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Featured US claims Russia planning ‘false-flag’ operation to justify Ukraine invasion

This is a good read --
All the more reason I support Russia in it's action through and through, NATO & Co., brought this upon themselves. When you have a threat on your border your take it out completely, and Russia's action on Sevastopol makes much more sense as they've saw clearly what was happening around them.
Imran Niazi pti became pm with support of invisible powers thy wanted to change fate fortune of Pakistani nation make it riyaste madina for naya new Pakistan but unfortunately nothing happened no promise fulfilled except eating foreign funds creating hype of corona first second third fourth so many layers still coming until Jewish policy fully collapse your collapsing economy already education business sector badly effected so many funds from so many countries no one know where it gone so many pti politicians involved in severe corruption but nab useless department will only act when they are not in government no recovery from previous corrupt political leaders on which imran pti promised 1000 times in dharna time but 0% recovery no improvement in justice system insaf slogan word is useless of pti heavy taxes imposed on poor nation in the form of utility bills daily need items car home medicines clothes onions tomato petrol cooking oils etc etc price change never heard in history cost of living become miserable for common person except imran lavish life style and his ministers including previous corrupt politicians sarkari official beurocrats on the hard earned money of public no infrastructure no roads repaired no new mega projects just playing making fun of already humiliated tortured nation since Musharraf time when every minute every where was suicide blast GOD bless SAVE Pakistan from Evil hands in the form of humans
Before the 9/11 false flag against Muslims, there was a FSB apartment bombings false flag, accused not by the cia, but by Russians themselves. Accusing the FSB of staging the apartment bombings so putin could murder and genocide Muslims.


Before Tony Blair was a war criminal, putin was one...


Take care Tony, that man has blood on his hands​

Evidence shows secret police were behind 'terrorist' bomb

John Sweeney
Sun 12 Mar 2000 02.31 GMT

The photograph below of a detonator pre-set to explode a bomb calls into question Russian leader Vladimir Putin's line - endorsed by Tony Blair during his visit to Russia yesterday - that Chechen terrorists were responsible for the explosions that killed more than 200 Russians last year.

Two bombs went off in Moscow, but a third bomb planted in Ryazan, 100 miles south, was defused by bomb squad officer Yuri Tkachenko who said: 'It was a live bomb.' It was made of the same explosive, Hexagen, and planted in a similar target - a working-class block of flats.

The third bomb did not go off because the bombers were caught red-handed. They were Russian, not Chechen, and when they were arrested by local police they flashed identity cards from the FSB - the new styling for the KGB, the secret police Putin headed before he became Russia's acting President. Two days later the FSB announced that the third bomb had only been 'a training exercise'.

The Kremlin's evidence that Chechen terrorists bombed Moscow is extremely thin. After the bomb outrages, secret police in the FSB handed out Photofit pictures of unnamed Chechens. No suspects were arrested and no convincing explanation was given to the public.

The third bomb was found in the basement of the flats on the night of 22 September at around 9pm. Tkachenko said: 'It was a live bomb. I was in a combat situation.' He tested the three sugar sacks in the basement with his MO-2 portable gas analyser, and got a positive reading for Hexagen, the explosive used in the Moscow bombs.

The timer of the detonator was set for 5.30am, which would have killed many of the 250 tenants of the 13-storey block of flats. The sacks were taken out of the basement at around 1.30 am and driven away by the FSB. But the secret police forgot to take away the detonator, which was left in the hands of the bomb squad. They photographed it the next day.

The bombers were discovered by the people they meant to kill. Vladimir Vasiliev, an engineer com ing home for the night, noticed three strangers acting suspiciously by the basement of his block of flats at 14/16 Novosyolov Street, literally New Settlers Street.

Vasiliev noticed that the number plate at the front of the car had been covered up with a piece of paper, on it '62', the Ryazan regional code. At the back of the car the plate had the Moscow regional code.

Vasiliev, puzzled, decided to call the police. 'As we were waiting for the lift, one of the young guys got out of the car and the girl asked: "Have you done everything?" '
Vasiliev observed the three in the car: 'They were Russian, absolutely, not Asiatic. The girl was a blonde.'

The local police arrested two men that night, according to Boris Kagarlitsky, a member of the Russian Institute of Comparative Politics. 'FSB officers were caught red-handed while planting the bomb. They were arrested by the police and they tried to save themselves by showing FSB identity cards.'

Then, when the headquarters of the FSB in Moscow intervened, the two men were quietly let go.

Police Inspector Andrei Chernyshev was the first to enter the basement. He said: 'It was about 10 in the evening. There were some strangers who were seen leaving the basement. We were told about the men who came out from the basement and left with the car with a licence number which was covered with paper. I went down to the basement.

'This block of flats had a very deep basement which was completely covered with water. We could see sacks of sugar and in them some electronic device, a few wires and a clock. We were shocked.

'We ran out of the basement and I stayed on watch by the entrance and my officers went to evacuate the people.'

The following day, on 24 September, the FSB in Moscow announced that there had never been a bomb, only a training exercise. Vasiliev said: 'I heard the official version on the radio, when the press secretary of the FSB announced it was a training exercise. It felt extremely unpleasant.'

Imran Niazi pti became pm with support of invisible powers thy wanted to change fate fortune of Pakistani nation make it riyaste madina for naya new Pakistan but unfortunately nothing happened no promise fulfilled except eating foreign funds creating hype of corona first second third fourth so many layers still coming until Jewish policy fully collapse your collapsing economy already education business sector badly effected so many funds from so many countries no one know where it gone so many pti politicians involved in severe corruption but nab useless department will only act when they are not in government no recovery from previous corrupt political leaders on which imran pti promised 1000 times in dharna time but 0% recovery no improvement in justice system insaf slogan word is useless of pti heavy taxes imposed on poor nation in the form of utility bills daily need items car home medicines clothes onions tomato petrol cooking oils etc etc price change never heard in history cost of living become miserable for common person except imran lavish life style and his ministers including previous corrupt politicians sarkari official beurocrats on the hard earned money of public no infrastructure no roads repaired no new mega projects just playing making fun of already humiliated tortured nation since Musharraf time when every minute every where was suicide blast GOD bless SAVE Pakistan from Evil hands in the form of humans
Bhai apnay konsi chars pee hoi hai? Pooray forum pe potty kartay phir rahay hain.
It's the pot calling kettle, black! :omghaha:

Seem like there is a brain drain at the State Department or the CIA has lost its clandestine shine. As the past two decades have demonstrated, Russia has not ever instigated war, nor has it used so-called false flag operations to start one.

The West, however, has a history riddled with false flag ops to start wars, topple governments or frame another country in order to impose sanctions on them. Gulf of Tonkin comes to mind, Mercs in Columbia to kidnap Venezuelan President also rings a bell or two.

I am pleased to witness Russia's rise as a responsible power, showing great restraint and using all available tools of diplomacy and dialogue to resolve any situation that arises. That is the mark of a power which is not arrogant and such an approach by Russia gives it impenetrable armor against hubris. The latter is a word synonymous with the West, in particular the Americans, British and French. What the term used? Ah yes! It's called American Exceptionalism.
Russia China could be more trust worthy partners rather then old allies who always tried to isolate Pakistan in the days of need

Bhai apnay konsi chars pee hoi hai? Pooray forum pe potty kartay phir rahay hain.
MR Jamd dont spread Hatred, Profanity, Political campaigning, Political names, calling Flaming / baiting, Personal attacks, its Not about potty already mentioned no recovery from old corrupt ppp pml n anp jui f corrupt leaders already economy is collapsing corruption every where yes dollar is 176 economy is at verge price hike cost of living become miserable for common person from petrol to daily use items on peak only corrupt people like Jamd are not effected who can not tolerate truth which is very bitter for them double face evils
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U.S. President Joe Biden predicted on Wednesday that Russia will make a move on Ukraine, saying Russia would pay dearly for a full-scale invasion but suggesting there could be a lower cost for a “minor incursion.” LMAO.....

Reminds me of Noko, US, dare you to cross the line, about dozen times and we all know what happened in the end....
Sounds like Palwama or Mumbai type False Flag . learning from their ex GF india

Seem like there is a brain drain at the State Department or the CIA has lost its clandestine shine. As the past two decades have demonstrated, Russia has not ever instigated war, nor has it used so-called false flag operations to start one.

US intelligence 1
@mhosein intelligence 0


This is rich coming from U.S. imperialists 😂

US intelligence 2
@Globenim intelligence 0

Nobody living outside of the U.S. imperialist propaganda bubble is buying the U.S. propganda narrative and even those find it hard to muster interest to jump on the bandwagon in the amateurish way it was set up and keeps being delivered. You can tell how much U.S. posters here carrying water for the U.S. regime struggle to pretend they buy it themself. At this point people just laugh at headlines like these.

US intelligence 3
@Globenim intelligence 0
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US intelligence 1
@mhosein intelligence 0

US intelligence 2
@Globenim intelligence 0

US intelligence 3
@Globenim intelligence 0

So let me get this straight, the fact that the Russian Federation has recognized the People's Republic of Donetsk and Lugansk as independent countries. And that these two new states have requested, in fact pleaded with the Russian Federation to help them against Ukrainian onslaught. Makes you give credit to American intelligence agencies?

The military operations underway by the Russian Federation against Ukraine are as a direct consequence of Western regime change meddling in November 2013. It was the American clandestine operations (sloppy in keeping it clandestine) on the diplomatic, intelligence and military fronts, that brought about the Maidan Revolt to topple a democratically elected, serving President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych.

The two month long, nonstop rambling by Washington & London, about a Russian invasion, does not mean the U.S intelligence was correct. As it seems that some in the West have selective memory, as it stands the Russian Federation had consistently warned the West that Ukraine is a Red Line. So were you expecting the Russian Federation to throw flowers at Western armed Ukrainian thug army, bombarding the People's Republic of Donetsk and Lugansk?

It appears to me, that some individuals or groups in the West, seem to have lost their capacity to objectively and unbiasedly assess geopolitical developments. Their attitude reflects as the behavior of a toddler.

Crying wolf, by provoking it in the first place, does not make you the victim, it makes you the perpetrator of provocation.
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