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What if? 1939



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Jul 29, 2011
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I think this would make a good movie.

1939 What if?
Operations Bismarck, Malted milk, French Toast, Sphinx, Parthia, Morning Tea, Hangover & a Truly Global War.

in 1938 Abadan, Persia has the largest refinery in the world, capable of producing several million tons of fuel every year, most of which goes to the UK and its allies.
In 1939 Italy had a large navy and army but few planes and few and inadequate tanks. Germany had a huge air force and army and outstanding coordination between them, but a weak navy. Japan had a huge navy and a large air force and army. France had few and obsolete planes, a huge army and a very large navy and large numbers of excellent tanks but without radios they were sitting ducks. Britain had a huge navy and few planes and tanks and a relatively small army for the size of the empire. Before the war broke out there was no British expeditionary force in France and it would take months to mobilize one. Britain had practically no Spitfires in service and most of its Hurricanes had inadequate 2 blade propellers that made them easy prey for the German Bf-109s. The UK had very small forces and mostly biplanes in Malta, Egypt, Palestine, Aden, Ceylon, Iraq, Persia and South Africa. Although the British navy was formidable in paper, most of its ships dated back to WW I and were no match for the modern Japanese and German ships and planes. Moreover, The British Empire was over extended and could ill afford to fight simultaneously on two distant fronts. South Africa provided a large part of U.K. revenues and was not well defended, since Britain relied on the royal navy to protect it from invasion.
Instead of attacking simultaneously, Germany invaded Poland first, then it gave Britain almost a year to mobilize its air force and army to France, and the French a year to make more planes and to buy planes from the US and to mobilize colonial armies, so that when Germany invaded France, Belgium and Holland it lost over 2,000 planes (535 just in Holland). Meanwhile 30,000 British troops invaded Italian Libya and captured 130,000 Italian troops. Then Germany wasted pointlessly 2,000 planes fighting over Britain, opposing hundreds of Spitfires and Hurricanes.
Had the axis nations coordinated their formidable forces to invade simultaneously several key locations in 1939, France would have collapse in weeks and the British Empire in months.

1)In August 1939 Germany sends 200 planes to Italy to attack Malta in September and 200 planes to Libya, along with Rommel, a division and 100 tanks to reinforce the large Italian army.
2)When signing the German-Soviet non aggression pact, Hitler agrees with Stalin that Germany will only occupy the Danzig Corridor in order to link up East Prussia with the rest of Germany and to deny Poland access to the sea, while the USSR will occupy the rest of Poland. Concurrent with the fall of Poland the USSR will be allowed to occupy Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, etc, at its leisure. Moreover, the USSR will attack Poland one day before Germany occupies Danzig and invades France. Furthermore on the same day that Germany invades France and occupies Danzig, Germany and the USSR will occupy Norway and Sweden and divide them into a northern Soviet province and a southern German province. The USSR will also invade Iraq and Persia on the same day, rapidly expelling the British and depriving them of oil.
The USSR suffers enormous losses fighting Poland. In September 1939 the USSR and Germany also invade Iceland and set up bases there.
3)Germany, Italy and Spain agree to invade France simultaneously on September 2, 1939. Moreover, Italy and Germany bomb and invade Malta, Egypt and Tunisia on the same day.
4)Japan invades Ceylon, Madagascar, Aden, Darwin and South Africa also on September 2, 1939. Moreover, Argentina invades the Falklands on the same day with the support of a few Japanese planes and ships. After capturing the Falklands. Argentine and Japanese forces capture St. Helena, Tristan da Acunha and Ascension. The axis gains invaluable bases for its submarines and long range bombers, which enable them to capture or sink many British and French ships.
France and Britain are shocked by multiple attacks and caught completely unprepared. Britain has no time to send an expeditionary force or even planes, tanks, etc, to Egypt, France, Malta, Iraq, Ceylon, South Africa or Persia. Within a week, Britain is practically excluded from the Indian Ocean and Mediterranean. France has no time to recall troops from its colonies and French ships have to escape to Algeria in order to avoid being sunk by axis planes.
Germany invades France and Luxemburg but respects Belgian and Dutch neutrality. German planes and heavy artillery blast several paths through the Maginot line. German paratroopers also capture small sections of the Maginot line by attacking it from behind. Simultaneously German planes wipe out all the French planes near the front, most of them on the ground and most of the tanks. Then German forces advance in two 100 km wide swaths. One swath advances along the French-Belgian border (neutral Belgium is covering Germany’s flank) and then along the French Atlantic coast and the other swath advances towards Paris. There is overwhelming air support, so the Germans advance very fast along both swaths. Simultaneously, Spanish and Italian forces with a few German troops and planes advance in a 50 km wide swath along the French Mediterranean coast backed by German planes and a German division. German paratroopers cause a lot of chaos behind the front. France has very few and primitive planes and there is no time for a British expeditionary force to arrive, so that German tanks and motorized troops rapidly capture Paris, Calais, Cherbourg, etc, The French have to surrender within 5 weeks.
5) After France falls, Hitler sends half of his planes and tanks to Alexandria (which has fallen to the axis) in order to reinforce the large Italian army and to capture the rest of Egypt and exclude the British from the Mediterranean.
6) With the British excluded from the Mediterranean and with Soviet troops in Iraq and Persia Turkey is afraid of a Soviet invasion and joins the axis.
7) In October1939 the imperial Japanese navy removes all the cannon over 6” from its ships and converts all the battleships and heavy cruisers into formidable, double hull carriers (the Yamato and Musashi, the largest battleships ever built, make a super carrier capable of carrying tens of thousands of troops and dozens of planes).
8) India, the Dutch Indies and Burma declare their independence. The Dutch Indies become Indonesia. The UK has to sue for peace. Japan agrees to withdraw from Nanking and reaches a peace agreement with Chiang Kai-shek. Moreover, China, India, Indonesia and Japan become allies. Burma and Indonesia sell oil and rice to Japan at a moderate price in appreciation for their independence. The Japanese propaganda slogan “Asia for the Asians” has become a reality.
7) With Britain and France out of the war, the axis coaxes Belgium, Switzerland and Holland to join it.
8) Rommel and Guderian invade Iraq and Persia (which join the axis), and German forces also expel the Soviets from Iceland, Sweden and Norway. Then the axis liberates Poland and invades the USSR from the Black Sea, Turkey, Romania, Poland, Persia, Norway and Finland. The axis rapidly captures the Soviet oilfields and isolates Sevastopol, Kiev, Stalingrad, Leningrad and Moscow, but instead of wasting hundreds of thousands of troops taking them, continues pushing the red army to the Urals.
With Britain out of the war Japan convinces Germany and Italy to hand over the Graf Zeppelin and their Battleships, which are used to boost the Japanese carrier fleet.
Then a much stronger Japanese fleet (including all the merchant and navy ships captured in the Indian Ocean from the British, Dutch, etc, and the carriers from all the converted axis battleships) is used to invade Hawaii, the American west coast and Panama on January 1, 1941 (Operation Hangover).
The West coast is poorly defended and sparsely populated. According to the1940 population census (million): California 6.9, Washington State 1.7, Oregon 1.1, Montana 0.56, Idaho 0.53, Nevada 0.11, Wyoming 0.25, Arizona 0.5, North and South Dakota 0.64 each, Oklahoma 2.3, Missouri 3.8, Florida 1.9, Kansas 1.8, Nebraska 1.3, New Mexico 0.53, Colorado 1.1, Arkansas 2, Utah .55, Georgia 3.1, Iowa 2.5 and Texas 6.4 (about 40 million people out of 132 million in the whole US). By far most of the population and the army are west of the Mississippi.
In Washington State Japan captures Boeing, the Puget Sound naval installations and the hydroelectric dams along the Columbia, the salmon fishing industry, a huge wheat growing area irrigated by the Columbia, a large lumber industry, etc,. In California Japan captures the oil fields, refineries, airplane industry (Lockheed, Consolidated, Douglas, Ryan, etc,), naval bases, large merchant and fishing fleets, lots of tractors, trucks, trains, livestock, scrap metal, very productive orchards and fields, etc,
The US is crippled, while Japan acquires invaluable resources. The Philippines cannot be supplied.
Japan and Argentina coax Chile to join the axis, Chile and Argentina invade their neighbors with moderate Japanese air support and declare war on the US.
The American army withdraws to the Mississippi, where it sets up a defensive line. Almost 30 million people flee the Japanese forces, reaching safety east of the Mississippi.
Immediately after the invasion the Japanese begin to deploy all their submarines, single hull carriers, destroyers and several hundred land based planes to defend against a counterattack from the Atlantic fleet in Panama. When the Japanese attack The US task force on its way to Panama, Japanese planes and submarines sink all 78 ships, practically eliminating the Atlantic fleet.
The US has to assure Germany that it will not continue supplying the USSR, because it cannot afford to fight Germany and Italy, while Japan advances rapidly in the US.
Then Japan uses 1 million Chinese, 1 million Indians, a half million Indonesians, a half million Koreans and 3 million Japanese troops to advance eastward along the Missouri river and the South West, further depriving the US of many resources and strengthening Japan’s position.. The Japanese advance quickly puts most of America within easy bombing range of the main industrial and population centers. The Japanese capture considerable agricultural and hydroelectric resources, a good part of the aviation industry and millions of horses and thousands of trucks, trains, tractors, etc, to mobilize their troops, equipment and supplies. Japan produces and uses P-38s, enlarged B-17s and B24s and a modified P-38 with one engine on the nose and one on the tail to bomb the American airplane factories, AAA manufacturers, etc,
The invaded US is in no position to provide the USSR with invaluable fuel, planes, steel, explosives, etc, Rommel liberates Egypt, Persia & Iraq. These countries become Axis members.
The USSR is deprived of oil from its oilfields, the Middle East and America and has lost most of its grain production areas, so it has to sue for peace, keeping central Russia and Siberia.
The axis forces the USSR to join it in order to receive oil and grain (because the USSR has lost its oil fields and the grain from the Ukraine, Belorussia, western Russia, Azerbaijan, etc, and is not receiving American aid).
Germany, Italy, Romania, Turkey, Persia, Iraq, Spain, the USSR, Egypt, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, etc, declare war on the beleaguered US on June 10, 1941. The powerful coalition provides troops, tanks and planes to the Japanese fighting the US and attacks the US fleet with its submarines (including German, Italian, Soviet submarines). The axis invades Quebec, Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Kansas, Iowa, Colorado, Ohio, Venezuela and the Mexican east coast, depriving the US of oil and forcing it to fight on 2 broad fronts simultaneously. The formidable invaders advance rapidly thanks to the millions of troops and thousands of tanks, planes, cannon, AA guns, etc, from the invincible axis. The US navy loses ships and planes rapidly. New England plus Indiana, Tennessee and Illinois have lost most of the grain, ships, oil, foreign trade, troops, planes, etc, and are forced to capitulate..


A Secret Meeting in the German-Polish Border Including German, Polish,
Romanian, Finnish, Turkish, Swedish, Norwegian and Hungarian Leaders on December 16, 1938
Hitler: Stalin is building tanks and planes by the thousand and increasing production every month. It is obvious that he intends to use them to invade Europe. Britain and France will be helpless when Stalin attacks, since they’ll take months to mobilize and by then we will all have lost.
So we must band together if we are to survive, which means stopping Stalin at all costs.
Germany is willing to sell Poland all the tooling and 1,800 engines to build the Hs-123 dive bomber and to provide technical assistance, provided Poland keeps 300 and sells 600 of these planes to Germany first, and sells 250 to Romania, 250 to Turkey, 200 to Finland and 200 to Spain. Although the Hs-123 is a biplane, it has an aluminum skin and is much superior to other biplanes. It is easy to fly and to produce, very reliable and extremely accurate when dive bombing a tank. Furthermore, we are willing to send to Poland all the tooling to produce the Panzer III, 2,000 engines and the steel to produce them, again provided Poland sells 1,000 to Germany, keeps 500 and sells 300 to Romania and 100 to Hungary and Finland. Moreover, Germany is willing to sell 60 Bf-110 fighter-bombers to Poland. Unfortunately, when the USSR attacks Poland, Germany will have to invade France in order to secure its back, so Poland and the other countries bordering the USSR will have to fight alone, until we defeat Britain and France. Germany will not mobilize troops against Poland, except in order to secure the Danzig corridor, which we cannot allow to fall in Soviets hands.
Moreover, when we occupy the corridor your navy will be safe from the Soviet forces and can remain there until Germany is ready to help you to expel the USSR from Poland and invade the USSR.
Poland can pay for the Bf-110s and the tooling and engines to produce the planes and tanks with oil and with the planes and tanks that Germany will buy from Poland.
The Polish leaders eagerly agree, relieved to receive some desperately needed modern armament to defend their country. Poland sets up factories near the German Border to produce the plane and tank while Germany concentrates on producing the Panzer IV, Stug III, BF-109, Ju-88, etc,.
Then Hitler addresses the Romanian leaders: Germany is willing to send to Romania all the tooling to produce the Stuka and 8,000 engines so Romania can produce them and sell 4,000 to Germany, keep 1,500 and sell 1,000 to Poland and 500 each to Turkey, Finland and Hungary.
Then Addressing Finnish leaders Hitler offers to send all the tooling, machinery and raw materials to produce 2 million of the Finnish submachine gun and 50,000,000 rounds of ammunition, provided Finland sells 1 million to Germany, keeps 250,000, and sells 300,000 to Poland and Romania and 150,000 to Hungary and proportional amounts of ammunition.
Then addressing Hungarian leaders Germany promises to send the tooling and materials to produce 1 million portable machine guns and 1 billion rounds of ammunition. Provided Germany buys 40%, Poland and Romania 20%, Finland 10% and Hungary keeps 10%.
Then addressing the Norwegian and Swedish leaders: If the USSR invades Norway and Sweden, Germany will have to occupy the southern part of your territories in order to secure the North Atlantic. Sweden must stop selling AAA, iron ore, ball bearing, etc, to the USSR, the UK, France, etc, and sell them only to the countries represented in this meeting, so we can stop Stalin and eventually liberate your countries and eliminate Stalin.
Finally addressing the Turkish leader, Hitler says, Germany is willing to send to Turkey all the materials and tooling to produce 50,000 88mm Flak cannon and 10 million shells, provided Turkey sells half of them to Germany, Keeps 7,000 and sells 8,000 to Poland and Rumania and 5,000 to Finland and Hungary and proportional amounts of shells. Germany is also willing to send engines and all the tooling to produce 6,000 He-111, provided Half of them are sold to Germany, Turkey keeps 800 and similar proportions are sold to the other countries. Moreover, if Stalin invades Iraq and Persia, it is almost certain that he will eventually invade Turkey. It would be much wiser to declare war against the USSR as soon as it invades any Muslim country and to fight the red army in Iraq and Persia than to wait for it to invade and devastate Turkey.
Addressing all the people present: Perhaps the most important and most scarce resources in the next 2 years will be grain, edible fats and fuel. The only way we can secure enough of them is buying them from the US, Canada and Argentina. You need to ask the people of your nationalities living in those countries to provide money and try to secure credit from those countries to buy grains, edible oil, bacon, butter, cheese, peanuts, soy, petroleum, rubber, wool, trucks, etc, and send them to your countries before Stalin attacks. Otherwise you’ll starve, freeze and be paralyzed during the war. We must also maximize our production of these products and coal, fertilizer, explosives, ethanol, wood alcohol, sugar beets, oats, etc, and start rationing them now, so we have plenty in store when war breaks out. Most importantly, you should also start moving your people, factories, cattle, etc, away from the Soviet border and start laying minefields, building antitank ditches, enlisting and arming all the people in fighting age, etc,

A Secret Meeting in France Including German, French and British Leaders on February 12, 1939
Hitler: Stalin has over 15,000 tanks and planes and over 6 million men at arms and is clearly preparing to invade Europe, probably starting this year with Poland, Finland, Romania, Hungary, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, etc,
Poland, Finland, Hungary and Romania have well trained, disciplined armies but are woefully equipped and Stalin knows it.
Germany has already sold Poland 60 twin engine Bf-110s, our most expensive fighter which can also be used as a bomber.
As you probably already know Germany also provided the tooling, technical assistance, engines, steel, etc, to produce dive bombers and tanks in Poland and other planes and weapons in Finland, Romania, Turkey and Hungary that should help Europe to defend itself from the Soviet onslaught. Poland has agreed to sell tanks and planes to Romania, Finland, etc, which desperately need them.
You must also help Poland, Romania, Finland, Turkey, Hungary, etc, to defend themselves. Britain has excellent fighters and can certainly afford to sell Poland 100 Hurricanes and 100 obsolete Gladiators, and sell Finland, Hungary, Turkey and Romania each 50 Hurricanes and as many Gladiators. France has excellent tanks and large amounts of obsolete WW I artillery and can certainly provide Poland with 100 of the oldest tanks and 500 75mm cannon and provide Finland, Hungary, Turkey and Romania each with half as many of the same. If Stalin smashes through Poland, Romania, Finland, Turkey and Hungary we’ll all be in deep trouble, so arming these countries is the best investment that we can make.
Poland, etc, must receive the planes, tanks, etc, as soon as possible so the crews have time to practice and become proficient in their operation.
Germany has already informed Poland that Germany will have to secure the Danzig corridor, which cannot be allowed to fall in Soviet hands at any cost. Accordingly, when Stalin attacks Poland we’ll occupy the corridor only. Similarly, If Stalin attacks Norway or Sweden, Germany may be forced to occupy part of these countries in order to secure the North Atlantic. The British and French navies should also try to help Norway to fight the Soviets.
Chamberlain: Britain will send the planes you suggest as soon as possible.
Hitler: If France approves, the planes can fly to France and then through Germany to Poland and arrive there in a few days.
Daladier: France will allow the British planes to fly in transit to Poland and will provide the tanks and cannon before the end of this month. They will be sent by train through Germany to Poland and Romania and by ship to Finland, so they should be there in March.
Hitler: I am very relieved that you have taken the Communist threat seriously and are willing to part with some armament that is obsolete or rapidly becoming so. Thank you very much.

Hitler in a Meeting with Italian, Spanish, Argentine and Japanese Leaders on March 10, 1939
If Germany, Italy and Spain invade France simultaneously before Britain has time to send expeditionary troops and before France has time to mobilize troops from its colonies, we’ll defeat France within 2 months. Moreover, If on the same day we invade France Italy captures Malta and invades Egypt and Tunisia simultaneously with German planes and tanks helping to support the invasion), the axis will rapidly capture these poorly defended countries and expel the British from the Mediterranean, etc, Then we’ll be able to invade Syria, Iraq and Persia and have access to all the oil we need
Germany will provide 200 planes and a division to both Italy and Spain to bolster their forces for the invasion of France. Spanish and Italian troops need only capture a 50 km wide swath along the entire French Mediterranean coast, so that France cannot receive supplies and troops from Britain, the French colonies or America. At the same time, Germany will invade France with 2 million men and all our airplanes and tanks.
Moreover, if Japan invades simultaneously Ceylon, Aden, Madagascar and South Africa and helps Argentina to capture the Falklands, Uruguay, and a few days later British, Dutch and French Guiana, St. Helena, Tristan da Acunha and Ascension, The British will be excluded from the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans also.
The UK cannot afford to fight Italy, Spain, Japan, Argentina and Germany simultaneously. Even the US cannot afford to fight all of us simultaneously if we control the Mediterranean, Indian and South Atlantic oceans.
Finally, Persia, Iraq, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania are willing to join the axis and once we exclude the British from the Mediterranean we’ll coax Turkey into joining the axis and together we’ll capture the Soviet oilfields from Turkey and Persia at the same time that we invade the Ukraine from Romania and Poland.
Yamamoto: I agree that the British cannot survive so many debacles in a single day and that the US is not likely to declare war on all of us if we control so much of the sea. However, it is imperative that we all stick to the plan or we may be defeated in the long run. Moreover, the US can declare war on Japan and if the Japanese fleet is spread all over the Atlantic and Indian oceans, we may be defeated. So the day of the attack we must make it known in writing that any country declaring war on any of us will be at war with all of us automatically.
Uruguay, the Falklands, the 3 Guianas, Belize and South Africa will indeed be invaluable to the axis long range submarines and planes and to our aircraft carriers and should allow us to capture of sink a very large number of enemy ships.
Mussolini: The Italian army is large but lacks trucks and airplanes. If Germany will provide them, the mobility and support will ensure our success. Our navy can certainly capture Malta with the help of German planes. If Japan captures Aden, the British will not be able to bring troops from India, Australia, New Zealand, South or East Africa and if we capture Tunisia Italian and German planes and Italian ships will exclude form the Mediterranean any ships and planes coming from Britain or Canada. So the plan is infallible. However, speed and coordination between all of us is essential.
Franco: Spain is just coming out of the civil war. We have little fuel, food, etc, and are tired of fighting. I don’t think that we are in any condition to start a long war. Moreover, Italy, Germany and even Argentina are gaining large territories from the outset. What can Spain expect to gain by invading the French coast and exposing itself to shelling by British ships and planes?
Hitler: The point is that this will not be a long war. We’ll defeat France and Britain within 2 months. Whether Spain wants to fight or not, it is certain that it will have to. If you don’t want to join us, then you will have to fight us. Precisely because you have no resources and are tired of fighting, Italy and Germany will have no difficulty in occupying Spain, in order to better invade France from there. If you join us you will lose many men but you will be on the winning side. If you don’t join us you’ll lose more men and lose your country either to the axis if we win or to Stalin if we lose. On the other hand. If Spain joins us in the fight, there will be plenty of land to capture in Africa and America. For example, with naval and air support, Spain could easily invade Mexico, Columbia or part of Brazil. Finally, Don’t forget that we put you in power and we can always find a Spanish general who is willing to join us and put him in power. We need your people but not necessarily you.
All nations agree to prepare the massive attack for September 2, 1939.

Spanish radio announces Franco’s death from an heart attack on May 13, 1939. He is replaced by a General who cooperates completely with the axis.
Yamamoto in a Presentation for the top 12 Japanese generals and 8 admirals on April 20, 1939
China is an endless anthill with 500 million ants and little to offer, we have not even put the ants to any use. We have just killed millions pointlessly. We have squandered our resources and thousands of Japanese troops in China for years and we have not defeated Chiang or Mao. It is time to reach an agreement with Chiang, let him concentrate on eliminating the communists and warlords, pull out most of our forces and leave only enough troops to defend the most valuable areas or we’ll lose the war if we have to fight several enemies simultaneously. Just like Germany will lose the war if it does not eliminate Britain before it invades the USSR.
We must provide Chiang all the obsolete equipment that we capture from Britain and turn him into an invaluable ally.

We have approached war from a completely mistaken point of view. We have simply tried to conquer territory, instead of attempting to control the most important resources. The side that controls oil, hydroelectric power, minerals and food will win this war. For hydroelectric power and petroleum will determine the industrial productivity, fertilizer, explosives and aluminum production and the mobility of the army and navy and food will make hundreds of millions of people in India, China, the Philippines, etc, fight and work producing armament just in order to eat. The US is the main oil producer, followed by Persia, Venezuela and Iraq. America is also the main grain and hydroelectric power producer.
The axis should:
1) Capture Iraq and Persia and the oilfields in the USSR and increase considerably the grain productivity of Poland, the Ukraine, etc,
2) Induce Argentina to join the axis in order to recover the Falklands and to invade Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, British, Dutch and French Guiana, St. Helena, Belize, Tristan da Acunha and Ascension with our naval and air support. Then help Argentina to increase food production considerably and buy all its excess food. The side with the most oil and food will win the war.
3) Japan must invade South Africa which is the key to the Indian Ocean and an invaluable source of gold, Chromium ore, diamonds, etc, and is poorly defended by the British and sparsely populated.
4) Induce Chile to join the Axis in order to invade Peru and Ecuador with our air support and help it to increase grain, soy, peanut and potato production considerably in these areas and buy their products. The nitrate, copper and food from the sparsely populated Chile will be invaluable to the axis.
5) Help Burma and the Dutch Indies, the main rice exporters in the world and which are also oil producers to gain their independence and to increase their rice and oil production and buy these products.
6) Exclude Britain from the Indian, Pacific and South Atlantic Oceans and deprive it of Persian and Iraqi oil, so it has to sue for peace. After India declares independence we have to help it to increase considerably its industry, especially steel production and ship building. We’ll be able to buy all their inexpensive steel and ships paying with food.
7) Invade the American West Coast in order to increase the oil and grain supplies, our hydroelectric resources and the industrial capacity of the axis considerably and to reduce the resources of the US.
8) Help Indochina to become independent and to boost agricultural production and buy its excess food.
9) Reach a peace agreement with Chiang, abandon Nanking, supply him with guns in order to help him to eliminate the communists and warlords and help China increase steel and ship production. Like in the case of India, we’ll be able to buy their inexpensive steel and ships with food.
10) Invade Venezuela with Argentine and Chilean troops and our naval and air support, further increasing the oil supplies of the axis and reducing that of the enemy.
11) Western and Central Canada have a very small population and huge and very productive fields in which we can produce enormous quantities of grain. Invading these areas of Canada and using that grain to pay Chinese and Indian workers and soldiers will certainly be more profitable than invading China. Moreover, by invading these areas, we’ll deprive Britain, the US and the USSR of that food.
12) We must convince Chile and Argentina to admit at least a million Asians each, in order to be able to exploit better the huge territories that they will control and to boost their armies, at the same time that we reduce overcrowding in Asia slightly. We must also transport a million Asians to Canada and another million to the western US.
13) We must convince all the Asian countries to stop population growth and to begin massive education programs, in order to rapidly improve their people’s conditions.
14) Brazil is a huge country with only 41 million people (compared to 71 million of tiny Japan or 48 million of the UK). It has excellent transportation through its river system, unlimited hydroelectric resources and it is very poorly defended. It is almost incredible that Japan invaded China, which has 515 million people and that Germany wants to invade tiny, over populated Belgium and Holland (19 million people together), France (42 million) and Poland (35 million) and then the USSR, which had 170 million people, 8 million soldiers and 20,000 planes and tanks. Finally Italy wants to invade arid Greece (7 million people). All this, Instead of Germany, Japan, Italy, Chile and Argentina joining forces and invading priceless Brazil and Japan, Germany and Italy sending there half their population to exploit those abundant resources.

With plenty of grain we can make millions of starving Indians, Chinese, Filipinos, etc, fight and work for us producing armament, ships, etc, and acquire all the territory that we may wish. With plenty of oil we’ll be able to train the best pilots, power our industry and mobilize our troops. With plenty of hydroelectric power we can produce all the fertilizer and aluminum that we need and power our industry. With plenty of fertilizer, food and oil we can press needy nations into becoming our allies just to survive.

America and Britain are two great dragons, we can certainly defeat Britain and capture invaluable resources that will allow us, with great effort and the help of the axis to defeat America but we can definitely not defeat both simultaneously.
Our type 91 aerial torpedo is by far the best in the world, our submarines, torpedo planes, dive bombers and pilots are superb. If we use them wisely in decisive actions we can shock and destabilize the world.
The British have mostly obsolete Swordfish and Gladiator biplanes and a few old ships. South Africa, Aden, Ceylon and Madagascar are poorly defended. Moreover, Germany will soon be invading France and fighting the British, so that it will be impossible for them to recapture their lost territories.
Our long range submarines based in the Falklands and South Africa can close the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans to the British. There is only a token garrison in the Falklands, which Argentina is eager to reclaim and willing to join the Axis to do so with our help. So with Argentine troops and a seaplane tender, a submarine and a few torpedo boats we’ll be able to capture it and the minute Islands of St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Acunha, which together with South Africa and Argentina will allow us to exclude the British from the South Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Likewise, the northern tip of Madagascar has about a thousand French troops and several thousand Malagasy troops and can be captured with little effort with planes from a seaplane tender and 2,000 troops. If we invade simultaneously Ceylon, Aden, the northern tip of Madagascar, the Falklands, British, Dutch and French Guiana and South Africa, the aging and bruised British dragon will be excluded completely from the Indian Ocean. India, Burma and the Dutch Indies will gain their independence and we'll have access to the huge deposits of gold, chromium, diamonds, etc, in South Africa and the rice, rubber and oil of Burma, Malaya and the West Indies, the iron ore in India and Australia, etc, and millions of starving people that will provide very cheap labor to manufacture all the ships and armament that we may need.
The axis will gain an invaluable ally in Argentina, which will provide us with grain, beef, etc, and help us to convince Chile to join the axis and to exclude the US from the South Atlantic and the Pacific, when we attack it.
Most importantly, we can also capture a large number of ships and we´ll also have access to the oil in the Middle East. Abadan in Persia ships 8 million tons of oil each year and sits on the Persian Gulf.
Safe from the British fleet, India and Burma will revolt with our help and gain their independence and if we know how to manipulate them as their liberators, they may even become our allies. Furthermore, if we close the Red Sea from Aden and the Atlantic Ocean from South Africa and the Falklands, Britain will not be able to fight in North Africa without troops from India, Australia, etc, Therefore, Germany and Italy will capture Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Persia and Iraq (securing vital oil supplies for the Axis and linking up with us). From there they can invade the crucial Soviet oilfields in Baku, so we would be helping our allies and ourselves considerably.
With the UK out of the war, Germany, Italy, Argentina, China, India, etc, as our allies, I do not believe the isolationist, war-despising Americans would dare declare war on the axis as long as we do not threaten their interests. Moreover, America hates losers, so when we trounce the British rapidly in several critical locations, the American public will probably press not to provide aid to a Britain that only manages to lose battles and territories. Furthermore, after defeating Britain, a much more powerful Japan could then choose between helping Germany to invade the USSR (attacking from Persia, Iraq, China, Korea and the Pacific coast) or invading America.
If Japan chooses to attack America, we must invade Oahu, Panama and the American West Coast simultaneously. We can only achieve this daunting task if we make several radical changes:
We must accept the fact that heavy naval artillery is as useless in the airplane age as stone tools were in the bronze-age and bronze tools in the iron-age. Therefore, we must remove all the cannon over 6” from our ships and use the lightened battleships and cruisers to build powerful vessels that can carry airplanes and large amounts of troops, supplies, etc, by joining two ships with a platform. Accordingly, by joining the Yamato and the Musashi with a large platform and removing their heavy 18” turrets, we’ll make a formidable ship that can carry both airplanes and tens of thousands of troops, with a displacement of over 140,000 tons. We can do the same with all our battleships and heavy cruisers and have a formidable invasion fleet. Such a double hull ship is much more difficult to sink, since it has twice the AAA and the inner sides of the hulls are protected from torpedoes. With smaller cargo vessels, we can join six hulls with a platform (3 ships in a row on each side) from which biplanes can be launched. This reduces drag and fuel consumption and increases survivability.
After we exclude the British from the Indian Ocean, we’ll be able to capture most of the cargo and passenger ships in that ocean, which will enable us to transport an unprecedented amount of troops and supplies for the invasion of America.
By invading Oahu and San Diego we’ll not only eliminate the Pacific fleet, we´ll capture invaluable installations and salvage some of the ships, engines, propellers, planes, etc, and get a lot of scrap aluminum, steel, bronze, copper, etc, We’ll also be able to recruit some of the over 100,000 Japanese living in Hawaii, whose ability to speak fluent English can be very helpful in America. Without an American base for their submarines, airplanes, etc, our ships will be able to maintain a constant flow of troops and supplies to America and of oil, minerals, lumber, etc, to Japan.
We’ll be able to trade up to 5 civilians from Hawaii and the west coast for each Japanese, German or Italian POW while we invade America.
Having wiped out the Pacific fleet, and captured the isthmus of Tehuantepec we can send our single hull carriers and our submarines, destroyers and light cruisers to the Atlantic through Panama, where they can help considerably to destroy the Atlantic fleet and to set up bases in western Cuba and the eastern Dominican Republic, so we control the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean.
We can use the abundant scrap left as we invade America and the power from the hydroelectric plants to melt thousands of tons of urgently needed steel for tanks, guns, etc, greatly increasing our steel and armament output.
Most importantly, the beleaguered American dragon will not be able to produce and ship millions of tons of supplies and thousands of planes, tanks, etc, for the USSR, so Germany, Romania, Finland, Italy, etc, will defeat the latter and with the resources they gain from the USSR, they will be able to attack the American navy in the Atlantic with their submarines and to invade Venezuela, Texas, etc, depriving the Americans of most of their oil and forcing them to fight in another wide front.

Once we invade the west coast and have over a thousand airplanes on the West Coast and 600 planes in Panama (between land and carrier planes), the Atlantic fleet will not stand a chance when they attack us. All the ships we capture in America will be invaluable to transport troops and supplies for the invasion and produce, oil and raw materials back to Japan. The Japanese fleet plus the ships captured from Britain and the US will allow us to transport millions of men and lots of supplies within months.

In order to invade the US we need at least 1 million Chinese troops, 1 million Indians, a half million Indonesians, a half million Koreans and 3 million Japanese troops. We need also 18,000 pilots and 6,000 fighters and 3,000 bombers (including 300 Typhoons) initially and just as many planes and pilots within 6 months. But by then we’ll be producing more planes and pilots in the US than in Japan.

Our troops use several different cartridges for their rifles and machine guns, which causes a logistics nightmare, especially in the battlefield.
Moreover, all these cartridges use long, heavy and expensive brass cases, which we cannot produce in very large quantities over several years with our limited copper and zinc reserves. Moreover, we must admit that our bolt action rifles and machine guns with clumsy magazines are not worthy of our excellent troops and prevent them from achieving their full potential (as you’ll see in one of the movies). Since by far most of the shooting takes place within 200 m, we must adopt a short case variant of our 6.5mm round that uses an aviation aluminum case with a short, 3mm neck, a 45° shoulder, inexpensive, fast burning gunpowder, a small primer and a lighter, 6.2 gram bullet, compared to the old 9 gram bullet. This much lighter round produces little recoil (allowing accurate automatic fire) and noise and allows for a very short action and a high rate of fire in automatic weapons, without overheating the barrel. Within 8 months we must produce 1.5 million units of a submachine gun with an aluminum, 40 round, drum magazine, similar to the cheap PPSh of the Soviets. We must also produce 350,000 units of a rapid fire, inexpensive machine gun, similar to the latest versions of the German MG 34 that will soon reach the German troops, but modified to shoot the new 6.5mm short round. We must manufacture the cartridges, rifles and machine guns in underground factories in America. Since American weapons use the exceedingly powerful .30-06 and .50 caliber cartridges, we’ll use their captured guns and ammunition for shooting at long range and at vehicles or airplanes and for defensive positions. Since we have few and lousy tanks, we must develop a light, inexpensive rocket launcher. A rocket propelled 80mm shaped charge with a 150 m range is much less expensive than the excessively powerful, clumsy German 88mm antitank guns. We’ll need 100,000 launchers and 2 million rockets within 8 months. We will mount 5,000 of the launchers on our older planes and small planes captured in America, which will be very useful to eliminate their tanks and pillboxes. We also need to make sabot mounted, concave tip tungsten and hardened steel projectiles for our 20 mm AAA and airplane cannon, which will be very useful against their airplanes and light tanks (as you will see in another film).
With the fuel and the planes that we´ll capture and with the good weather in California, Arizona, Hawaii and central Washington State we must immediately begin to train thousands of pilots, who themselves will begin to train other pilots as soon as they learn to fly. So our best instructors only have to train the most advanced cadets.

We must use all the available merchant ships for the invasion and all the biplanes we have to travel in the largest ships with catapults in order to sink any American submarines attacking our convoys.

The Mitsubishi G4M bomber has proven the superior performance of 4 blade propellers, over the 3 blade propellers the Americans are wrongly using even in their most powerful planes. Even the Vimy bomber from WW I, the first plane to fly across the Atlantic had 4 blade propellers on 360 hp engines. So we built a fixed pitch, 12 blade propeller and tried it on the G4M. It produces the same or more thrust at any speed than the expensive constant speed propellers and 17% more thrust at cruising speed. This means that we´ll save a lot of fuel and increase the range considerably. Moreover, we found that we can die-cast the narrow blades of the propeller, producing a fine grain and excellent strength at a low cost and producing thousands of blades per day. Actually, die-casting allows us to use stronger aluminum alloys that the machinable aluminum normally used to mill propeller blades. Therefore, we can mass produce superior and less expensive propellers for our bombers. These slenderer, more efficient propellers are also quieter and 12 % shorter.
We need to make easily produced bombers that can carry a very heavy bomb load with a small crew, use little fuel and are easy to mass produce. This can be achieved by using two B-17 or B-24 fuselages, placed at the wingtips. The fuselages are joined by two equal, tandem, constant section wings (there is no horizontal stabilizer), which are very easy to produce and have a total area equal to twice the wing area of a B-17. The plane has 8 engines, two pusher-puller sets on each wing, very close to each at the middle of the wing.
. Each pusher propeller receives air at high speed from the puller propeller in front of it, so the air accelerates repeatedly, increasing efficiency. The constant section wings are very easy to produce (all the ribs are identical) and they carry the fuel. The wings can be easily made of plywood or aluminum, whichever is more abundant at the time. This plane requires one pilot, copilot, bombardier and bomb sight and two vertical stabilizers that are the same height but half as wide at the root than the broad stabilizers of the B-17. The tandem wings provide exceptional stability for bombing and launching torpedoes. We can remove all the machine guns, since the planes will always be escorted by 4 fighters per bomber and are rather fast (except when they bomb undefended cities).
With 8 engines, each with a 12 blade propeller, the plane is very survivable, since in an emergency it can continue flying with only 2 engines after dropping its bombs and having consumed 60% of the fuel. If one of the 12 narrow propeller blades is damaged the imbalance causes much less eccentricity and vibration than when a blade is damaged in a 3 or 4 blade propeller, so the plane is more likely to make it back to safety. This plane uses less than twice the fuel of a B-17 and costs less than twice as much to build as a B-17 but it carries 4 times the bomb load, with a crew of 3, instead of 11 of the B-17. We´ll be able to drop a lot of bombs and to destroy a lot of enemy fighters trying to shoot these bombers down.
We can mass produce less expensive and more efficient bombers if we eliminate the landing gear. We can do this by placing the plane on a truck that has two padded platforms (joined with hollow, rectangular beams with fairings to reduce drag) that support the two fuselages. The truck accelerates the plane to takeoff speed. As the truck accelerates the lift on the wings gradually reduces the load on the truck and the plane’s engines rev up, helping it to continue accelerating, until takeoff speed is reached. One truck can launch several bombers per hour. Similarly, for landing, the very light, empty bomber reduces its speed just above stalling while the truck moves below it at a similar speed, until the plane rests on the padded platforms. 50 takeoff trucks can launch 100 planes for a raid in 30 minutes, since the planes don’t leave any wingtip vortices behind.
The empty, double fuselage plane without undercarriage is very light and has a large area for alighting on water, so it can do so in an emergency. The narrow propeller blades bend or break off more easily when striking the water, reducing damage to engines and wings.
If such an inexpensive bomber with a small crew is lost, it can be easily replaced. If 20 planes are lost per raid, hundreds of wheels, 20 hydraulic units (with several cylinders each), etc, and the labor to install them will be saved.
Alternately, for tactical bombing missions from airports close to the front, an inexpensive version of the Double B-17 can be made with fixed landing gear, since range and speed are not a problem

Moreover, we can bomb them much easier than they can bomb us, since the high speed, high altitude, eastward winds in the winter will push the slow, loaded planes at high altitude and the empty planes can return at high speed below or around the high altitude winds. We can even send hydrogen balloons carrying bombs, which the strong eastward wind will carry within a day to Chicago, New York, etc,
A raid with 100 Double B-17s and 400 fighters will be devastating to both their fighter force and their airplane industry. The plane can either deliver all the bombs simultaneously resulting in a very high bomb density or release them on different targets. The high density carpet bombing can be devastating with four hundred 25 kg bombs per plane, dropped on armored and infantry divisions, so the Double bombers will be invaluable both for strategic and tactical bombing. For tactical bombing from a short distance, fuel load will be much smaller and bomb load correspondingly heavier, since we can also carry a large load under the wings. The Super bomber can carry 4 torpedoes on very long distance missions (4,000 km one way or 2,200km two way) or 10 torpedoes at a time from a medium range or 16 torpedoes when flying 600 km (372 miles), two way missions, with devastating effect on ships. Alternately, as a last measure, carrying only 5 tons of bombs (a fraction of its maximum load) the Super Bomber can fly very fast and far and if it dives and collides against a carrier or vital installation, it would be unstoppable and devastating. Therefore, we could destroy a carrier or a vital installation anywhere in the world with the loss of only 2 lives (the bombardier is not needed). The Double B-17s and B.24s will also be invaluable for laying large quantities of mines in order to destroy more American merchant and navy ships far from our bases. These mines can travel long distances rapidly in the Gulf Stream. Moreover, the Super Bomber can transport large amounts of troops and supplies to critical points in a battle, rendering invaluable tactical service to the army. Finally, with a moderate load and using the Jet Stream, the Double B-17 can fly nonstop Tokyo to Seattle or Kansas City to Berlin or without the Jet Stream it can fly Tokyo to Berlin over the Arctic Circle or Cape Town to Tierra del Fuego over the Antarctic Circle or Ceylon to South Africa or Tokyo to Darwin. So we’ll have unprecedented communications.
During carpet bombing, soldiers caught between the bombs from two planes will be annihilated by the meeting shockwaves and shrapnel, so that the bombers will clear a broad swath. If 7 bombers fly side by side 35 m (115 ft) apart from each other, the cleared swath will be nearly a half km wide. If there are 14 such rows of bombers (98 planes carrying a total of 39,200 bombs), the swath will be a few hundred meters long, providing an invaluable gap during an offensive or wiping out entire artillery batteries several kilometers behind enemy lines. If the bombs are dropped almost simultaneously from all the bombers the collective blast will be devastating and terrifying to enemy troops in a large area.

We must gain the support of the large Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Asian communities in the West Coast. All the men with college degrees will become officers after a brief training course. If they refuse to join us, they and their families will be arrested for treason.

All Japanese officers must wear soldier uniforms and forget about their swords. Soldiers must learn not to bow to them. The Americans won the revolution in large part because their snipers selectively targeted the British officers. We must not make the same mistake. Actually, the lowest ranking, least experienced or valuable person will wear the officer’s uniform, carry a sword and pretend to give orders, while everybody bows to him, which may help to flush out the snipers and keep the officers safe.

The Lockheed P-38 is an expensive, fast and long range fighter and it will be invaluable to us during the first 3 months of the invasion. However, in the Lockheed plant we can soon start producing an even more formidable fighter. We’ll use 6 blade, constant speed propellers instead of the 3 blade propellers that the Americans are using. Moreover, we’ll make the fighter more aerodynamic and maneuverable by eliminating the engine booms and double tail, elongating the fuselage considerably and installing one engine on the nose and one on the tail. This allows for a small vertical stabilizer area, reduced drag and a faster rate of roll. We will also make the plane lighter and easier to mass produce by eliminating the undercarriage and using a truck to accelerate it for takeoff and to catch it for landing. Finally, instead of a thick and long wing (that causes problems at high speed and reduces maneuverability) and a horizontal stabilizer, we’ll have 2 thinner and shorter tandem wings. The leading edge of the wings is swept forward 7° in order to reduce wingtip turbulence. According to our calculations and prototypes, this fighter will exceed 700 km/h or 435 mph and will be easier to build and less expensive and have a longer range than the P-38. It can also perform acrobatics that no other fighter can and is less visible at long range than the P-38. In sum, we´ll have the fastest, longest range fighter ever made and we’ll be able to produce it in huge installations.

Finally, we must admit that a heavy, slow tank that is easy to eliminate with an inexpensive 80 mm rocket, artillery or a land mine or to stop with an antitank ditch is not very useful. Mr. Yamada has designed a flying tank with a pusher propeller (the same 12 blade, fixed pitch propeller used in our bombers) and tandem wings. The pilot flies in the prone position and is completely protected by a hardened steel, 2cm thick ogive and bottom that also protects the fuel and the engine from AAA fire. The pilot can see thanks to a periscope and when the periscope is damaged can deploy an emergency periscope to return to base. The plane has a 35 mm cannon and 4 machine guns and can attack at 400 km/h (248 mph). The flying tank is much more difficult to destroy from the ground than a tank and will be escorted by fighters to protect it from American fighters, since it is quite vulnerable to attack from the rear. We estimate that a flying tank is equivalent to at least 6 conventional tanks and costs twice as much as a tank to build, so it’s thrice as efficient. Most importantly, the flying tank has a crew of 1, compared to a crew of 2 to 4 in a tank and can fly over land mines, ditches, antitank rockets and cannon, etc, and be based far away from the frontline artillery, etc, that can destroy conventional tanks at the front. Again, we should send a prototype to Germany in February, so they can start producing flying tanks to eliminate the thousands of Soviet tanks. We should not start using them in America, until they counter attack. Like the other planes, the flying tank does not have landing gear and takes off and lands on a truck.

At this point Yamamoto shows a film from the Chinese front in which 20 Japanese marines attack a strong Chinese position. On one side 10 marines are using prototype PPSh-like submachine guns in 6.5 short with 40 round, drum magazines, covered by an MG 42-like machine gun in 6.5 short firing 1,500 rounds per minute, 150 m from the Chinese position. On the other side, the 10 marines are using regulation bolt action rifles and are covered by a regulation machine gun 150 m away. 6 of the bolt action soldiers are killed or wounded and they fail to take the position. On the other side 2 soldiers are killed or wounded, they quickly take the position, killing in seconds 18 Chinamen who were still alive when they stormed the stronghold. After examination it can be seen that 6 times more rounds were used in 1/3 of the time on the side with the prototype weapons, with devastating effect. Yamamoto comments: We’ve been asking our soldiers to sacrifice their precious lives with WW I tools, daftly wasting their awesome potential.
In a very slow motion film, Yamamoto shows how a large percentage of unburnt gunpowder leaves the barrel in the Japanese regulation machine gun, while very little unburnt powder leaves the machine gun barrel in 6.5 short with fast burning powder. The recoil and report differences and the damage caused on 8 prisoners at 100 m with a 3 second burst are also impressive.

The next film shows the effect of the prototype 80 mm rockets launched by a Japanese soldier against a WW I British Whippet tank of the Japanese army and against a concrete pillbox with impressive results. This film closes with an obsolete Kawasaki Ki-3 biplane carrying 10 inexpensive and lightweight, 80 mm rocket launchers on its wings, 4 machine guns and 12,000 rounds in the new 6.5mm cartridge. The plane takes off and attacks successfully the same damaged whippet tank and another concrete pillbox with its rockets. In another scene, the biplane takes off, strafes Chinese trenches 3 km away, fires its ammunition and rockets in a few minutes and returns to reload and refuel and takes off again within 15 minutes, proving that 4 devastating missions per hour are possible with obsolete planes, protected from enemy fighters by Ki-27s. Yamamoto comments: It’s surprising that a devastating weapon can result from a mixture of old and inexpensive new technology.

In another film Yamamoto shows how the concave tip, tungsten and steel, sabot, 20 mm cannon projectile punches holes in the armor used in American planes and detaches slugs of armor that strike a mannequin supposedly protected by the armor, with devastating results. The tungsten tip projectile has a wooden ogive that reduces drag and fragments of impact.

Another film shows 10 marines armed with one 80 mm rocket launcher, one machine gun in 6.5 short and 6 PPSh-like submachine guns storming a Chinese position with about 50 soldiers. One marine dies and one is injured and the Chinese position falls within a minute.

Another film shows a large bomber with two Mitsubishi G4M fuselages joined by constant section tandem wings. Total wing area is twice that of the G4M. There is a pusher-puller propeller set at mid span on both wings (4 engines with 12 blade, fixed pitch propellers). There are 4 torpedoes underneath each wing and 1 on each fuselage. The bomber takes off from a truck with 2 platforms supporting the fuselages and impresses the audience by dropping 8 torpedoes (4 underneath each wing) in a few seconds, which would be impossible to dodge and devastating even for the largest ships. The very light bomber then lands on the speeding truck. The empty plane has almost all the weight close to the central line, where the 4 engines are located, since the outer fuselages carry only bombs and the crew of 3. The bomber has two vertical stabilizers the same height of that of the G4M, but half as wide at the base. In another scene the bomber drops 400 hundred 12.5 kg bombs over a small area with impressive results. Yamamoto comments: Just like we said that we can produce a super bomber with the B-17, this modified Mitsubishi that we call the Typhoon costs less than twice as much as the standard G4M, uses the same pilot, bombardier and copilot and less than twice the fuel, but it can carry 4 times the bomb load at the same speed. The Typhoon can deliver 8 torpedoes in a 600 km (372 mile), two way mission or 2 torpedoes flying from the Marshal Islands to Hawaii one way with a crew of 2. If we send 50 Typhoons from the Marshall Islands (80 torpedoes) when we attack Pearl Harbor, these planes will greatly boost the effect of our carrier planes, ensuring victory. After burning the fuel and launching their torpedoes, the very light planes can alight on water close to a shore controlled by us or to our ships and be picked up or towed ashore. Similarly, Typhoons will be invaluable in Panama when the Americans counter attack. Typhoons will be able to strike at a much shorter distance from Panama, with ten torpedoes each, annihilating the American fleet. Imagine the effect of 400 torpedoes from the 50 Typhoons plus the torpedoes and bombs from the carrier planes. Their fleet will not stand a chance.

Another film shows a Double Zero, which is a Zero with a longer fuselage, an additional engine in the tail, tandem wings swept forward 7° and 6 blade, constant speed propellers. The plane performs an outside loop, rolls in 1 second and reaches 660 km/h (410 mph). The plane has no landing gear and takes off and lands on a truck. Yamamoto comments: this is a formidable land based fighter, but unfortunately, it is not practical for use in our carriers. We should start producing it immediately and start using it in America only after we have reached Kansas City and can start bombing their factories and systematically eliminating their planes, so the Americans don’t have much time to copy it, before the axis attacks the East Coast. We should provide the Germans one of these planes by February of 1941 so they can start producing it rapidly and promptly defeat the Soviets and attack the US.

Another film shows a flying tank prototype. It has a narrow fuselage (without a canopy) and tandem wings. The pilot enters the plane in the middle and closes the hatch. A small periscope allows him to see. The plane takes off and attacks a pillbox and a tank with it’s high velocity 35mm cannon and strafes a series of vehicles with its 4 heavy machine guns. Yamamoto says: “Like I said, we estimate that such a tank is at least 6 times more useful than the crawling monsters used by the Germans, Soviets and Americans that we can easily destroy or stop”. The ground troops can receive air support within minutes of radioing their position and the number of planes required, instead of having to wait at least a half hour for a vulnerable tank to arrive.

The last film shows a formidable Double B-17 prototype with 8 engines dropping 16 torpedoes in a few seconds, 2 from each fuselage and 6 from underneath each wing, sinking an old ship in less than a minute after 10 torpedoes strike within 3 seconds of each other. Everybody jumps up and applauds. Yamamoto comments, if that had been a fleet airplane carrier, very few of its 3,000 men would have had time to abandon ship and many would have been killed by the cumulative effect of the simultaneous explosions. The same bomber then drops four hundred 25 kg bomb over a small area. Yamamoto comments: If that had been an American division, a few thousand men would have died in seconds and several thousand would have been wounded, requiring thousands of men to transport them for medical care, so this is clearly an invaluable tactical weapon. Finally, the plane drops two hundred 50 kg bombs over an old factory causing impressive destruction. Yamamoto comments, The Double B-17 does not have any machine guns, it is designed to be protected by 4 or more fighters per bomber. Imagine the effect of 100 such planes bombing a large airplane factory, which will be operating 24 hours a day to produce fighters. The losses in equipment and skilled labor will be devastating. If these planes are escorted by 400 fighters, the Americans will have to sacrifice their fighters trying to destroy our bombers. So in one blow we’ll destroy their fighters and prevent them from making more for a while.

By attacking the West Coast, Oahu and Panama we’ll be applying proven strategies that have defeated the mightiest empires:
1) We’ll divide the American fleet, destroy the Pacific fleet and render the Atlantic fleet very vulnerable when they attack our forces in Panama. And attack they certainly will after we hurt deeply their pride with the first massive debacle and the invasion of their territory. Even if attacking is suicidal for their ships, they’ll have to use them as soon as they can.
2) From our bases in the Falklands, the Guianas, South Africa, the Indian Ocean, Darwin, Formosa, etc, we’ll destroy all the American planes and ships within reach of our submarines and long range planes, starting simultaneously with the attack on the US.
3) It will be dark when we attack Pearl Harbor, much like the very successful British night raid against the Italian fleet at Taranto. Many sailors, soldiers and pilots should be quite drunk after celebrating the New Year. As soon as we capture Oahu, the carriers and submarines will sail to Panama to prepare for the American counter attack. We’ll also destroy their planes in the Philippines with the few planes that we’ll leave in Formosa, which will be transferred to America as soon as the American planes in the Philippines are eliminated. We´ll launch 50 Typhoons with 2 torpedoes each and a crew of two from the Marshall Islands. After wreaking havoc with their torpedoes, they will alight in water, close to a shore under our control or to our ships. The Typhoons will fly to Panama as soon as possible to help to destroy the American Atlantic fleet on its way to counterattack. America will be completely prevented from bombing or invading Japanese soil with significant force from the outset. While we’ll be able to bomb important installations anywhere in the US within weeks of landing on their coast.
4) Just as we consider impossible the task of invading the American West Coast, so do the Americans. Accordingly, they feel completely safe from invasion. So the West Coast is the most valuable and least defended American territory on the Pacific. This is how the great battles are won. We must hit the enemy with overwhelming force precisely where he least expects it and throw him out of balance.
5) Since Australia and New Zealand will not be able to export their products to the U.K., or to import industrial products from the latter. We’ll be able to buy their meat, wool, iron ore, steel, sugar, etc, in exchange for American cars, civilian planes, appliances, clothing, etc, that we´ll capture in Hawaii and the West Coast.
6) Before the invasion we must infiltrate commandoes as tourists and hiding in merchant ships at the harbors and by submarine, in order to capture the airplane factories, refineries, airfields, etc, So that they cannot be destroyed before our troops get to them. We’ll gain invaluable products, manufacturing capability and design information from Boeing, Lockheed, Consolidated, Douglas, Ryan, etc, and from secret research programs in the prestigious universities in the West Coast, which we’ll soon be able to start using against America.
7) From Occupied Washington State, our troops will advance east along the railroads and roads and as soon as the weather allows we must send Air borne troops to capture Kansas City, Missouri (where North American Aviation has a large plant). Our troops will also advance east along Route 66 from Los Angeles, until the two offensives meet. We can then use the Missouri river to transport supplies along our main route of invasion. We’ll also have to build and capture hundreds of barges to transport troops and supplies along the Missouri. Fortunately, lumber is abundant in Montana. When we capture Kansas City we’ll be able to bomb the American Industry rather efficiently, with fuel and bombs transported by train to Great Falls, Montana and then by river barge or by train as we see fit.
8) As we gain territory and resources in America, we become stronger and America weaker, just as it happened to us in China and to the Germans in the USSR, except that the resources in America are far more valuable and defenses are weaker (there are no defensive lines like the Maginot or the Stalin lines). Within weeks we’ll have doubled the amount of machine tools, vehicles, ships and industrial capacity and more than doubled the agricultural area. The scrap alone that we can obtain in America will be invaluable. The aluminum from any attacking planes that we shoot down, cooking pots, etc, the steel from any sunken ships, damaged or old trucks, cars, tanks, tractors, buildings, industrial machinery, etc, We can even salvage the steel from redundant railroads, bridges (including the Golden Gate, Bay Bridge, etc,), skyscrapers, etc, to produce armament.
9) The American people have not experienced war in the mainland for many generations and in many cases never. Americans will be shocked and struggling to survive, instead of having years to train thousands of pilots and build factories and produce endless amounts of materiel.
10) We must boost 20 fold steel production in India and China. India produced only 1 million tons in 1939, in spite of having plenty of ore and 378 million people and inexpensive labor. In contrast, the same year Australia produced 1.2 million tons with only 7 million people. It is incredible that the British have wasted India’s potential so much. We must also help India and China to boost agricultural production, which are depressingly low. The inexpensive Indian and Chinese steel and ships will be invaluable to us in the fight against America and will ensure our domination of the transportation industry when the war is over.
11) Having defeated the British and the American Pacific fleet. After we invade the West Coast we can coax Chile to join the axis, invade neighboring countries and declare war on the US, so that the US Atlantic fleet cannot refuel beyond Brazil, while our submarines and long range planes can dominate the South Atlantic from Argentina, the Falklands and South Africa.
12) After the invasion of the West Coast we must defend Panama with over 600 planes (between land and carrier planes, including 50 Typhoons and 300 zeroes and Ki-43s) and all our single hull carriers capable of sailing through the Panama Canal, destroyers and submarines in the Atlantic. We must also send a few carriers that are too big for Panama around South America in early December 1941, so they will be on the Atlantic side of Panama, 200 miles off the coast on December 1 and be able to sink any American ships within a 600 mile radius from the Canal. After sinking many American ships when they try to recover Panama with a large task force, we must attack the remaining Atlantic fleet and the bases in the Gulf of Mexico and the East Coast with our submarines, single hull carriers and long range planes.
13) 5 days after landing in Panama we’ll invade the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Mexico with 8,000 troops and set up a submarine and airplane base on its Atlantic coast (the submarines arriving via Panama) to attack the Texas oilfields, the East Coast and the Atlantic fleet. We can easily supply this fleet with the railroad across the isthmus.
14) One week after landing in Tehuantepec, we’ll send 8,000 men to invade a small area in western Cuba with strong air support in order to set up another submarine and airplane base there. Simultaneously, we’ll send 8,000 men to set up a base in the eastern Dominican Republic. Each of the 4 bases (Panama, Mexico, Cuba and the Dominican Republic protecting the other 3 and the carriers and submarines. For example, Typhoons can take off from Mexico or the Dominican Republic, launch their torpedoes at American carriers and land in Panama. We’ll be able to rapidly shift planes from the bases whose area has fewer enemy ships and planes to the most threatened area. We’ll continue building up these bases and expanding the land they control, until there are 30,000 troops in Panama within 2 weeks and the same number in the other 3 areas, within 2 months.
German and Italian submarines will find our bases in Panama, Mexico, South Africa and the Caribbean invaluable for refueling, repairs, rearming, etc,
Typhoons will continue arriving in our bases in Tehuantepec, Cuba and the Dominican Republic, until we have 50 in each base. Then Typhoons will begin arriving in the US. As we advance further inland, the Typhoons will start bombing the most important installations, until we start producing in large numbers the 8 engine bombers at Boeing and Consolidated
15) We must use our old weapons during the first months of the Invasion, so the Americans don’t copy our new weapons and develop defensive tactics immediately. Only when our troops are close the Mississippi and the Americans launch a major counter offensive will we withdraw to strongly fortified positions 500 km from the Mississippi, leaving millions of antitank and antipersonnel mines behind and issue the new weapons and rapidly train our troops in their use and new tactics. Fortunately, they are very easy to use and to maintain.
16) The American people in our territories will have to earn their food by working in our factories and shipyards. Boosting our production.
17) With the rice we´ll buy from the independent Dutch Indies and Burma and some of the grain and other foods we’ll produce in America we can feed Chinese and Indian laborers in shipyards in their countries, where they will build very large and efficient cargo ships (1,000 ships with a 30,000 ton displacement in India and 500 ships with a 60,000 ton displacement in China) for us at a low cost.
18) We should move one of our radial engine factories, etc, From Japan to the West Coast, so we don´t have to ship so many raw materials back to Japan and then ship the engines to America, wasting a lot of time and resources.
19) We must bomb their airplane factories and refineries only. Which they must defend at any cost, so if we send many send more fighters than bombers, we will cause severe attrition in their fighter planes and in their ability to produce them. With our large bombers we can bomb any point in the US from Kansas City and from Western Cuba.
20) After we destroy most of their tanks with the 80mm rockets and kill hundreds of thousands with our new weapons, we can hold them at the Mississippi, until the other axis nations invade the East Coast and reinforce us from the West Coast.
21) Ideally in each squad of 12 men there will be 2 men manning a light machine gun, 2 men with a rocket launcher, 2 men with a mortar and 6 men with submachine guns. There will be a heavy machine gun, a sniper and a flame thrower for every 5 squads and a 20mm cannon for every 50 squads. We should send the films you just saw and a few guns and rounds to the Germans and Italians in March, so they can start producing them also. They will be invaluable to them in the Eastern front.
22) Without millions of tons of American aid, the USSR will be defeated. With the abundant resources from the USSR and with Britain out of the war, German submarines will concentrate on American shipping using our bases. In 1941 Germany, Italy, Romania, Spain and Turkey (and if Stalin joins the axis after suing for peace, also the USSR) will invade Quebec, Louisiana, the Carolinas, Georgia, etc, further weakening America and forcing it to fight in several broad fronts. The beleaguered, crippled dragon will collapse before the end of 1941. The Axis can then invade the rest of Canada and the rest of South America.
23) After the war we’ll have a huge shipping and Airplane Industry, so that international trade and transportation will make Japan and the rest of Asia extremely prosperous. We can move millions of people from crowded Asia and Europe to America, Africa, Australia, etc, Achieving better conditions for everybody and increased productivity.

The Japanese sun will either grow considerably or be extinguished in this war. Therefore, let’s not just enrage the dragon, much less two dragons. Let’s kill the weaker dragon, then cripple the mighty one and go for its heart together with our allies or not fight at all.

Hitler, Ribbentrop, Stalin, Molotov and Several Top Generals at the Non aggression Pact Meeting on July 28, 1939
Hitler: Our common enemies are France, Poland and Britain. As you know, Britain is trying to make an alliance with Turkey, which can only be in order to threaten us. In either case we cannot allow that to happen. We must strike first.
As you know German troops have been mobilizing away from the Polish Border toward France in the last 2 weeks, except in the areas facing the Danzig corridor.
Germany will have its hands full fighting in France and cannot afford to be stabbed in the back by Poland. Moreover, since the Poles are Slavic, the USSR is much better equipped to deal with them. The only part of Poland that interests Germany is the small Danzig Corridor, where many Germans live and which connects East Prussia with the rest of Germany. Therefore, I propose that on September 1, 1939 the USSR invade Poland. This will throw the Poles, British and French completely out of balance but Britain and France will be in no condition to declare war on the USSR, since they cannot travel through Germany to come to Poland’s aid. Moreover, on September 2, 1941 Germany will occupy the Danzig Corridor, attacking from both sides and invade France with such force and speed that Britain will not have time to send airplanes or an expeditionary force. The formidable red army with its huge numbers of planes, tanks and troops should be able to occupy Poland within four months. By that time Germany will have also defeated France. We’ll eliminate 2 enemies and extend our borders, providing more security for our countries.
Simultaneously, the USSR will invade the northern half of Norway and Sweden in order to acquire better winter harbors, while Germany invades the southern half. Both our countries will also invade Iceland in order to set up naval and air bases there that will control a large area of the Atlantic. From Norway and Iceland our submarines, surface ships and airplanes will be able to sink a large number of British ships.
Simultaneously, the red army will invade Iraq and Persia, depriving the British of vital oil.
After we defeat France and Poland we´ll be able to eliminate Britain also in a few Months.
When Germany and Italy capture the Suez Canal, you deprive the British of Persian oil and we sink a large number of British ships in the Atlantic, Britain will be in no condition to fight us and will be excluded from the Mediterranean and Red Sea. Soviet Submarines and surface ships can also help considerably to exclude the British from these seas and from the Persian Gulf and the north Indian Ocean.
Once we have achieved these goals Germany will be glad to let the USSR invade Finland, Lithuania, Romania, Hungary, etc, and we’ll share the oil from the middle east. In other words, within a year the USSR will control everything beyond Germany, except half of Norway and Sweden and we will have eliminated all our common enemies. What do you think comrade Stalin?
Stalin: I like the idea, let our people draft the non aggression pact that we’ll make public and include an appendix describing in detail the way that we’ll partition the land, which we’ll keep secret. The red army can invade simultaneously Poland, Persia, Iraq, Sweden and Norway in one year. The only reservation I have is about Iceland, since the British navy is so formidable that we may not be able to sustain bases there.
Hitler: Germany has 60 submarines and the USSR even more. Although our navies are small, together they are formidable. Especially if we consider that our large air forces can sink many ships and effectively defend Iceland. After we exclude the British from the Mediterranean, the powerful Italian navy will be able to assist us in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. In modern warfare, planes can attack battleships hundreds of kilometers away from the coast, long before the battleships can use their cannon. British airplane carriers have completely obsolete biplanes that our land based planes in Iceland can easily eliminate.
Stalin: Let’s prepare the documents excluding Iceland. After further study we can always include another appendix mentioning it.
Hitler: Very well, let’s sign the agreement excluding Iceland for the time being. Comrade Stalin, it’s been infinitely more pleasant dealing with a man of vision and able to make quick, sound decisions than with the fickle British and French at the Munich conference.

Hitler in a Secret Meeting with Norwegian and Swedish leaders On August 5, 1939
Hitler: Stalin is preparing to attack Poland, Romania, Finland, Lithuania and probably your countries this summer. If he invades your countries, Germany will be forced to occupy Denmark and the southern part of your countries in order to secure the north Atlantic and iron ore supplies. Unfortunately, we are arming Poland, Romania and Finland because we are certain that Stalin will invade them, but we cannot afford to arm you since it is not certain that he will invade you. I suggest that you evacuate women and Children from your northern regions to the southern regions while there is time, in order to spare them from the Communist troops. On the other hand, you might want to send troops to the north to oppose the Soviets in order to give us time to occupy as much of your territory as possible and the Soviets as little as possible. If you choose to fight us when we invade your countries, you will lose most of your men and allow the Soviets more time to occupy more of your territory. It would be smarter to save your men for the massive counteroffensive that Germany will launch when Stalin spreads the red army over a wide front and after he has lost a lot of troops in Poland, etc,

On September 1, 1939 two million Soviet troops with 10,000 cannon, thousands of planes and tanks begin their invasion of Poland, 400,000 men invade Iraq and Persia, and 400,000 men invade Norway and Sweden. The Poles, Norwegians and Swedes fight bravely, but have very few planes, tanks and cannon.

On September 2, 1939 Germany invades the Danzig Corridor. Poland is busy fighting the Soviets and simply withdraws from Danzig, hoping that the Germans will not attack from the extensive Polish-German border.
On the same day Germany, Italy and Spain invade France (operation Bismarck). Italian and Spanish forces with German planes and troops advance quickly along the French Mediterranean.
Simultaneously German planes and heavy artillery blast several paths through the Maginot line (Operation Bismarck). German paratroopers capture some parts of the Maginot line from the poorly defended rear. Germany respects Belgian and Dutch neutrality, so it can concentrate all its forces on France. At the same time that it is bombing the Maginot line, the Luftwaffe destroys all the French planes and tanks within its range during a week, in preparation for the invasion. Then 2 million German troops advance rapidly behind large tank forces supported with continuous dive bombing. The German make extensive use of paratroopers, which cause enormous chaos behind French lines. The Germans also make extensive use of airplanes to transport the most urgent supplies to the front during the lightning advance. Britain is in complete shock after the Soviet aggression in Poland and the lightning attack on France. Chamberlain realizes there is no time to send airplanes and an expeditionary force, so France and Poland are lost anyway. There is no point in declaring war on Germany and the USSR if there is no time to save its allies.

On September 2, 1939 Germany also invades Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The Norwegians and Swedes capitulate on September 5, 1939 to Germany in order to avoid falling to the USSR, so Germany occupies 2/3 of these countries and the USSR occupies the coldest, least populated regions. Given the Success of the operations in Scandinavia Stalin agrees to occupy Iceland together with Germany. Iceland is Invaded on September 19, 1939. Soviet and German submarines and planes are sinking British ships from Iceland on September 25, 1930.
In contrast, the Poles resist the Soviet onslaught rather well. Stalin is losing hundreds of tanks and vehicles and has great difficulty supplying his forces. The Soviets kill all the Polish military that they capture and any Soviet troops trying to withdraw. The Poles capture a large number of Soviet tanks that ran out of fuel, cannon, etc, and capture 300,000 prisoners, which they treat fairly and know that Stalin will kill them if they fall in Soviet hands, so most of the Soviet prisoners join the Poles in the fight against Stalin. The Poles use the few Bf-110s and the hundreds of Hs-123 masterfully. They knock out the tanks in the front and destroy their supply trucks, so the tanks close to the front run out of fuel and are captured by the Poles. The Poles start to manufacture ammunition for the Soviet cannon and tanks that they capture and put them to good use.
On September 25 Stalin has to ask Germany to invade Poland in order to relieve some of the pressure on the red army. However, Hitler refuses to help, arguing that he has to capture Suez as planned or Britain will have time to reinforce it, spoiling the whole campaign.
In secret negotiations with the Poles, Hitler promises to help them to attack the Soviets after Germany and Italy capture Egypt, Persia and Iraq, so the Polish do everything they can to stall the Soviets for a few months. Hitler secretly provides Poland and Finland with armament and ammunition captured in France.
Stalin had killed 30,000 of his most able Marshals, generals, colonels, etc, before the war started and the generals leading the red army in Poland are terribly incompetent (Voroshilov, Budyonny, Timoshenko, etc,). Stalin has to replace them with Zhukov, Vlasov, Rokossovsky, etc,) who are more competent but have few competent officers below them and who are not allowed to withdraw and maneuver by Stalin.
In spite of the heavy losses, Stalin sends in even more tanks, planes and troops and orders the red army to capture Krakow before December at any cost.
Operation Malted Milk, French Toast and Sphinx on September 2, 1939
200 German planes and 250 Italian planes destroy all the British planes and ships in Malta and sink several British ships in the area. Then Italian battleships and cruisers shell the Island and Italian marines capture Malta.
80 German and 80 Italian planes and German and Italian submarines, destroyers and torpedo boats are based on the Island.
Once the Island is captured, axis ships begin transporting safely German troops, planes and tanks and their supplies to Tobruk and Tripoli.
Also on September 2 Axis forces invade Tunisia in operation French Toast (30,000 Italian troops, 1/3 of the Italian tanks and half of Rommel’s men and tanks), The Tunisians hate the French and join the Germans in the fight. French forces have few planes and tanks and withdraw to Algeria. From Tunisia and Sardinia axis planes close the Mediterranean to the British. After capturing Tunisia Rommel’s forces sail to Tobruk to join Rommel in Egypt.
Also on September 2 Operation Sphinx invades Egypt with half the German troops and tanks in Libya, 60,000 Italian troops and 2/3 of the Italian tanks. The British have very few planes, tanks and troops in Egypt. The Egyptians hate the British and join the axis forces against the British.
Operation Morning Tea on September 2, 1939 (Attack Scenes)
The Japanese fleet invades simultaneously Ceylon with 30,000 men, Aden with 15,000 men, South Africa with 30,000 men, Darwin with 6,000 men, the northern tip of Madagascar with 2,000 men and the Falklands with 2,000 Argentine troops. Argentine troops with Japanese naval and air support invade British, Dutch and French Guiana simultaneously using 2,000 argentine troops for each of the Guianas and a Japanese light carrier. Gaining invaluable bases relatively close to Panama. With bases in the Guianas and Argentina, the axis now straddles Brazil, so its long range bombers and submarines can inflict major damage on Brazilian shipping if they decided to attack Brazil. President Roosevelt strongly protests, but congress is still unwilling to declare war on Japan and Argentina, which may also entail war with all the nations of the axis and without any allies.
The British forces are caught completely unprepared so the Japanese manage to capture or destroy many airplanes and ships everywhere and the defenders surrender quickly, except in Aden, where they fight to the end and are all killed and in South Africa and Australia where the few troops withdraw to the interior in a disciplined fighting retreat.
In the northern tip of Madagascar the French and Malagasy surrender after a brief fight and the Malagasy troops join the Japanese, who build a large airfield and a submarine base. Long range H6K flying ships and later Typhoons and Zeroes arrive in South Africa, Argentina, the Falklands, Ascension, St Helena & Tristan da Acunha.
The U.K. is now completely excluded from the South Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Japan gets good press in America for rapidly and thoroughly defeating the incompetent British and helping India, Burma and the Dutch Indies to gain their independence and Argentina to recover the Falklands (which become the Malvinas).

Chamberlain Resigns and Churchill becomes prime minister on September 3, 1939.

President Roosevelt meets with his cabinet on September 4, 1939
Roosevelt: Gentlemen, Germany, Italy, Japan, the USSR and even Spain and Argentina have effectively eliminated Britain and France from the war. I think we should declare war on Japan now, before it grows much stronger, but our people will not let us, until Japan strikes first. The Japanese appear like liberators who kicked the incompetent British out of Asia in a few days. Supposing that we managed to persuade our people of the advantages of striking first, What are our prospects if we attack Japan first?
Admiral King: Our navy is ready and formidable, although our torpedoes and fighters are inferior to theirs, our dive bombers and battle ships are excellent. We can produce planes, pilots and ships much faster than they can. We should strike now, while their ships are spread all over the Indian Ocean and recapture Ceylon and Darwin and invade Formosa from the Philippines. We should also capture their main base in Truk. However, if by the time we persuade congress and the public of the need to attack first, the Japanese have reassembled their fleet, our losses will be very high. Especially if Britain is out of the war and Germany and Italy attack us with their submarines, planes and ships in the Atlantic.
Marshall: I agree, we must strike now that they are spread over thousands of miles or we’ll pay dearly for letting them take the initiative. We should bomb and invade Formosa with the thousands of troops in the Philippines, before they bomb and invade us.
Roosevelt: I´ll address congress and the people by radio directly, but I´m afraid that our people’s reluctance to go to war will cost us an arm and a leg when the Japs strike.

2,000 Argentine troops and a light Japanese carrier invade Belize on September 7, 1939.

Alexandria falls on September 26, 1939. Axis forces continue their advance toward Cairo.

German forces capture Calais, Paris and Cherbourg after a few weeks. Italy and Spain capture the French Mediterranean coast. France capitulates on October 7, 1939.

Hitler sends ¼ of his planes and tanks to Alexandria on October 7 after the fall of France. The much reinforced axis forces rapidly capture Cairo, Suez, Palestine, Jordan and Syria.

On October 15 the meager British forces in Iraq and Persia have been eliminated by the Soviets. Britain is deprived of Middle East oil.

Churchill is extremely worried that Germany will capture the French warships, which would allow the Axis to invade Britain and orders the Royal navy to capture or destroy the French ships at Mers el Kebir, Algeria on October 16, 1939. While the British are shelling the French fleet, German and Italian planes bomb the fortress while Italian ships shell it and Spanish troops storm it. The fleet is ordered to sail back, but before it returns the Fortress has fallen. The British fleet has no base in the Mediterranean and has to flee to the Atlantic, which implies running the gauntlet of the Axis planes and coastal artillery in the strait of Gibraltar. 1 battleship, 2 cruisers and 4 destroyers are sunk.
The British attack infuriates Petain, who is relieved to see the British expelled from the Mediterranean and will soon join the axis and invade British colonies in West Africa with support from axis planes.

On October 16, 1939 Stalin invades Finland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Bessarabia, etc, Germany and Italy secretly supply Finland and Romania with guns captured from Britain. On the same day Hitler decides to allow France to rearm itself in order to resist the British and even to invade British colonies in West Africa. Moreover, the axis promises Petain to withdraw from France, except Alsace-Lorraine as soon as the USSR capitulates, provided France joins the axis and provides 250,000 men to fight Britain and then the USSR. Petain accepts and declares war on Britain and receives 100 German planes to fight in Africa and the Middle East.

Without Germany bombing the UK, on October 18, 1939 British planes begin bombing Hamburg every night for a week. Hitler does not retaliate and British bombers suffer heavy losses. Edward Morrow describes the suffering of the women and children in Hamburg by radio. American public opinion concludes that the British are baby killers and lousy warriors and forces Roosevelt to stop all aid to Britain.

With GB out of the Mediterranean Turkey decides to join the axis on October 20, 1939, rather than falling prey to it or to Stalin. Stalin is enraged and threatens with attacking Turkey and sends a large force to the border, but does not dare to use it. The axis can now send troops and supplies from the Mediterranean to the Black sea and is reinforced by the Turkish fleet and army.
Turkey declares war on Britain on October 22, 1940.

India declares its independence on October 23, 1939. The Indian troops in Singapore leave the British army, since their country is now independent. The Indians represent the vast majority of the troops, so British position becomes untenable in Singapore. Moreover, the Australian troops return to their country, which expects the Japanese invasion in Darwin to spread all over Australia. Singapore surrenders to the Japanese without a fight on condition of allowing safe passage to the Mediterranean for the British troops in Singapore.
Indian troops also leave Burma.

Burma declares its independence on October 26, 1939.

India joins the Axis on October 30, 1939. .
Churchill’s Address on November 1, 1939
Within 3 months the British Empire suffered myriad debacles. We have lost the battle of the Atlantic with enemy bases in Norway, Iceland, South Africa, Argentina, etc, sinking more ships than we can make and depriving us of food, fuel and raw materials to continue the fight. The Far East Fleet no longer exists and a large fraction of our shipping capacity is now in Japanese hands. India and Burma have declared their independence and we are cut off from Australia and New Zealand and powerless to do anything. In contrast, Japan, Germany, Argentina, Turkey, Italy, etc, are now connected by the Red Sea. Furthermore, the same Stalin who fought us in Iraq and Persia, has now been kicked out of those countries, but he refuses to attack the axis. He prefers to wait to be attacked. Worst of all, President Roosevelt has informed me that America is not likely to be in a position to declare war on any of our enemies in 1940 and cannot even supply us with war materiel.
Therefore, it is my sad duty to inform you that in spite of more than a year of intense sacrifice opposing the axis with admirable courage, our situation compels us to submit a peace proposal to the governments of Germany, Italy, Argentina, Spain, Turkey and Japan. However, if reasonable terms are not obtained, these countries can rest assured that we’ll continue to fight until America realizes the inevitability of the war and joins us.
Hitler’s Address on November 2, 1939
Our Japanese and Argentine allies have dealt Britain a crippling blow with a dazzling sea Blitzkrieg that in a few days wiped out the obsolete Royal Navy in the Indian Ocean, closed the Red Sea route, the South Atlantic and Pacific Oceans to the British and linked up all the nations of the axis through the Red Sea. Japan also helped our new ally Argentina to recover the Falklands, which will also become a vital submarine and airplane base for the Axis. Great Britain’s powerful navy and air force proved of little use. We didn’t have to invade Britain with great loss of life to defeat it.
Mr. Churchill has submitted a peace proposal that we are discussing with our allies. It appears that with a few minor modifications peace with Britain is finally at hand. Among the modifications we demand that India’s and Burma’s independence be recognized. The axis now extends from Tierra del Fuego all the way to Darwin and more nations are swelling its ranks every month.

On November 3, 1939 Japan invades the huge, sparsely populated South Island in New Zealand, Tasmania and Port Moresby and allow the people from the South Island to evacuate to the North Island and the people from Tasmania and Port Moresby to evacuate to Australia. Japan controls a large area of the Pacific with long range submarines and planes from bases in these Islands and develops agricultural and mining production considerably in these areas with inexpensive Asiatic labor.

The UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand sign a peace agreement with the axis nations on November 5, 1939.

With Britain out of the war, Yamamoto travels to Rome on November 10, 1939 and in a meeting with Hitler, Göring, Dönitz, Mussolini, Ciano, Balbo, Graziani, Petain, etc, gives this presentation:
It is evident that battleships were useless while land based and carrier planes were invaluable in defeating Britain.
Think of the benefits you obtained from defeating the U.K., the oil of the middle east, huge territories in Africa, whose minerals you will soon exploit in large scale and the fact that now you can concentrate on the USSR, which will have to fight without British planes, tanks, etc,
Moreover, consider the invaluable help that the Japanese navy can provide the European axis nations in order to defeat the USSR by attacking the US, which will be unable to supply the USSR. Therefore, if we can convert the axis battleships into carriers and make some changes in the unfinished Graf Zeppelin and use them to boost the already formidable Japanese carrier fleet, the American fleet will soon be wiped out, leaving the American coast and the rest of the world open to the axis.
Moreover, with such a formidable carrier fleet, the U.K. will be deterred from reentering the war by making an alliance with America.
Japan is willing to compensate in part the German, Italian and French governments for their battleships and the Graf Zeppelin with rubber, tin, tungsten, etc, from Asia and chromium ore, gold and diamonds from South Africa, but most importantly think of putting your vessels in able hands so they can be used in order to defeat America and thus to obtain invaluable resources and territories that are sparsely populated, like Canada and Brazil.
Yamamoto then shows the films he had shown to the Japanese high command with the Typhoon, double B-17, Double zero, etc, and films from operation Morning Tea and leaves them ecstatic and quite impressed.
After the presentation Hitler agrees to hand the Bismarck, Tirpitz (the Bismarck’s sister ship) and the Graf Zeppelin over to Japan. Mussolini hands over the Vittorio Veneto, Littorio and the unfinished Roma and Petain hands over the Richelieu and the unfinished Jean Bart to Japan.
Japan turns all 8 ships into useful carriers (2 double hull and 4 single hull carriers) and hands over the single hull Graf Zeppelin to Argentina and bases two Japanese carriers in Belize and another two in British Guiana. Japan trains Argentine pilots for land based and carrier planes.

Japan helps India to set up a large steel industry and shipyards to build cargo ships with a 30,000 ton displacement in series, which earns Japan praise from the New York Times. The huge reserves of iron ore and the inexpensive labor will produce the least expensive cargo ships in history and provide jobs for millions of Indians. Japanese and Italian engineers also help India to build irrigation systems in order to boost agriculture and to reduce the damage caused by flooding during the Monsoon season. In case of an emergency, Japan can use these ships to make escort carriers, troop transports, etc,

Operation Parthia on November 30, 1939
The axis invades Iraq and Persia in order to liberate them from the Soviets and axis troops are allowed to advance in the small area of free Poland in order to expel the Soviets from the rest of Poland. German forces also expel or capture the Soviets from Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Stalin is completely surprised by the axis attack and has difficulty supplying his troops and has to withdraw them to the USSR with heavy losses. Over the following months Germany sends 200,000 more soldiers, Italy 100,000, Turkey 150,000, Persia 150,000, Egypt 70,000 and Iraq 50,000 to the Soviet borders with Turkey and Persia, where they are trained by German officers.
The rapid loss of Malta, Egypt, the Middle east and a sizable part of its navy and the fact that Germany never bombed London, Coventry, etc, makes the British government lose completely its people’s confidence

Japan signs a peace agreement with Chiang on December 1, 1939, Japan abandons Nanking.

Chiang joins the axis on December 3, 1939 and receives obsolete British and Soviet armament captured by Japan, Germany and Italy.
Japan and Germany help China to increase Steel and agricultural production and to build large shipyards to make 60,000 ton displacement ships, trucks, uniforms, boots, helmets, grenades, mortars, etc,

In April 1940 India sends 150,000 men to Turkey and Persia to be trained by the Germans. China sends 300,000 men to Persia, to take part in operation Barbarossa.
Operation Barbarossa on May 10, 1940
The red army has suffered terrible losses in Poland, Finland, Persia, Iraq, Norway, Sweden and Iceland.
The axis invades the Ukraine from Poland and Romania. The axis also invades Azerbaijan and Georgia from Turkey, Persia and the Black Sea. Since the axis can access the Black Sea from the Mediterranean and also has available the Turkish fleet, the Black sea proves invaluable in attacking the USSR and supplying the axis forces.
The Muslim countries declare a Jihad against the USSR, which has killed and tortured millions of Muslims in Azerbaijan, Chechnya, etc, The Soviet oilfields fall in the first 3 weeks, along with 2 million prisoners. The USSR is running out of oil and losing appalling numbers of trains, tanks, vehicles, planes and troops. Instead of losing invaluable months and hundreds of thousands of troops capturing the heavily fortified Sevastopol and Kiev, axis forces isolate these fortifications and advance rapidly.
With Britain out of the war and the USSR in rapid retreat, Portugal, Burma, Thailand, etc, join the axis fearing that they will be attacked next and also send troops to the USSR.
The USSR quickly withdraws along a huge front. The proximity of the axis forces to Moscow in September make Stalin ignore Sorge’s report stating that the Japanese will not attack the USSR if Moscow does not fall. Stalin decides to prepare for a Japanese attack, so he does not relocate the Siberian troops to Moscow or try to defend it, but evacuates all the equipment and people he can to the more defensible Urals. The axis captures the Soviet oilfields, Murmansk and the evacuated Moscow and isolates Stalingrad and Leningrad.
After months without food and fuel and in a hopeless situation thousands of kilometers away from the front and Soviet supply lines, the more than one million starving troops in Kiev and Sevastopol eventually surrender. The same occurs a few months later in Leningrad and Stalingrad.

On July 20, 1940 Japan attacks Vladivostok, which falls in a few weeks. Japanese and Indian troops also invade the USSR from Korea, Manchuria and Mongolia.

Chiang eliminates the Chinese Communists (who are not receiving any aid from the beleaguered USSR) and the warlords by December 10, 1940. China concentrates on increasing dramatically its steel output and building large shipyards with Japanese advisors. Because of the scarcity and high price of steel during war time, bamboo cranes and structures are used extensively and are surprisingly sturdy.
Operation Hangover on January 1, 1941 (the attack scenes)
Abstract: 2 Japanese fleets invade Panama and Oahu with 15,000 troops each (1 double hull and 4 single hull carriers launch all their planes 100 miles from Oahu, 2 carriers and 2 seaplane tenders attack Panama). Simultaneously, the Southern fleet sails North 100 miles from the Mexican Coast and splits in order to attack simultaneously San Diego and L.A.
In San Diego 20,000 men, with tanks and land based planes capture the base and the airplane factories (Consolidated, Ryan, etc,). The main fleet that includes the Yamato and Bismarck double-hull-carriers attack Los Angeles were they unload the remaining land planes, tanks and 50,000 troops. The troops in San Diego secure the area and then 5,000 of them advance along the coast toward LA. The slightly smaller Northern fleet attacks simultaneously Seattle and San Francisco. In Seattle it unloads 20,000 men, land planes and tanks and in San Francisco it destroys any warships and unloads 25,000 troops on the first day. The Japanese capture several key naval intelligence officers, which will be impossible to replace in time.
Japanese commandoes come out of merchant ships at the harbors and disembark from submarines to capture the airfields, fuel tanks, etc, 5 Japanese carriers launch all their planes 100 miles from Pearl Harbor at 3.40 a.m. and continue advancing to the coast along with 10 destroyers and 5 submarines. 50 Typhoon bombers arrive simultaneously from the Marshall Islands carrying 2 torpedoes each and a crew of 2. The carrier planes drop their bombs and rapidly return to their close by carriers to reload and refuel. After dropping their deadly cargo, the very light Typhoons alight on water. After destroying or capturing all the American planes the Japanese can use their Zeroes and Vals for ground support, so their troops can rapidly capture all the key points.
At the end of the day Pearl Harbor and all the airfields, fuel tanks, etc, are in Japanese hands. All the surviving Typhoons are rapidly repaired by replacing the broken, inexpensive 12 blade, fixed pitch propellers and fly to Panama ASAP to protect from a counter attack. The Japanese have excellent installations, a lot of fuel, several ships and airplanes that they can rebuild and scrap iron, aluminum, bronze, etc, The American troops in the Philippines, Midway, etc, are completely isolated and useless. The Japanese immediately repair airfields and assemble takeoff trucks, so within days Typhoons without any bombs and a reduced fuel load can fly from the Marshall Islands, land in Oahu, refuel and fly on to Panama and California. Within a week there are 50 Typhoons and Panama and 150 in the West Coast. In Pearl Harbor the Japanese to repair the Installation, salvage ships and airplanes, collect scrap to send to Japan, etc,
San Diego:
The Central Fleet splits 100 miles from the Mexican coast, the main fleet going to L:A: with 50,000 troops and a smaller fleet going to San Diego with 20,000 troops. Japanese commandoes capture the airplane factories, fuel depots, airfields, etc, There is a double hull carrier made from 2 battleships, a conventional carrier, 5 destroyers and 32 other ships and 4 submarines. All the American ships and planes are sunk or damaged within a half hour. With strong air support the Japanese marines and soldiers quickly capture the base. A few days later, several American ships that escaped from Hawaii arrive in San Diego and are sunk or captured. The Japanese salvage some ships and collect a lot of scrap. They have now invaluable dry locks, etc, As in Hawaii, the Japanese capture several key naval intelligence officers, which will be impossible to replace in time. Hundreds of thousands of people in Southern California attempt to flee to Mexico and Arizona, but the Japanese block the crowded roads by strafing vehicles.
Professor Michael Roberts teaches at UCLA. He is happily celebrating the new year with his wife and 3 children (4, 6 and 7 years old) and several friends from the faculty. They go to bed at 3 a.m.
Japan infiltrates troops from cargo ships docked at the port and from submarines before dawn to capture key installations like the best docks, airfields, airplane factories (Douglas, etc,), large fuel storage tanks, etc, A large number of commandoes pretending to be tourists enter the L.A. police headquarters and capture machine guns and other weapons and police cars, and then capture key installations.
The Yamato double hull carrier and another carrier made by joining two heavy cruises and 50 other cargo and warships arrive in L.A.
At 6 a.m. Michael and his family are awakened by explosions, airplanes and gunfire. When Michael runs to the front yard he sees dozens of Japanese planes strafing and bombing key points in the city. He runs back to the house and turns the radio on. The radio reports that the Japs are invading Oahu, Panama, Seattle, L.A., San Diego and San Francisco and recommends that people flee as far east as possible without wasting any time, Michael, still wearing pajamas, rapidly puts his family in the car and rushes to U.S. Route 66. However, his car is soon stuck in a huge traffic jam, since the Japs have strafed dozens of cars, blocking the road. Michael drags his family out of the car and starts running east along the sides of the road. He tells his children to close their eyes while they walk past the strafed cars full of dead people, but his 8 year old son can’t help to peek. He is carrying his 4 year old daughter on his shoulders. The adrenaline lets them jog 10 miles before they stop for a rest. It is only then that Michael realizes that he must get water and food at any cost, for it will be a long trip to safety.
The Japanese capture the radio stations and start transmitting. They tell people to stay at home, since thousands are dying on the roads. They also mention the train that will soon start leaving daily, transporting those who can pay 250 grams of gold or 12.5 kg of silver.
Michael talks to other men who are taking their families to safety and organizes a small group. They decide that they must keep going at any cost, covering at least 25 miles per day, until they can get a ride in any kind of vehicle going east. Michael’s children, take turns on Michael’s shoulders. There are thousands of people fleeing east. A few times during the day Japanese planes strafe the river of people flowing east, killing hundreds at a time and causing panic waves that trample thousands of people. When night comes an exhausted, thirsty and hungry Michael is thankful that his family didn’t fall in the hands of the Japs and was not killed by the strafing planes or trampled to death. Away from the coast temperatures drop rapidly in the winter, making things even worse for the river of refugees that by January 2 extends from L.A. to the Mississippi. Michael removes clothes from the dead and uses them to replace his pajamas and cover his family at night.
Michael realizes that far more people die trampled than from the strafing and urges the people to remain calm, since their chances of dying trampled as 10 times higher than those of dying from a bullet. The word soon spread, saving thousands of lives.
The Japanese rush to capture the invaluable oilfields in Ventura county, etc, and the Refineries.
Japanese troops continue arriving every day for the next 10 months, with the ships returning to Japan after refueling, accompanied by the ships captured in the coast. All the returning ships are loaded with scrap, oil, lumber, etc, for Japan.
American guerrillas try to attack the Japanese troops, but for every Japanese soldier killed, 20 civilians are executed, so the guerrilla attacks stop. Millions of Americans flee from the Japanese.
Because it lies further east, it is 8 a.m. at the time of the simultaneous Japanese attack. Japanese commandoes take over the stations that control the lock gates, airfield and fuel tanks. Airplanes bomb the navy ships and military installations and 15,000 Japanese marines and soldiers rapidly overwhelm the defending troops. Land based planes are unloaded from the ships. At the end of the day the Japanese have hundreds of navy and army planes protecting the canal and 3 submarines, a carrier and destroyers are on their way to the Atlantic.
Japanese carriers and submarines based in Belize are placed 300 km from the Atlantic Panama coast, they sink or capture any American ships within a 600 km (621 mile) radius from the canal, they also provide air support for the invading Argentine troops on the Atlantic side of the canal. From Belize and British Guiana long range Japanese bombers and submarines also sink or capture any American ships within a 500 km radius.
From Panama the Japanese navy captures many cargo and passenger ships in the Atlantic and Pacific, off Central and South America, which they send to Hawaii and from there to Japan to transport more troops and supplies to the West Coast.
Japanese commandoes capture Boeing with little opposition while the troops advance. Upon inspecting the installations a Japanese engineer commando cannot believe Japan’s luck in capturing these invaluable installations and so many planes (finished and in production), raw materials, design and research information with so little effort, he exclaims to his comrades: “it was just like stealing candy from a child. We are going to kill the giant with his own dagger!”
Two double hull carriers (one made from 2 battleships and one made from 2 heavy cruisers) arrive in the Puget sound along with 44 cargo and warships and 20,000 troops and tanks. Japanese planes bomb the forts guarding the mouth of the Columbia and quickly take control of the roads, airport, airfields, railroads, bridges, etc, and send troops to capture the dams on the Columbia by boat and on trucks, etc,
San Francisco:
A fleet carrying 25,000 troops and 100 planes and 30 tanks attacks San Francisco. The fleet includes 1 double hull carrier, 2 seaplane tenders, a light carrier 4 submarines and 40 other ships. The Japanese quickly take control of the marinas, bridges, navy installations, docks, wharves, airfields, etc, and capture hundreds of boats, ships, etc, Planes strafe cars along the crowded roads leading out of the city, in order to capture as many vehicles as possible in the city.
Dr. Joe Tanaka was born in San Francisco but also speaks Japanese. He is awakened by the bombing, the roar of planes flying at very low altitude and far away gunfire. He rushes to the University Hospital, which soon starts receiving hundreds of wounded patients. He instructs the nurses to apply ice cubes in a rag around the wound and warm bags away from the wound to stench the hemorrhage and reduce the damage to the long line of patients waiting to be operated, while he and a large team of surgeons repair severed arteries, performs amputations and sutures wounds with lightning speed, he sends a nurse to the street with a loud speaker to summon urgently needed blood donors and another one to call the radio station requesting thousands of donors. The situation is so bad that nurses have to start performing surgeries. The nurses have so much work that they have to teach students and voluntary workers how to collect the blood. By noon the Japanese have control of the city and take over the hospital. They gather all the Asian personnel and tell them that they have to serve in the Greater Asia Army or be arrested, along with their families and tried for treason. They als gather the American staff and give them the option to treat only Asian patients or be killed. Dr. Tanaka agrees to serve in the Army, but asks to be allowed to continue operating the hundreds of severely wounded patients. The Japanese Captain orders him to forget about them and to treat only wounded Japanese service men, since the hospital is now a Greater Asia Army installation. Moreover, the captain orders his men to carry out of the hospital all the patients that are not Asian. The hundreds of patients that the hospital worked so hard so save that morning are carried to the parking lot and bayoneted or shot, along with American nurses that refuse to care for Japanese soldiers. Tanaka is enraged and desperate, but understands that he has to follow orders or he´ll be killed and unable to save any more American lives. Joe Tanaka is now a service man in the Greater Asia army.

Some of the very wealthy people in N.Y. City, Chicago, Philadelphia, etc, want to send their families abroad to safety, but there seem to be very few safe places, like Brazil and, ironically, the U.K. (which has recently left the war), Germany and Italy, which are not being bombed anymore. But food is still scarce and the economy in shambles in Britain, Italy and Germany. Several thousand women and children leave for Brazil by flying boats charging outrageous prices and on ships, which will have to evade the Japanese in Panama.

On January 1, 1941 Argentina & Japan declare war on the US, Paraguay and Bolivia. Argentina rapidly captures Bolivia and Paraguay with moderate Japanese air support. Japanese planes and submarines rapidly sink or capture many American ships in a broad area of the Atlantic.

President Roosevelt being briefed about the Japanese invasion by General Marshall, admiral King, Cordell Hull, etc, on the night of January 1, 1941:
Roosevelt: How far can they advance this week, what can we throw at them, where can we stop them?
Marshall: We estimate that in two weeks they will land over 250,000 men and thousands of planes, tanks, etc, and continue landing at least the same amount of people every month now that they have captured all the ships on the West Coast. We tried to bomb the airplane factories and the oilfields and refineries in California and lost all the bombers, so we will only send the few bombers that we have left with heavy fighter escort. On the other hand, the Japs captured Boeing, Douglas, Ryan, Lockheed, Consolidated, oil fields, refineries, etc, and will start using the finished B-17s, B-24s, P-38s, etc, at the factories and when they finish the planes under production they could start bombing us as far as the white house (and very accurately with our Norton sights). So I advise you to move to a safer, undisclosed, underground location within a week, the same holds for congress, etc, We have to put our cities on black out every night throughout the country.
People know how the Japs treated the Chinese, so millions of people from Washington State, Oregon and California are fleeing the Japs and crowding the roads. Now people from Arizona, Idaho, etc, are also beginning to panic and flee eastward, so our maneuvers would be slowed down considerably until the exodus subsides a little. But rather than to attack we are preparing a defensive line.
King: They invaded Oahu and Panama also. The Japanese control the South Atlantic from South Africa, the Falklands and Argentina, and we cannot refuel beyond Brazil. So our ships cannot sail around South America or South Africa to Attack the Japanese, since they have no refueling stations. We have several thousand men completely isolated in Alaska, Midway, Wake, Guam, the Philippines, etc,. Perhaps only those in the Philippines will have food available for a year, the others will have to surrender or starve within months. Before being captured, naval intelligence in Hawaii reported that besides attacking with carrier planes, the Japs have a new, very long range bomber capable of flying from the Marshall Islands and delivering 2 torpedoes, which wreaked havoc in our battleships and carriers. After dropping their torpedoes, the bombers alit on water on their fuselages. If they can fly 2,440 miles and deliver 2 torpedoes, we are completely outgunned and our carriers have little chance of attacking their bases, relying only on surprise. Moreover, with these planes they can start bombing our factories in the Midwest from Nebraska at any time, even before they learn how to fly or have enough B-17s and B-24s.
Roosevelt: We’ve been caught with our pants down by an enemy we considered inferior. Millions of Americans will die because we were isolationists and pacifists and thought that we could stay out of the war. The Japs now have the oil from California and will reap the benefits from our airplane factories, which we placed within their reach and did not worry about defending. We must increase ASAP our tank, antiaircraft artillery and airplane production and start rushing pilots, tank crews, soldiers, etc, through training. We must stop supplying the UK and the USSR immediately and notify the Germans and Italians about that and about our decision to definitely avoid war with them.
Don´t tell me what the Japs have achieved or what we cannot do. What are we doing? Where are we planning our defensive line? What if anything can the navy do?
Marshall: The Soviets suffered enormous troop losses because Stalin ordered not to withdraw and rushed premature, ill conceived and massive counter offensives. Simultaneously, millions of civilians died because they were prevented from evacuating the invaded areas. We are withdrawing and setting up mine fields, antitank barriers, pillboxes, bunker shelters, etc, along the whole length and on both banks of the Mississippi, and heavy artillery on the east bank. The line extends south of the Mississippi to include oil fields in Texas. Next month we’ll start building a second defensive line from the southern tip of Lake Michigan to the Gulf of Mexico. We’ll have several thousand tanks, pieces of artillery and airplanes and over 4 million men defending the Mississippi when the Japs arrive. In contrast, the Japs will have stretched their supply lines considerably when they arrive at the Mississippi.
The Japanese can now produce our most advanced planes and have access to all the blueprints, prototypes etc, of the B-29, etc, So our designers will have to come up with much better planes within weeks and we have to start producing them within months.
We need to use all the river boats, trains, trucks, planes, tractors, horses, etc, to transport as many people and assets to safety, east of the Mississippi.
We expect up to 30 million people crossing the Mississippi. We need to use all the empty buildings and build temporary shelter and hospitals (industrial type buildings with large wood stoves for heating and cooking) for 5 million people ASAP. American families must welcome a displaced family, using the beds both at night and during the day. We need to enroll every pilot and requisition every plane and vehicle in the US and plan to start training pilots within a week. We must produce 2,000 pilots every week starting 3 months from now. We need to use almost all the men for combat, training, fortifying the Mississippi line and building shelters and use all the women, the retired people and the teenagers for production. We need to produce at least 2,000 fighters within a month and 50,000 within a year, 1,000 tanks within a month and 25,000 tanks within a year 20,000 AAA pieces within a month and 400,000 within a year and huge quantities of munitions or we’ll lose the war. All the steel must go towards tanks, cannon, AAA, machine guns, rifles, trucks, fortifications, etc, only after a year can we start producing bombers, ships, etc, by the thousands, till we blast Japan to kingdom come. Right now we need to use all available fighters, pilots and AAA to protect the airplane manufacturers, their suppliers, the steel mills, ammunition factories and the oilfields and refineries. We cannot defend the cities at all.
We cannot buy rubber from Asia or South America with the long range Jap submarines and planes in Panama, British Guiana, etc,. So we must develop a synthetic rubber and the industry to produce it and requisition all the tires and use all the available rubber to make the tires for our fighters. We must move all the goods by ship, boat or by train and reserve all the trucks for the army.
I repeat, we must transport all the people, machinery, vehicles, trains, grain, cattle, and any form of food east of the Mississippi that we can. Moreover, we need to ration food strictly and buy all the grain, mineral and vegetable oil, sugar, flour, meat and raw materials we can from Mexico, Canada and South America, regardless of the price or we won´t be able to feed our troops, the millions of displaced people, etc, We must start producing food in every available patch of land east of the Mississippi and scorching all the land, industry, crops and infrastructure that we abandon west of the Mississippi, so the Japs cannot use them to defeat us. We must produce large amounts of soy and peanuts whose protein and carbohydrates are invaluable and whose oil can be used as food or as fuel for our diesel engines. We must start producing huge amounts of wood alcohol to use as fuel and also use propane gas to power many of our vehicles.
Subject to your approval, I have chosen General Stilwell, my most capable strategist as supreme commander of the army and General Eisenhower my best organizer to oversee production, requisitioning and supplies. Senator Truman has proved his ability to check corruption and increase productivity, so he should assist Eisenhower in planning and overseeing production. We must prosecute corruption or speculation as treason and punish it with death. We must create a new arm, independent of the army that manages all the aviation resources. It is our most valuable resource. We must attract to the US as many physicians and nurses as possible from all over the world with irresistible salaries.
We need an extremely intelligent and aggressive person to lead our fighter planes, I suggest we promote Doolittle to general and put him in charge.
King: As much as I hate to admit it, the Navy can do very little to defend America or attack Japan at the moment, other than suicidal missions. The only options are to occupy the Isthmus of Tehuantepec before they do and to recover and repair the Panama Canal, which may take years if the Japanese drain the lake and blow up the banks and the gates. Even our submarines and planes have lousy torpedoes that fail to detonate most of the time and it will take a while before we can replace them. So we can only count on our dive bombers to sink the Japanese ships entering the Atlantic through Panama. We have to finish the warships under production, especially the submarines And carriers, since we have lost a large part of the fleet and will soon lose more. If we don´t have enough ships, the Japs will invade also the East Coast.
Roosevelt: Britain is already out of the war and without our help and with many new countries swelling the ranks of the axis, the USSR will certainly be defeated sooner rather than later. If we do not expel Japan before the URSS is out of the war, the western axis nations with plenty of resources from the USSR will probably unleash their submarines on us and isolate and invade us too, putting us between the sword and a hard place. Time is of the essence. Like you said, we must start turning out thousands of fighters and pilots right now. We need to talk to Henry Ford and all the important industry people and convert all the industry almost overnight to fighters, tanks, cannon, ammunition, etc, We need to devise very effective crash courses for our pilots, tankers, troops, etc, I agree that we must withdraw on land and move east all the people and resources we can, build a defensive line and stretch the Japanese supply lines. However, we cannot waste resources and reduce our morale by building a second defensive line. We must stop them at the Mississippi at all costs. We may even be able to counter attack before they get as far as the Mississippi.
I want the navy to strike with full force ASAP. Within 2 weeks we must attack Panama and recover it at all costs. Within a month I want the marines to occupy the Isthmus of Tehuantepec at all costs. Preferably, but not necessarily with Mexico’s permission. Even if we lose many ships, we must damage as many Japanese ships as we can now, since it will be much more difficult for them to replace any lost ships than for us. Our people must see some battles or they will think that their leaders and armed forces have no guts and that they have wasted billions of dollars building an impressive but useless navy with formidable bases all over the world, only to be trounced in their heartland, just like it happened in France.
Gentlemen, lets pray and do our best to ensure that not nearly as many millions die in the US as in the USSR or China.
Hull: The Japanese have proposed to exchange American civilians in Hawaii and the west for Japanese civilians in the east for Japanese, German or Italian prisoners. Subject to your decision, I’m inclined to accept. Now we know what Britain experienced when it faced Germany and Italy alone, before Stalin entered the war. Since we cannot count on the UK, the USSR or China , we must secure alliances with Canada, Australia, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Colombia, etc, Bases in these countries can help us to advance gradually towards California and Washington State and eventually towards Japan, so the Japs have to fight in several fronts.
Roosevelt: At least Britain was never invaded, always counted with our help and received hundreds of thousands of soldiers, pilots and sailors from the commonwealth and the defeated countries.
Tell the Japs that we agree to the swap, provided we receive three Americans for every axis prisoner. Since they have millions of prisoners in Hawaii and the West Coast who will only be a burden for them.
Hull we must start a campaign to recruit volunteer pilots, doctors, nurses from Canada, Britain, Latin America, Spain, etc,
We need to gather all the information available about their new bomber and ask our designers to come up with a better design and start producing it ASAP, since we cannot do much by sea or by land, we must gain air superiority.
The Japs have the P-38, the Zero and the Ki-43, what are the best fighters we have? Also, should we bring generals MacArthur and Wainwright from the Philippines?
Marshall: All the fighters in production, the Wildcat, P-40 and Airacobra are inferior to the P-38 and Zero. However, the navy has an excellent prototype that can give us considerable superiority, the X4FU-1. The plane appears to be better suited for land service than for carrier service. It is difficult to produce and expensive and should be very good for ground attack. It is our only hope, so we must rush it through production.
Unless we can bring back the 30,000 trained American troops in the Philippines, I think that generals MacArthur and Wainwright can be more useful in the Philippines, forcing the Japanese to keep troops in Formosa, instead of sending these troops to the West Coast. In any case, generals Stilwell, Patton, Bradley, etc, are more than capable of stopping and then defeating the Japanese. We are not short of capable infantry and cavalry generals, all we need is airplanes, tanks, pilots, tank crews and trained troops.
We also need to create an evacuation department that coordinates and expedites the massive flow of refugees and resources.
King: Grumman is also working on a relatively inexpensive carrier fighter to replace the Wildcat and we must expedite the prototype and the testing in order to see which one is better and easier to produce and performs best.
Roosevelt: I want to see an evaluation that includes costs, ease of production and performance for the Vought and Grumman planes within a week and a flying prototype of the new Grumman in a land-based version within 3 weeks. In the meantime, we must produce as many wildcats, P-40s and Airacobras with the Allison engine as possible.
We are losing territory and resources by the hour and as we become weaker and the Axis stronger, we’ll attract more predators. So let’s quit talking and start producing at full steam. Promote and appoint Doolittle and bring him to the next meeting. Let´s meet every other day at the same time. Thank you and till then.

Hitler’s Address on the night of January 3, 1941:
Our Japanese allies have invaded America and are teaching them a lesson or two. President Roosevelt has assured us that they will stop providing Stalin with millions of tons of gasoline, explosives, steel, etc, and thousands of trucks, airplanes and tanks and the ships to transport them and that America will not declare war on Germany. Therefore, we must take the opportunity to double our production and intensify our offensives until we capture Egypt and the oilfields of the Caucasus, Persia and Iraq, depriving Stalin of oil and access to the Indian Ocean. By liberating Persia and Iraq and capturing the oil in the Caucasus we shall ensure a plentiful supply of oil for the Reich in the next thousand years.
We need every woman, retired person, civil servant and young German to contribute to our production efforts. We need the German troops, pilots and sailors to continue their epic efforts to finish off the agonizing enemy this year.
Hollywood must be quite a movie scene right now with thousands of blacks, Jews and pacifists running around in utter confusion. We may soon be receiving a Hollywood movie for our theaters from the imperial army, hopefully in full color.
Argentina is also rapidly advancing in Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia, so that the axis gains resources by the day.
The brave and tireless German people can finally put an end to the formidable struggle we started in 1914. Thanks to your efforts we have now a much stronger Reich and much stronger allies than we did in 1914 and our enemies are fewer and much weaker. 1941 will be the decisive year for the Reich, if we do not produce more this year than we did in all the previous years and if we do not advance more in 1941 than we have in all the previous years, the Reich cannot survive, but if we do, the Reich will endure for a thousand years, larger, richer and stronger than we ever imagined.

The Golden Train: On January 5, 1941 Japan arranges with the US government to allow safe passage for a daily refugee train. Initially Japan offers to transport by train any civilian who can pay 250 grams of gold or platinum or 12.5 kg of silver. The train drops off the refugees at the Mississippi river, where it collects gold from relatives in the east. After all the wealthy people have left, Japan offers to exchange children & elderly refugees for grain for American civilians in Japanese territory.

On January 6, 1941 from Belize Argentine troops capture the sparsely populated Honduras.

On January 10, 1941 Japan and Argentina occupy the Fernando de Noronha archipelago in Brazil gaining a crucial location that denies access to US ships in several Brazilian ports. Brazil declares war on Japan and Argentina, but lacks the air power to expel the axis from its territory. The axis rapidly sinks or captures dozens of Brazilian ships. Argentina captures some Brazilian territory with moderate Japanese air support. Japanese planes bomb several cities. Japanese and Argentine destroyers shell several cities on the Amazon River.

On January 10, 1941 Japan, Germany, Italy and Argentina issue this ultimatum to Chile: Join the axis and declare war on the US, Peru and Ecuador within 2 days or Japan, Germany, Italy and Argentina will declare war on you, sink or capture all your ships and invade you, setting up bases in your country anyway. The shocked Chilean government realizes that if even the powerful British and US navies were wiped out by the Japanese in a day, Chile cannot oppose the axis. Chile joins the axis on January 12, 1941, denying fuel, safe passage and harbor to American Ships and providing them to Japanese ships along its extremely long coast. Chile quickly invades Peru and Ecuador with moderate Japanese air and naval support. Chile also sells all its valuable copper, nitrate, etc, only to the other axis countries.

On January 15, 1941 a hastily assembled American task force with 78 ships sails toward Panama, intent on recapturing it: 500 km (310 miles) from Panama 50 Typhoons (carrying 8 torpedoes each and escorted by 90 Zeroes and 10 double Zeroes) flying from Panama, 80 Kate torpedo bombers and 80 Val dive bombers take off from the Japanese Carriers 100 km (62 miles) from Panama and 6 submarines sink 2 American light carriers (Long Island and Charger) and 4 fleet carriers (Ranger, Wasp, Hornet and Yorktown) before the Americans launch their bombers. 4 American battleships, 6 cruisers, 3 tankers, 2 troop carriers and 7 destroyers are also sunk and 15 more warships are damaged. 15,600 Americans die. The Japanese lose 3 submarines, 18 Typhoons, 23 Vals, 25 Kates and 29 Zeroes. The American fleet has to abort the mission and sail back at full steam. The Japanese Carriers give chase to the battered American fleet at full speed with their Zeroes intact.
At Dawn on January 16, 1941 24 Typhoons carrying 6 torpedoes each takeoff from Panama (escorted by 48 Zeroes from Panama), 50 Typhoons carrying 6 torpedoes each take off from the Dominican Republic (escorted by 100 Zeroes) and all the planes from the Japanese carriers attack the American fleet and continue attacking on January 17 until all the ships are sunk. 6 American submarines manage to launch all their torpedoes at the Japanese carriers and destroyers before being sunk but only 3 of 9 torpedoes that hit their targets explode, damaging two carriers and sinking a destroyer.
The US navy will only be able to use submarines, torpedo boats and land based planes from now on. The axis controls almost completely the Atlantic Ocean (From Norway to Iceland, from Panama to South Africa), the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico.

The Americans in Midway, Wake, Guam, etc, cannot live without supplies, so they attempt to surrender to the Japanese, but they are ignored and most starve in their bases.

After concentrating exclusively on bombing the airplane and fuel industries, Japanese bombing raids cause firestorms in central Chicago and Dallas, which have absolutely no fighter planes and few AAA defending them. The firestorms last days and kill tens of thousands. In spite of the casualties, the air force cannot afford to relocate the fighters defending the crucial industries and most of the AAA is along the Mississippi line. Terror begins to rise and morale to sink. The next day the Japanese renew their air raids on industry and only sporadically and when the winds are strongest do they start firestorms in large cities.

Presidential Briefing May 21, 1941:
Stilwell: The Japs are preparing to attack the Mississippi line, we estimate that they have fewer than 2 million men, about 1,000 light tanks and 6,000 planes within 1,000 miles of the Mississippi . We have 5 million men, 9,000 tanks, 500,000 army trucks and 7,000 planes ready. We are convinced the time has come to crush them with a massive counteroffensive. If we don’t counter attack soon, they will have more men and stronger fortifications every day and we risk an attack on the East Coast by the other axis countries. We cannot afford to fight on 2 fronts, so we must expel the Japs from the US within 2 months, which we can do, if we start the offensive tomorrow.
Our airplane and fuel industries are taking a beating from their huge bombers. Although we probably still out produce the Japs, they are rapidly increasing production with our resources as we struggle to cope with the bomb damage. Our fighter planes are beginning to dominate the air. Like General Stilwell said, time is of the essence, we must counter attack this week, so our industry can rest a little and they have to concentrate on dealing with our offensive.
Doolittle: Although their forces are much smaller than ours and we have lots of tanks, planes, etc, we should eliminate most of their air force before we launch the massive offensive. Our losses will be much greater if instead of concentrating our fighters on shooting down enemy planes, we have to use them for ground support most of the time. Without air support their army will not stand a chance. Give us a month to destroy half of their planes before we attack, or their planes will inflict unacceptable losses on us and slow or even stop our offensive.
Roosevelt: We cannot wait a week, much less a whole month. Germany and its allies will attack the East Coast any moment now. Launch the offensive tomorrow. We´ll have to destroy their planes as we advance and take the heavy losses. We must expel the Japs form the continental US within 2 months, regardless of the cost.
Eisenhower: Regarding our main infantry weapons, The Thompson submachine gun is too expensive and complicated and its .45 round is slow and effective only within 80 yards and heavy. Our M-1 Garand is also heavy, expensive and holds only 8 powerful rounds that produce too much recoil. We need to start making in large numbers an inexpensive, easy-to-produce submachine gun. The Germans and Soviets use 9mm cartridges, which are not very powerful either. The Soviet PPSh submachine gun is very practical and easy to produce. I suggest immediate production in large quantities of a .38 Super automatic, improved version of the Soviet gun, which can be very useful when fighting within 120 yards. I also suggest modification of the Garand rifle to use the same 20 round magazine of the B:A:R: and to start producing the B:A:R: and Garand in .250-3000 Savage, which produces much less recoil and is just as deadly at 300 yards and that we continue using the .30-06 only for our heavy machine guns.
Roosevelt: Eisenhower go ahead with the modifications, we need to provide the best weapons to the millions of men who are putting their lives on the line. Marshall we must start fortifying and mining all the East Coast at full speed, since Germany, etc, will soon be invading us.

The American Offensive starts at dawn on May 22, 1941. The Japanese rapidly and orderly withdraw 500 km in one week, issue their new weapons, start carpet bombing with the Double B-17s and B24s and unleash 1,000 flying tanks and 1,000 modified P-38s. Between May 27 and June 2 the Americans lose 2,500 tanks (90 captured, 120 to flame throwers, 260 to mines, 280 to artillery, 410 to 25 kg bombs and the rest mostly to 80mm rockets and flying tanks), 2,100 planes (760 to 20mm AAA, the rest to fighters, accidents, friendly fire, etc,) and 410,000 men. The Japanese recover the lost ground and are back at the Mississippi. The Japanese lose 210,000 men and 1,200 planes but most of their pilots bail out in Japanese territory.

Presidential briefing June 4, 1941:
Roosevelt: America had never lost so many men in a single battle. They have surprised us again, defeating our massive offensive in two weeks and inflicting terrible losses on us. Can they break through the Mississippi line? Should we use chemical weapons?
Stilwell: Chemical weapons are not an option, since the Japanese can retaliate using them both against our troops and our cities, killing millions. I just hope that they don’t use them first.
It’s much more difficult to attack than to defend and they have few tanks and cannon. The line will definitely hold. Moreover, we can envelop their main force. Although we took a beating in the first offensive, we can replace our lost men and equipment much easier than they can. We must not relent and waste time, we must strike again and again, regardless of the losses, just like Grant and Sherman did. We won’t attack close to the Missouri, where they are strongest but outflank them in Minnesota and Texas where they have great difficulty supplying their troops.
Doolittle: Most importantly, our pilots gained important experience and our new, much superior planes arriving in large numbers will soon wipe out their air force, after which their army will be useless. I agree with General Stilwell, we must continue hitting them as hard and as fast as we can, regardless of the losses before the rest of the axis joins in. If we have to fight on two fronts, our losses will be much greater than last week’s and our chances of winning the war very low.
Eisenhower: We must admit that their new infantry weapons are superior. Their antitank rockets, submachine gun and machine gun are far superior to our weapons at close quarters. We must copy them and begin issuing them in large numbers within 2 months. They were smart not to use them before. In any event, as they lose planes, our planes and tanks will greatly help our troops to push them back.
Roosevelt: I agree, we must continue striking them with everything we have, regardless of the losses..

Hitler’s Address on May 10, 1941:
Never had a coalition conquered nearly so much territory and gained so many allies as the axis has this year. Exactly one year after we invaded the USSR there is finally light at the end of the tunnel for the axis. Thanks to the rapid advance of our armies in Persia and Iraq, the Soviets will soon have no oil. Having lost the Ukraine, Belorussia and Western Russia they are also out of grain.
Persia, Iraq, Spain, Vichy France, Portugal, India, Sweden, China, Argentina, Chile and Turkey are now invaluable allies that provide the axis troops, oil. minerals, food and other resources that the axis desperately needed and will help us to advance deep into the USSR from its underbelly and to set up submarine bases around the world, so that Soviet ships cannot transport any goods to the USSR.
Today we received from Japan 24 of the powerful, 8 engine long range bombers and Japan will soon be providing us hundreds of these bombers. We can now bomb the Soviet industry, supply lines, etc, several thousand kilometers behind their lines.
It is time for Marshal Stalin and the axis to reach a peace agreement that allows the USSR to keep eastern Russia and Siberia and receive oil and grain to survive this winter. Otherwise, at least 40 million Soviet people will die fighting or freeze and starve to death this winter. That colossal and completely unnecessary waste can be avoided. Instead of losing millions of lives to the axis and to the winter in the next 9 months, the USSR could sue for peace and join the axis now and share in our conquests when we invade America. The Red Army proved to be a worthy opponent of the axis, which defended its country tenaciously for a year. Imagine what we could accomplish if the USSR were to join the axis. Today all the countries of the axis declared war on the US, so we can now help Japan to finish the titanic task it undertook. Our submarines will now attack the few remaining American ships from axis bases in the Gulf of Mexico, Panama, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Argentina and South Africa.
The address is translated into English, Italian, Romanian, Turkish, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, Hindi, Mandarin, Cantonese, etc, and broadcast worldwide every hour for 12 hours from all the axis nations.

On June 5, 1941 US forces advance rapidly in Minnesota and Texas with a million men on each side of the offensive with little opposition. The Japanese forces in Texas and Minnesota withdraw towards the Missouri river. The Japanese invade Florida, landing in multiple places and simultaneously launch a major offensive to cut off the forces in Texas and Minnesota. Stilwell desperately tries to break the Japanese barrier and reestablish his supply lines. However, the Japanese extend their Mississippi line to the north and south and cut off the American troops in Texas and Minnesota and Japanese bomber annihilate the isolated pockets of troops with carpet bombings, which are followed massive infantry offensives.
Intense fighting rages all over the front for 1 month in Texas, Minnesota and Florida. There are 1.8 million American and 720,000 Japanese casualties during this month. The Japanese keep Florida and their Mississippi line holds

The USSR reaches a peace agreement on July 1, 1941 with all the invading nations in order to keep half of the oil produced in the Caucasus from existing wells and to receive grain. Moreover, the USSR joins the Axis and declares war on the US on July 3, 1941.

On July 4, 1941 1 million additional Indian troops begin to arrive in the West Coast, to reinforce the exhausted, almost defeated Japanese forces.

On July 18, 1941 Japan sends all its double hull carriers and cargo ships to the USSR in order to help transport troops and planes for the invasion of the US.

Presidential Briefing on July 5, 1941:
Roosevelt: They have defeated us again with inferior numbers but much superior equipment, strategy and tactics. As surrealist as it seems, I must ask, gentlemen should we sue for peace before the rest of the Axis invades America and we lose even more territory and men?
Stilwell: As bleak as the situation seems, as poor as our performance has been, we must fight to the end.
Doolittle: Mr. President. I think we must wake up and learn our lesson, like the proud Frenchmen did when Hitler defeated them. They have surprised and defeated us repeatedly and we must concede defeat. Only then will we have time to develop superior technology and tactics. If we continue fighting this way, we’ll simply grow weaker and lose much more people, terrain and resources to the axis. We simply cannot afford to fight a dozen nations and billions of people in the axis, without any powerful allies.
King: The navy is extremely weak and in no condition to resist the German submarines and to defend the East coast from an invasion. I agree with General Dolittle, we must sue for peace and rebuild our navy and air force with renewed technology and vigor in peace. Otherwise we risk losing everything to myriad axis nations.
Eisenhower: Our industry is finally in full gear. America cannot be defeated by a small nation that we forced out of the middle ages less than a century ago. I agree with General Stilwell, I think we should try at least one more major offensive. We can still win the war if we break the Japs’ line and expel them just before the axis invades the East Coast.
President Roosevelt: Launch the final offensive ASAP and throw everything we have into it. We live or die with this offensive.

The American offensive starts at dawn on July 7, 1941 and advances rapidly with great losses initially but slows down considerably after 2 weeks.

On August 5, 1941 500,000 Soviet troops, tanks and airplanes begin to arrive in the West Coast, greatly boosting the almost defeated Japanese forces. The Sherman tank is helpless against the Japanese planes and rockets and 1,000 superior Soviet T-34 tanks and Sturmoviks.

In August Japan sends hundreds of ships to France, Germany & Murmansk to help to transport troops and equipment to invade America.

On September 8, 1941, the Axis forces break through the Mississippi line and advance in a narrow front with heavy air support towards Savannah, Georgia.

On September 10, 1941 Axis forces land in North Carolina, Quebec, etc, The US navy and air force are practically wiped out. American morale is extremely low after nearly 4 million Americans have died without any major victories. The US has no allies and is running out of oil and tanks and is fighting against a population of nearly two billion in the axis and superior equipment.

America has to capitulate on October 15, 1941, keeping only a crowded New England, Indiana, Tennessee and Illinois. The axis then invades the rest of North and South America (Brazil, Colombia, the rest of Canada, etc,).

Si vis pacem para bellum (If you want peace, prepare for war). The present depression, along with dwindling water, oil and grain supplies and a growing population may soon set off WW III. If China were to invade Hawaii, Singapore, Yemen, Panama, South Africa and the West Coast and if North Korea were to invade South Korea and Japan and if Viet Nam were to invade Thailand and Sri Lanka on the same day in 2015, the world would be shocked and ill-prepared for a massive war. If nuclear weapons were used, the whole human race would probably disappear. So it will very likely be a conventional war. There will be a very small army and millions of obese, lazy Americans unfit for fighting.
America was the main oil producer in1941. But today relies on foreign oil, so it can be deprived of foreign oil by capturing or sinking a few dozen tankers and pipelines and by controlling the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. Its oil reserves would be quickly depleted, making fighting for a few months impossible.
In 1941 the American Industry and the trained blue collar force were the largest in the world. In 2011 American industry is agonizing, while Asian industry explodes. If the Asian Communists added the industries of South Korea, Japan and the West Coast to the formidable Chinese industry, America would not stand a chance.
A single mega container ship can carry over a hundred thousand concealed troops, thousands of planes, tanks, rockets, etc, Although America has a few very fancy and expensive fighters, they can be defeated by thousands of inexpensive rockets, fighters or small drones made in China.
America was very lucky in 1941, when Germany wasted 2,000 invaluable planes over Britain, Italy wasted 130,000 men in Libya and then forced the Germans to invade Greece and Yugoslavia and Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and left intact the huge resources in America, so America had years to correct all its military deficiencies and to produce incredible amounts of war equipment and supplies. Will America be so lucky the next time? Will Russia, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Arab nations, the E.U., etc, be allies that are able to respond rapidly, enemies or simply just fellow victims? It’s been 66 years since the end of WW II and there has not been a major war, so complacency couldn’t be higher. For the first time in history there are over 6 billion people. Oil, arable land, potable and irrigation water, grain, etc, are becoming less abundant and more expensive all the time. Global warming is causing disastrous weather that further threatens many resources. As much as we may hate major wars and think that they have been eradicated. Major war will certainly happen within 25 years.
Just like the Persian, Carthaginian, Roman, Aztec, Napoleonic, Austro-Hungarian, German and British empires had to die so does America, but will it be in our lifetimes or in the next century?
hhmm......its bad..whatever happened shouldnt have happened...really bad...........you shouldnt have posted this.

Much better plot than that Iron Sky movie. Might I suggest making it a bit like Red Dawn to appeal more to American audiences.

Red Dawn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am not sure how they will be able to film all these events together. After all it is not a war game board. Dialogues could be crisper and hard hitting too like LOTR.:)

P.S: I am a big fan of Turtledove and hope they make his world war series into a film(s)
High Lemurian,
The point is not to appeal to American audiences, but to make Americans realize that WW II was not won as much by allied talent as by the extreme incompetence and lack of coordination of the axis leaders. The UK and USA were caught completely unprepared and were extremely lucky to survive. However, that may not be the case next time.
High Lemurian,
The point is not to appeal to American audiences, but to make Americans realize that WW II was not won as much by allied talent as by the extreme incompetence and lack of coordination of the axis leaders. The UK and USA were caught completely unprepared and were extremely lucky to survive. However, that may not be the case next time.

Agreed (partially) sir. It is a good idea for a book, would make for interesting reading. But a film requires a bit more "human touch". That's all I am saying..

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