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Turkish Sensor and Detector Programs

Tests for Early Warning Radar System begin


Within the scope of the Early Warning Radar System (EIRS) Project, the development and supply of radar systems demanded by the Air Force Command for ensuring early warning are planned. As part of the project, 4 Portable EIRS will be produced.

According to the information released by Defense Turk, tests started on the EIRS System radar, which will also comprise the ÇAFRAD (Multifunction Phased Array Radar) system Long Range Search Radar (UMR). The system is scheduled to be delivered in the first quarter of 2021.

EIRS is also of great importance for the production of this type of radar for the first time in our country.

The systems are being developed with the aim of long-range warning and detection of targets with very low Radar Cross Section such as ballistic missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles from very long ranges and early warning of them as well as being operational under variable electronic mixing and difficult geographical conditions. It is also aimed to be used for configuring the systems.

EIRS can perform data fusion and track handover amongst themselves, which is a critical feature especially for
ballistic missile defense

EIRS is a new generation S-Band radar developed for long-range early warning, with AESA and antenna architecture in digital beamforming architecture. Fixed and portable early warning radars will be produced as part of the project.


İsmail Demir makes statement on EUROSAM consortium


Turkey did her part in EUROSAM consortium

President of Defense Industries. Dr. İsmail Demir made statements about the ongoing defense industry projects during his online meeting with defense media groups.

In his speech, İsmail Demir stated that Turkish firms in the EUROSAM consortium, which is one of the most important multinational projects in which Turkish defense industry companies participate, had fulfilled their obligations. Demir emphasized that as Turkey did her part, other partners should also remain adherent to the project.

In January 2020, during the assessment meeting for 2019 and planning meeting for 2020 held at the Presidency of Defense Industries C Demir said, “The reason that we do not still have any tangible outcomes for SAMP-T despite the completion of identification is France’s attitude towards Turkey. There is a possibility to proceed the project with Italian partners, but the process may be congested.”

To sum up, he mentioned that due to her activities in both Libya and the Mediterranean against Turkey, France does not fulfill her obligations for EUROSAM and there may be a possibility to continue the project in cooperation with Italian partners.

İsmail Demir, who was the guest of NTV live broadcast on June 8, 2020, added that the concept definition for the development and production of EUROSAM, a joint long-range air defense system carried out with the French-Italian partnership came to an end.

In 2018, Turkey joined the missile program. The missile program was estimated to be ready in the mid-2020s.

“Turkey Did Her Part”

Underlining that there would be more reviews for the project as long as the need for more concrete proposals for air defense system, Ismail Demir said,

“As for EUROSAM, there was a definition we started in advance. In general, this study will enable joint use by 3 countries; France, Italy and Turkey, I mean. It was the scope for joint development of an advanced air defense system. The identification studies for Turkey were completed as we are in the final phase. With the other two countries adding their own definitions to the system, they will set out with a common roadmap. We said that we were ready to review the proposals regarding the direct supply of the system within the framework of this project. But we have repeatedly mentioned that we are very insistent on this joint production and technology issues in the proposal for Patriot.”


Tests for Early Warning Radar System begin


Within the scope of the Early Warning Radar System (EIRS) Project, the development and supply of radar systems demanded by the Air Force Command for ensuring early warning are planned. As part of the project, 4 Portable EIRS will be produced.

According to the information released by Defense Turk, tests started on the EIRS System radar, which will also comprise the ÇAFRAD (Multifunction Phased Array Radar) system Long Range Search Radar (UMR). The system is scheduled to be delivered in the first quarter of 2021.

EIRS is also of great importance for the production of this type of radar for the first time in our country.

The systems are being developed with the aim of long-range warning and detection of targets with very low Radar Cross Section such as ballistic missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles from very long ranges and early warning of them as well as being operational under variable electronic mixing and difficult geographical conditions. It is also aimed to be used for configuring the systems.

EIRS can perform data fusion and track handover amongst themselves, which is a critical feature especially for
ballistic missile defense

EIRS is a new generation S-Band radar developed for long-range early warning, with AESA and antenna architecture in digital beamforming architecture. Fixed and portable early warning radars will be produced as part of the project.


İsmail Demir makes statement on EUROSAM consortium


Turkey did her part in EUROSAM consortium

President of Defense Industries. Dr. İsmail Demir made statements about the ongoing defense industry projects during his online meeting with defense media groups.

In his speech, İsmail Demir stated that Turkish firms in the EUROSAM consortium, which is one of the most important multinational projects in which Turkish defense industry companies participate, had fulfilled their obligations. Demir emphasized that as Turkey did her part, other partners should also remain adherent to the project.

In January 2020, during the assessment meeting for 2019 and planning meeting for 2020 held at the Presidency of Defense Industries C Demir said, “The reason that we do not still have any tangible outcomes for SAMP-T despite the completion of identification is France’s attitude towards Turkey. There is a possibility to proceed the project with Italian partners, but the process may be congested.”

To sum up, he mentioned that due to her activities in both Libya and the Mediterranean against Turkey, France does not fulfill her obligations for EUROSAM and there may be a possibility to continue the project in cooperation with Italian partners.

İsmail Demir, who was the guest of NTV live broadcast on June 8, 2020, added that the concept definition for the development and production of EUROSAM, a joint long-range air defense system carried out with the French-Italian partnership came to an end.

In 2018, Turkey joined the missile program. The missile program was estimated to be ready in the mid-2020s.

“Turkey Did Her Part”

Underlining that there would be more reviews for the project as long as the need for more concrete proposals for air defense system, Ismail Demir said,

“As for EUROSAM, there was a definition we started in advance. In general, this study will enable joint use by 3 countries; France, Italy and Turkey, I mean. It was the scope for joint development of an advanced air defense system. The identification studies for Turkey were completed as we are in the final phase. With the other two countries adding their own definitions to the system, they will set out with a common roadmap. We said that we were ready to review the proposals regarding the direct supply of the system within the framework of this project. But we have repeatedly mentioned that we are very insistent on this joint production and technology issues in the proposal for Patriot.”


Which part is that exactly?
It is very naive to think that France will let anything concrete come out of this. They will just keep on delaying this further and further, so as to stall the project without really terminating it. Turkey's best bet would be to pursue joint development of a S-350 derivative (maybe even something derived from S-500) with Russia, a KM-SAM derivative with Korea, or possibly even enter into a JV with Denel of South Africa to develop a family of systems based on their Unkhonto series of SAMs. The South African option may not be an ideal starting point for a TBM system, but it is still better than hoping for France to transfer tech to Turkey.

I have many questions ;

1- Right radar named str a.k.a Silah tespit radarı, he is a s band radar but looks like he have his size and modules almost half of the teirs. As we know çafrad umr is a 4 sided version of teirs/eirs and he have 1.250 gan tr modules and looks like eirs have 1000 modules on bigger plate and 250 modules on little plate. So str half of the bigger plate so his modules must will be 500 gan tr module.

So if Teirs range is 700-800 km for example 750 km str range must be 250-300 km around. But why aselsan give him his range 100 km ?

2- Another question about çafrad ;


And that's specs of Çafrad ;


So we can see Çafrad Umr have 2000 target capacity and an-spy/1 have 800 target capacity and have 175 nautical mile so 320 km . Looks like Çafrad Umr is 2.5 times more better to target track when compared an/spy-1.
So his range 320km x 2.5 times = 800 km .

And look at that we know Çafrad Umr 4 sided version of Teirs/eirs and his range will be around 700-800 km. So thats the proof of real range of çafrad umr ?

3. So how is the real range is x band çafrad çfr ? Çafrad çfr target capability is 1000 so we can say çfr have a half numbered gan tr module when compared çafrad umr. So with this calculation he's range will be 200-250 km. Looks like he designed for sm-6 eram kind of missile.
NanoMagnetic Scientific Devices company (with 6 academicians at METU, ITU, Fırat and Ardahan University) sells Atomic Force microscopes produced to universities and R&D centers worldwide with mass production.
With the TÜBİTAK TEYDEB Project Support, the company is also working to develop a composite multi-camera system that can capture images with a resolution of 30 centimeters at a distance of 10 kilometers from a distance of for use in UAVs.
Would it be possible to these radars work together with the anti-drone weapons that disrupt a drone ?

or would we need hardkill weapons e.g korkut or 20 mm system with sensors ?
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