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Switchover from US to Russia-China orbit?

Especially the global south, which India wanted to present itself as the leader of.

The only thing is the bar is set low. If Pakistan can get its act together it doesn’t need to go into any formal alliances, just become more geo-political relevant as its economic heft and social-cultural institutions grows. Switching over to any one block will piss off the other power and shut Pakistan out of economic opportunities. Best to reform internally and apprise itself of all opportunities from all sides.

There are no opportunities for Pakistan in the Western camp. India had made sure of that.

Hehehe.. Good luck..

No doubt that Pakistan will align itself more and more with China/Russia.
There are no opportunities for Pakistan in the Western camp. India had made sure of that.

No doubt that Pakistan will align itself more and more with China/Russia.
Main destination of your exports is west not China, you hardly export a billion or two to China.
Without west pakistani economy will not stand even with crutches. You guys should try to export more to China with relationship you claim you have with China.
There are no opportunities for Pakistan in the Western camp. India had made sure of that.

No doubt that Pakistan will align itself more and more with China/Russia.
Market access is a big opportunity China itself doesn’t pass up, why should Pakistan. Also, China wants Pakistan to maintain good relations with the west, so that Pakistan can export to the western market and make infrastructure investments in Pakistan sustainable.

Unless Pakistan’s trade volumes change, antagonizing the western markets isn’t helpful.
a wannabe dalit doesn't have it to call anything else laughable.

LOL Isn't it funny how you Indians discriminate against your own? You guys live and breathe caste system. You don't even understand the irony of the name stupid Hindutva. You are a disgrace.
I think US has realized that we need China to boast US economy. A reason why Biden Xi dialogue in San Francisco . Nothing is coming from US-China economic confrontation.
Market access is a big opportunity China itself doesn’t pass up, why should Pakistan. Also, China wants Pakistan to maintain good relations with the west, so that Pakistan can export to the western market and make infrastructure investments in Pakistan sustainable.

Unless Pakistan’s trade volumes change, antagonizing the western markets isn’t helpful.

Pakistan isn't getting any access to European markets. You already know that. Of course this is mainly due to Pakistan’s own stupidity and lack of ability. You guys never invested in education and the well-being of your own people. When the vast majority of Pakistanis cannot read, write and haven't even learnt a skill what market do you expect to capture? In Pakistan quality education is expensive and beyond ordinary people. In other words, an apartheid education system. Your government and leaders don't even care about educating the masses. You want to capture markets... You can only capture markets if you have something to offer. Unfortunately Pakistan doesn't have much on offer. A country already low on natural resources doesn't also have any skilled people. How and with what do you intend to capture European markets?
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Especially the global south, which India wanted to present itself as the leader of.

The only thing is the bar is set low. If Pakistan can get its act together it doesn’t need to go into any formal alliances, just become more geo-political relevant as its economic heft and social-cultural institutions grows. Switching over to any one block will piss off the other power and shut Pakistan out of economic opportunities. Best to reform internally and apprise itself of all opportunities from all sides.
Being in the Western block has left Pakistan bankrupt and its people poor. Only China has made meaningful contribution to Pakistan in all fields. Unfortunately the world has turned into gang warfare and if you are not a member of a gang or you are member of a weak gang you will get demolished.
Unfortunately the world has turned into gang warfare and if you are not a member of a gang or you are member of a weak gang you will get demolished.
It is not a modern day issue. This has been the case from time immemorial. Strong and powerful always dictate the terms. Weak ones just fall in line. West knows this very well. Even China knows this.

Any attempt to openly challenge their hegemony is likely to invite a rap on the knuckles. Smart countries play the game well. No unnecessary pangaa taking and no open support or joining an anti-west alliance.
It is not a modern day issue. This has been the case from time immemorial. Strong and powerful always dictate the terms. Weak ones just fall in line. West knows this very well. Even China knows this.

Any attempt to openly challenge their hegemony is likely to invite a rap on the knuckles. Smart countries play the game well. No unnecessary pangaa taking and no open support or joining an anti-west alliance.
Yes, you Indians know this very well from history.
India broke them long back. Thats how, India doesn’t believe in joining a camp but maintaining an independent policy making. That’s been displayed amply in the recent past. Anyone claiming otherwise is either a troll or blind. Even, IK was all praises for it and wanted his brethren to learn from the neighbour.

Paksiatn has a lot to learn from this. It has always been in one camp and subservient to someone. It was under complete US control till some time back. Now China is the big daddy. Paksiatn can’t say one word against the current daddy of the day. China has Pakiatn’s balls in it’s firm grip. One twist and the economy has only one way to go. I wouldn’t even mention total reliance of all major military hardware.

The alliance TRIPC is unlikely to be an alliance of nations with equal standing but an alliance under the leadership and control of China. China would play the big daddy, while others would do it’s bidding.
India has always been on the losing side - from supporting the Nazis, to the support of the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, to the support of the Northern Alliance, to the support of US against Taliban - all ended in failure. Once in human history, the Hindu has held power of entire India and made blunder after blunder. The truth is: the Hindu isn't an effective ruler.
Yes, you Indians know this very well from history.
Smart people learn from history to not repeat the mistakes committed by others.
Stupid people make mistakes and learn from them. Now, we know very well who hasn’t learnt anything and is getting kicked around.

the Hindu isn't an effective ruler.
Smart man you are. Ruling capability depends on the religion? Visible very clearly in Pakistan since 1947.
Smart man you are. Ruling capability depends on the religion? Visible very clearly in Pakistan since 1947.
Yes, it depends on religion of which you have a very weak one. Hinduism is incohesive, segregational, very low proselytizing capacity. That explains why Hindus have never been able to achieve a very large country for very long. Compare this to the Christian Holy Roman Empire, any European empire, Muslim Abbasid Empire, Ottoman Empire, Mughal Empire, Golden Horde; how big they were and how long they survived, while Hindu empires always remained small and/or fragmented quickly.
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