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The Afghanistan Flag needs to be Updated

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Instead of posting that unrequired meme you should have presented your objection based on rational points. But seems hard to expect from you.

More accurate:

Here comes one more unthinking member whose member-name itself is a troll name. Difficult to expect sense from you. Are you not aware that I am a Communist Muslim ?
The Taliban certainly have their freedom, as duly arranged by their protectors - the Crusader Western militaries, but what about the Afghan people whose freedom is being crushed under the slippers of the Taliban ? :)

Let that remain unsaid.

Then people like Nasser and Gaddafi were native Arabic speakers and Gaddafi even defeated Arabic-speaking Libyan mullahs on live TV in the 1980s or so, and these mullahs had dedicated their pathetic lives "to study Islam" so why were Nasser and Gaddafi speaking different than criminal groups like Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda and how were these Libyan mullahs defeated in Islamic understandings by Gaddafi ?

1. What is Communism in simple words ? Below is Google result for "Communism" :

How can any critically-thinking person object to such a humane and wonderful set of thoughts ?

2. China has a straight out Capitalist system which is not different than in Pakistan, USA etc. In the 72 years of the existence of the "People's" Republic the so-called Communist leadership neither proposed a way for money to be abolished or even evolved at some point soon nor proposed a way for the party-system to be abolished and for the people to directly govern themselves. At present China is a single-party Capitalist system where workers' rights are not present, there continues the traditional thousands-of-years-old money system, there are socio-economic classes ( very rich, rich, middle, aspiring middle and poor ) and there continues the stock market system where people gamble, lose money and the government allows those losing to commit suicide by jumping into steel furnaces and off buildings. Lovely.

Well, I don't really know what situation will be for Muslims and other political and religious minorities in a year.

Humane and wonderful system that is unrealistic and doesnt work. China realized that and made changes. You need hybrid system, a mix of socialism and capotalism.
Here comes one more unthinking member whose member-name itself is a troll name. Difficult to expect sense from you. Are you not aware that I am a Communist Muslim ?
Ok, I will drink the cow-cola instead. Your loss. You know, it protects you from nuclear bombs and cures cancer right?

Maybe this is more accurate.

Instead of posting that unrequired meme you should have presented your objection based on rational points. But seems hard to expect from you.

Here comes one more unthinking member whose member-name itself is a troll name. Difficult to expect sense from you. Are you not aware that I am a Communist Muslim ?

Is being a slave race of indian hindus/rss a rational thing? Rather than waste your time on a forum that has NOTHIG to do with you and your kind, why don't you grow same cahoonas anb fight back against those that massacring and raping you and your women with impunity.
As it currently stands, nobody in the world recognises the IEA, not even Pakistan. Once they start getting recognition, then the flags can be updated. We've been warned not to recognise unilaterally.
Humane and wonderful system that is unrealistic and doesnt work. China realized that and made changes. You need hybrid system, a mix of socialism and capotalism.

Well, though China is not a model to appreciate like I have written in the post you quoted, I agree that ATM a hybrid mix of Socialism / Communism and evolved Capitalism should exist. Since the desire of Communism for money to be abolished once and for all and for every product or service to be available for free cannot be realized now despite simplifying technologies like 3D Printing, Vertical Farms and lab-grown meat there needs to be a money system though an evolved one.

In this thread I propose a new socio-economic system that at least realizes the desire of Communism for the abolishment of economic classes ( rich, middle, poor ) and for basic necessities / resources to be available for free which some past or current Socialist countries ( say Libya and North Korea ) already had / have to various levels. In my proposal you can have private businesses and a banking system ( please read this simple view of how that should exist ).

In this thread I describe how the Libyan political system - direct democracy guided by Socialism - worked technically. And this is how it worked in practice :
Under Gaddafi’s unique system of direct democracy, traditional institutions of government were disbanded and abolished, and power belonged to the people directly through various committees and congresses.

Far from control being in the hands of one man, Libya was highly decentralized and divided into several small communities that were essentially “mini-autonomous States” within a State. These autonomous States had control over their districts and could make a range of decisions including how to allocate oil revenue and budgetary funds. Within these mini autonomous States, the three main bodies of Libya’s democracy were Local Committees, Basic People’s Congresses and Executive Revolutionary Councils.

The Basic People’s Congress (BPC), or Mu’tamar shaʿbi asāsi was essentially Libya’s functional equivalent of the House of Commons in the United Kingdom or the House of Representatives in the United States. However, Libya’s People’s Congress was not comprised merely of elected representatives who discussed and proposed legislation on behalf of the people; rather, the Congress allowed all Libyans to directly participate in this process. Eight hundred People’s Congresses were set up across the country and all Libyans were free to attend and shape national policy and make decisions over all major issues including budgets, education, industry, and the economy.

In 2009, Gaddafi invited the New York Times to Libya to spend two weeks observing the nation’s direct democracy. The New York Times, that has traditionally been highly critical of Colonel Gaddafi’s democratic experiment, conceded that in Libya, the intention was that

“everyone is involved in every decision…Tens of thousands of people take part in local committee meetings to discuss issues and vote on everything from foreign treaties to building schools.”

The fundamental difference between western democratic systems and the Libyan Jamahiriya’s direct democracy is that in Libya all citizens were allowed to voice their views directly – not in one parliament of only a few hundred wealthy politicians – but in hundreds of committees attended by tens of thousands of ordinary citizens. Far from being a military dictatorship, Libya under Mr. Gaddafi was Africa’s most prosperous democracy.

On numerous occasions Mr. Gaddafi’s proposals were rejected by popular vote during Congresses and the opposite was approved and enacted as legislation.

For instance, on many occasions Mr. Gaddafi proposed the abolition of capital punishment and he pushed for home schooling over traditional schools. However, the People’s Congresses wanted to maintain the death penalty and classic schools, and the will of the People’s Congresses prevailed. Similarly, in 2009, Colonel Gaddafi put forward a proposal to essentially abolish the central government altogether and give all the oil proceeds directly to each family. The People’s Congresses rejected this idea too.

For over four decades, Gaddafi promoted economic democracy and used the nationalized oil wealth to sustain progressive social welfare programs for all Libyans. Under Gaddafi’s rule, Libyans enjoyed not only free health-care and free education, but also free electricity and interest-free loans. Now thanks to NATO’s intervention the health-care sector is on the verge of collapse as thousands of Filipino health workers flee the country, institutions of higher education across the East of the country are shut down, and black outs are a common occurrence in once thriving Tripoli.

Unlike in the West, Libyans did not vote once every four years for a President and an invariably wealthy local parliamentarian who would then make all decisions for them. Ordinary Libyans made decisions regarding foreign, domestic and economic policy themselves.

Is being a slave race of indian hindus/rss a rational thing? Rather than waste your time on a forum that has NOTHIG to do with you and your kind, why don't you grow same cahoonas anb fight back against those that massacring and raping you and your women with impunity.

Aap please meri jaan choddhein. All you do is be on your only two modes of conversation.
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The flag will be updated only after International Recognition.
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