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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

Daily marnay say behtar hey banda eek baar maray! let start CALL OF DUTY 8 MODERN WARFARE |WORLD WAR 3|
^^^we are still going to nuke India.


Yeah, we're very afraid :rofl:

Reality check...

DAWN.COM | Business | Pak Rupee traded at record low of 85.34 against dollar

BBC News - Indian economy sees 'strong' growth

India and Pakistan have hordes of impoverished people while Israel and Turkey are developed nations. We need to think of ways to work together so we can develop into respectable nations. Don't worry about fighting someone else's war. I think we have enough on our hands right now.

Jinnah would've smacked you silly for saying something that ridiculous, bada aaya nuke chalane.

Yeah, we're very afraid :rofl:

Reality check...

DAWN.COM | Business | Pak Rupee traded at record low of 85.34 against dollar

BBC News - Indian economy sees 'strong' growth

India and Pakistan have hordes of impoverished people while Israel and Turkey are developed nations. We need to think of ways to work together so we can develop into respectable nations. Don't worry about fighting someone else's war. I think we have enough on our hands right now.

Jinnah would've smacked you silly for saying something that ridiculous, bada aaya nuke chalane.

Ghandi would've smacked you silly for your country being the rape/aids/toiletless capital of the world.
All right i am going to start reporting posts now , whoever wants to take a break from the forum can keep up trolling.
Ghandi would've smacked you silly for your country being the rape/aids/toiletless capital of the world.

And Yet This 'Indian Bad Land' Reaches the Moon while your place is 'free' from any such ailments still - is on lifeline of American Aid.

Please dont be silly.
Your statement is applicable to Entire Asia as none are having the Infra like Europe.

The Indian economy just registered a 8.4% growth .. while u r stuck in Toilets.

Think Broad. In case of War a Thesis on Indian Aids/Toilets wont help but $$$ will, and to match up Ur nation needs to counter the Blazing Fast Growing Indian Economy.
I can't ******* believe I'm saying this but go Turkie!!

wow I can't believe I just said that lol Israel is digging its own grave.
Ghandi would've smacked you silly for your country being the rape/aids/toiletless capital of the world.

I'm talking about cooperating and here you are busy piling on the insults...

Simple question, don't you think we have enough to worry about? why get into someone else's mess?

They're developed nations, let them play they're games, we have bigger fish to fry.

You're right by the way, if Gandhi saw what India has turned into he would've never fought for our independence.
And Yet This 'Indian Bad Land' Reaches the Moon while your place is 'free' from any such ailments still - is on lifeline of American Aid.

Please dont be silly.
Your statement is applicable to Entire Asia as none are having the Infra like Europe.

The Indian economy just registered a 8.4% growth .. while u r stuck in Toilets.

Think Broad. In case of War a Thesis on Indian Aids/Toilets wont help but $$$ will, and to match up Ur nation needs to counter the Blazing Fast Growing Indian Economy.

Come on, the economy is one thing, I'm talking about corruption, insurgencies, illiteracy, social strife etc etc. We are at least 5 decades behind the developed world.

But its economy that fuels in the money the GoI spends on the sectors u just mentioned.

But its economy that fuels in the money the GoI spends on the sectors u just mentioned.

The point is we have a long, long way to go and we aren't in a position to talk down to others. The rest of the world is pulling ahead while India and Pakistan are still locked in a never ending struggle.

All I was trying to tell that guy was that there's no point getting into heated arguments over someone else's mess, we have ourselves to worry about rather than someone 1000's of miles away.
i hope someone ban this F U C K I N G moron named Quid he is a big rascal.. using name of founder of Pakistan and abusing everyone uselessly. :hitwall:
^^ you got it ..he is banned...
UN members, officials condemn Israeli raid on Gaza aid flotilla

UNITED NATIONS: UN members and officials came out in strong condemnation of Israel's attack on a humanitarian flotilla headed to the Gaza strip, with its chief Ban-Ki-moon seeking a "full explanation" from the country.

The Security Council also convened an emergency meeting on Sunday to discuss a draft resolution, to call for an international inquiry into the incident and compensation for those who had been killed.

"I condemn this violence," said Secretary-General Ban. "It is vital that there is a full investigation to determine exactly how this bloodshed took place. I believe Israel must urgently provide a full explanation," he said.

The operations by Israeli naval commandos killed 10 activists and injured dozens others, sparking a global outrage yesterday.

Israel, in turn, accused the people on board the ship of having turned on its soldiers with knives and metal rods and said the defence personnel had acted in self defence.

In individual statements, the 15 UNSC members issued remarks, almost all condemning the assault.

Veto-wielding permanent members France, Russia and China called for the blockade of Gaza to be lifted and sought an independent inquiry into the bloody episode.

"It is clearer than ever that Israel's restrictions on access to Gaza must be lifted in line with Security Council Resolution 1860. The current closure is unacceptable and counterproductive," British Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant said ahead of the emergency session called after the deadly attack.

The United States, which is Israel's main ally, regretted the loss of life but did not condemn the attacks like most of the Muslim countries and European nations. It urged Israel to undertake a domestic inquiry.

"The United States is deeply disturbed by the recent violence and regrets the tragic loss of life and injuries suffered among those involved in the incident last night aboard the Gaza-bound ships," said Alejandro Wolff, Deputy Permanent US Representative to the United Nations.

While the Security Council discussed a draft statement to condemn the attack, top UN officials came out strongly against the incident.

"I unequivocally condemn what appears to be disproportionate use of force, resulting in the killing and wounding of so many people attempting to bring much-needed aid to the people of Gaza, who have now been enduring a blockade for more than three years," said Navi Pillay, the UN human rights chief.

Turkey, which introduced the statement in the Council, demanded that Israel apologise for the act.

"This is a black day for humanity," said Ahmet Davutoglu, the Turkish foreign minister.

"The distance between terrorists and state has been blurred," Davutoglu said.

Facing mounting international criticism, Israel stated that the convoy was not a humanitarian mission but its main objective was to push past the Gaza blockade.

"Although portrayed in the media as a humanitarian mission delivering aid to Gaza, this flotilla was (not) a humanitarian mission," said Dan Carmon, deputy head of Israel's mission to the UN.

"What kind of peace activists use knives, clubs and other weapons to attack soldiers who board a ship in accordance with international law?" he added.

UN members, officials condemn Israeli raid on Gaza aid flotilla - Middle East - World - The Times of India
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