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We need to talk about Indians and their "fakeness" in regards to Turkey, Islam, Japan and the West


Jan 7, 2012
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We all know about the Indian disinformation campaign that spread through the western world, in particular Europe & Canada.

Indian Network of Fake Media Outlets Targeted Pakistan: Report

Imran Khan further elaborated on this while he was PM.
We also know about the vast amounts of lobbying that Indian lobby does in the US and the big effects it has on America's foreign policy towards Pakistan.

But, something that is not often talked about, is the vast amount of fake Indian "tweets" & other social media posts. This might sound like something not worth the effort, but, take into consideration the recent and current ongoing issue in Turkey & the migrant problem.

Take a look at this particular Tweet from a Turkish source that labels itself as "Doğru, ilkeli, tarafsız haber." or "Accurate, principled, unbiased news." It then goes on to quote a Tweet from the Twitter user "@Ajrishna" - clearly an Indian usertag, stating the following:
Again, social media disinformation campaign is often overlooked by government and security officials almost everywhere. But, in this world and especially now - in this modern time and situation - social media disinformation & fake news is the biggest tool for organizations, countries, groups, agencies and other ill-willed dominions to take over the vast opinions of citizens in the country of target.

In that tweet that is quoted above, if you were to take a further look at the comments, quotes & replies you would realize that the vast majority of Turkish citizens who interacted with that tweet (and similar to it) believed it to be an authentic tweet. They considered it to be made from a "Pakistani living in Turkey", something that is simply not accurate or true. Indians have taken advantage of the situation and struck with their deceitful tactics - something I will eloborate on further.

The Turkish police investigation team had called out the above disinformation & fake news campaign in the below Tweet. This translates into, "Virtual patrol activities are carried out on a 24/7 basis on the internet for the purpose of combating crimes and criminals, within the framework of the authority given by the laws by the General Directorate of Security, Department of Combating Cyber Crimes. Within the scope of the virtual patrol activities carried out, it was observed that disinformation content was shared in order to cause confusion in our country by pretending to be Afghan-Pakistani accounts with provocative images that can be easily obtained from open sources on social media platforms, and necessary investigations were started. This and similar operation accounts will not be allowed. It is announced to the public with respect."

As well as a prominent Turkish "anti-migrant" user below:
Another example of these types of disinformation comes in regards to Pakistan & Russia from an Indian-based Twitter account. It goes by the Twitter handle "@the_fauxy". This Twitter account is based in India and has openly spread lies against Pakistan & Muslims in particular. Ironically, it is not labelled "Indian-based" as it would be if it was from Russia, China or another western rival. It has been allowed to run.

Some of the Tweets in question are one that is pinned on the top of the page:
A fake news article that states that, "Pakistan refused to pay Russian loans & imposed sanctions on Russia". This was widely circled in Japan and, just like with Turkish users, many Japanese users fell for its lies as the below Tweet calls out:
This is not an uncommon unoccurance. India has a population of nearly 1.4 Billion people, out of which 1.094 billion (almost 80%) are Hindus along with the million upon millions of Indians living outside of India (a population big enough to form the 25th biggest country). Most of these peope have a pro-RSS and India Rashtra (greater India) ideology in which they claim all of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia, Singapore, the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and parts of China & Myanmar amongst other territories and states. The majority of these people are young (below 35) and own a phone or device in which they can access social media. In the next 5 years, the children population of India would grow into their teenage age and the trend just continues on and on (more hands with access to fake news spreading).

I don't have time to explain the vast amounts of anger the disinformation campaign and fake news by Indian trolls and, hiddenly, their intelligence agencies have caused elsewhere; particularly in the Arab & Muslim world who have seen through their anti-Islam trends. Here are some articles that explains it in detail:


https://theprint.in/opinion/pov/ara...-hating-overseas-indians-islamophobia/416758/ (Indian article)

Most anti Islam posts on Twitter are from India and made by Indian users.

A trend where Indian Twitter users post "Meanwhile in Turkey" and show Pakistani migrants in Turkey has gained traction and is based out of an Indian intelligence operation.

One thing that the world doesn't understand at large is that, we, as humans, have the power to conceal. To conceal our thoughts from one another. To lie. To spread disinformation through concealled means. Social media has given a platform to amplify such traits.

As Pakistanis & as Muslims in particular, we are thought to avoid lying, to avoid concealling & spreading such disinformation. But, some people, particularly those who follow the RSS ideology in India, do not share this mindset. They are the biggest source of disinformation out of any current population on earth as per the statistics and they are not ashamed to do it.

That is why most of the world scammers are also from India and the India diaspora (in the US, Canada, Australia, England and elsewhere) - Youtube videos exposing such scams are big and have gathered millions upon millions of views, and even contain videos of Indians openly laughing at elderly who they are scamming - and, in the comment sections, you can see the digust and anguish the western audience has towards the "Indian mindset". But, people are mostly surprised that someone could stoop as low as that. Something that is unimaginable at large in most societies.

Just like the citizens of Turkey, Japan, and the west, human beings easily boil up all their emotions at the most vulernable targets when they see the disinformation presented to them as shown above. The frustration is then taken out against those who did not have anything to do with the problem. Indians who carry this hateful ideology tend to use the concealed & analytical parts of their brains in the most decietful way - to spread lies and to create strife and hatred in societies.

This is why we must take action. Imran Khan was the only one who voiced concern and took action against this, and, I believe, if he was to return, he would once again take action against this at large if we voiced our concerns.
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Pakistanis play Bollywood music in their weddings and listen to AP Dhillon in cars, some I saw are posting on their insta stories about Karan Aujla concert. If we as a people cared then we would be spreading fake news back.

But sadly this isn't the case. Good thing Immi called this out, can't see any other Pakistani leader calling it out.

Nothing wrong with the Article, No need for Indians to Haha React.

No point in complaining. We always score our own goals :lol:
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Pakistanis play Bollywood music in their weddings and listen to AP Dhillon in cars, some I saw are posting on their insta stories about Karan Aujla concert. If we as a people cared then we would be spreading fake news back.

But sadly this isn't the case. Good thing Immi called this out, can't see any other Pakistani leader calling it out.
Bollywood and music has significantly came down over the years as I have seen, it was a much much! different scene 15-10 years ago compared to now - people back home have become way more conscious about it than some years ago as tensions have increased, maybe diaspora isnt noticing or picking up the trend (US specifically, European diaspora is fiercely nationalist- they started doing it even before Pakistan proper :lol: )

although the opposite is happening in the Punjabi sphere as our native industry has died (similar to Baloch cinema) when the entertainment industry shifted base to Karachi from lollywood - we'll see if the trend changes down the line or not
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You neither own Twitter nor Internet. There is nothing Pakistan can do.
They can retaliate in kind. I'm sure that they do. This thread is just for public awareness. :pop:
Nagriks live on borrowed stuff, be it wealth, technology. But, it matters not as they in for a samustik balatkar from Indus to Anatolia.
The Fauxy is like The Onion. They make satirical articles. The fact that you used that to make your point by calling it a disinfo website, shows how little you have researched about this topic.

This looks more like a rant than a topic for discussion.
That and occupying top positions in US companies and also government agencies. So yeah... you can try.

Let them try. Movers and Shakers of world do not pay any heed Kashmiri crying or Muslim houses getting bulldozed.
that naturally comes when you make up 17% of the world population
- in fact its underperforming but I guess with the near mentally challenged IQ level of average Indians probably not...
Lately content on PDF has degraded in quality from annoying to downright trash. Now this is a valuable thread but once more i find the usual culprits spreading their hyperbole in the replies.

If you have nothing sensible to add to the discussion just read it and be on your merry way.

As for disinformation and social media - my friend @OP - back in 2011 the former Add. DG of FIA cyber wing had propositioned to establish a full time “farm” for the is counter activity in the old software park - sadly the government had other priorities at the time.

One senior officer was quoted as saying “what threat to kids in cyber cafe’s pose to internal and foreign security”.

Oh well as the French say “c'est la vie”.
that naturally comes when you make up 17% of the world population
- in fact its underperforming but I guess with the near mentally challenged IQ level of average Indians probably not...
Well, when it comes to being a migrant, Pakstani have a bigger ratio of their population. Pakistani diaspora is about 9 million, India's is just twice of that ie 18 million. I don't need to tell you that India is 6 times in population of Pakistan (and right now, 10 times in GDP, but that is a discussion for another day). But when it comes to occupying top position in west, very few Pakistanis exist.

I guess, high IQ does not even exist anywhere in Pakistanis. Right? Migrants or otherwise.
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We know it's RAA ki saazish.

Well, past months have been hard on Pakistan, so yeah I can understand they have to withdraw to their "Balatkaar" fortress. Cya and hope no one does Samuhik with you in Germany. They don't take Pakistani very nicely there anymore.
Like I said borrowed stuff. Bollywood really fucks up sense of reality.
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