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What happened in Turkiye is NOT the punishment of Allah

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I can't really say if it is or not a punishment from Allah. Earthquakes can also be sign of Akhirah coming near.

But Earthquakes can also be a form of punishment which Allah can give according to Islamic Faith. Earthquakes are also signs of Allah of being the Mighty Creator and in whose powers is life and death.

Abu Musa reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “This nation of mine has been granted mercy. Their punishment is not in the Hereafter. Their punishment is in the world through persecution, earthquakes, and slaughter.

Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4278

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani

For me, Earthquakes on Muslims is a trial by Allah for patience and to get forgiveness through calamity.
Also the people who died in this earthquake are mostly Shaheed because anyone who dies due to a building falling on them is one of the Shaheeds the prophet Rasulallah (ﷺ) told us about. We know the reward for the tank of Shaheed. No one will want to come back to this world after going Jannah other than the Shaheed so he can be Shaheed many times more. This world is a test for the Muslims.

Jabir narrated that the Prophet (s.a.w) said:
"On the Day of Judgement, when the people who were tried (in this world) are given their rewards, the people who were pardoned (in life), will wish that their skins had been cut off with scissors while they were in the world."
-Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2402

Even with all the rewards of those who suffered is told to us already through the forum of many Hadiths, there is still people of this forum which think it’s a sign for people to surrender to oppressors like Assad 🤦‍♂️.
Whether if this was a sign, punishment, test or just a calamity remember it is Allah who has power to do so, let him be the judge of the intention of his doing, stop playing God cause one day we will die and face him (creator). Right now the topic should not be of why or for what reason, right now the topic is what we are doing to help the people effected by this calamity, remember Allah can test us through others and also also lets not forget that anyone who dies in a natural disaster is considered a Shaheed, so trust me, in the day of Judgement those people will be in far better position than those who are playing God and passing judgements, Fear Allah guys this is no joke.
If ALLAH All Mighty willed a punishment, the first nation (amongst Muslims) to get punished would be current day Pakistanis, wholescale. You name the evil deed and we have it.

ALLAH Pak is ALL Mighty, HE can whatever HE wishes, however, HE is also lawful, law abiding and just.

Earthquake hit, man made buildings collapsed, and people got injured and killed. Help those in trouble if you can, or else just shut up.
But if it helps move someone from superstition to rationality that is a plus. Many superstitions were born for lack of good scientific explanation. Any intelligent college student studying science can read the Book of Genesis (in Old Testament) and see how its authors tried to explain nature and natural phenomenon as acts of God.

True to some degree. But I doubt this thread is doing that.

Hi kindly consider my humble request
At this point of sadness, how justified is discussion about this topic?
Isn't this very humiliating to people who have lost their lives, or who are injured?

Request to close this thread, as this kind of discussion is very wrong at this point.
There was no such thing as meteorology then.

Some folk literally worshipped volcanos and believed they did something wrong when it erupted.

Some worshiped the sun and believed they did something wrong when it became cloudy :lol:

Early humans just awakened with consciousness were desperately seeking answers and context to their existence.

Nature is on autopilot across the universe at all levels. If God intervenes then it breaks the simulation. The entire experience has been carefully crafted for it to be believable and tangible, he literally built an entire universe. Not going to ruin the sim by affecting the weather. That's just the roll of the dice.
While I agree with you on the superstitions most people have, as evident in this thread, are you denying that the nations of old, such as Bani Israel and others, didn't actually face divine wrath (in the shape of extreme natural disasters, ofc) and those were normal natural disasters like this is Turkey?

There's Because, those are mentioned in the Quran. Like Jinns etc.
Now, have I seen jinns? No. But, does the quran mention them? Yes. And do we we consider the Quran to be incorruptible and Word of God? Yes. Then, why would you say that?
In term of morality, Islam is already superior as even we are asked by God to treat prisoner of war with good conduct.
islam is superior to whom, christians, jews, buddhists or hindus, if i remember correctly it was this very same religion that was used to radicalize terrorists like isis and taliban, so lets not get into this dick measuring competition of who's religion is superior in terms or morality, all religions are equally bad.

I am finish talking with you as you will likely keep arguing
of course i too have no interest in arguing with someone who thinks such a huge natural calamity like this is a sign to not pick Erdogan for the next election.
This dog was very sinful. That's why it was buried under the rubble by the wrath of Allah cc. Unfortunately, it was pulled out alive by some sinful people. The devil's dog will continue to spread evil.

And this was the leader of the devil's sect, and Allah punished it too.

brother.. I think the discussion went astray. Nobody in the right mind thinks and earthquake was wrath/punishment from the divine. Actually, they (including me) started debating academically the OP. The topic was strictly about:
1) Calamity is not wrath
2) We shouldn't judge on Allah's behalf.

The discussion is old. People blamed our northern Pakistanis for 2005 earthquake or recent 2022 KPK and Sind floods. Please, don't consider it an insult or attack towards victims of the recent earthquake.
Now this is just superstition.
It's just a natural disaster.
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