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Unlike the former, i see current COAS actions Positive for Pakistan. Problem for PTI supporter is that only IK is doing all the thinking of them and he only want power for himself. you have to apply independent mind to see what was happening or is happening.
National interests and constitution is above everything. Now it's evident asim munir is treating supreme court like a whore and constitution of pakistan as a toilet paper. Not to mention the worst human right abuses of his fellow citizens he is committing. He surpassed Mir Bajwa in treachery and ruthlessness.
Imran khan is outsed just because of his pro pakistan foreign policy.
our constitution is not perfect. it has good and bad things and flaws. In any case it was never implemented by politicians and Army alike. BTW it was written during the time of a Civil Martial law administrator.
Yes one who initially violated it was also a general.
Army act is also not perfect so why we should follow it.
So Iman Hussain did not do the right thing in his time?
AstafirUllah: he(RA) was travelling with His family members not a mob. He (RA) was called for Bait not Revolt. He only refused to Bait Yazid which yazid did not accept. You can also refer to negotiation before 10th muharram nothing of this sort.
So the 100k civilians killed in terrorism due to their own strategic blunders are not shaheed. They actively Supported terrorist organizations like Taliban , Sipah e sahaba , Jaish e mohammad and what not. They end up killing our own citizens in thousands/lakhs but you get a stiffy over a core commander house and shuhuda day.

The same shuhuda btw which you left in Kargil to fend for themselves in winter. Indian government had to bury them because fauj refused. Tm tho apnay faujio kay bi nai huway. Lanat

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