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Warship Discussions

you had said İt wouldnt work because it hadnt got helidock anf space for boats. Now your problem " how can i turn mlrs."
let it be like this.
You are very serious and dont like imagine.
Nah, just that if you propose something, propose something good. The launchers have to be able to train and elevate in order to aim properly and to stay on target as the ship moves.
Since Pakistan can't afford aircraft carrier then why not Pakistan go for
Mistral-class amphibious assault ship
A helicopter carrier

The Mistral class is a class of three amphibious assault ships, also known as a helicopter carrier, of the French Navy. Referred to as "projection and command ships" (French: bâtiments de projection et de commandement or BPC), a Mistral-class ship is capable of transporting and deploying 16 NH90 or Tiger helicopters, four landing barges, up to 70 vehicles including 13 AMX Leclerc tanks, or a 40-strong Leclerc tank battalion,[3] and 450 soldiers. The ships are equipped with a 69-bed hospital, and are capable of serving as part of a NATO Response Force, or with United Nations or European Union peace-keeping forces.

Three ships of the class are in service in the French Navy: Mistral, Tonnerre, and Dixmude. A deal for two ships for the Russian Navy was announced by then French President Nicolas Sarkozy on 24 December 2010, and signed by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin and French Defence Minister Alain Juppé in the presence of Sarkozy on 25 January 2011. On 3 September 2014, French President François Hollande announced the postponement of delivery of the first warship,Vladivostok, due to the Russia–Ukraine crisis. Following negotiations against the background of the War in Donbass and theannexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, the French President François Hollande and the Russian president Vladimir Putin announced on 5 August 2015 that France will pay back partial payments and keep the two ships initially produced for the Russian Navy; the two ships were later sold to Egypt for about
950 million euros.
Mistral-class amphibious assault ship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 2003, the Germans stuck a PzH2000 155mm/L52 turret on one of their ships (FGS Hamburg, a F124 Sachsen class ship) for testing purposes.

The size required above and below deck and the weight of this turret are not much different from the OTO Melara 76mm gun system, the standard naval gun of the German Navy. But to deal with the much greater recoil of the 155 mm artillery piece on such a vessel, a flexible mount with damping elements had to be designed.

While the intricate elastic mounting system handled the recoil adequately, adapting all of the PzH-2000's systems for the corrosive naval environment proved more difficult than expected and MONARC appears to have been removed from F125 plans. The F125 class will now mount the new developed Otobreda 127/64 naval gun

MONARC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"By using a flexible mounting rather than rigidly fixing the turret to the deck in the conventional manner, the impact of residual acceleration on the structure of the ship during firing is expected to remain at an acceptable level. Since the turret is essentially self-sufficient, all that is required is a 24-volt power connection and a secure link to the operations room and the bridge. In addition, the ammunition storage and handling systems will have to be modified. Furthermore, in order to compensate for the movement of the ship, the gun-laying system will have to be stabilized."
Land trials were successfully completed during 2003. Shipboard trials took place during 2004.
Germany 155 mm/52 (6.1") MONARC

Since Pakistan can't afford aircraft carrier then why not Pakistan go for
Mistral-class amphibious assault ship

What would it need them for?
Another indication of why not to trus sputnik news...

Russian Navy Testing Advanced Stealthy Frigate

Russia is continuing tests of an advanced frigate totally invisible to radar. A series of warships of this class are expected to be built for the Russian Navy, assistant Navy commander-in-chief Andrei Surov said.

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/military/20151121/1030516316/new-russian-frigate.html#ixzz3sIyyxtSv




As compare to e.g.

the Indian Shivalik class

the Dutch Zeven Provinciën (LCF) class

Russia Builds New Class of Ice Patrol Boats
The Russian Ministry of Defence has the navy has ordered two Arctic patrol boats that will be capable of breaking through ice 1.5 meters (five feet) thick.

The new vessels will be delivered from the Admiralty yard in St. Petersburg by end of 2020.

The vessels are a new class capable of tug, icebreaking and patrol operations. The Independent Barents Observer reports that, based on preliminary images, the vessels have several similarities to Norway’s icebreaking coast guard vessel Svalbard including the possibility of an indoor helicopter hangar.

Russia’s Northern fleet has increasingly been conducting more patrols along the Northern Sea Route.

Last year the navy took delivery of the icebreaking tug Alexander Piskunov to operate as an Arctic supply ship.

Infographic of the new Baden-Württemberg (F125) class frigate of the German Navy

Tech wise it's pretty good but the lack of Armament and sonars is what confuses me
It is not intended as an ASW ship. Its oriented to anti-surface warfare, especially in the littoral (i.e. coastal zone and land inward). It will operate as part of a group of ships, which will provided long range air defence. As for 'lack of armament'....

It's fitted with a 127mm naval gun that fires Volcano projectiles out to 100+km.
It has 2 remote control MLG-27 27mm cannon firing 1700 rpm each out to 2km for close in anti-surface and anti-air,
5 Hitrole remote control HMGs and 2 handtrained HMGs
2x4 Harpoon AShM,
2x 21 RAM Block II (RAM is a missile based CIWS, that can also engage surface targets. The block 2 missile doubles the missile range relative to earlier versions from 9 km to 18 km, and 2 launchers means 42 ready to fire missiles (not to mention reloads, as this missile is compact enough to actually manually reload at sea).
It has space for:
  • Submarine ROVs
  • 4 × 11 m (36 ft 1 in) RHIB, capable of more than 40 kn (74 km/h)
  • 2x 20ft mission containers
It also carrier 2 NH-90/TTH-90. TTH is a troop transport (can carry gun pods and rocket pods), NH is a multirole ASW chopper. These can bring:

Dipping sonar and searchradar and sigint/esm

Marte missile

ASW torps

TTH-90 + arms


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It is not intended as an ASW ship. Its oriented to anti-surface warfare, especially in the littoral (i.e. coastal zone and land inward). It will operate as part of a group of ships, which will provided long range air defence. As for 'lack of armament'....

It's fitted with a 127mm naval gun that fires Volcano projectiles out to 100+km.
It has 2 remote control MLG-27 27mm cannon firing 1700 rpm each out to 2km for close in anti-surface and anti-air,
5 Hitrole remote control HMGs and 2 handtrained HMGs
2x4 Harpoon AShM,
2x 21 RAM Block II (RAM is a missile based CIWS, that can also engage surface targets. The block 2 missile doubles the missile range relative to earlier versions from 9 km to 18 km, and 2 launchers means 42 ready to fire missiles (not to mention reloads, as this missile is compact enough to actually manually reload at sea).
It has space for:
  • Submarine ROVs
  • 4 × 11 m (36 ft 1 in) RHIB, capable of more than 40 kn (74 km/h)
  • 2x 20ft mission containers
It also carrier 2 NH-90/TTH-90. TTH is a troop transport (can carry gun pods and rocket pods), NH is a multirole ASW chopper. These can bring:

Dipping sonar and searchradar and sigint/esm

Marte missile

ASW torps

TTH-90 + arms


A 2500 ton corvette can do that also , the gowind for example

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