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Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

These comments are based on anonymous, outdated leaked documents, whereas if Mr. Cameron watched the news for once he would know that Pakistan is neck deep in the WoT and fighting with ever increasing vigour to eradicate this terrorist menace, now what can we do if he fails to comprehend what is in front of him.....
These comments are based on anonymous, outdated leaked documents, whereas if Mr. Cameron watched the news for once he would know that Pakistan is neck deep in the WoT and fighting with ever increasing vigour to eradicate this terrorist menace, now what can we do if he fails to comprehend what is in front of him.....

Dude the Terrorism Mr.Cameron mentioned was not the terrorists of FATA - which everyone in the world acknowledge ur fighting - rather it was the terrorists in Punjab which u sheltered as "strategic assests" to be used/already used against India like JeM,JuD (LeT).
Dude the Terrorism Mr.Cameron mentioned was not the terrorists of FATA - which everyone in the world acknowledge ur fighting - rather it was the terrorists in Punjab which u sheltered as "strategic assests" to be used/already used against India like JeM,JuD (LeT).

LeT has been banned since 2003, JeM is banned, and JuD is a charity(even still it's assets are under govt supervision).
For once I would like to see SOLID proof indicating Pakistan's involvement in harbouring these guys not pigeons who "coo" differently........
Ohh so now its me....I didn't know that calling someone disgusting directly or indirectly doesn't count as abuse but saying same thing to indians will become Abuse.......so much for your "Pakistani hypocrate and Indians Angels"...

You talked about foreign policy.....

Then lets not presume from single post the policy of Pakistan...And use it just for sake of winning argument.

I apologizes for that part...But you insulted Pakistanis first....

JuD is doing many charity works...Its not banned doesn't mean Govt isnt monitring it.....You have proof against Let Or JuD why didn't you bring them when their was a case in progress in court. You could become a party in the case and present proof (if you had any) and could have achieved your purpose. But you didn't bother to do anything. Now As India is doing nothing in Balochistan as there is no proof same way Pakistan or JuD is doing nothing in India as their is no proof. But no For Indians India is clean because no proof but Pakistan not just because they think this way....Shows who is hypocrate.

First of all, you have misunderstood my comment. I did not call any Pakistani disgusting, please read my comment again. When I say Pakistanis show their disgust, I do not mean they are disgusting. Hope that clarifies.

Secondly, if you are going to stick to your argument that there is no proof against LET or JUD, then thats just the policy Pakistan and Pakistanis follow and this attitude of denial and plausible deniabiity will only lead to more conflict and reprisals. Nobody will take such acts of war lying low and if you think Pakistan and Pakistanis do not pay for this attitude you are grossly mistaken. Also, India has given ample proof to Pakistan and since most of the planning happens in Pakistan, the ball is in Pakistan's court to clamp down, gather proof etc etc and make a foolprrof legal case, something Pakistan won't do.

Stop making excuses for terrorism and terrorists, its really that simple.
Shahbaz asks Zardari to scrap UK visit
Updated at: 1935 PST, Saturday, July 31, 2010 ShareThis story

MIANWALI: Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif has asked President Asif Ali Zardari to cancel his UK visit and spend the money on rehabilitation of the flood affectees.

He was talking to media after visiting the Jinnah Barrage. The CM Punjab also announced compensation of Rs 5 million for the people of Mianwali and vowed to rehabilitate the areas hit by rains as soon as possible.

Kalabagh Dam has enormous economic value but we want to take all provinces along, CM Shahbaz said. He instructed the provincial bureaucracy to left no stone unturned in rebuilding the barrage.

According to an exclusive news item carried by The News today, President Asif Ali Zardari’s official visit to the UK from August 3 to 7 will cost the taxpayers of Pakistan tons of British pounds as sources have revealed the details of what arrangements are being made.

The president will hold a few minutes meeting with the British Prime Minister David Cameron at the Chequers, despite Mr Cameron’s public insults to Pakistan on allegedly exporting terror, but the cost of his visit will be enormous.
Shahbaz asks Zardari to scrap UK visit

---------- Post added at 10:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 PM ----------

MQM asks Zardari to review UK visit
Updated at: 2015 PST, Saturday, July 31, 2010 ShareThis story

LONDON: MQM Chief Altaf Hussain has criticised the statements made by British PM David Cameron and advised President Asif Zardari to review his visit to UK keeping in mind the sentiments of the public.

MQM chief said that Pakistan has been alleged on an international level without reason. Cameron's remarks regarding Pakistan's role in war against terrorism are saddening, he added.

Pakistani security forces and civilians have given sacrifices in the war on terror yet the nation's role was being questioned, Hussain said.
MQM asks Zardari to review UK visit
Media also can not create perceptions from thin air. Such perceptions get created when people get to hear something that conforms to their earlier suspicions. Basically something that reinforces a belief. Even for fake perceptions to be created, there needs to be a thread of underlying accepted belief that predates the media blitz..

And its commulative...Every time a Pakistani origin guy is caught anywhere in the world and is suspected of terrorism, that thread becomes stronger. Unfortunately, negative instances reinforce much stronger than positive ones. People remember a Pakistani being suspected of terrorism, but will forget that the charges were dropped a few weeks later??

Well who is creating the perception that Pakistan is supporting the Taliban? The media for the most part. Forget the wikileaks or LSE report, it has been happening before that. Unnamed Afghan and CIA officials were their sources. wikileaks and LSE just help them spread their propaganda even more.
Well who is creating the perception that Pakistan is supporting the Taliban? The media for the most part. Forget the wikileaks or LSE report, it has been happening before that. Unnamed Afghan and CIA officials were their sources. wikileaks and LSE just help them spread their propaganda even more.

As I said before, media manages to reinforce or build on an existing (however fledgeling) belief. In this case, that being a covert support to Terrorists by Pakistan.

---------- Post added at 11:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 PM ----------

Saw this interesting editorial in the DAWN.. Some pretty honest talking

DAWN.COM | Editorial | Uncalled-for criticism

Criticising Pakistan for its handling of the Taliban is one thing, talking in a way that is almost calculated to hurt the country’s interests quite another.

Unfortunately, British Prime Minister David Cameron proved on Wednesday that he was quite capable of doing the latter. Mr Cameron’s harsh criticism of Pakistan in India was seen by many as an attempt by the British prime minister to please his hosts. After all his entourage included one of Britain’s leading arms manufacturers that will get $775m from India for selling 57 trainer jets. But Mr Cameron appeared to go overboard when he used words that even those who count among Pakistan’s harshest critics have not.

For nearly a decade now, there have been many foreign officials who have asked Pakistan to ‘do more’ where the war on terror in Afghanistan and Pakistan is concerned. They have included, first and foremost, American officials — from George Bush and Barack Obama down to State Department spokesmen and officers at all levels in the Pentagon. It is unfortunate that this mantra should have taken precedence over acknowledging the losses Pakistanis have suffered in the war — including civilian casualties. However, no one — with the exception perhaps of New Delhi and Kabul — had ever accused Pakistan of exporting terrorism. In doing so was Mr Cameron attempting to bracket Pakistan with countries that have been or still are anathema to the West? Never missing a moment to blame Pakistan, President Karzai pleaded on Thursday for extending the war in Afghanistan to this country.

However, Pakistan must look inwards and see why it lends itself to such criticism and epithets. To wit, the establishment must not give the impression that it makes a difference between good militants and bad ones. All terrorists kill without mercy and must face justice. The war on terror is Pakistan’s own war, but there is a general impression that Pakistan still supports groups like the Haqqani network and the Lashkar-i-Taiba. Pakistan needs to dispel this impression by taking necessary action, and not by resorting to platitudes. We must not only come clean, we must appear to be so in our dealings
Well who is creating the perception that Pakistan is supporting the Taliban? The media for the most part. Forget the wikileaks or LSE report, it has been happening before that. Unnamed Afghan and CIA officials were their sources. wikileaks and LSE just help them spread their propaganda even more.

The International Media needs "good guys" and "bad guys".

Pakistan is on the front lines of the WoT... Pakistan has sacrificed SO much to hunt down terrorist organisations at the cost of Pakistani lives and the domestic economy.

Yet the International Media just need a good scare story to sell papers. The Media doesn't care about right and wrong, they just need to make money. The same thing applies to my local papers in Hong Kong as well, they just want to make money.

And I think it is very ungrateful of David Cameron to say such things.
A group of young men of Pakistani origin (not nationality) bombed London in July 2 years ago

Thats why the brits are suspicious of pakistan
A group of young men of Pakistani origin (not nationality) bombed London in July 2 years ago

Thats why the brits are suspicious of pakistan

There r like 7 parlimentarians and lords in british parliment as well as cabinet ministers of Pakistani origin... ?So
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The International Media needs "good guys" and "bad guys".

Pakistan is on the front lines of the WoT... Pakistan has sacrificed SO much to hunt down terrorist organisations at the cost of Pakistani lives and the domestic economy.

Yet the International Media just need a good scare story to sell papers. The Media doesn't care about right and wrong, they just need to make money. The same thing applies to my local papers in Hong Kong as well, they just want to make money.

And I think it is very ungrateful of David Cameron to say such things.

Very true!:tup:
At times i feel embarrassed at the articles and reports Times of India post.:frown:
And also its potential impact.

Cameroon needs some classes in diplomacy.before he gets into another diplomatic gaffe.

I wonder what the future for Britain will be like :rolleyes:
A group of young men of Pakistani origin (not nationality) bombed London in July 2 years ago

Thats why the brits are suspicious of pakistan

They were, 3 Britishers, all born in the UK, while one was a Jamaican born Jamaican Britisher.

And their link was with AQ, not Afghan Taliban or TTP or LeT or anyone else.

And also plzzzz study their motivation for the attacks which had nothing to do with Pakistan nor did Pakistan played any role in their motivation.

They all got their motivation from within Britain and there they decided what they want to do, no one from Pakistan helped them out in making up their minds.

So the people of Britain must first look into their own affairs & reasons for such young men getting brain washed by being in Britain rather then get satisfaction by blaming it onto us.
A group of young men of Pakistani origin (not nationality) bombed London in July 2 years ago

Thats why the brits are suspicious of pakistan
I see many brits talking "pakistani are terrorists" crap in public areas but its a little weird for a prime minister to make the same stupid sentences... He should know much more then a usual man walking in London streets...

So if some of british tourists get involved in any crime we must think Britain is responsible for this?

In reality british tourists pay good in here BTW :cheers:
I see many brits talking "pakistani are terrorists" crap in public areas but its a little weird for a prime minister to make the same stupid sentences... He should know much more then a usual man walking in London streets...

So if some of british tourists get involved in any crime we must think Britain is responsible for this?

In reality british tourists pay good in here BTW :cheers:

And may be he is making the comment because he does know much more than a usual man walking the London streets. Eh?
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