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Serbian Armed Forces (pictures and discussion)

so many questions. Which variant are they offering, certainly not the Mig29M (mig33), but hopefully at least the Mig29SMT with active jamming pod.
R77 missiles? Spare engines? better Radar?
Does Serbia have 50 million to spend? I hope so, even if they get the ones Algeria rejected
Day of Army and infantry








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about frickin time. Almost a squadron now , but no R77's apparently :(
Serbia will have to spend from €180 mln to €230 mln for the planes’ modernization, which will take place in three stages, Serbian news agency Tanjug reported on Thursday.

"Had we wanted to purchase planes equipped with the rockets we want to have, they would have cost us about €600 mln," Tanjug quoted Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic as saying after meeting Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu on December 21.

Why T72s though? Training battalion?
so It appears the aircraft pictured are the ones Serbia is actually getting. Pictured above behind Vucic and 1st pic below , 2 Mig 29-S (Fulcrum C) and one Fulcrum A .
On the other side , one more Mig 29-S and 2 Mig 29-UB 2seat trainers. Since the UB's have no radar, this would bring the Serbian air force up to 6 (or 7) combat capable mig-29. Maybe just as importantly, with 3 trainers the current , and from my understanding very small , pool of mig-29 pilots can be increased.

migs for serbia.PNG

migs for serbia 2.PNG
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Serbia signs deal to buy 9 Airbus helicopters, H-145M.

Why we buy 2 helicopters from our biggest ally Russia and 9 from a company that is French-German, countries that bombed Serbia in 1999 , I have no idea?

Posted this already on another topic:

Serbian delegation led by prime minister Aleksandar Vucic and defence minister Zoran Djordjevic were in visit to Belarus, were among other things they were talking about cooperation in defence and defence industry. On behalf of the Government of Serbia, the Minister of Defence Zoran Djordjevic signed an agreement on military-technical cooperation between Serbia and Belarus, which creates a legal basis for military-technical cooperation between the two countries.

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic says he discussed a potential acquisition of fighter planes with Belarus officials on Thursday in Minsk.

According to Vucic, they also spoke about purchasing anti-aircraft weapons for the Serbian Army (VS) "under most favorable conditions."

He told Serbia's state broadcaster RTS that the discussion also covered "launching joint factories that would manufacture arms and ammunition for third markets."

"This is not merely about military-technical cooperation. We spoke about buying arms and tools for the VS, but above all about protecting our sky and about potentially buying, under most favorable conditions, fighter jets and anti-aircraft weapons and tools," he said, adding that this concerns weapons systems that were "impossible for us to have as recently as yesterday."

These future joint companies would not be limited to the defense industry alone, Vucic added.


And just now Serbian defence minister said that Belarus will donate 8 Mig-29 and two division of BUK missile system.

Under that deal Serbia will pay for overhaul and modernization of donated equipment. Probably 4 Serbian Mig-29, together with 6 donated from Russia will all be overhauled and modernized in Belarus on Mig-29BM standard, which will rise the number of Mig-29's in Serbian armed forces to 18.

It's on Serbian.

Additional info:

Armament from Belarus will be delivered in 2018. Price for the overhaul and modernization will be negotiated after the the establishment of a joint body for cooperation in the field of defense between two countries in may 2017. Serbia will also negotiate with Belarus about possible acquisition of the S300 missile system.

And concerning 6 Mig-29 donated from Russia, they will be delivered to Serbia in march or april this year. Russian experts together with Serbian side will do the overhaul and modernization in Serbian overhaul center Moma Stanojlovic.

Also time of delivery of 30 tanks and 30 armored vehicles from Russia depends on Russian decision.

This today on RT

During his visit to the country’s 204th Aviation Brigade on Sunday, Serbian Defense Minister Zoran Djordjevic noted that the aircraft will be acquired from Russian Army reserves, and that Russia will also provide aviation experts to upgrade and modernize the six new MiGs, along with four aircraft that Serbia acquired earlier.

The MiGs will be equipped with the most modern arms, radars, optical and communication systems,” Djordjevic told the pilots, as cited by local media. The defense ministry stated last week that the arrival and modernization of the Russian jets will “significantly enhance the capabilities of [Serbia’s] air force.”

It also recently said it has started training and retraining pilots and technicians, which will continue through 2017, as Serbia’s Air Force currently lacks specialists who are able to navigate and manage the MiGs.

Strong suggestion that the original (and useless even in 1999) NO19 topaz pulse doppler Radars will be replaced, hopefully with Zhuk M phased array. This would yield full range capability of R77's, assuming this is all being delivered.
Delivery likely in March, no later than April .
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