of the sectors and the different geographical features relative to one another!!Little did I know that I was replying to a immature salty little kid but I should have guessed.
Once again, these are the unedited images directly taken from the source material as is where is -
Dras -
Dras 2.png

Kaksar -

And here is the version with the Point 5608 being marked inside a circle -

And finally, here is the composite version, again created by me, in MS Paint and you won't find it in the original source material so the question GoI/IA spreading doctored evidence doesn't even arise and deep down, you know that as well.Anyways -
Merge 222.png

Here's the link for the viewers so that they can draw their own respective conclusions -

But your rantings are meaningless, because at this point, your efforts to dismiss it as being shopped is coming off as nothing but a desperate attempt on your side to drive our attention away from the ground reality!!Admit it kiddo, by this time, you have been reduced to grasping at straws, shouting 'la-la-la-la........' in your desperate attempt to make the reality go away but you are not fooling anyone kiddo.Leave it here and save yourself any further embarrassment.
you pathetic little FAGGOT TURDS,
That's coming rather high and mighty from you, kiddo!!

Pakistan internet users top Google searches for gay sex despite being one of the world's most homophobic countries

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...orlds-homophobic-countries.html#ixzz5GoOwwZUZ
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


you idiots can't even cheat right,
Why would we cheat when we have been consistently @ss fucking you folks since 48 without any problem??!! :rofl:
if you are gonna doctor up evidence, at least doctor it through proper channels and sources that actually mean something!
Oh please, even you know there was nothing doctored about those maps!!Stop embarrassing yourself you bloody mong!!
We Pakistanis have already known about this useless tabloid know nothing website put together by two bit little armchair generals like who can't even doctor up evidence right.
No, the only thing you guys have ever learned is to get raped by us on a regular basis, lolzz!! :D :D
Yeah there is a reason alright - you are just too much of a chickensh!t to actually go and look for it lest it should burst your bubble!! :D

and OF COURSE We will NOT take anything from the indian media or from the indian military establishment seriously!your own people don't take it seriously! heck there is an entire thread running right here on PDF that shows how the indian media takes money and publishes doctored news items as per anyone's desires!!! but when, by mistake, in spite of such corruption, someone presents evidence against your fake claims, OF COURSE WE WILL RUB IT IN YOUR FACES!!!

In other words, you are just too chickensh!t to accept the facts. :rofl:

making fake documents that your government and generals stop anyone from scrutinizing

First of all, this is a completely self contradictory argument simply because the moment you make a report/document (or anything for that matter) public, you open it up for debates and scrutinizing!!So your argument just falls apart right where it starts!!And this is why one should think before opening their mouths so as not to make an @ss of oneself, but for that you would need an actual brain, which clearly is lacking in your case.

And secondly, you guys are the masters of making and distributing false reports for public consummations, like you guys used to run the glorious '65 victory' game.
and making bollywood b-rated feel good flicks

And comes the bollywood, you fellas are just too predictable, once a monkey always a monkey.
are not gonna hide the humiliation of the indian military, it won't hide the true cold hard facts!
What humiliation and what cold hard facts??!!Your unsubstantiated ramblings doesn't change the fact that we kicked your balls and fuckked you in the @ss, just like we did on every other occasion before Kargil.
you little homos need to face the facts...


you lost in kargil! 8-)

I'll just quote niaz instead because I could never sum it up so nicely, let his wise words bring you the wisdom and knowledge you need.Here goes nothing -

Kargil war was a total disaster, claims Gen Majeed Malik

your army generals are lying jokers and cannot be taken seriously!

Like this you mean??

it took over a decade but the truth finally got exposed from your pathetic joker indian army full of feminine little fags:

Oh like this you mean??

Like as they say, a picture can reveal what a thousand words can not!!Oh, just have a look at their expressions, oh the love, oh the passion!!My my!! Rab ne bana di jodi, ek ana aur ak futi kaudi!!
Mere ankhon mein toh ansu aa gaye!!

As some wise guy once said, one should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity and it applies quite aptly to you.Quite predictably, you did not even bother to check the actual content of the video and just posted it in a great hurry just by looking at the video title, as a knee-jerk reaction, there by making a complete fool of yourself yet again!!
This is what that good General said in the video and I'll post it word by word from 1:16
onward -
- "I did not speak because
I've never been convinced about this war that have we really won it".
- "In my own heart, I've always thought that
we did gain some tactical victories, we regained back all the territories lost, :omghaha::omghaha: we lost 587 (and not 30000 as you foolishly claimed on multiple occasions)precious lives, I consider it as a loss of war because whatever we gained from this war, it has not been consolidated either politically or diplomatically and worst of all, which causes me dismay is that it has not been consolidated militarily!!"
- "We ended up.........we ended up after the war stringing out more than a division and a half up on the posts, we have opened up the post....a number of posts.How long are we gonna be open up on those posts??"
Then he talks about how the troops were rushed into the thick of battles without conducting prior recon, proper knowledge of their area of operation or a chance to get
acclimatized!!Then he keeps on saying about how a lot more of the casualties could be avoided only the government would let them cross the LoC and pound the bast@rds where it would hurt the most!!

All in all, I actually agree with his views.All he meant to say was that he didn't consider it a victory simply because we failed to press home the local victories , that we couldn't bear the fruits of the hard earned battles as we couldn't turn those tactical victories into a more strategic ones.
He was also clearly dismayed by the fact that so many good men of his were just thrown into combat, just to get killed when logically, they should have given them the order to cross the LoC and get those bastadds from behind, which would have definitely helped reducing the casualties to a great extent.

But not once he said or even remotely meant to imply that somehow our Army had failed in their drive to recapture all the lost ground!!Heck, they did more than that!!

In other words, tera toh phir se popat ban gaya re!! :omghaha::omghaha: :rofl: :rofl:

And this is exactly why I'm of the opinion that they should be conducting an iq test before letting in stupid little morons like this GumNaam fellar here but then, even morons need to go and express themselves somewhere, so I digress.


the list of ineptitude, corruption and failures of the indian army goes on and on and on!
And this inept and corrupt and failure ridden Army as you've so audaciously addressed them, raped you over and over and over again for more than half a century!!Where does it leave you then?? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
therefore how can anything coming from your government and military sources be taken seriously?!?!?! they cannot!
Excuse after excuse after excuse, you are dying inside, we get it. :D
you are a nation of natural born loosers
Oh like this you mean??







and faggots!!! :haha::haha::haha: 8-) :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:
Or like this??

Pakistan internet users top Google searches for gay sex despite being one of the world's most homophobic countries
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...orlds-homophobic-countries.html#ixzz5GoOIJSN0
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

So once again -
Last edited:
View attachment 477055
The only ones who refer to 5353 as Tiger Hill are ISPR and the pakistani sheep like yourself who follows them like fish follows hippos (to feed on their poop of course :D )!!On the other hand, our side has always maintained, from the very beginning that Tiger Hill and 5353 were two different features, which are separated by more than 6 kilometers!!
It's only your na-pak army which keeps referring to 5353 as Tiger Hill as according to them, so as to make you fools believe that they are somehow still in possession of Indian territory and just to hide the fact that how humongous of an waste of time and lives and resources for you people was the shitshow which was Kargil!!In short, it's propaganda, just so you can sleep in some peace that finally, after half a century of defeats and humiliation, you have to something to take pride in!!
Only thing is that it's a lie and shouting it from the very top of your lungs wouldn't make it truth, it never works that way.In reality, you guys are no where near Tiger Hill and everyone knows that........everyone except for the bunch of nincompoops like your lot!!So keep believing the lies conceived by your not-so-glorious na-**** army, cause no one else does.lolzz. :D

No kid, you are rubbing nothing.At this point, the only thing you are doing is just shutting your ears and closing your eyelids as tightly as you can while chanting 'la-la-la-la I don't believe you', just so that you wouldn't have to expose yourself to the bitter reality and burst your tiny little bubble, like little kids do!!

In other words, you are just too afraid to even take a glance at the real life facts as doing so would surely burst your bubble, your sense of false victory!!Truly, you guys never cease to amuse me, I mean no one else can make an utter humiliation sound like some sort of glorious victory like you porkies does!!That's about the only thing you're good at really, spreading ridiculous propaganda and stroking each other's weenies over that misplaced sense of achievement!!

Nope, I didn't ask you anything, no.I said you clearly lack both the mental capacity and the intellectual honesty to accept the bitter reality and let go off your previous believes which are not based on the grounds of reality, like every other paakis that came before you.
It would have been apparent to you only if you had been exposed to proper education as a child, which sadly, hasn't been the case.

Just like your politicians do not believe the claims of your army??Gimme a break, don't tell me you are so naive.

Like no one takes you guys seriously over any topics.Like this you mean??
Comedy Gold!!:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I should believe you on this one it seems, cause you are speaking from a position of experience, lolzz!! :D :D

I couldn't have cared any less what you believe!!I do not post here to hammer sense into the skulls of a bunch of nincompoops, I just post the facts so that people can watch them and what they do after that is none of my concerns!!
You can believe whatever you want to, it's a free world after all, right??Here, one isn't required to pay fines for stupidity!!I mean for fuckk's sake you follow the religion errr... death cult of ancient goat fucking desert rats camel jockies, follow a pedophile genocidal murdering maniac and believe in an invisible sky daddy...... you know, your alla-hu-snackbar!!This notion here, that you guys winning Kargil, in contrast, is far less ridiculous and laughable a belief, even if based on disinformation, half-truths and even straight up lies!!

But I gave you a load of pig sh!t about your DAD as well, didn't you notice??Why don't you address that question before carrying on with your bullsh!t??So what's your answer - the world wants to know!!
Here, I ask you once again, if you can't find your dad in Google then how can you be so sure he exists??This leads to the next logical and rather confusing question - if your dad doesn't exist fir tu kahase tapka re??!! Did your allah sent that muhammad of yours to do you know what your mum??!! Well, I won't be surprised if you actually believe that, when it comes to you pakistanis, nothing surprises me anymore.The only thing I've learnt after signing up for PDF is that anything is possible when it comes to your lot. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

All kidding aside, I wasn't trying to give you shit with that response, no!!Those are called analogies, I only wrote those to show you the inherent flaw in your argument or rather this belief of yours, that anything you can not find in Google shouldn't be true!!You would know what an analogy is and does only if you had received proper schooling in your childhood but clearly that hasn't been the case.Clearly, madrassas are not conducing to someone's metal health.
I guess I shouldn't have brought my hopes so high, it's no less than a bloody miracle that an illiterate kid like you can even successfully access the net to log into this forum and I probably should be content with that.My bad.

And coming to google, weren't you the one lecturing me about how google map was so not authentic and therefore invalid??!!What happened now, you an amnesiac or a straight up schizophrenic??Or do you suffer from cognitive dissonance or is it just hypocrisy or may be bits of everything combined??Seek help kid, seek help, you really need it!!

And besides, if my arguments are such garbage, then why have you been dodging them so far without actually ever showing the courage to directly go at them and tear them apart with logic and reason??Instead of just waiving them off as garbage and cow dung and there by showing the whole world how big of an imbecile you are, why don't you destroy my arguments with proper facts once and for all??Why are you hiding behind your rantings and emoticons instead of directly addressing them for once??
Can you dispute even one word I said??Can you dispute the fact that only 5% of the internet is accessible through Google and for the rest, you would need dedicated sear engines with completely different algorithms??No, you can not because that's the bloody truth!!And that's where your whole argument falls apart!!

And in any case, I already explained it to you why you couldn't find that point 5608!!Because you were looking in the wrong direction and I gave you the proper maps and sources to back up my claim!!But it takes a man to accept when he's proven wrong, it takes for a man to admit defeat and you are anything but one!!You are just a sore loser who's salty after suddenly finding out that he had been taken for a ride but is too much of an wimp to accept it and come to peace with it and therefore has gone on a ranting spree just to vent off the steam out of his @ss!!Don't worry, it will sink in in due time. :rofl::rofl:

View attachment 477098

There is nothing shopped in that image, nothing, zilch, nada!!I told you right then and I'm telling you again, I made that composite map just to show you the lay of the land!!I just put them together in MS Paint as hurriedly as I could and tried to align along the line depicting the LoC and I did that in may be 30 seconds!!Sorry if I didn't take the time to match them to a perfection, because after almost a whole day of studies and completing assignments, I was simply not feeling like it!!
And in any case, your rantings are all
meaningless as I had already provided the original maps and the source as well.But since the maps were on separate pages, I thought I should take the time to merge them together for the convenience of the viewers, to present a more complete picture and layout of that region so as to show the location of the sectors and the different geographical features relative to one another!!Little did I know that I was replying to a immature salty little kid but I should have guessed.
Once again, these are the unedited images directly taken from the source material as is where is -
Dras -
View attachment 477191
Kaksar -
View attachment 477192
And here is the version with the Point 5608 being marked inside a circle -
View attachment 477209

And finally, here is the composite version, again created by me, in MS Paint and you won't find it in the original source material so the question GoI/IA spreading doctored evidence doesn't even arise and deep down, you know that as well.Anyways -
View attachment 477210

Here's the link for the viewers so that they can draw their own respective conclusions -

But your rantings are meaningless, because at this point, your efforts to dismiss it as being shopped is coming off as nothing but a desperate attempt on your side to drive our attention away from the ground reality!!Admit it kiddo, by this time, you have been reduced to grasping at straws, shouting 'la-la-la-la........' in your desperate attempt to make the reality go away but you are not fooling anyone kiddo.Leave it here and save yourself any further embarrassment.

That's coming rather high and mighty from you, kiddo!!

Pakistan internet users top Google searches for gay sex despite being one of the world's most homophobic countries

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...orlds-homophobic-countries.html#ixzz5GoOwwZUZ
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


Why would we cheat when we have been consistently @ss fucking you folks since 48 without any problem??!! :rofl:

Oh please, even you know there was nothing doctored about those maps!!Stop embarrassing yourself you bloody mong!!

No, the only thing you guys have ever learned is to get raped by us on a regular basis, lolzz!! :D :D

Yeah there is a reason alright - you are just too much of a chickensh!t to actually go and look for it lest it should burst your bubble!! :D

In other words, you are just too chickensh!t to accept the facts. :rofl:

First of all, this is a completely self contradictory argument simply because the moment you make a report/document (or anything for that matter) public, you open it up for debates and scrutinizing!!So your argument just falls apart right where it starts!!And this is why one should think before opening their mouths so as not to make an @ss of oneself, but for that you would need an actual brain, which clearly is lacking in your case.

And secondly, you guys are the masters of making and distributing false reports for public consummations, like you guys used to run the glorious '65 victory' game.

And comes the bollywood, you fellas are just too predictable, once a monkey always a monkey.

What humiliation and what cold hard facts??!!Your unsubstantiated ramblings doesn't change the fact that we kicked your balls and fuckked you in the @ss, just like we did on every other occasion before Kargil.


I'll just quote niaz instead because I could never sum it up so nicely, let his wise words bring you the wisdom and knowledge you need.Here goes nothing -
View attachment 477213

Kargil war was a total disaster, claims Gen Majeed Malik

Like this you mean??

Oh like this you mean??
View attachment 477215

Like as they say, a picture can reveal what a thousand words can not!!Oh, just have a look at their expressions, oh the love, oh the passion!!My my!! Rab ne bana di jodi, ek ana aur ak futi kaudi!!
Mere ankhon mein toh ansu aa gaye!!

As some wise guy once said, one should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity and it applies quite aptly to you.Quite predictably, you did not even bother to check the actual content of the video and just posted it in a great hurry just by looking at the video title, as a knee-jerk reaction, there by making a complete fool of yourself yet again!!
This is what that good General said in the video and I'll post it word by word from 1:16
onward -
- "I did not speak because
I've never been convinced about this war that have we really won it".
- "In my own heart, I've always thought that
we did gain some tactical victories, we regained back all the territories lost, :omghaha::omghaha: we lost 587 (and not 30000 as you foolishly claimed on multiple occasions)precious lives, I consider it as a loss of war because whatever we gained from this war, it has not been consolidated either politically or diplomatically and worst of all, which causes me dismay is that it has not been consolidated militarily!!"
- "We ended up.........we ended up after the war stringing out more than a division and a half up on the posts, we have opened up the post....a number of posts.How long are we gonna be open up on those posts??"
Then he talks about how the troops were rushed into the thick of battles without conducting prior recon, proper knowledge of their area of operation or a chance to get
acclimatized!!Then he keeps on saying about how a lot more of the casualties could be avoided only the government would let them cross the LoC and pound the bast@rds where it would hurt the most!!

All in all, I actually agree with his views.All he meant to say was that he didn't consider it a victory simply because we failed to press home the local victories , that we couldn't bear the fruits of the hard earned battles as we couldn't turn those tactical victories into a more strategic ones.
He was also clearly dismayed by the fact that so many good men of his were just thrown into combat, just to get killed when logically, they should have given them the order to cross the LoC and get those bastadds from behind, which would have definitely helped reducing the casualties to a great extent.

But not once he said or even remotely meant to imply that somehow our Army had failed in their drive to recapture all the lost ground!!Heck, they did more than that!!

In other words, tera toh phir se popat ban gaya re!! :omghaha::omghaha: :rofl: :rofl:

And this is exactly why I'm of the opinion that they should be conducting an iq test before letting in stupid little morons like this GumNaam fellar here but then, even morons need to go and express themselves somewhere, so I digress.


And this inept and corrupt and failure ridden Army as you've so audaciously addressed them, raped you over and over and over again for more than half a century!!Where does it leave you then?? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Excuse after excuse after excuse, you are dying inside, we get it. :D

Oh like this you mean??
View attachment 477224
View attachment 477225
View attachment 477226
View attachment 477227
View attachment 477228

View attachment 477222


Or like this??
View attachment 477215

Pakistan internet users top Google searches for gay sex despite being one of the world's most homophobic countries
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...orlds-homophobic-countries.html#ixzz5GoOIJSN0
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


So once again -
this 6 page long non-sense that you've been posting through your bleeding coli-flower bunghole indicates that I've pinched you where it hurts :chilli::nana::chilli::nana::chilli::nana::chilli::nana:. and the only supporting argument that you have are those worthless photoshopped maps slapped together by some amateur indian who is most probably a survivor of one of your feminine sainiks who got killed with a pullet up his chicken-sh!t bunghole during kargil and that too, from a pathetic little orphan website called http://indianstrategicknowledgeonline.com/web/Kargil that has no authentic or verifiable backing to it. face it, point 5608 is a figment of your feel good imagination. if this was a real peak that was of such immense strategic importance then your media would've had news reports up through your bunghole and your nose...but it does not. point 5608 is nothing more than a mental reaction of your indian government's psychologically damaged and defeated, inferior mind that is trying to justify its the insane wrip it received in its bunghole when PAKISTAN fvcked you chicken sh!ts in your arseholes and you had to get new stitches to seal your profusely bleeding bungholes! the only gratification you can give yourself is a 50 year old civil war where the bangladeshis themselves say that would've gained independence without you anyways...SO I'M JUST GONNA TROLL THE LIVIN' SH!T OUTTA YOU AND LOVE EVERY MOMENT OF IT ::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

closet indian homos, would probably give aids to their poor wives! :lol:

your entire religion has faggoty roots!

and take this up your bunghole with a smile and LIKE IT!!! :rofl:

and here is the auqaat of your bharat mata's founding faggot father!!! :omghaha:
Screen Shot 2018-05-28 at 7.12.07 PM.png

aur ziada kuttay ki tarha na bhonk warna phir teri bharat mata ko kutiya bana kay marein gey hum!!!



feminine zinaniyon ka desh, khusri sena :lol:
bhuki nangi sena
your fake "sir jii kaal strike" :haha:
oye spineless bayghairtoan, apni mariyal seniyion ki to parva kar liya karo,










View attachment 477055
The only ones who refer to 5353 as Tiger Hill are ISPR and the pakistani sheep like yourself who follows them like fish follows hippos (to feed on their poop of course :D )!!On the other hand, our side has always maintained, from the very beginning that Tiger Hill and 5353 were two different features, which are separated by more than 6 kilometers!!
It's only your na-pak army which keeps referring to 5353 as Tiger Hill as according to them, so as to make you fools believe that they are somehow still in possession of Indian territory and just to hide the fact that how humongous of an waste of time and lives and resources for you people was the shitshow which was Kargil!!In short, it's propaganda, just so you can sleep in some peace that finally, after half a century of defeats and humiliation, you have to something to take pride in!!
Only thing is that it's a lie and shouting it from the very top of your lungs wouldn't make it truth, it never works that way.In reality, you guys are no where near Tiger Hill and everyone knows that........everyone except for the bunch of nincompoops like your lot!!So keep believing the lies conceived by your not-so-glorious na-**** army, cause no one else does.lolzz. :D

No kid, you are rubbing nothing.At this point, the only thing you are doing is just shutting your ears and closing your eyelids as tightly as you can while chanting 'la-la-la-la I don't believe you', just so that you wouldn't have to expose yourself to the bitter reality and burst your tiny little bubble, like little kids do!!

In other words, you are just too afraid to even take a glance at the real life facts as doing so would surely burst your bubble, your sense of false victory!!Truly, you guys never cease to amuse me, I mean no one else can make an utter humiliation sound like some sort of glorious victory like you porkies does!!That's about the only thing you're good at really, spreading ridiculous propaganda and stroking each other's weenies over that misplaced sense of achievement!!

Nope, I didn't ask you anything, no.I said you clearly lack both the mental capacity and the intellectual honesty to accept the bitter reality and let go off your previous believes which are not based on the grounds of reality, like every other paakis that came before you.
It would have been apparent to you only if you had been exposed to proper education as a child, which sadly, hasn't been the case.

Just like your politicians do not believe the claims of your army??Gimme a break, don't tell me you are so naive.

Like no one takes you guys seriously over any topics.Like this you mean??
Comedy Gold!!:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I should believe you on this one it seems, cause you are speaking from a position of experience, lolzz!! :D :D

I couldn't have cared any less what you believe!!I do not post here to hammer sense into the skulls of a bunch of nincompoops, I just post the facts so that people can watch them and what they do after that is none of my concerns!!
You can believe whatever you want to, it's a free world after all, right??Here, one isn't required to pay fines for stupidity!!I mean for fuckk's sake you follow the religion errr... death cult of ancient goat fucking desert rats camel jockies, follow a pedophile genocidal murdering maniac and believe in an invisible sky daddy...... you know, your alla-hu-snackbar!!This notion here, that you guys winning Kargil, in contrast, is far less ridiculous and laughable a belief, even if based on disinformation, half-truths and even straight up lies!!

But I gave you a load of pig sh!t about your DAD as well, didn't you notice??Why don't you address that question before carrying on with your bullsh!t??So what's your answer - the world wants to know!!
Here, I ask you once again, if you can't find your dad in Google then how can you be so sure he exists??This leads to the next logical and rather confusing question - if your dad doesn't exist fir tu kahase tapka re??!! Did your allah sent that muhammad of yours to do you know what your mum??!! Well, I won't be surprised if you actually believe that, when it comes to you pakistanis, nothing surprises me anymore.The only thing I've learnt after signing up for PDF is that anything is possible when it comes to your lot. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

All kidding aside, I wasn't trying to give you shit with that response, no!!Those are called analogies, I only wrote those to show you the inherent flaw in your argument or rather this belief of yours, that anything you can not find in Google shouldn't be true!!You would know what an analogy is and does only if you had received proper schooling in your childhood but clearly that hasn't been the case.Clearly, madrassas are not conducing to someone's metal health.
I guess I shouldn't have brought my hopes so high, it's no less than a bloody miracle that an illiterate kid like you can even successfully access the net to log into this forum and I probably should be content with that.My bad.

And coming to google, weren't you the one lecturing me about how google map was so not authentic and therefore invalid??!!What happened now, you an amnesiac or a straight up schizophrenic??Or do you suffer from cognitive dissonance or is it just hypocrisy or may be bits of everything combined??Seek help kid, seek help, you really need it!!

And besides, if my arguments are such garbage, then why have you been dodging them so far without actually ever showing the courage to directly go at them and tear them apart with logic and reason??Instead of just waiving them off as garbage and cow dung and there by showing the whole world how big of an imbecile you are, why don't you destroy my arguments with proper facts once and for all??Why are you hiding behind your rantings and emoticons instead of directly addressing them for once??
Can you dispute even one word I said??Can you dispute the fact that only 5% of the internet is accessible through Google and for the rest, you would need dedicated sear engines with completely different algorithms??No, you can not because that's the bloody truth!!And that's where your whole argument falls apart!!

And in any case, I already explained it to you why you couldn't find that point 5608!!Because you were looking in the wrong direction and I gave you the proper maps and sources to back up my claim!!But it takes a man to accept when he's proven wrong, it takes for a man to admit defeat and you are anything but one!!You are just a sore loser who's salty after suddenly finding out that he had been taken for a ride but is too much of an wimp to accept it and come to peace with it and therefore has gone on a ranting spree just to vent off the steam out of his @ss!!Don't worry, it will sink in in due time. :rofl::rofl:

View attachment 477098

There is nothing shopped in that image, nothing, zilch, nada!!I told you right then and I'm telling you again, I made that composite map just to show you the lay of the land!!I just put them together in MS Paint as hurriedly as I could and tried to align along the line depicting the LoC and I did that in may be 30 seconds!!Sorry if I didn't take the time to match them to a perfection, because after almost a whole day of studies and completing assignments, I was simply not feeling like it!!
And in any case, your rantings are all
meaningless as I had already provided the original maps and the source as well.But since the maps were on separate pages, I thought I should take the time to merge them together for the convenience of the viewers, to present a more complete picture and layout of that region so as to show the location of the sectors and the different geographical features relative to one another!!Little did I know that I was replying to a immature salty little kid but I should have guessed.
Once again, these are the unedited images directly taken from the source material as is where is -
Dras -
View attachment 477191
Kaksar -
View attachment 477192
And here is the version with the Point 5608 being marked inside a circle -
View attachment 477209

And finally, here is the composite version, again created by me, in MS Paint and you won't find it in the original source material so the question GoI/IA spreading doctored evidence doesn't even arise and deep down, you know that as well.Anyways -
View attachment 477210

Here's the link for the viewers so that they can draw their own respective conclusions -

But your rantings are meaningless, because at this point, your efforts to dismiss it as being shopped is coming off as nothing but a desperate attempt on your side to drive our attention away from the ground reality!!Admit it kiddo, by this time, you have been reduced to grasping at straws, shouting 'la-la-la-la........' in your desperate attempt to make the reality go away but you are not fooling anyone kiddo.Leave it here and save yourself any further embarrassment.

That's coming rather high and mighty from you, kiddo!!

Pakistan internet users top Google searches for gay sex despite being one of the world's most homophobic countries

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...orlds-homophobic-countries.html#ixzz5GoOwwZUZ
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Why would we cheat when we have been consistently @ss fucking you folks since 48 without any problem??!! :rofl:

Oh please, even you know there was nothing doctored about those maps!!Stop embarrassing yourself you bloody mong!!

No, the only thing you guys have ever learned is to get raped by us on a regular basis, lolzz!! :D :D

Yeah there is a reason alright - you are just too much of a chickensh!t to actually go and look for it lest it should burst your bubble!! :D

In other words, you are just too chickensh!t to accept the facts. :rofl:

First of all, this is a completely self contradictory argument simply because the moment you make a report/document (or anything for that matter) public, you open it up for debates and scrutinizing!!So your argument just falls apart right where it starts!!And this is why one should think before opening their mouths so as not to make an @ss of oneself, but for that you would need an actual brain, which clearly is lacking in your case.

And secondly, you guys are the masters of making and distributing false reports for public consummations, like you guys used to run the glorious '65 victory' game.

And comes the bollywood, you fellas are just too predictable, once a monkey always a monkey.

What humiliation and what cold hard facts??!!Your unsubstantiated ramblings doesn't change the fact that we kicked your balls and fuckked you in the @ss, just like we did on every other occasion before Kargil.


I'll just quote niaz instead because I could never sum it up so nicely, let his wise words bring you the wisdom and knowledge you need.Here goes nothing -
View attachment 477213

Kargil war was a total disaster, claims Gen Majeed Malik

Like this you mean??

Oh like this you mean??
View attachment 477215

Like as they say, a picture can reveal what a thousand words can not!!Oh, just have a look at their expressions, oh the love, oh the passion!!My my!! Rab ne bana di jodi, ek ana aur ak futi kaudi!!
Mere ankhon mein toh ansu aa gaye!!

As some wise guy once said, one should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity and it applies quite aptly to you.Quite predictably, you did not even bother to check the actual content of the video and just posted it in a great hurry just by looking at the video title, as a knee-jerk reaction, there by making a complete fool of yourself yet again!!
This is what that good General said in the video and I'll post it word by word from 1:16
onward -
- "I did not speak because
I've never been convinced about this war that have we really won it".
- "In my own heart, I've always thought that
we did gain some tactical victories, we regained back all the territories lost, :omghaha::omghaha: we lost 587 (and not 30000 as you foolishly claimed on multiple occasions)precious lives, I consider it as a loss of war because whatever we gained from this war, it has not been consolidated either politically or diplomatically and worst of all, which causes me dismay is that it has not been consolidated militarily!!"
- "We ended up.........we ended up after the war stringing out more than a division and a half up on the posts, we have opened up the post....a number of posts.How long are we gonna be open up on those posts??"
Then he talks about how the troops were rushed into the thick of battles without conducting prior recon, proper knowledge of their area of operation or a chance to get
acclimatized!!Then he keeps on saying about how a lot more of the casualties could be avoided only the government would let them cross the LoC and pound the bast@rds where it would hurt the most!!

All in all, I actually agree with his views.All he meant to say was that he didn't consider it a victory simply because we failed to press home the local victories , that we couldn't bear the fruits of the hard earned battles as we couldn't turn those tactical victories into a more strategic ones.
He was also clearly dismayed by the fact that so many good men of his were just thrown into combat, just to get killed when logically, they should have given them the order to cross the LoC and get those bastadds from behind, which would have definitely helped reducing the casualties to a great extent.

But not once he said or even remotely meant to imply that somehow our Army had failed in their drive to recapture all the lost ground!!Heck, they did more than that!!

In other words, tera toh phir se popat ban gaya re!! :omghaha::omghaha: :rofl: :rofl:

And this is exactly why I'm of the opinion that they should be conducting an iq test before letting in stupid little morons like this GumNaam fellar here but then, even morons need to go and express themselves somewhere, so I digress.


And this inept and corrupt and failure ridden Army as you've so audaciously addressed them, raped you over and over and over again for more than half a century!!Where does it leave you then?? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Excuse after excuse after excuse, you are dying inside, we get it. :D

Oh like this you mean??
View attachment 477224
View attachment 477225
View attachment 477226
View attachment 477227
View attachment 477228

View attachment 477222


Or like this??
View attachment 477215

Pakistan internet users top Google searches for gay sex despite being one of the world's most homophobic countries
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...orlds-homophobic-countries.html#ixzz5GoOIJSN0
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

So once again -
Typical brainwashed pakistani kid talking nonsense. Why waste your time here?
30k casualicas lol. Let him live in his Dreamworld.
Typical brainwashed pakistani kid talking nonsense. Why waste your time here?
30k casualicas lol. Let him live in his Dreamworld.

Like I said before, I do not post here to convince the person I'm replying to or anyone else for that matter but just to bring forward all the evidence and all the facts in a public setting so that everyone can take a look and form their own opinions!!I just deliver the facts, like a messenger of sorts and then leaves it to the viewers to get to their own conclusions.Now, as to what opinion they form or conclusion they get to, that's none of my concerns.
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Like I said before, I do not post here to convince the person I'm replying to or anyone else for that matter but just to bring forward all the evidence and all the facts in a public setting so that everyone can take a look and form their own opinions!!I just deliver the facts, like a messenger of sorts and then leaves it to the viewers to get to their own conclusions.Now, as to what opinion they form or conclusion they get to, that's none of my concerns.
forget about convincing us. just make peace with the fact that the father of your nation mohandaas gandhi was a bottom faggot that liked german d!cks in his coliflower bunghole! 8-)
Ha ha, aur has, aur kuch to kar nehi sakta aab.Tera chutar kat gaya, ab hasne ke alawa aur kar hi kya sakta hain salein pagal kuttey ki auld!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

this 6 page long non-sense that you've been posting
Ab kya karein, gadho ki aulad ko sikhana ho toh zyada bakna toh padega hi!!You have got your incesting parents to blame for that!! :omghaha::omghaha:
through your bleeding coli-flower bunghole
Watch carefully fag!!It's butthole that's bleeding out green stuff, not mine!! :D
indicates that I've pinched you where it hurts .
Nope but the very fact that you are reduced to feats of madness and crazy laughter proves that I kicked you where it really hurts, in your ballz (assuming you even poses those)!! :omghaha::omghaha:
and the only supporting argument that you have are those worthless photoshopped maps slapped together by some amateur indian who is most probably a survivor of one of your feminine sainiks who got killed with a pullet up his chicken-sh!t bunghole during kargil and that too, from a pathetic little orphan website called http://indianstrategicknowledgeonline.com/web/Kargil that has no authentic or verifiable backing to it.
Keep crying m8, it's gonna fool no one. Tera popat ho chuka hai, sab dekh bhi chuke hain, aur kitna insult karwaenga khud ki??
face it, point 5608 is a figment of your feel good imagination.
No, instead it's you who needs to face the fact that you have willfully put yourself in a perpetual state of denial by continuously refusing to accept what is already quite obvious to everyone else and it's making exposing you for the wimpy little sore loser you really are.It's a very common defense mechanism which keeps people from , the same one which keeps the flatearthers from accepting the truth and he same one the likes of Galileo and

if this was a real peak that was of such immense strategic importance then your media would've had news reports up through your bunghole and your nose...but it does not.
Yet another straw-man!!SO what they never reported about 5608??!!They never reported about a lot of peaks like 5130, 5070, 5240 and countless others like that, so what??
Heck they didn't waste as much time and paper and ink and footage on the likes of Tololing or even Tiger Hill as much they have done on this 5353!!Because a sensational and negative news story would always fetch more TRP and by extension, more money, it's pure economics!!

point 5608 is nothing more than a mental reaction of your indian government's psychologically damaged and defeated, inferior mind that is trying to justify its the insane wrip it received in its bunghole
Stop embarrassing yourself kid, it's getting rather boaring now.
when PAKISTAN fvcked you chicken sh!ts in your arseholes
That happened in your wet dreams fag, the same way you guys shattered the USSR in your dreams!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
and you had to get new stitches to seal your profusely bleeding bungholes!
Wow!!Looks like you are someone who speaks from a great deal of personal experience!!So what's the story with your 'bunghole' kid, did your entire family from both sides took turns to feast on it??!! :rofl: Tell me kid, are your private parts still attached to your body or did they have them replaced with a pocket pussy??!!Oh, you poor little piggy??!!
Well, you can at least enjoy some semblance of relief that it happens to a lot of other kids in your sh!thole of a country and you weren't alone.Enjoy the manly love -

the only gratification you can give yourself is a 50 year old civil war
Nah, there is 65, 71 Western front, Siachen, KARGIL ,plenty of raping paaki *** by our boys.By the way, do tell me kid, which civil war you guys were having in the Western front in 71 that you got your bloody asses dragged through the mud and then delivered to you on platters like that??
Excerpt from the article
(written by a Pakistani)-
"General Niazi excoriates General Yahya and the GHQ for waging a lack lustre campaign on the Western front, where they had a near parity of forces with India and could choose the time and place of attack. He states that the Western Garrison lost 5,500 square miles of territory in ten days, and failed to launch their much awaited counter offensive into India. He calls this “a setback militarily unbelievable, unacceptable and unforgivable.” Lieutenant General Attiqur Rahman states that the counter offensive was not launched for reasons that remain a mystery, but lack of morale was not one of them. Without any success being achieved in the West, the fate of the garrison in East Pakistan was sealed. As noted by Sisson-Rose, “the war was planned and pursued with a lack of coordination and foresight not dissimilar to that of 1965.”8

So what do you have to say about this now - Niazi was a traitor and a R&AW agent??!! :rofl:
Tera toh bin dewali ke diwala nikhal gaya re!!:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

where the bangladeshis themselves say that would've gained independence without you anyways...
But should that give you any relieve though??Just think about it, if what they are saying is true, then it would mean one wouldn't even need an army to rape you guys death and your 'glorious mard-e-momin' could not even have faced unarmed civies!! :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
So right now, going by your own revelations, you have got two options -
Option A Option B
Your army got raped by Indian Army Your army got raped by unarmed civies

Agay kuan pi6e khai, Now take your pick!! :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
Tera to phir sey varein bazar mein balatkar ho gaya!!:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Kid, trolling is the supreme form of humor!!It's an art and a science at the same time, which demands a lot of unique qualities and characteristics from the troll like the ability to read the mind of your victim and manipulate him or piss him off at will which in turn would require you to have a tremendous grasp of linguistics, a very wide and deep sense of vocabulary but above all, it requires a lot of wit and quick thinking to be able to come up with come-back in split second..............all of which requires one to posses a great deal of intelligence, and for that you would need an actual working brain, which in your case is utterly lacking.
So, don't be a try hard, kyun firse apni chutar katwaenga??!!Tu rahen de beta, tere se na ho payega, tu ja ke dudu pi!!

closet indian homos, would probably give aids to their poor wives! :lol:
Wah re mere Einsetin, wah!!So homosexuality is now causing people to give AIDS!!Abbe tu kon si university mein gaya tha be??!! :rofl:


Who the hell even gives a fuckk about the sexual orientation of some pesky criketers out of all??I mean Cricket isn't even a real game, so who cares??!!
your entire religion has faggoty roots!

and take this up your bunghole with a smile and LIKE IT!!! :rofl:

- I'M NOT A HINDU!! So you can make fun of them, bash them, ridicule them as much as you please, just tear the fuckking daylight outta them for all I care!!Only thing is, it ain't gonna have your desired effect!!
So what you gonna do now - start bashing every other religion there is in hopes of one of them hitting home??!!By all means, do that, it will be quite a spectacle to watch you screaming nonsense at the top of your lungs while foaming in your mouth!!
Ab hass!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Hey is that your gf??!!Damn she's hot!!Hey, I was wondering, since you're a fag and your dad already replaced your private parts with a mangina (aka pocket pussy), why don't you send her my way??!!
Oh buggers!!


and here is the auqaat of your bharat mata's founding faggot father!!! :omghaha:
View attachment 477258

Oh guess what, without that rusty old faggot, your gay-istan wouldn't even exist!! :rofl:
aur ziada kuttay ki tarha na bhonk warna phir teri bharat mata ko kutiya bana kay marein gey hum!!!

Yaar bhonk toh tumlog rahe ho 47 se, haam toh kab se taiyar baithe hai ki tum log kuch karoge.Par haar bar to tumhara age pi6e uper niche charo taraf se rape ho jatein hain!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
16 dead as India shoots down Pakistani naval plane



Killed like fucking dog!!Bechara kutte ki maut mara or sada bich churahein mein!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Two more swines rotting in the open, right in the middle of the intersection!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Cowards being led in shackles, chained like the fuckking dogs they really are!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

feminine zinaniyon ka desh, khusri sena
Not even Army.

bhuki nangi sena
Again, not the Army, so not relevant!!

That's cute!!Now take this for a size fag -





Do you know who slap people - females and faggots!!Yet again you prove your faggotry in front of everyone!!:rodl::rodl::rodl::rodl:
Now watch and learn how to strike like a real man for a change b!tch!!

By the way Mr. Faggot Khan, this is what your top generals had to say about your "glorious victory"
By Lt General Shahid Aziz -

By Major-General Abdul Majeed Malik -

Kargil war was a total disaster, claims Gen Majeed Malik

By Gen Ali Kuli Khan Khattak -

Straight from the horse's mouth!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
And since you folks loves to suck white dlcks so much, here's a detailed study done by US Army Colonel Marcus P. Acosta

Now I keenly wait what excuse you pull out of your @ss this time around you stupid fag!!:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:


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Ha ha, aur has, aur kuch to kar nehi sakta aab.Tera chutar kat gaya, ab hasne ke alawa aur kar hi kya sakta hain salein pagal kuttey ki auld!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Ab kya karein, gadho ki aulad ko sikhana ho toh zyada bakna toh padega hi!!You have got your incesting parents to blame for that!! :omghaha::omghaha:

Watch carefully fag!!It's butthole that's bleeding out green stuff, not mine!! :D

Nope but the very fact that you are reduced to feats of madness and crazy laughter proves that I kicked you where it really hurts, in your ballz (assuming you even poses those)!! :omghaha::omghaha:

Keep crying m8, it's gonna fool no one. Tera popat ho chuka hai, sab dekh bhi chuke hain, aur kitna insult karwaenga khud ki??

No, instead it's you who needs to face the fact that you have willfully put yourself in a perpetual state of denial by continuously refusing to accept what is already quite obvious to everyone else and it's making exposing you for the wimpy little sore loser you really are.It's a very common defense mechanism which keeps people from , the same one which keeps the flatearthers from accepting the truth and he same one the likes of Galileo and

Yet another straw-man!!Don't you realize

point 5608 is nothing more than a mental reaction of your indian government's psychologically damaged and defeated, inferior mind that is trying to justify its the insane wrip it received in its bunghole when
That happened in your wet dreams swine, the same way you guys shattered the USSR in your dreams!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Wow!!Looks like you are someone who speaks from a great deal of personal experience!!So what's the story with your 'bunghole' kid, did your entire family from both sides took turns to feast on it??!! :rofl: Tell me kid, are your private parts still attached to your body or did they have them replaced with a pocket pussy??!!Oh, you poor little piggy??!!
Well, you can at least enjoy some semblance of relief that it happens to a lot of other kids in your sh!thole of a country and you weren't alone.Enjoy the manly love -

Nah, there is 65, 71 Western front, Siachen, KARGIL ,plenty of raping paaki ***.By the way, do tell me kid, which civil war you guys were having in the Western front in 71 that you got your bloody asses dragged through the mud and then delivered to you on platters like that??
Excerpt from the article
(written by a Pakistani)-
"General Niazi excoriates General Yahya and the GHQ for waging a lack lustre campaign on the Western front, where they had a near parity of forces with India and could choose the time and place of attack. He states that the Western Garrison lost 5,500 square miles of territory in ten days, and failed to launch their much awaited counter offensive into India. He calls this “a setback militarily unbelievable, unacceptable and unforgivable.” Lieutenant General Attiqur Rahman states that the counter offensive was not launched for reasons that remain a mystery, but lack of morale was not one of them. Without any success being achieved in the West, the fate of the garrison in East Pakistan was sealed. As noted by Sisson-Rose, “the war was planned and pursued with a lack of coordination and foresight not dissimilar to that of 1965.”8

So what do you have to say about this now - Niazi was a traitor and a R&AW agent??!! :rofl:
Tera toh bin dewali ke diwala nikhal gaya re!!:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

But should that give you any relieve though??Just think about it, if what they are saying is true, then it would mean one wouldn't even need an army to rape you guys death and your 'glorious mard-e-momin' could not even have faced unarmed civies!! :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
So right now, going by your own revelations, you have got two options -
Option A Option B
Your army got raped by Indian Army Your army got raped by unarmed civies

Age kuan pi6e khai, Now take your pick!! :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Kid, trolling is the supreme form of humor!!It's an art and a science at the same time, which demands a lot of unique qualities and characteristics from the troll like the ability to read the mind of your victim and manipulate him or piss him off at will which in turn would require you to have a tremendous grasp of linguistics, a very wide and deep sense of vocabulary but above all, it requires a lot of wit and quick thinking to be able to come up with come-back in split second..............all of which requires one to posses a great deal of intelligence, and for that you would need an actual working brain, which in your case is utterly lacking.
So, don't be a try hard, kyun firse apni chutar katwaenga??!!Tu rahen de beta, tere se na ho payega, tu ja ke dudu pi!!

Wah re mere Einsetin, wah!!So homosexuality is now causing people to give AIDS!!Abbe tu kon si university mein gaya tha be??!! :rofl:

Who the hell even gives a fuckk about the sexual orientation of some pesky criketers out of all??I mean Cricket isn't even a real game, so who cares??!!

- I'M NOT A HINDU!! So you can make fun of them, bash them, ridicule them as much as you please, just tear the fuckking daylight outta them for all I care!!Only thing is, it ain't gonna have your desired effect!!
So what you gonna do now - start bashing every other religion there is in hopes of one of them hitting home??!!By all means, do that, it will be quite a spectacle to watch you screaming nonsense at the top of your lungs while foaming in your mouth!!
Ab hass!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Hey is that your gf??!!Damn she's hot!!Hey, I was wondering, since you're a fag and your dad already replaced your private parts with a mangina (aka pocket pussy), why don't you send her my way??!!
Oh buggers!!

View attachment 477380

Oh guess what, without that rusty old faggot, your gay-istan wouldn't even exist!! :rofl:

Yaar bhonk toh tumlog rahe ho 47 se, haam toh kab se taiyar baithe hai ki tum log kuch karoge.Par haar bar to tumhara age pi6e uper niche charo taraf se rape ho jatein hain!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

16 dead as India shoots down Pakistani naval plane


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Killed like fucking dog!!Bechara kutte ki maut mara or sada bich churahein mein!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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Two more swines rotting in the open, right in the middle of the intersection!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Cowards being led in shackles, chained like the fuckking dogs they really are!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Not even Army.

bhuki nangi sena

Again, not the Army, so not relevant!!

That's cute!!Now take this for a size fag -
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Do you know who slap people - females and faggots!!Yet again you prove your faggotry in front of everyone!!:rodl::rodl::rodl::rodl:
Now watch and learn how to strike like a real man for a change b!tch!!
View attachment 477391

By the way Mr. Faggot Khan, this is what your top generals had to say about your "glorious victory"
By Lt General Shahid Aziz -

By Major-General Abdul Majeed Malik -

Kargil war was a total disaster, claims Gen Majeed Malik

By Gen Ali Kuli Khan Khattak -

Straight from the horse's mouth!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
And since you folks loves to suck white dlcks so much, here's a detailed study done by US Army Colonel Marcus P. Acosta

Now I keenly wait what excuse you pull out of your @ss this time around you stupid fag!!:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
barri dayr lagai chuttarr parshad toonay...

yeh daikh lay...tera gandhi gandoo tha...gandi aur us ka hujband!!! :haha:
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