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Unsustainable population growth destroying Canada

I don't hate indians but massive replacement immigration (regardless of ethnic) must be stopped!
Especially in the driest continent like Australia which simply can not sustain a big population. The big cities are crumbling with high cost of living and raid ghettoization. Canada is even worse as it has no welfare safety net like Australia. These menial jobs will not last long either and how many uber drivers, mall cleaners of food delivery people do we need? In any case disposable income in Australia is hitting rock bottom with $10 a gallon gasoline.
The problem is when countries dont develop the infrastructure to support the increasing populations.

Look closer to home in the UK. With the waves of Eastern european immigrants that came to the UK, the plans to build enough schools, health facilities, homes etc didn't take off. Govt didn't spend and private sector waited for prices to go sky high before building to vastly increase profits.

I suspect Canada has the same problems.

IDK what it's like for you, but at my doctors, if i want an appointment, i have to ring up on the day 8am and wait in a queue. once the appointments are gone, they're gone. They do this to make it appear like their waiting lists are smaller. Also if they just booked appointments days in advance, they wouldn't have the slots free to see the more urgent patients.

So you can't make a doctor's appointment days or weeks in advance?
Canada and Australia have low densities. Even with the immigration mistakes they will survive as long as they turn off the spigot in time.
On the other hand Europe better watch out
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