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Japan Defence Forum

Japan is so tiny ...it takes 2-4 hours to go one side to other side of country

These "tiny" areas called Ti-wan or Ja-pon ....etc are just there for distraction

Tactically they have 0% chance of survival in real war
Shake Putin's hand and acknowledge the status of Russian/Chinese nations you can be a great #3


It is just like in Olympics you take bronze medal #3

No need to be Hero

Secret hand shake against yankee ;)
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Japan is no match for China and Russia. USA would not go out of its way to defend Japan.

Japan is sitting on the fragile tectonic plate, their land is already their worst enemy, as for US, Americans like to make alliance to bullying Russia and China but if both join hand...US will be on serious trouble:

During 1960s before Sino-Soviet split, US was so vigilant when dealing with both, China had show that we're fearless despite that US was threaten to NUKE over Korea war, Soviet was also US nightmare on arm races and global domination. Today US is allow itself to be arrogant because they know that China and Russia are not walking on the military alliance path, and they also know the combination of Russia and China will be a devastating effect on US: China can virtually manufacturing every thing this earth need with competitive edge and our technological progress is beyong Americanr expectation while Russia still hold strong military despite some set back from Soviet and have a lot natural resource, we can virtually create another world with another world order to antagonize US. But China and Russia both rather to chose their independent foreign policy and don't want to repeat the Sino-Soviet split drama over again...unless if US push these two to the last stand and their survival require an military alliance.
Russia gave China 174 square kilometers worth of uninhabited islands in the Amur river in exchange China cannot claim anymore territory of Russia. What Japan is asking is too much. Islands inhabited by thousands of Russians? Not a chance. Japan might as well claim the entire Russia belongs to Japan.
Japan like to stir up trouble for China, they think that they could use Vietnam, India, SCS nations against China because we have territory disputes with these nations and we don't have option to retaliate because Japan doesn't have enemy beside NK. SK is US ally so they can't be used by China against them so China is their only nightmare but Japan nightmare is not end here, the worst thing they hope not to happen with Kurils islands has arrived :lol:, China don't even need any effort to stir up trouble for Japan.
china should offer to buy those island for 500 bn dollars or leasing one of the island for military base just to stir sh1t up more :D
The Japanese have an attitude problem.

Japan is a very small country.

Japan's land area is 145,932 mi².

Montana's land area is 147,040 mi².

Japan is smaller than Montana. Yet, Japan pretends it is a major power and makes a lot of anti-China noises.

The Japanese need to recognize they live in a tiny country and keep their mouths shut. No one pays any attention to them. The three major countries are: USA, China, and Russia (in that order).

Japan is not a player. It is only a pawn of the United States. Japan needs to be realistic about its insignificance. The strategy of openly pushing an anti-China agenda has hurt Japan greatly. Though it is located next to the world's largest growing economy (about $1 trillion in additional Chinese nominal GDP per year), Japan's nominal GDP has shrunk in the last 10 years. Being anti-China carries a heavy price.
Japan did kick the Chinese b_tt during WWII and a very serious one......
Have you checked the calendar lately?

WWII was 1945. That's 73 years ago.

Today, China has Five MEGATON thermonuclear warheads on its DF-5A ICBM.

So, what's your point of bringing up WWII?

Will Japan ever have the chance to attack China? Does Japan want to exist anymore?

WWII was WWII. That's ancient history and it will never be repeated.

In today's world, Japan faces extinction if China decides to push the thermonuclear button.

Let me reiterate. Japan is not a major power.
Unneccesary bull s*hit in an already divided world. Diverting attention from real major problems of Russia ; heavy unemployment and no economic growth. I hope sanity prevails or a major catastrophe would be at our door step in Asia.
Have you checked the calendar lately?

WWII was 1945. That's 73 years ago.

Today, China has Five MEGATON thermonuclear warheads on its DF-5A ICBM.

So, what's your point of bringing up WWII?

Will Japan ever have the chance to attack China? Does Japan want to exist anymore?

WWII was WWII. That's ancient history and it will never be repeated.

In today's world, Japan faces extinction if China decides to push the thermonuclear button.

Let me reiterate. Japan is not a major power.

I believe that P*ki was trying to match the IQ of the slumdogs
Probably a false flagger. Lots of Indians like to fly the Pakistani flag.
Could be a false flagger

Japan is a nobody, nothing more than a dog like the loser Germany and Italy. These 3 axis lost WW2 period. Now US military have been occupying Germany and Japan for decades and that's not gonna change for a very long long time. There are only 3 military super powers, and no there's no 4th in the making. :rofl:

@Deino wouldn't you agree? :lol:
Japan did kick the Chinese b_tt during WWII and a very serious one......
Anf the funny thing is that Deng still came to JP, begged for JP's help in 1978.

All Cnese here should bow down and thanks for JP's help in 1978 again, otherwhile CN would still be a nation wt 500 hungry peasants.:laugh:
Anf the funny thing is that Deng still came to JP, begged for JP's help in 1978.

All Cnese here should bow down and thanks for JP's help in 1978 again, otherwhile CN would still be a nation wt 500 hungry peasants.:laugh:

Did you bow to China for helping Viet jungle? If it wasn't for China the Yankees would have completely raped VN :rofl:

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