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Terrorists Attack Police HQ in Karachi

The key factor is compatibility. Bangalis were deemed incompatible and thus, left. Currently, there are concerns about the compatibility of Pashtuns, Balochs, and even villagers and clans.

During Pakistan's inception, there was no consideration of compatibility issues as everyone was welcomed. However, at present, we must decide who will be permitted to reside here.
That wouldn't be a small civil war, fighting 40 million or so people who are willing to blow themselves up 💀

You don't even have the funding for that

I know it’s just silly daft talk amongst Us on discussing the Pashtuns and threats . I just wanna say something to you the very people you are entertaining on here. Are weaklings and cowards who would quite happy one day sell your Kashmiri family’s down the river to india for their own measly interests.
The key factor is compatibility. Bangalis were deemed incompatible and thus, left. Currently, there are concerns about the compatibility of Pashtuns, Balochs, and even villagers and clans.

During Pakistan's inception, there was no consideration of compatibility issues as everyone was welcomed. However, at present, we must decide who will be permitted to reside here.
How are you unilaterally declaring who is compatible?

Bengalis are still compatible to this day but you treated them like shit for no reason...

I know it’s just silly daft talk amongst Us on discussing the Pashtuns and threats . I just wanna say something to you the very people you are entertaining on here. Are weaklings and cowards who would quite happy one day sell your Kashmiri family’s down the river to india for their own measly interests.
He wants to put Pashtuns, Balochs, Sindhis and Punjabis into re-education camps because he says they are all top uncivilised to live how a normal country/society is supposed to function 💀
Bengalis are still compatible to this day but you treated them like shit for no reason...

Currently, Bangladesh has achieved significant progress in several areas. However, prior to its independence in 1971, its performance was not as positive. For example, in terms of education, East Pakistan had a lower literacy rate compared to West Pakistan. In 1951, the literacy rate in East Pakistan was only 16.2%, while it was 21.7% in West Pakistan. By 1971, the literacy rate in East Pakistan had increased to 27.8%, but it was still lower than the literacy rate of 34.6% in West Pakistan.

In terms of healthcare, East Pakistan also lagged behind West Pakistan. The infant mortality rate in East Pakistan was 139 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1961, while it was 117 deaths per 1,000 live births in West Pakistan. By 1971, the infant mortality rate in East Pakistan had decreased to 108 deaths per 1,000 live births, but it was still higher than the rate of 94 deaths per 1,000 live births in West Pakistan.

So, Pashtuns, Balochs, and other rural populations may not have attained a high level of development, but it also suggests that they have the potential to make improvements if they are given the necessary resources, support, and opportunities.
Currently, Bangladesh has achieved significant progress in several areas. However, prior to its independence in 1971, its performance was not as positive. For example, in terms of education, East Pakistan had a lower literacy rate compared to West Pakistan. In 1951, the literacy rate in East Pakistan was only 16.2%, while it was 21.7% in West Pakistan. By 1971, the literacy rate in East Pakistan had increased to 27.8%, but it was still lower than the literacy rate of 34.6% in West Pakistan.

In terms of healthcare, East Pakistan also lagged behind West Pakistan. The infant mortality rate in East Pakistan was 139 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1961, while it was 117 deaths per 1,000 live births in West Pakistan. By 1971, the infant mortality rate in East Pakistan had decreased to 108 deaths per 1,000 live births, but it was still higher than the rate of 94 deaths per 1,000 live births in West Pakistan.

So, Pashtuns, Balochs, and other rural populations may not have attained a high level of development, but it also suggests that they have the potential to make improvements if they are given the necessary resources, support, and opportunities.
18th amendment completely negates this point.

Biggest problem to their prosperity is the security situation in their lands which Bangladesh didn't have. FDI, investment, industries, development becomes incredibly difficult.

Eagle Eye PSF
·Feb 19

Attack on Karachi Police Office Raid on the house of terrorist Kifayatullah, who was killed in the operation, located in Lakki Marwat.
Police and law enforcement agencies conducted a raid in Wanda Ameer Khan Police Station Sadar Js.
Kifayatullah was 22 to 23 years old, the terrorist Kifayatullah was trained and kept coming to Afghanistan.
Kifayatullah continued to fight in Afghanistan as well, the killed terrorist belonged to Tipugal group of banned TTP.
Kifayatullah was also involved in attacks on police in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.


Eagle Eye PSF
·Feb 19

Attack on Karachi Police Office Raid on the house of terrorist Kifayatullah, who was killed in the operation, located in Lakki Marwat.
Police and law enforcement agencies conducted a raid in Wanda Ameer Khan Police Station Sadar Js.
Kifayatullah was 22 to 23 years old, the terrorist Kifayatullah was trained and kept coming to Afghanistan.
Kifayatullah continued to fight in Afghanistan as well, the killed terrorist belonged to Tipugal group of banned TTP.
Kifayatullah was also involved in attacks on police in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.


Looking like that ofcourse he is going to feel suicidal :lol:

I've realised, its the uglies who are into extremism and suicide bombing. The good looking ones are busy chasing women :lol:
Biggest problem to their prosperity is the security situation in their lands which Bangladesh didn't have. FDI, investment, industries, development becomes incredibly difficult.

If we can extend the ceasefire we had with TTP from a few months to a few years, we may be able to see real and measurable progress in the region.

One concern that many people have is the fear that the TTP will rearm and reposition themselves despite the ceasefire we have had. However, it is important to consider the potential benefits of extending the ceasefire to few years. During this time, we can provide support, opportunities, and resources to the people in the area, creating a more favorable environment for development and prosperity. By doing so, we can gradually overcome the negative effects of long-term conflict and see positive changes take place over time. It is important to approach this situation with a measured and thoughtful approach, keeping in mind the concerns and misconceptions that may exist, while also striving for progress and growth.

‘Mastermind’ of Karachi police chief office attack killed in operation: CTD

The Sindh Police’s Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) claimed on Monday to have killed the “mastermind” of the audacious attack on the Karachi Police Office (KPO) on Feb 17.

Last month, hours-long combat between terrorists and law-enforcement agencies — comprising Pak Army Special Service Group (SSG), Pakistan Rangers Sindh and Sindh Police — at the KPO located at Sharea Faisal had left five people martyred and 17 injured.

In a press release issued today, the CTD said that Aryadullah and his accomplice were killed in an operation near the Northern Bypass in the Mangophir area.

The identification of the other slain terrorist is underway, it stated, adding that two other terrorists were also arrested during the operation.

The CTD statement added that a search and clearance operation was being conducted in the area.

Dawn.com has also learnt that Sindh Information Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon will address a press conference in Karachi at 3pm today to brief the public on the CTD encounter.

It is pertinent to mention that the outlawed Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) had claimed the responsibility for the Feb 17 attack on the KPO.

Three militants, who wore suicide jackets, were killed and three law enforcers and one civilian were martyred while 18 others, mostly police and Rangers’ personnel, were injured during the hours-long joint operation carried out by the police, Rangers and army personnel.

Later, Saddar SHO Khalid Memon had lodged a first information report (FIR) against the three militants, their facilitators and TTP spokesperson under Sections 302 (premeditated murder), 34 (common intention) read with Section 7 of the Anti-Terrorism Act and Section 3/4 of the Explosives Act 1908.

The investigation was later handed over to the CTD.


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