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The Chief of Staff of the Algerian Army complains about Morocco and the US to the Russians, and the Russian Ministry of Defense activates the SU-57

Ask you dad…who save their arses from the Israeli tuckhas and who fed you since 67…to this day…
free Sinai first…Egypt is a lost cause..they can’t even pay their soldier that the soldier has to sell produce that they produce they raise in the army farm to get paid…
Oh boy ! How the Egyptians are so ungrateful. And they were so lousy at flying the Russian MIGs also . There was nothing "Superior" about the Israelis in the 67 and 73 wars. It was only the Egyptians inability to fight.
Hope to see it
"Morocco will replace Turkey in the production of the F-35 " ?? Really ? Turkey ranks 11 in the Flobal Fire Power Index while Morocco ranks 60. How can you compare Turkey to a little country like Morocco. Egypt has long been an enemy of Algeria even tough Algeria helped Egypt fight Israel in both 67 and 73 wars. Too bad the Egyptians were not fit for combat in both those wars.
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They have the right to worry but crying to Russia will not solve anything :laughcry::laughcry:. Their army is full of crap, they can not even compete with the F-16 currently owned by the Moroccans with their outdated and second hand eastern jets. Unfortunately, Russia can't offer them anything that may compete with what Morocco has, not to mention the Americans 😂🤣

Some people will spread a myth the next day that they will co-produce SU 57 with the Russians when they are still operating second hand fighters bought from Belarus that can not even take off the ground :omghaha::omghaha:.

It seems that they think such hallucinations will protect them as a matter of a strategic deception, but this would only work with intelligence services working on FB like theirs :super::rofl:
During the 67 and 73 wars, Egyptians was lousy fighters and couldn't fly the same MIG jet fighters that the Vietnamese had used before them to defeat the Americans. During those two wars, there were Algerian fighters who gave hell to Israel, the reason that upset the Egyptians because the Algerian were able to show that the Israelis were actually not unbeatable. Tu sum it, the Egyptians have always been lousy fighters wars, are are always ungrateful and never acknowledge when you help them.
Good luck for the Moroccans. I wonder this will make some people literally die of jealousy as known of them, their itchy hearts will never be able to handle this one, they will explode:omghaha::yay:

May the Russians give them some fighters that can take off the ground rather than the second and third hand ones 😁🤣
Both Egypt and Morocco combined won't defeat Algeria's army. Algerians are warriors by nature, while the specialty of Egyptians is belly dancing.
You actually believe that this army of crap can save anything or can stand a chance against Egypt, KSA, UAE or even Morocco?! :omghaha: :omghaha: I feel sorry for those Moroccans but for the entire world to handle an entire circa 30M population living on myths and hallucinations :omghaha::omghaha:
Egypt, KSA, UAE or even Morocco, all under the protection of Israel. Long Live Algeria, the country of Martyrs. Did Arabs ever fight anyone ? Except for Israel who are today your protectors and your masters. OMG I don't wanna be you .lol
Egypt, KSA, UAE or even Morocco, all under the protection of Israel. Long Live Algeria, the country of Martyrs. Did Arabs ever fight anyone ? Except for Israel who are today your protectors and your masters. OMG I don't wanna be you .lol
Algerians are known for their courage and their combat spirit, while Egypt is know for belly dancing and nothing Else. Remember Soccer in 2009 in Sudan when Egyptians were crying when they were defeated by the mighty Algerian team. 1-2-3 Viva l'Algerie !
Good luck for the Moroccans. I wonder this will make some people literally die of jealousy as known of them, their itchy hearts will never be able to handle this one, they will explode:omghaha::yay:

May the Russians give them some fighters that can take off the ground rather than the second and third hand ones 😁🤣
Egyptians are always ungrateful. Egypt had borrowed the equivalent of 10 Billion Dollars from Algeria during the 1973 War and never payed back. Better have enemies than have a so called"friend" like Egypt. Vive l'Algerie, Au Diable les Arabes.
You actually believe that this army of crap can save anything or can stand a chance against Egypt, KSA, UAE or even Morocco?! :omghaha: :omghaha: I feel sorry for those Moroccans but for the entire world to handle an entire circa 30M population living on myths and hallucinations :omghaha::omghaha:
"this army of crap" The Army of Crap is Egypt who can't fight any war. Israel is not unbeatable, yet it gave hell to your lousy army who cares only about belly dancing and music. OMG I would hate being an Egyptian soldiers. Viva l'Algerie.
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looooooool. 😂 The "strategic" part is even more lolzobolobololzo.😅

And what did you strategic powerhouse flat tires do during the whole Libya crisis except tuck your tail between your legs and be quiet like a good dog does when he knows he can't bark or say beep? You guys hid behind your huge territory and did jack squat! To compare it with all the raids and bombing the EAF did and especially the red line Sisi drew that ENDED the entire conflict means he has more clout and power with just his words than any Algerian military with all it's equipment! LOL Even the Turkeys gobbled and folded like an old book and now they're begging for our friendship. That is strategy which you dream of. Guess what they got? An ultimatum to pull out ALL THEIR FILTHY TRASH they brought with them into Libya which YOU, MIGHTY ALGERIA in a delusional mind didn't do SQUAT to put that filthy Erdogan in his place with all those terrorist he was sending to our and YOUR border! That was Sisi giving them the middle finger and backing it up and you're talking about a real power?!?!?! lmao.

PS, besides the 57 Su-30MKA, many of those are old and will fold easily, your air force is crud. Remember, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Don't mistake Algerians with your people the Egyptians. Algerians are warriors by nature, Egyptians like to belly dance and eat "fooul". lol. Egypt never won a war, Algerians defeated the French Empire. something Egyptian can never do. Be jealous and be quiet. "Petit Egyptien". lol
The Algerian military is actually the 3rd strongest in the Arab world. Only behind Egypt and KSA.
Brother Abid, Global Fire Power give a good ranking to Egypt and KSA, yet those two armies have no record of winning any wars. KSA spends 70 Billions Dollars (wow !) on its army yearly, yet it can't defend its own borders. Fighting and leading wars are in the genes of the Algerian people, we can't say the same the population of the Middle East, all protectorates of the West and Israel.
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That's right, everything you wrote after that is nothing but a pile of steaming cow dung! I don't want to bash the Algerian army any more because I actually have respect for @ezerdi2 and I would be insulting a true respectable Algerian and not some weirdly wired dude like you. Take a cold shower and then maybe a nap lol.
All Arabs such as yourself hate Algeria. Arabs have always been betrayers. I've seen them in the US.
If you don't think Just Morocco and Tunisa can fuk you up militarily you are not in line with reality. Algeria may have a strong army but these countries are equally armed to the teeth forget about adding Egypt into the occasion for if all 3 were to come against Algeria it will be a certain defeat for Algeria militarily. underrating them will be a massive mistake and there is also Sudan to the south that I didn't mention that provides huge manpower. stargetically you are checkmated here. What strength does Russia have here they can't do anything for you if it comes under attack herself you will be left alone for yourself. Turkey could have saved them from you but you got mad over that drone sell to Morocco. Forget NATO nothing can save you from the Arab League if all the gloves goes off they outnumber you vastly and I don't mean limited but in all out scenario. The right course of action for Algeria is to ally itself with her own brethens here you will be shielded from all threats.. You just have to fall back into your historical shell
Algeria has no "brethren" in MENA. Arabs are all traitors.
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The guy is deluded and he lives in conspiracy theories where Alliance ties is interpreted as colony and economical ties as conquests very limited brain cells to further have an intellectual debat with. They will tell you all sovereign nations who have beneficial economical relations or defense are occupying each other forgetting about ''INDIVIDUAL NTERESTS''

I never underrated Algeria at any point militarily and I am fully aware that it is strong militarily and sound and that being said Morocco is not far off and also militarily strong all tho second to Algeria and Tunisa is also sound and if they were to come from both axes they could mess up Algeria militarily all tho not guaraanted complete defeat as Algeria will hold it's own but it will get completely messed up and Algeria can't vice versa runover them. It will be unnecessary conflict for all participates. All this is waste of time and space Algeria just needs to fall back into it's historical shell which it eventually will do. This will shield against all comers
How can you compare a poor country Morocco (Global Fire Power rank 60) to Algeria (Global Fire Power rank 25) ? , or are you just wasting our time ?
You should try to learn foreign policy, sovereignty articles and the economical sphere how it functions and just how this world entirely functions
"the economical sphere how it functions and just how this world entirely functions" Okay kiddo. You definitely seem to be a novice at what you just mentioned.
Egypt has no dog-fight with Algeria and vice versa which is why i questioned your Algerian'ess and it still stands to this day and also Egypt has no interest in irrelevant Saharawi politics.. But Alas I guess you have your reasons
Egypt is a mercenary regime currently under the payroll of the UAE mini-state. Never trust a mercenary.
This childish thread make me laugh an example of arabic poor mentality like kids who fight in school...
Algeria should never trust "A-rabs" no more.
No wonder when it comes from the most hilarious people allover the world :omghaha: :omghaha: You are well known as keyboard fighters who are living on myths, hallucinations and fake achievements that are only present in your dreams and no one is giving a shit about your cries for more attention. :omghaha::omghaha:

Just like your bald president Taboun طبون who said recently that he drew a red line in Tripoli just to imitate his master, Al-Sisi. He seems that he knows his people and what they like to hear very well, keyboard warriors :omghaha::omghaha:

And again please, saved us? loooooooooool. Could you even save yours stinky arses in the sole war you took part in throughout your history against Morocco? :omghaha::omghaha: You cried for the Egyptian help, and thanks to Nasser, you are not now a Moroccan protectorate. However, still crying about Moroccans and their intentions to gang bang L'Algerie :omghaha::omghaha:

Fed us? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: A country in which a person kills his brother for a piece of Potato شعب الموز و البطاطا and where people are dying of cold in winter can even feed an ant? :rofl::rofl: Go cry to the mummies ruling you to buy some weapons for the army of crap جيش الخردة و البطاطا rather than crying here and trembling in fear from another Moroccan humiliation like the one you got in 1965 :omghaha::omghaha:
Abdelrahman you're a maroki dude. loool. There is a lot. Go worship your god mimi 6, a "king" who wouls rather sleep with men. lol
Are you still dreaming that you can save or feed anyone, French sperm? If it was not for Egypt, you would have been either a French or a Moroccan protectorate till now :fie: The sole battles you were raped in your modern history are; being raped by the French soldiers who easily slaughtered millions of your people like flame grilled chicken :laugh::sarcastic:, and then you gave a precious gift to one of them called John Michal Baruch that we can tell his story later :laughcry:, and then the Egyptians armed and liberated you. The second war was against Morocco in which you got your asses handed to you and cried to the Egyptians again for a help :laughcry:. Thanks to Egypt, you were not turned from a French protectorate to a Moroccan one. Eventually, the terrorists in the 90th who easily slaughtered more than 0.25 million of your people and grilled them like smelly swine.

I wonder how many other millions of your people will be easily slaughtered and grilled like sheep if your bald idiot president just tried to disturb the Egyptians inside or outside Libya.

Keyboard warriors, can you even feed your own people to feed people of other countries? :D You are killing each other for a piece of Potato to the extent you were known of the people of Potato شعب البطاطا :D A poor country with poor people who don’t even have roads, hotels, hospitals or any infrastructure: D

And eventually, you did not fire a single bullet in 1973 war pathetic French sperm :D It is one of your very known fairy tales written only in your newspapers to satisfy the attention seeking disorder known of your people, the keyboard fighters living on myths and hallucinations :D

A country that does not have even a single line of news in any channel or a newspaper. Maybe no one has ever heard of your country before except by linking your selves and sticking to your Egyptian masters so that anyone can remember or mention you, attention w*ores :D
You English is lousy, you talk about "French sperm". There are a million French men in Marrakech spending their lives with Moroccan concubines. Oh you are a "Maroki", aren't ya ? loool
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No wonder when it comes from the most hilarious people allover the world :omghaha: :omghaha: You are well known as keyboard fighters who are living on myths, hallucinations and fake achievements that are only present in your dreams and no one is giving a shit about your cries for more attention. :omghaha::omghaha:

Just like your bald president Taboun طبون who said recently that he drew a red line in Tripoli just to imitate his master, Al-Sisi. He seems that he knows his people and what they like to hear very well, keyboard warriors :omghaha::omghaha:

And again please, saved us? loooooooooool. Could you even save yours stinky arses in the sole war you took part in throughout your history against Morocco? :omghaha::omghaha: You cried for the Egyptian help, and thanks to Nasser, you are not now a Moroccan protectorate. However, still crying about Moroccans and their intentions to gang bang L'Algerie :omghaha::omghaha:

Fed us? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: A country in which a person kills his brother for a piece of Potato شعب الموز و البطاطا and where people are dying of cold in winter can even feed an ant? :rofl::rofl: Go cry to the mummies ruling you to buy some weapons for the army of crap جيش الخردة و البطاطا rather than crying here and trembling in fear from another Moroccan humiliation like the one you got in 1965 :omghaha::omghaha:
"Moroccans and their intentions to gang bang L'Algerie" loool. Morocco is a country of prostitution. Every family in Morocco has more than one prostitute in its midst. Look it up in Google.
"Moroccans and their intentions to gang bang L'Algerie" loool. Morocco is a country of prostitution. Every family in Morocco has more than one prostitute in its midst. Look it up in Google.
Libya's Haftar closes border with Algeria


This is just Haftar telling your president where the red line is..

There is a lot of anger, hatred, paranoia, bad mouthing everyone with total ignorance and false arrogance..

No one hates Algeria as you speculate.. but everyone dislike guys like you who have no manners at all..actually you get Algeria insulted in your name..that's a shame already.. you are trying to feel important yourself using Algeria, Morocco, and all the Arabs with the whole world as your enemy.. but you know that you are just a comedian here.. because most knowledgeable people laugh about your full of BS statements ..
Libya's Haftar closes border with Algeria


This is just Haftar telling your president where the red line is..

There is a lot of anger, hatred, paranoia, bad mouthing everyone with total ignorance and false arrogance..

No one hates Algeria as you speculate.. but everyone dislike guys like you who have no manners at all..actually you get Algeria insulted in your name..that's a shame already.. you are trying to feel important yourself using Algeria, Morocco, and all the Arabs with the whole world as your enemy.. but you know that you are just a comedian here.. because most knowledgeable people laugh about your full of BS statements ..
People much more intelligent than you are sit in my post-doctoral classes and sit quiet. Why the empty talk ?
Russia replies with Su57?

what the Flanker with redesigned nose?

that is meant to be like some super great answer ?, ok
Libya's Haftar closes border with Algeria


This is just Haftar telling your president where the red line is..

There is a lot of anger, hatred, paranoia, bad mouthing everyone with total ignorance and false arrogance..

No one hates Algeria as you speculate.. but everyone dislike guys like you who have no manners at all..actually you get Algeria insulted in your name..that's a shame already.. you are trying to feel important yourself using Algeria, Morocco, and all the Arabs with the whole world as your enemy.. but you know that you are just a comedian here.. because most knowledgeable people laugh about your full of BS statements ..
Sc, the (Saudi cunt) Algerians are better people than the worms that populate the middleast. If Israel elected to reside among worms because it is safer..and worms can be sold, used as a bait or worse smashed and nobody gives a rat *** about it..Egyptian at Rafah were used as a target practice by Israelis and nobody care..you were just Arabs ..of no value…
Haftar, draw a red line, is it like the one that Sissi drew? The only red line, a red line in the sand that was drawn and was respected by all wannabes warriors was TABBOUNE’s line…that kept your toy soldiers well parked behind the Lybian border…
first Haftar has never approached the western Lybian border with Algeria, it was just Haftar publicity stunt that never took place..Chengriha‘s warning was directed at Egypt and the Émirats, and Sissi and MBZ, understood very well what Algeria meant…And then to please the crowd and MBZ , and to mend fences with Chengriha , Sissi organized some military manœuvres that he named Qader,( Algerian hero against the French) , and named the navy base as the 3 July, the day the French invaded in Algeria and the day the French recognized the Algerian indépendance, … scared some fish, MBZ was happy and the Egyptian crowd thought of SIssi the pheroah that chased Moses…Msaken , les Egyptians…qui croient aux casseroles et aux chefs..de leur cuisines, called the Egyptian army.
Have anybody heard of Haftar, since Changriha’s army display?
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People much more intelligent than you are sit in my post-doctoral classes and sit quiet. Why the empty talk ?
Post doctoral degrees just commited suicide..
All your posts sound uneducated.. it is obvious..

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