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Turkey could be considering Pakistani produced JF-17 fighter aircraft


Apr 23, 2009
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United Kingdom

Pakistani jets for Turkey

Hussain also said four ships would be built under the project, two of them in Turkey while two more in Pakistan’s Karachi province.

About Turkey’s procurement of the single-propeller Super Mushshak trainer aircraft from Pakistan, the minister said: “Turkey is procuring 52 Super Mushshak trainer aircraft from Pakistan. This is [a] very good training aircraft for basic training of pilots.

“This aircraft is very popular in other countries of the world. Many countries [are] using this aircraft, and we are exporting.”

He said Turkey was also considering Pakistani produced JF-17 fighter aircraft.

“They are considering this aircraft, because they know in detail about this aircraft. In future, let’s hope [for the procurement].”

About Pakistan’s fight against terrorism, he said Pakistan is at the frontline of the fight against “this menace”.

“Our armed forces have two operations. We have started [anti-terror] Zar-e-Azb operation three years back. Now, we started another operation Radd-ul-Fasaad,” the minister said.


Turkey is the biggest operator of F16's outside the US! JF17 is a middle finger to the US for playing F16 as a political gimmick!

Why would Turkey need JF17!?
JF17 does serves well as a "Standard workhorse plane" and Turkey can certain enhance it further with new set of weapons and payload

As you know Turkey already have their own Avionics Package , so they can certainly create a Block 4 with their own Avionics package

A Turkish Package Thunder would be nice prospect while stealth platform is a specialized plane which may take sometime to mature

A 50 Thunder fleet would ensure a nice support platform to take off some load from F16
Replace f 4 phantoms

Replace f 4 phantoms

Plus f 35 will be biggest disappointment of century... and people will be looking for its replacer in 10 years any way
lol, why would they get JF-17s, when Turkey can get better things from NATO countries?
Nice exchange on collaboration for JF17 Thunder
We are getting Turkish Ships / Choppers seems like good exchange
Turkey is getting F35 and they have tons of F-16's, what role would Thunders fit?
Turkey can acquire JF17s in numbers. Block 3 would definitely be a good addition to make up vast numbers and reduce the use of F16s and other jets...reducing the use of those airframes would mean Turkey will able to keep those around for a longer time.
Turkey can for BLOCK III to replace old F4 jets
People are saying BLK-III BUT the whole point of the JF program was to have a plane that can be tailored to the customers needs.

As Turkey is developing Radar, Sensors, Avionics and Weapon systems. IF they get JF it will be a blank plane which is retrofitted by them as they need!
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