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Turkey's 2003 attempt to instigate unrest in Kirkuk

Jun 20, 2018
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The Hood event (Turkish: Çuval Olayı) was an incident on July 4, 2003 following the 2003 American invasion of Iraq where a group of Turkish military personnel operating in northern Iraq were captured, led away with hoods over their heads, and interrogated by the United States military. American soldiers seized 15 kg of explosives, sniper rifles, grenades and maps of Kirkuk, with circles drawn around positions near the governor's building when they raided Turkish offices in Sulaimaniya. The soldiers were released after sixty hours, after Turkey protested to the United States. A Kurdish intelligence official claimed that the Turkish soldiers had been linked to a plot to assassinate the newly elected governor of Kirkuk to destabilise the region so that Turkish forces would be needed to restore order.[1]

Though neither side ever apologized, a US-Turkish commission set up to investigate the incident later issued a joint statement of regret.[2] In addition, US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld wrote a letter to the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan expressing sorrow over the incident.[3] The Hood event damaged diplomatic relations between Turkey and the United States and marked a low point in US-Turkish relations. While the incident received comparatively little coverage in the United States, it was a major event in Turkey, many of whose citizens saw it as a deliberate insult and nicknamed it "The Hood event".



Any thoughts on the evil Erdogan

Very shameful, to infiltrate and instigate problems in Arab countries after the US attacks them.

Turkey has done so in Iraq, Libya, Syria.

Hosting NATO bases, then letting the white man attack Muslim countries so it can attempt its ottoman influence.

I would like to say that this is very gay, almost as gay as the Istanbul pride parade.
I remember that time. Metal Firtina,Kurtlar Vadisi Irak...anti-American sentiment was at its highest in Turkey.
This will happen if world powers rape your country :p:.
How does it feel knowing that your country's territorial integrity could be destroyed with one little decision in Ankara?
Then it would be interesting to see Turkey fight against Iran and Iraq at the same time and probably the SAA and SDF in Syria as well.
How does it feel knowing that your country's territorial integrity could be destroyed with one little decision in Ankara?

You do realize that when you write this, you do not anger me, instead you show how retarded you are.

Turkey cannot do anything significant, my dear American *** sniffing semi-NATO brown man.

Turkiye should block rivers to Iraq and if Araps wanna water charged money.

Turkiye may get oil but very doubtfull Araps could get sufficent water for living.

Arabs are not brothers or firends of Turks.

Arap countries have been housing PKK terrorists since 1984.

Now Million of useless parasite Arabic immigrants invaded Turkiye instaed of other Arap countries. .

There are more than 20 Arap countries İncluded oil rich S. Arabia , no one accepts parasite Arap immigrants in their countries..

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How does it feel knowing that your country's territorial integrity could be destroyed with one little decision in Ankara?
Unlike the Balkans and today's Greece, the Turks in the Levant and Iraq did not leave their homeland almost entirely. However, in the following years, their constitutional rights were taken away, they were subjected to countless massacres, their language was banned, and they wanted to systematically erase their national identity. They experienced numerous difficulties in the post-Ottoman period, some of them temporary and some still a big problem. Despite all, Turks living in Iraq are one of the main elements that keep the Iraqi state in one piece and they are loyal to their country, More than most Arabs. Millions of Iraqi Turkmen will sooner or later obtain their constitutional rights as the main element of Iraq.

Neither Turks living in Iraq nor living in Türkiye have a problem with the borders of Iraq. On the contrary, it is extremely disturbed by the fact that the historical Turkmen settlements are left to the KRG's autonomy.

However, it is a fact that, Iraq borders are artificial and were drawn by British generals. It is the colony sharing jurisdictions of England that determine these boundaries. Evenwhile the oldest border is based on an agreement between I. Mahmud era Ottomans and Nadir Shah, founder of the Turkmen Afshar Dynasty. We are talking about a structure that does not have a state tradition. If you go to the founding period of Iraq, you will see that the state cadres were mostly recruited from the ottoman state cadres. Inevitably, the rapprochement between Iraq and Turkiye took place in the first decades of the Republic (The process that began after Iraq's liberation from British protectorate in 1932), and while a confederation was in the process of being established, there was a series of events that ended when the Britain intervened and killed Iraqi Bekir Sıdkı Pasha.

Nothing has changed today. Unfortunately, there is no state. Within the political structure in Iraq, everyone has a separate account and directed by sources other than their country.
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The idea of a pro-Turkish Kurdistan carved out of Iraq is getting more appealing by the day. Why? Because you Shia Arabs are destroying Iraq from within. You're a disgrace to Iraq, to all Arabs, to Islam and to every pro-Iraqi in Turkey.
Oh wow,you hate Shias so much!
The idea of a pro-Turkish Kurdistan carved out of Iraq is getting more appealing by the day. Why? Because you Shia Arabs are destroying Iraq from within. You're a disgrace to Iraq, to all Arabs, to Islam and to every pro-Iraqi in Turkey.

Looks like armchair president needs to make some moves then
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