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Why The Middle East Won’t Accept Palestinian Refugees

It's simple

If the Palestinians are ETHNICALLY CLEANSED from their land, it will get stolen by the Jews

As tough as it is the Palestinians have to remain on the land and increase their population, using their young population as a weapon to outnumber the Jews over the coming decades

The population of Arab and Jew is roughly equal now across Gaza, Israel and the west bank

However the average age of Palestinians is only 19 and they are heading towards a population boom 💥

Resistance is everything
Demographics is EVERYTHING

Taking refugees won't help them, helping them inside Palestine, standing up for them, funding them, protecting them against the evil Jews, that's what we should be doing
Palestinians should be armed like the way those so called Israeli settlers are armed. They should be able to fight back if those settlers try to grab their land. And to take back their lands.
I think people are missing the point: If Palestinians are refugees, they should be giving loyalty to their host country and not terrorism and treason.
The world empires such as USA, China, and Russia in the United Nations should implement two state solution and make Jerusalem an international city.
Why don't you take your Zionist brothers to India?
Gladly. They contribute more to the world than us.

But they won't like living in an underdeveloped country.

Some desert in the US maybe a better option for them ...
Palestinians refugees have made problems in Arab nation that gave them refuge. Lebanon payed a price for allowing them, same with Syria, Jordan and Kuwait.

So most Arab nations don't want to import this issue to their land.
I'm not surprised that the first thing a hindu rat would think when under attack is "run and hide". That's pretty much your entire history. :lol:
brainless twats like you make assumptions and build your idiotic imageries over that. No wonder you were ordained to be low class milecha.

Thats a great option, leave your home and give it to us, or die. wtf kind of BS is that? Why should anyone accept that?

Dying in your own home is better, for one thing, if they kill you, this only embarrasses them for the massacres and people see the Zionist entity for the genocidal scum that it is. If you die, you die an honorable death. Secondly, populations restore themselves as long as they are intact, and you retain the land.

The worse scenario is for the Israeli scum to get away with ethnic cleansing where they will never give the land back and let people go back to their homes and take it and give 2nd and 3rd homes to a-holes from Brooklyn or elsewhere.
the better option is to disown hamas terrorism.
accepting refugees is seen as helping israel
(no muslim country wants to be see aiding israel)

and western countries dont want muslims either

everyone knows the refugees arent going back
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