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Tracking jf-17 information post Zuhai air show

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thats what flares and chaff looks like in an f-16
(btw this is a model)

chaff are in greyish colour and flares are in orange..


and this is gripen...


does anyone see any similar " things" in jf-17??

NOT AT ALL :disagree:
i ve tried to search it in a dozen of pictures.
The internet is age neutral. You are what you write. BTW look what he has written about me in his posts. Doesn't sound like a very mature person to me.

Hi, I'm sorry for interruption but i think what ever MK wrote could be wrong technically but he has all the right to present his opinion in a logical and civilized way and every one have the right to present counter or different point of view.

I don't think MK insulted you.... in any of his recent posts.
You are getting wrong impression from his posts, unnecessarily.
You seems to be patriotic and experienced person but very intolerant too.

You may not need to reply me but your consideration will be highly appreciated.

I hope MK also put behind every thing and continue with his critiques while considering the sensitivities and emotions.

MK.. personally i read your posts with keen interest.

Thanks and very best wishes for both of you.
The internet is age neutral. You are what you write. BTW look what he has written about me in his posts. Doesn't sound like a very mature person to me.

Internet is age neutral? really? So anyone can dis elders on FaceBook?
Mastaan has no idea how the military works but he is the self proclaimed authority. He gives example of tanks from other countries. What we we know about Al-KHALID is what we know about the Abrams, the Merkava, or Leapord i.e. weight, gun calibre, engine size etc. etc. what we don't know is configaration of the armour. Do we know if Al Khalid has ceramic plates or other exotic material in its armour and this also what we don't know about other tanks? So if every thing which is released is calculated. There was no surprises in what these mid-level officers said at Zuhai. One way of confirming all this is to keep a track on members of the delegation that visited Zuhai. If one of them broke some secrecy rules we will not see them at any airshow again.They were all very well photographed and we are bound to see them again on other shows. Ours was a very big delegation. Total of 13 display aircraft 3 supporting aircrafts. So the delegation was led by an Air Commadore. The second senior officer was a Wing Cammander who led the JF-17 flight. He was the same office who was at Farnborugh. Eagle Hannan most probably spoke to the Air Cammadore and the Wing Cammander. So keep an eye on them on the net. The next big showing of JF-17 is coming up at the South Africa Air Show and I can bet that the Wing Cammnder will be there with his Jf-17 because he is the senior most Jf17 pilot. There are whole bunch of pictures of him from Kamra airbase where he is based. As far consequences in Pakistan military of of intentionally or unintentionally releasing information I know a number of cases where senior officers, in one case a Major General, were put behind bars simply because of a hint of indisgression let alone proof. I obviously can't give the details. There have been cases where young officers have been court martialed and thrown out of the services for simply writing about what seem like minor military related things on the net. I don't mind Mastaan having view on things, but the problem with him is that he goes about acting as he is the know it all authority on every thing and rest of the folks are dumbasses. And the other problem is that some members on this forum really think that he is such authority on things he opines on.


What a senseless post---I am talking about paks bragging about stuff they don't have yet ( that is the gist of all my recent conversations ) and you are talking about---basically nothing---.

Sir----please---don't reply when you are mad at me----be calm.

So--if other members can see the daylight in my posts which you don't see ----that troubles you as well---then you must have some serious personal issues. You need to get a life my son.
F16 and JF17 have many things in common, as i can say.

From rear view, it is impossible to discriminate!
Also the wings and all the physical body is similar!

whoa whoa hold on!
u got it totally wrong!!!
i meant to say "do u guyz see any flares and caff on thunder similar to f-16 and gripen?"
I for one has not seen any Chaff or flare dispensers on any part of the underside of JFT. BTW I have also checked the scale mode of JFT (!:35 scale)

BTW this is the most interesting discussion on JFT till now.
Can we please end the discussion on what should be revealed and what should not be at this point.

While interesting, such a discussion should be left to its own thread. Limit this one to discussing the information that has been revealed, whether you agree with the disclosure or not.
whoa whoa hold on!
u got it totally wrong!!!
i meant to say "do u guyz see any flares and caff on thunder similar to f-16 and gripen?"
No, i was talking about body.
While interesting, such a discussion should be left to its own thread. Limit this one to discussing the information that has been revealed, whether you agree with the disclosure or not.

Sure sir, but this thread has got so many data/info.
Maybe we should create a sticky, with all this info in there.

Quote:"Oil canning" is merely the flexing or buckling in and out, of a thin
flat panel, such as a portion of aircraft skin, perpendicular to the
plane of the panel. It got the name from the old style oil cans which
would spurt a drop oil out the spout when you pushed on the bottom
with your thumb (flexing the bottom of the can). The cans are shaped
generally like half of a sphere with a thin, straw like spout. I'm
sure you've seen them even if you don't remember it just yet.
The effect is not always bad, since once the panel moves or "pops"
thru, it becomes stable again, or pops back when the force that caused
it is released (like the oil can bottom did). If it occurs at a place
where the airstream is buffeting the skin somewhere, it can cause
fatigue cracks quickly at rivets, etc. Lots of times it is harmless.
It just depends on where it is and what is causing it. It can be found
by the sound it makes (like a drum head). The oil cans would make a
clicking sound. Flap skins and firewalls are places that come to mind.
It can also be spotted at locations of "smoking" rivets. Fatigue
cracks are fun to find too Wink.
Only way to resolve it is to eliminate or change the force
causing it, or brace or modify the structure somehow. Most production
planes have had any severe cases resolved already. However, time or
bad repairs can cause it to occur. Obviously it can effect
airworthiness when it damages skins, etc; lots of times it is just a
nuisance (the noise).

It applies to airplanes made of sheet metal, specifically those
areas of the structure that have flat areas. If that flat area is
large enough, and has no stiffeners behind it, it will tend to flutter
in and out like the skin on a drum and cause rumbling noises.
Most of the time it's not critical, just annoying, and doesn't look
good on the airplane, since the skin will be a bit wavy. If the skin
vibrates enough, though, it could fatigue along its fastener points
(rivets) and crack.
Purpose and benefit of LERX
explained by Munir

Militarily speaking, it is interesting for a fighter, involved in a dogfight for example, to decrease its speed as much as possible in order to let
a faster airplane go ahead. By this manoeuvre, the fastest plane of both go ahead of its adversary and then allows the slower airplane
stay behind him in position of shooting.

It is vital for the fighters to fly fast to be able to reach a zone of intervention as soon as possible, but it is critical too to be able to fly as slow
as possible while keeping the plane control in order to be able to ensure itself to remain behind the adversary and therefore in offensive

In that way, the LERX provide a considerable supplement of lift at raised angles of attack, i.e. when the angle formed by the wings and the
relative wind direction due to the displacement of the plane increases.
Indeed, the LERX generate powerful swirls of air or Vortex which increase the air velocity on the roots of wings and around tails. This makes
it possible to keep the control of the plane at angles superiors of 30˚. These Vortices when are intenses are particularly visible,
materialized by the condensation of the moisture of air.
Pls webmaster forgive me!
Info from same person

I knew it Janes was wrong. I did point it out. The displayed SD-10A was not the one Pakistan opted for nor was it the latest one. I remember very clearly the team that evaluated SD-10 back in 2006 telling me that this missile was tested in Pakistan over a Mirrage (yes Mirrage. And Pakistan did acquire many missiles to test back in 2007 because of of experience with SD-10. 3 different ones including Darter as well) and they were not very happy with the weight and anti-jamming capability. It was SD-10A they tested again in 2008 and finally other options for JF-17 was dropped in the favour of SD-10B. It will be lighter and much more potent.
The whole avionic thing for thunder was pending back in 2007 just because of the BVR options. R-Darter was not selected because the manufacturer was suffering from economic crunch and did not show good promise in future development. Honestly, I thank Allah for helping us in our decissions because the Denel Dynamics did offer us partnership in development but we held back. At that time, it looked like we made a mistake but now its clear that Denel Dynamics would have dragged us down if we were to do partnership with them and for sure would have made us dependant on Western Radar manufacturers presenting another headache of integrating home grown lot of weapons.
China on the other hand made much more faster progress in all sectors of miliatry jets including Missiles and Avionics. Look at the faster transission from SD-10 baseline to B model. The same team was full of phrase for it this time around. I can bet with this pace, siding up with China was best decission.
With that PL9C is also an interm solution. A western option (not sure which one) and an all new Chinese option is on the table. Yet again Chinese Vs West is on for the next block of JF-17 for SRAAM. PL9C will serve on F7PGs for as long as they are in service.
Thunder's new batch is ready and already in testing Only induction announcement is left to be made.
Info from same person

I knew it Janes was wrong. I did point it out. The displayed SD-10A was not the one Pakistan opted for nor was it the latest one. I remember very clearly the team that evaluated SD-10 back in 2006 telling me that this missile was tested in Pakistan over a Mirrage (yes Mirrage. And Pakistan did acquire many missiles to test back in 2007 because of of experience with SD-10. 3 different ones including Darter as well) and they were not very happy with the weight and anti-jamming capability. It was SD-10A they tested again in 2008 and finally other options for JF-17 was dropped in the favour of SD-10B. It will be lighter and much more potent.
The whole avionic thing for thunder was pending back in 2007 just because of the BVR options. R-Darter was not selected because the manufacturer was suffering from economic crunch and did not show good promise in future development. Honestly, I thank Allah for helping us in our decissions because the Denel Dynamics did offer us partnership in development but we held back. At that time, it looked like we made a mistake but now its clear that Denel Dynamics would have dragged us down if we were to do partnership with them and for sure would have made us dependant on Western Radar manufacturers presenting another headache of integrating home grown lot of weapons.
China on the other hand made much more faster progress in all sectors of miliatry jets including Missiles and Avionics. Look at the faster transission from SD-10 baseline to B model. The same team was full of phrase for it this time around. I can bet with this pace, siding up with China was best decission.
With that PL9C is also an interm solution. A western option (not sure which one) and an all new Chinese option is on the table. Yet again Chinese Vs West is on for the next block of JF-17 for SRAAM. PL9C will serve on F7PGs for as long as they are in service.
Thunder's new batch is ready and already in testing Only induction announcement is left to be made.

new batch means one mmore squarden or new batch means the thunder II?
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