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Today's cartoon

....I actually have no idea what this cartoon means.... ....anyone...?


I think it refers to the conspiracy theories that Great Britain controls USA, thus both Britain & USA are symbolized as being one & the same. Then it states that if either of these nations stop supporting Pakistan, that will lead to our destruction.

Well that's my view on this cartoon, maybe someone else here might have a better idea.
"Fool Efficiency"




"Gas prices & annoyed Obama"


"Strip search drones"


"Peace plan Assad"


I agree, your picture reminded me of the codex page from Assassin's Creed II that explains the "truth" very well. :D


It reads...............

Over time, any sentence uttered long and loud enough becomes fixed. Becomes a truth. Provided, of course, you can outlast the dissent and silence your opponents. But should you succeed – and remove all challengers – then what remains is, by default, now true.

Is it truth in some objective sense? No.
But how does one ever achieve an objective point of view? The answer is you don't. It is literally, physically impossible. There are too many variables. Too many fields and formulae to consider. We can try, of course. We can inch closer and closer to a revelation. But we'll never reach it. Not ever...

And so I have realized, that so long as The Templars exist, they will attempt to bend reality to their will. They recognize there is no such thing as an absolute truth – or if there is – we are hopelessly under-equipped to recognize it. And so in its place, they seek to create their own explanation. It is the guiding principle of their so-named "New World Order"; To reshape existence in their own image. It is not about artifacts. Not about men. These are merely tools. It's about concepts. Clever of them. For how does one wage war against a concept?

It is the perfect weapon. It lacks a physical form yet can alter the world around us in numerous, often violent ways. You cannot kill a creed. Even if you kill all of its adherents, destroy all of its writings – these are a reprieve at best. Some one, some day, will rediscover it. Reinvent it. I believe that even we, the Assassins, have simply re-discovered an Order that predates the Old Man himself...
Immigrating to Europe


'On second thought, scratch that one about abortion.'


Obama and Gas Prices


'Who do we shell now Captain, we have run out of civilians?'


Obama Got Osama


Note: Bush is throwing the US economy down the sea. :lol:

Tax Problems


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