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The Taliban won. So why, and who, are they still fighting? - Christian Science Monitor


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The Taliban won. So why, and who, are they still fighting?​

December 2, 2021 |LONDON

Former Afghan officials who once served the American-backed government in Kabul say the war against them did not end with the Taliban’s victory in mid-August.
Across Afghanistan, members of the jihadist group are pursuing revenge attacks with a single-minded determination that may even be quickening in pace, according to ex-officials and independent rights monitors.
They cite incidents of Taliban violence – from the dragging of a 6-year-old boy behind a motorcycle to pressure his father, to the severe beating of the brother of another former official in an attempt to reveal his hiding place – and they say colleagues taken by the Taliban are turning up dead, one after another.

Why We Wrote This​

Behind an unrelenting wave of attacks on former Afghan officials is a story of Taliban success and failure: creation of a well-indoctrinated generation of fighters that is ill-prepared to move on.
Taliban leaders had declared a blanket amnesty that was meant to include even Afghan security forces and intelligence operatives, who had fought the Taliban for 20 years. Yet, because of their role in the collapsed U.S. nation-building exercise, the former officials instead describe still being treated as the “enemy,” as “infidels” subject to killings, disappearances, and confiscations of houses and cars.
The targeted violence – which appears to be increasing as the Taliban tap into captured government databases, according to experts and Western human rights monitors – shows how little the jihadis have shifted their thinking, and their priorities, even as Afghanistan faces new immediate crises of severe hunger and economic meltdown.

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“You absolutely have a reluctance on the part of the Taliban [leadership] to acknowledge the extent to which this [violence] is happening,” says Andrew Watkins, an Afghanistan expert at the U.S. Institute of Peace.
The Taliban have “just been unwilling or unable to challenge the militant nature of their own organization,” he says.

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The Taliban’s most devoted members, he says, “look out and see a landscape of very, very recently defeated enemies. Sometimes they’re taking them out because they’re a threat; sometimes because they feel like it’s righting a wrong. Sometimes they’re just doing it because all they’ve known is ‘hunt down and seek out and eliminate the enemy.’”

Effective indoctrination​

The Taliban leadership “proved incredibly effective at indoctrinating and incubating an entire generation of fighters,” says Mr. Watkins. “Those guys have the mindsets that they do because of Taliban propaganda … and now they can’t put a lid on it.”
The result is that local Taliban commanders and fighters appear to be pursuing former government officials with the same zeal with which, for two decades, they waged an insurgency, and, a year ago, stepped up a targeted assassination campaign against officials, civil society activists, and journalists.
In central Wardak province, for example, a former finance officer shows photographs of his 6-year-old son, recently bloodied and bruised after being seized by the Taliban. The boy was beaten, tied up, and dragged behind a motorcycle for 10 yards – actions witnessed by neighbors, the father says – because the boy did not know where his father was in hiding.
The Taliban message? “Your death is permissible and your house and all your belongings are a prize for us, because you are not Muslim, and for 20 years you [were] a slave to the Americans,” says the former official, who asked not to be named for his safety.
The posse of a dozen Taliban fighters demanded that the former official forfeit his house, claiming it was “government” property. The family refused, noting the house had been built with private funds.
“The Taliban say former government officials are safe and secure, that no one can hurt, kill, or insult them … but this is just a slogan from the Taliban, and secret terrors are still going on,” says the former official.

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War booty​

Even before the Taliban victory, the official often received death threats, he says. His fears were heightened recently when two former colleagues, arrested by the Taliban last month, turned up dead.
“They call former officials ‘unbelievers,’ not committed to Islam and God, [who] should be tortured physically and mentally,” he says. “Taking cars and houses and other property is booty for them.”
The disconnect between the Taliban’s official amnesty and the targeting of former officials is made clear in a Human Rights Watch (HRW) report released this week. It found that more than 100 former security and intelligence officers had been executed or “forcibly disappeared” in just four provinces between August and the end of October.
One Taliban commander from central Ghazni province told HRW that they have lists of people to target who have committed “unforgivable” acts.
“The pattern of the killings has sown terror throughout Afghanistan, as no one associated with the former government can feel secure they have escaped the threat of reprisal,” the report noted.


Rahmat Gul/AP

The surprise, says Patricia Gossman, associate Asia director at HRW, is that Taliban revenge killings “have not only continued, but possibly increased and are more deliberate … as they’ve had time to go through documents, and all the information the fleeing government left behind” that allow them to pinpoint new targets.

Reasons for going after former officials include revenge, she says, as well as providing booty to fighters, and even going after senior district and provincial personalities to stymie the chances of organized resistance.

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Placating the fighters​

The Taliban “can’t pay these guys, and they need to give them something,” says Ms. Gossman. “The revenge part of it was also a kind of payback. They recruited these guys saying, ‘You’ll get your chance to get revenge on whoever did whatever to your family.’ So they choose not to pull the plug on that now.”

The Taliban also “fear alienating any of their ranks because they know they could be recruited by the Islamic State,” adds Ms. Gossman, who notes the volatility of a situation “where people don’t have enough food on the table.”

“There are a lot of armed, angry young men who could be recruited by anyone,” she says.

In late September the Taliban established a commission to purge wrongdoers. While publicly noting “isolated reports” of unauthorized executions, the Taliban told HRW it had removed 755 members for lesser offenses and set up a military tribunal to try cases of murder and torture.

But examples abound of continued abuses. In southern Helmand province, a former district governor who worked closely with the U.S. military and diplomats is among many on the run. He was widely praised in 2015 for wrapping his arms around a would-be Taliban suicide bomber, who had infiltrated a public meeting, to prevent him from detonating his explosive vest.

The former official “had endangered himself for the lives of scores of others,” according to the letter of recommendation for a U.S. special immigrant visa, written by an American official he worked closely with.

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But the former Afghan official, who asked not to be named for security reasons, was unable to get on an evacuation flight last August. Instead, he is being hunted. He shares voice messages spread between Taliban commanders, who dismiss the amnesty and order their fighters to “have no mercy” and kill former officials “wherever you see them.”

One Taliban phone message addresses him directly: “Your killing is my only desire. I am asking Allah to find you.”

In recent weeks, he says, three of his colleagues, all former officials, have been arrested and killed by the Taliban. His own brother was held for 10 days and severely beaten in a bid to discover his whereabouts and details of property that could be seized.

A Robin Hood-esque narrative​

And in eastern Nangarhar province, the wife of one former finance ministry official recounts how even after the Taliban took the family’s car, militants later came for their house, accusing the family of serving as a “puppet of America.”

“We told them that we are Muslims, we pray and follow all Islamic rules, but the local Taliban commander said, ‘No, you are infidels in Muslim clothes, and you are our absolute enemy,’” she says.

Her husband refused to give up the house and was severely beaten, she says. The Taliban arrested him more than a month ago, and he has not been seen since. Her home and possessions were seized.

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Many Taliban fighters seeking revenge have long nursed grievances, which often include abuses and corruption at the hands of the previous Western-backed political order.

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“It’s easy for people to tell themselves, ‘Well, we’re just righting a wrong,’” says Mr. Watkins of the U.S. Institute of Peace. “In some cases you have Taliban … who almost have a Robin Hood-esque narrative of, ‘We have to take away from the awful, corrupt class that was previously in charge and give back to those who were marginalized, sidelined, or ignored.’
“The only problem now is the people doing the taking are the new power brokers, the new abusers,” says Mr. Watkins. “And there is really nothing to check their behavior.”

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Mark Sappenfield, Editor

These Barbarians will start fighting Goats and donkey's and rocks and mountains once all humans are dead, they are barbarians and their culture is full of barbarism and war and fighting and killing entire villages or towns over a stolen goat, only way to fix Afghans and Part of Pakistani tribal areas is to put them in re-educational camps for 1 full generation.
These Barbarians will start fighting Goats and donkey's and rocks and mountains once all humans are dead, they are barbarians and their culture is full of barbarism and war and fighting and killing entire villages or towns over a stolen goat, only way to fix Afghans and Part of Pakistani tribal areas is to put them in re-educational camps for 1 full generation.
Some rich Pakistani businessman like the Sharif family should purchase Afghanistan real estate.

Then we can reeducate them
Some rich Pakistani businessman like the Sharif family should purchase Afghanistan real estate.

Then we can reeducate them
Nope, I have a better way lets just all (world) come together and nuke Afghanistan, build a wall around the whole Afghanistan, and leave the remaining there for few decades to evolve.
Good on them, vengeance is an essential tool in the way all hegemonic powers operate. Just ask the Americans and Isrealis, they've been operating in this manner for eons.
Free Afghans can bravely undermine American and defeat puppet of usa defeating Alliance fags seeking Islamic aspiration. Karazi prostituting yet scrapped like waste on way out? the Americans themselves happily dump them out of planes afterwards.
Free Afghans can bravely undermine American and defeat puppet of usa defeating Alliance fags seeking Islamic aspiration. Karazi prostituting yet scrapped like waste on way out? the Americans themselves happily dump them out of planes afterwards.
Exactly, Afghan Taliban has courage, unlike some cowards.
If the Christian Science Monitor is so concerned about afghan rights why not push for the conviction of bush, nato and company.
Dec 2021 -- time has passed. Taliban have found out life is not simple
The Taliban is going to have to work very hard to clean up the mess that the US left behind.

I agree; they must eliminate any external entrenched influence or moles in the country; otherwise, conflicts will be rinsed and repeated. Those who betrayed and became informants and lived with invaders can never be trustworthy; there is no concept of forgiveness in Islam for traitors.

I'm reminded of a story of a mole used by the Mongols when they invaded South Asia (current day India); there was an informant who would give detailed information to the Mongols to use before invading timing when gates open and close, where security is concentrated, etc. Once they attacked and took over, they brought the informant in and sentenced him to death; he begged for his life, saying he did what they asked. The Mongol's response was simple if you can't be loyal to your own, how can you be loyal to us? Then they offed his head.

This is why I loved the Mongols; they were illiterate but had lifelong lessons to teach through the sword.
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Look at the scum Pakistanis here getting mad at folks who are honorably getting their house in order. I swear some Pakistanis are losers just like their Bindu brethren across the eastern border. Same bloodline and all getting angry that the only force that threw out two foreign alien invaders are able to stand up for their rights while the Pakistani losers cries and wants the world to come and nuke them.

Afghans need to take care of the biggest western outpost in the region - Pakistan in order to bring peace across Eurasia. There I said it!
Look at the scum Pakistanis here getting mad at folks who are honorably getting their house in order. I swear some Pakistanis are losers just like their Bindu brethren across the eastern border. Same bloodline and all getting angry that the only force that threw out two foreign alien invaders are able to stand up for their rights while the Pakistani losers cries and wants the world to come and nuke them.

Afghans need to take care of the biggest western outpost in the region - Pakistan in order to bring peace across Eurasia. There I said it!

they won because someone in Qatar paid for them

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