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Is sharia totalitarian or does it actually promotes true tolerance and pluralism?

Is not sharia the only system that guarantees a truly pluralistic and tolerant society?

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If you personally disagree with the laws, no issue, but to call them backwards or inferior is strange considering they are as objective as yours (assuming Islam is made up of course, something I will vehemently deny).

The real question is whether or not the religion has any proof for its claims, and if they are sufficient. If it does have sufficient proof, then it would make perfect sense to obey these laws since the creator of the universe would obviously have more sense than you and I.

I don't understand from where you bought in the concept of validity of Islam. It is our firm believe as Muslims to believe in this concept. I don't have any personal issues with these laws, I'm a Sunni male living in an islamic republic so I'm pretty much on top of the heiarchy lol. But my humanity does not allow me to approve of a system where other human beings are treated as lesser beings or have lesser rights only because the were born into another faith or into another genders body.

That's so cute. :partay: Ii expected a bit more fight :enjoy:
Of course there can be no further debate until you give the definition of the major functions you want to use as middle ground(like the function equal)
It's very unlikely you have any kind of logical or mathematical background,even if you have you have done anything other than passing exam.
Asking copy paste question won't do any good. You are caught red handed my critical thinking big Einstein friend :enjoy:
You doesn't know a simple implementation level of the mathematical expression (=) and trying to execute your la la level delusional wishful thinking in state processor.

This is what we can expect from a zero input critical level thinking Einstein pro-claimer :enjoy:
Next time when you ask these make sure you are the most educated guy in the room,unfortunately PDF is not that area.
Don't do so much critical thinking,first train the brain in normal thinking process .Otherwise your already half baked brain circuits will totally bust up.
Good night pal :enjoy:

You're out here solving calculus on a public forum like a complete nuthead and you haven't had the brain (or should I say balls) to answer a single question. Please think about posting next time as you're making a complete fool out of yourself.
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I don't understand from where you bought in the concept of validity of Islam. It is our firm believe as Muslims to believe in this concept. I don't have any personal issues with this concept, I'm a Sunni male living in an islamic republic so I'm pretty much on top of the heiarchy lol. But my humanity does not allow me to approve of a system where other human beings are treated as lesser beings or have lesser rights only because the were born into another faith or into another genders body.

You're out here solving calculus on a public forum like a complete nuthead and you haven't had the brain (or should I say balls) to answer a single question. Please think about posting next time as you're making a complete fool out of yourself.

Islamic republic is an oxymoron. It's a foolish term.
I don't understand from where you bought in the concept of validity of Islam. It is our firm believe as Muslims to believe in this concept. I don't have any personal issues with this concept, I'm a Sunni male living in an islamic republic so I'm pretty much on top of the heiarchy lol. But my humanity does not allow me to approve of a system where other human beings are treated as lesser beings or have lesser rights only because the were born into another faith or into another genders body.

You clearly don't believe in it, you are only saying you do because you fear the consequences of revealing your apostasy when you live in Pakistan.

You need to re-affirm your faith in Islam. I would recommend you go to the EFDawah channel on YouTube and look up Hamza Myatt's reasons for believing in Islam, as well as Hamza Tzortzis' reasons for believing in Islam (you can google him to find his website). Abdur Raheem Green also has an excellent (but very lengthy) series on as to why he believes in Islam.

You also need to do research to understand why certain rules are in place and look up explanations to any objections non Muslims have to Islam. Many websites and YouTube channels are flooded with these explanations so I don't think I need to make any suggestions. You should also ask any questions you have that you feel are unanswered to Muslims as well, via online forums such IslamicBoard or even just asking people on this forum like myself or Luffy. You also need to understand that Allah knows what is best for us as he created us and therefore his laws are automatically the best.
You're out here solving calculus on a public forum like a complete nuthead and you haven't had the brain (or should I say balls) to answer a single question. Please think about posting next time as you're making a complete fool out of yourself.
So cute,i can't stop laughing.
You can't question and asking me to answer,i did not get it.
If you can solve a problem through logical expression,there must exists a mathematical function that can define it.
You are trying too hard pal. :partay:
Why don't you simply tell you don't know what are you asking,you don't know the variables of your question,just heard in TV and out here screaming it like a parrot.Ask answer later.First learn to design a logical question.You don't even know how to do that simple task :enjoy:
You clearly don't believe in it, you are only saying you do because you fear the consequences of revealing your apostasy when you live in Pakistan.

You need to re-affirm your faith in Islam. I would recommend you go to the EFDawah channel on YouTube and look up Hamza Myatt's reasons for believing in Islam, as well as Hamza Tzortzis' reasons for believing in Islam (you can google him to find his website). Abdur Raheem Green also has an excellent (but very lengthy) series on as to why he believes in Islam.

You also need to do research to understand why certain rules are in place and look up explanations to any objections non Muslims have to Islam. Many websites and YouTube channels are flooded with these explanations so I don't think I need to make any suggestions. You should also ask any questions you have that you feel are unanswered to Muslims as well, via online forums such IslamicBoard or even just asking people on this forum like myself or Luffy. You also need to understand that Allah knows what is best for us as he created us and therefore his laws are automatically the best.

Lol wtf first you just used to assume what I do and don't believe in and now you're simply just declaring it. Oh well whatever you want I guess. My version of faith does not allow me to push my beliefs down another's throat. I am a Muslim because it is my choice but no other person should have to abide by the laws that I have chosen for myself. Simple as that.
The law at hand has been adjusted to norms and traditions of the Arabic world of the 8th century. It is a man made system set for the time. It didn't even exist in the form as it is till the very end of the Abbasid dynasty. If you know in your heart that something is wrong but you still defend it all I can do is hope that you find the strength to atleast stand by what is right.

Good night.

So cute,i can't stop laughing.
You can't question and asking me to answer,i did not get it.
If you can solve a problem through logical expression,there must exists a mathematical function that can define it.
You are trying too hard pal. :partay:
Why don't you simply tell you don't know what are you asking,you don't know the variables of your question,just heard in TV and out here screaming it like a parrot.Ask answer later.First learn to design a logical question.You don't even know how to do that simple task :enjoy:

You're clearly beyond help so I'm asking you one last time. This time I'll give you two options to make it easier for your highness.

Are all humans equal and do they all deserve equal rights ? Yes or no ?
Are all humans equal and do they all deserve equal rights ? Yes or no ?
Invalid query,Can't execute ( :rofl: )

Define the mathematical expression equal ( = ) . :azn:

It looks like all life your parents did is wasting their money.You can't even construct a logical error free question.
What did you study?literature?
Let me ask in very plain simple,do you really know what is definition of "question"?
Or you copy paste other's query stupidly from very different context?
Well Islam says that an Islamic country should be tolerant.

Islam says to be tolerant. So what's the issue here?

When Jews were persecuted in Europe, they went to Muslim countries to seek better opportunities and protection.
Well Islam says that an Islamic country should be tolerant.

Islam says to be tolerant. So what's the issue here?

When Jews were persecuted in Europe, they went to Muslim countries to seek better opportunities and protection.
Well the above guy can't handle that Islam seeks peace through strength.
But he is perfectly ok with Donald trump seeking peace through hydrogen bomb.
As i said,Soft power programmed,CIA brainwashed,FBI educated :enjoy:
Well the above guy can't handle that Islam seeks peace through strength.
But he is perfectly ok with Donald trump seeking peace through hydrogen bomb.
As i said,Soft power programmed :enjoy:
You mean the @TheLahoriGuy , it well known he/she is a false flag. Ignore him.
Well the above guy can't handle that Islam seeks peace through strength.
But he is perfectly ok with Donald trump seeking peace through hydrogen bomb.
As i said,Soft power programmed,CIA brainwashed,FBI educated :enjoy:

For someone who doesn't have the bollocks to answer one question you sure do speak alot.

You mean the @TheLahoriGuy , it well known he/she is a false flag. Ignore him.

I'm a false flagger ? Hmm interesting.
Can you prove it ?
Well at least he's not linking IslamQ&A anymore.

The guys entire world view is shaped by islamqa and now 5pillarz. He is afraid that reading any wider will shatter his simplistic world view. Even his 'survey' reflects his small mind and inability to think other than 'love Sharia or hate Islam'.

You are being defensive and playing by his rules.
As an ex-atheist let me tell you a secret,when ever an atheist argues with you,he thinks he starts from a higher ground and will always try to make you play in back foot.You take that out and he is hapless :enjoy:
You need to go toe to toe,attack his ideology and and go offensive if required.

What is an atheist?

A simple victim of soft-power claiming to think critically lacking simple simultaneous problem compiling skills due to in-sufficient access to critical input infos specifically designed and programmed by X (someone) to engage you in your ideological front with sole intention to diverse your attention from main functions by that X. :enjoy:

His signature should give you an opening. :D
All the best :partay:


Sorry but you sound like a nutcase. Let me help you with 800% less words:

You were stupid to go atheist and you're more stupid to go extremist. If you were as wise as you're trying to sound you'd be somewhere in the middle - but then again the newly religious are often full of zeal but lacking in good sense.

@Luffy 500 do you know the meaning of the words tolerant and pluralism? Sharia is explicitly not pluralistic, it is the preferential governance by Muslims for the benefit of the Muslim ummah. Are you are trying to redefine sharia to make it politically correct? Have you lost your principles or you just followed 5pillars blindly?
The guys entire world view is shaped by islamqa and now 5pillarz. He is afraid that reading any wider will shatter his simplistic world view. Even his 'survey' reflects his small mind and inability to think other than 'love Sharia or hate Islam'.

Sorry but you sound like a nutcase. Let me help you with 800% less words:

You were stupid to go atheist and you're more stupid to go extremist. If you were as wise as you're trying to sound you'd be somewhere in the middle - but then again the newly religious are often full of zeal but lacking in good sense.

@Luffy 500 do you know the meaning of the words tolerant and pluralism? Sharia is explicitly not pluralistic, it is the preferential governance by Muslims for the benefit of the Muslim ummah. Are you are trying to redefine sharia to make it politically correct? Have you lost your principles or you just followed 5pillars blindly?
I'll give Luffy credit, he lives in BD. That makes him more respectable than all those in the UK or US that praise Sharia as if its the only sensible system.

Also you should post more often, the BD section has gotten much better now than in the past. Need more voices like yours.
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I don't think there is such thing as a truly pluralistic and tolerant society. No political or belief system, including Islam, has ever delivered a utopian society and never will. Have there been Muslim societies that were relatively stable, pluralistic and tolerant as compared to other societies of that time? Yes!
Can Islam deliver such a society today? No! unless the Islamic law under goes a radical reformation and is updated according to the needs of the modern times.
I'll Luffy credit, he lives in BD. That makes him more respectable than all those in the UK or US that praise Sharia as if its the only sensible system.

Also you should post more often, the BD section has gotten much better now than in the past. Need more voices like yours.

Thanks, I do read the BD section often but don't post as much as you guys cover most things very well.

Is @Luffy 500 based in BD? I suspect he's a British Bangladeshi as his sources are very common out here

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