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Tourism agreement between Sino- Pak cities to promote tourism:

Thu, 16 Sep 2021, 7:55 PM

ISLAMABAD, Sep 16 (APP):Federal Secretary Board of Investment (BOI), Ms. Fareena Mazhar on Thursday said that the signing of an Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the cities of China and Pakistan will help to promote tourism in Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) countries.

Secretary Board of Investment (BOI), Ms. Fareena Mazhar expressed that the signing of an MoU on Establishing Cooperation Mechanisms among SCO Tourism Cities between the Qingdao Tourism Association and the provinces of Punjab and Sindh will prove to be a stepping stone in rejuvenating two-way tourism relations between Pakistan and China.
BOI facilitates the signing of a bilateral Pakistan-China MOU in the Tourism sector under the auspices of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), said a press release issued by BOI here.

The Secretary stated that the BOI strongly believes that now is the time to join hands and facilitate two-way tourism related business initiatives between China and Pakistan, as the aspiration to promote the tourism sector comes from the highest office.

Prime Minister, Imran Khan, has time and again reiterated the need for the development of the Tourism sector in Pakistan.

Project Director of the Board of Investment (BOI), Islamabad, on Industrial Cooperation under CPEC, Asim Ayub, said that Pakistan has immense investment potential in the tourism Sector and BOI is undertaking rigorous efforts to facilitate bilateral investment cooperation between Pakistan and China.

He expressed these views while addressing an online China-Pakistan Two-way Tourism Promotion Conference facilitated and organized by BOI from Pakistan’s side.

Managing Director (MD), PTDC,. Aftab-ur-Rehman Rana Rana, Researcher of Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Mr. Wang Rongguo, Deputy Director of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Demonstration Area (SCO-DA), Mr. Hao Guoxin, Managing Director of Sindh Tourism Development Corporation, Muhammad Ali Khoso ,Managing Director, Tourism Development Corporation of Punjab, Muhammad Tanveer Jabbar, General Manager of SCO-DA, Mr. Fang Peng, Honorary Investment Counselor of BOI and Director of Pakistan China Center, Mr. Wang Zi Hai besides others representatives from the Tourism Departments of Shandong, Weihai, Rushan, Qingdao, Punjab and Sindh, were present on the occasion.

BOI appreciated the efforts undertaken by the Honorary Investment Counselor (HIC) of Pakistan in China, Mr. Wang Zi Hai for providing his learned opinion and cooperation to BOI in organizing the conference while taking on board the representatives from the Federal and Provincial Tourism Development Corporations from the Pakistan side.

Qingdao, the major metropolis of the Shandong province, and known as the “the Switzerland of the East” cooperating with the provinces of Punjab and Sindh will go a long way in paving the way for a sustainable bilateral tourism development journey.

Qingdao has already established sister city relations with Karachi, which is the largest and the most economically vibrant coastal city of Pakistan.

Both cities are bestowed with enormous potential for Cultural and Touristic Cooperation.

Managing Director of Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) ,Aftab-ur-Rehman Rana , delivered a brief presentation on the tourism sector of Pakistan.

He informed that Pakistan is one of the few countries in the world which is blessed with a diverse inventory of tourism attractions and unique endowments of national landscape features.

Director of Business, Tourism, Culture department of Management Committee of the SCO Demonstration Area, Mr. Xia Peng, stated that the aim of signing the MoU is to market and promote Pakistan and China’s high-quality
cultural and tourism resources, and facilitate the mutual understanding between the people of the two countries.
Managing Director of Sindh Tourism Development Corporation, Pakistan,Muhammad Ali Khoso introduced the audience to the immense potential for Tourism in the Province of Sindh.

Managing Director of Tourism Development Corporation of Punjab, Pakistan, Muhammad Tanveer Jabbar expressed his views on the significance of the bilateral tourism promotion initiative and informed the participants regarding Punjab’s tourism resources.

He informed that it was for the first time that the province of Punjab has collaborated with the Chinese provinces in the tourism sector in an inclusive manner.

Honorary Investment Counselor (HIC) of BOI in China, Mr. Wang Zi Hai thanked the BOI team for facilitating such an impactful online conference, and for ensuring the participation from relevant Federal and Provincial tourism
departments in Pakistan.

The signing ceremony of the Initiative on Establishing Cooperation Mechanisms among SCO Tourism Cities took place online during the conference.

Representatives from Sindh Tourism Development Corporation, Tourism Development Corporation of Punjab, and Qingdao Tourism Association signed the document which was accepted with an overwhelming sense of enthusiasm and the conviction among the participants to undertake impactful tourism projects under the umbrella of the MoU.

Collaboration with Beijing to boost local tourism.​

Official reveals Islamabad has introduced package of initiatives to promote industry.

March 06, 2022..


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is one of those countries in the world that are blessed with a diverse inventory of tourism attractions. It is based on the picturesque endowments of natural landscape and features biodiversity and rich culture and heritage.

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is opening hundreds of new investment opportunities across the country. This was stated by the Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) Managing Director Aftabur Rehman Rana in an online consultative B2B (business-to-business) webinar between tour operators of Pakistan and China.

The two nations have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to promote tourism under which, both sides can collaborate to develop the industry and lift it to new heights.

He further underlined that the government has introduced a package of initiatives to promote tourism in Pakistan including formation of National Tourism Coordination Board, introduction of e-visa facility for 191 countries, opening of Skardu airport in Gilgit-Baltistan for international flights and enhancing domestic flight operations.
According to the data from the Department of Archaeology and Museum, government of Pakistan, the total number of visits to cultural sites in Pakistan from 2014 to 2018 increased sharply. Out of the total figures, 96% share was occupied by domestic tourists while the remaining 4% comprised foreign travellers.

Based on the huge advantages, Pakistan is offering recreation, adventure, cultural, religious, sports and educational tourisms and much more.

On the occasion, Pakistani Embassy at Beijing Second Secretary Zulfiqar Ali underlined that Pakistan has unique natural and cultural conditions to attract Chinese tourists.

The rural, adventure and cultural tourisms, that young people from China love, can be satisfied here. He also maintained that China’s tourism industry had undergone a huge transformation.

Two elements are very important for developing tourism and they are introduction of online portals and the participation in tourism exposure.

Many festivals occur every year in China and it is necessary for Pakistan to become a part of these festivals.

Around 30 tourism operators from Pakistan and China attended the webinar and gave presentations.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 6th, 2022.
2023 will be the “China-Pakistan Year of Tourism and Exchanges.

LAHORE: Chinese Consul General Zhao Shiren says that 2023 will be the “China-Pakistan Year of Tourism and Exchanges.”

He was addressing China’s intangible cultural heritage exhibition under the aegis of the Chinese Consulate at Alhamra Arts Council here on Wednesday.

He said China was also scheduled to host the Gandhara Art Exhibition in Beijing.
“I wish this small exhibition will make a good start for the China-Pakistan Year of Tourism and Exchanges, and make our peoples’ hearts beat together,” he said.

Mr Shiren said, “Cultures are diversified, and civilizations are different. But they are, by nature, not for conflicts, nor are they confrontational. The ultimate goal for cultures and civilizations is dialogue, tolerance, peaceful coexistence, harmony, and shared growth. Diversity spurs interaction among civilizations, which in turn promotes mutual learning and mutual understanding.”

The exhibition, according to Zhao Shiren, is a step toward greater cultural harmony between the peoples of Pakistan and China because “the more we were integrated, knowing each other’s heritage, craftsmanship, culture, as well as intangible intellectual wealth, the better we would be doing in lockstep.”

Pakistan, China agree to enhance cooperation in tourism sector​

January 19, 2023

ISLAMABAD: A high level meeting was held today at China Embassy between Ms. Pang Chunxue, Charge de’ affairs, Chinese Embassy in Pakistan and Mr. Awn Chaudhry, Advisor to Prime Minister on Tourism and Sports and Mr. Aftab ur Rehman Rana, Managing Director of PTDC to discuss the promotion of bilateral tourism between Pakistan and China.

Discussion was held on improving facilitation for the tourists on both sides to enhance people to people contact on the occasion of year 2023 which has been declared by both the countries to be celebrated as the year of China-Pakistan Year of Tourism Exchange.

Mr. Chaudhry conveyed the best wishes to Her Excellency on the occasion of Chinese New Year starting from 22nd January this year. He said, China Pakistan friendship is everlasting and two brotherly counties need to enhance cooperation in tourism sector to increase the flow of tourists from both sides which will be greatly be helpful in improving the people to people contact between the two counters.

Mr. Aftab Rana, MD PTDC especially emphasized on the need to promote group tours through the registered tourism operators of both the countries to provide convenient way to enjoy touristic sites through guided group tours.

He also recommended about the opening of Khunjrab Pass for tourist traffic as it provides easy access to the visitors of both the countries. He also shared a brief having various recommendations to promote bilateral tourism with Ms. Pang Chunxue, Charge de Affairs, Chinese Embassy in Pakistan.

Ms. Pang Chunxue highly appreciated the idea of improving people to people contact during the year of 2023 and agreed to provide all support and assistance for the promotion of bilateral tourism between China and Pakistan.

Pakistan to China Bus Travel Vlog​

Part -- 1

Part - 2

Pak Embassy, Beijing launches tourism website for Chinese audience

May 24, 2023

BEIJING, May 23 (APP): A specially designed website on Pakistani tourism in the Chinese language was launched to encourage Chinese tourists to travel to Pakistan and explore its rich history, majestic mountains and diverse culture.

The elegant unveiling ceremony at the Phoenix TV headquarters in Beijing was an important part of a series of events planned for the year 2023 Tourism Exchanges between Pakistan and China.

The event had wide participation from Chinese government officials, ambassadors and members of the diplomatic corps, tourism and culture organizations and the media.

In a special video message on the occasion, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar thanked the Phoenix TV team for its invaluable support in organizing this event.

She highlighted the special friendship between Pakistan and China, stating that the two countries bound together through historical linkages along the Silk Road and now across the Karakoram Highway enabling cultural exchanges and people-to-people contacts.

The minister said that Pakistan with its rich history, majestic mountains and pristine lakes, and diverse culture had much to offer to the Chinese travelers and inverted them to visit and explore the tourism potential of Pakistan.

She said that this was also an opportunity for the two countries to connect different cultures, and strengthen people-to-people exchanges as a path to peace in a world beset with political discord.

Speaking on the occasion, Pakistan Ambassador to China, Moin ul Haque stated that the event also coincided with the 72nd year of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

He said that this unique relationship had withstood the vicissitudes of time over the course of the last seven decades, evolving into an iron brotherhood and all-weather strategic partnership.

He paid tribute to the leaders and people of the two sides in nurturing this relationship and hoped that the newly-designed website would encourage Chinese friends to travel to Pakistan, where a warm welcome awaits them.

Li Qi, Executive Vice President of Phoenix TV, talked about the historic bond between China and Pakistan that spans over many centuries, beginning with the bustling activity along the old Silk Road.

He expressed the confidence that the website being launched would bring Pakistan’s cultural gems like K2 and historical Lahore Fort into the view of Chinese community and help them gain a deep understanding of Pakistan’s rich culture in this ongoing Year of China-Pakistan Tourism Exchanges.

Later there was a panel discussion hosted by Ms. Nancie Zhu, Phoenix TV’s renowned host, with participation from Ambassadors of Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Jordan, Malaysia and Turkey, in which the participating ambassadors shared their perspectives on the development of tourism in their respective countries and discussed ways to enhance civilizational and people-to-people linkages.

The website titles ‘Discover Batie’ is an ode to the special friendship between China and Pakistan. With a user-friendly interface, it would be a one-stop platform for providing all relevant information about tourism industry of Pakistan.

CG Lahore celebrates 1st Lahore-Urumqi resumption flight​

By Yasir Habib Khan
13, 2023

The Urumqi-Lahore route was suspended on January 24, 2020, due to Covid-19 restrictions on the aviation sector. The event marked a significant moment as flights resumed after more than three years from the capital of Punjab, Pakistan to the capital of Xinjiang, China. The flights are scheduled on a weekly basis, specifically on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays.

Speaking on the occasion, Chinese Consul General Zhao Shiren said that after a more than three-year suspension, the inaugural passenger aircraft of China Southern Airlines had arrived at Allama Iqbal International Airport and commenced its resumption flight from Lahore to Urumqi.

“It is a significant event, and it is also good news for all,” he added. “Lahore, as well as Punjab at large, plays a very important role in Pakistan in terms of population, economic output, and cultural heritage. It has built up a strong partnership and close cooperation with various regions of China. Therefore, the direct flight operation is a necessity, and will inject new momentum into further strengthening people-to-people exchanges, trade, and investment between China and Punjab,” he added.

He continued, saying, “It will also facilitate business trips for traders, travelers, students, and tourists from both sides by providing them with time-saving and cost-effective flight services.”

Entering CHINA 🇨🇳 from PAKISTAN 🇵🇰 | Crossing KHUNJERAB BORDER BY BUS​


China Southern Airlines to Resume Lahore-Guangzhou Flights​

By Mariam Raheem
Nov 16, 2023

LAHORE, - China Southern Airlines, one of Asia’s largest carriers, has announced it will resume flights between Lahore, Pakistan, and Guangzhou, China, starting from next month. The decision is a sign of enhanced economic cooperation between Pakistan and China.

It is China Southern's second route to Lahore, Pakistan after the Lahore-Urumqi route was resumed in June. The air route will have three return flights per week with a capacity of around 177 passengers per flight.

The Lahore-Guangzhou route has long been a crucial link for trade, tourism and cultural exchanges between Pakistan and China. The resumption of flights on the route is expected to have a positive impact on various sectors, including business, tourism and education.

It is worth mentioning that the resumption of these flights will facilitate trade and business activities between Pakistan and China. As two countries with strong economic ties, the availability of direct flights will enhance the movement of goods and further strengthen bilateral trade ties.

Pakistan’s Serene Airlines starts its operations in China​

By Zafar Hussain | China Economic Net
Nov 19, 2023

BEIJING,- Pakistan’s private Serene Airlines operated its inaugural flight today to Beijing, China. The flight originated from Karachi while stopping in Islamabad and then left for Daxing airport in Beijing. The maiden flight was received amidst a warm welcome ceremony.

Pakistan’s Serene Airlines starts its operations in China

Speaking at the inaugural ceremony, Caretaker Adviser to the Prime Minister on Aviation, Air Marshal (Retd) Farhat Hussain Khan HI(M), described the commencement of this flight operation as another milestone in advancing China Pakistan relations through connectivity, travel and tourism. It also signified Pakistan’s commitment to providing seamless travel facilities to the people of the two nations and fostering strong people to people ties.

On the occasion, Pakistan's envoy to China, Ambassador Khalil Hashmi said that launching of airline services by private sector will not only strengthen the air bridge between Pakistan and China but also boost investment, trade , travel and tourism.

The new route is poised to facilitate increased business, tourism, and cultural exchange between the two nations, added the Ambassador.

He noted that in addition to bolstering economic ties, increasing air connectivity aims to contribute to the growth of the tourism sector as well.

As part of the launch celebration, Serene Airlines hosted a ceremonial event at Beijing Daxin Airport, attended by government officials, diplomats and representatives from the aviation industry of China and Pakistan.
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