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Featured Russia want to sell SU-35 to Pakistan: BBC Urdu

I think that the time for induction of Su-35 in PAF has already gone. Now improved J-10s and/or J-16s with their common mature WS-10 engines should be considered. However performance of Su-57 should be evaluated.
Game changer for the Indians. Rafale with its AESA and meteors will easy squat all the SU-35. SU-35's techs are not made to compete in today's high-tech air battles. Despite Russia's boast, the Snow Leopard is still a PESA. With today's advanced missiles (even the American AIM-120C or D), a SU-35 has no chance of escaping once a missile is locked onto it.
After receiving a brutal anal punishment over and over again when you indians will start living in reality?
Ah, so suddenly there are exceptions to your rule that you secretly have information on? So you are saying Russian MI-35 and Kornet missiles cannot be used against Indian armour? You have confidential specific assureances on this that are available to only Indian PDF members I imagine? Or you are just making up every post as you go along? What is it?

No one will "wake you up" buddy, as we see you for what you are, another Indian troll or multipole ID member who got banned.
India bought $9.2 billion worth of weapons from Russia between 2014 to 2019, not including the S-400 payment. That is the annual defence budget of Pakistan. How are you going to replace India ? that too with cash payment ..

Have been hearing about S 35 purchase by PAF for last 6-7 years, what has been the progress? geopolitics is not your family relationship, here here is no favor or freebees ..

by the way what is ur fetish with "multipole ID" ? just curious
I dont think Pakistan is in any way capable of handling any restricted access much less sanctions. It is a house of cards which will fall at the slightest of nudge. The counter question really is whether the West would want an economically bankrupt nuclear nation. I suspect this will be more of a headache than a benefit. However what I have suggested in the form of infrastructure projects will to my meagre understanding not invite sanctions which is why I suggested that. Other arms like BUK /Pantsir can be acquired. Larger ticket items are and will remain off limits and contrary to general perceptions will cause major hassles for integration and acquisition. I also think it is the wrong time to be buying 4th generation platforms as it is increasingly likely future 5th gen platforms may well be twin engined.

While you may be correct in seeking infrastructure projects that do not invite sanctions, the Iran-Pakistan GPL project will likely not be one of them. Pakistan has not been able to make any real progress on its side of the border, nor even re-negotiate the pricing terms, despite many fervent announcements. Lip service at its finest, nothing more, by the decision makers, who remain wary of inviting more restrictions if they were to actually proceed ahead with the project.

I do find it interesting that on one hand you clearly recognize that "whether the West would want an economically bankrupt nuclear nation. I suspect this will be more of a headache than a benefit." and yet on the other hand you also maintain that "Contrary to your (i.e. my) thought Pakistan is very much in the cross hairs and is being/ will be mauled in the process." I do not see any need or desire on anybody's part to let Pakistan sink into chaos. That would help no one at all. Keeping it on life support, barely ticking over, might be a more reasonable strategy, in my view.
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After receiving a brutal anal punishment over and over again when you indians will start living in reality?
I'm not in anyway related to an Indian or India. For your sake, making a statement and thus a judgment based on someone's background (race, skin color, ethnicity, religion, gender, etc.) is weak and ridiculous.

Now, FYI: China conducted many war games using its J10C and J16 against SU-35's. Both J10C and J16 gave the SU-35 very humiliating beatings. Su-35's Snow Leopard could not detect the presence of either J10C or J16 until incoming missiles were fired at them. With today's missile tech's (China's PL-12 and PL-15), SU-35's had no way of espacing even with its powerful engines.

After Russia sold its first batch of 24 Su-35's to China, China no longer wants to purchase any more Su-35 and even the Su-57. In fighter jet technologies, Russia's fallen behind China in many critical areas, including radar, situation awareness, and stealth that are critical to today's warfare. The days of dog fights in every aerial encounter are over. It was reported (or rumored) a couple years ago China proposed to buy more Su-35 engines but Russia would only sell the engines with more Su-35 purchases. China refused because PLA concludes Su-35's have no place in its airforce fighting the Indian or the American airforces.
I'm not in anyway related to an Indian or India. For your sake, making a statement and thus a judgment based on someone's background (race, skin color, ethnicity, religion, gender, etc.) is weak and ridiculous.

Now, FYI: China conducted many war games using its J10C and J16 against SU-35's. Both J10C and J16 gave the SU-35 very humiliating beatings. Su-35's Snow Leopard could not detect the presence of either J10C or J16 until incoming missiles were fired at them. With today's missile tech's (China's PL-12 and PL-15), SU-35's had no way of espacing even with its powerful engines.

After Russia sold its first batch of 24 Su-35's to China, China no longer wants to purchase any more Su-35 and even the Su-57. In fighter jet technologies, Russia's fallen behind China in many critical areas, including radar, situation awareness, and stealth that are critical to today's warfare. The days of dog fights in every aerial encounter are over. It was reported (or rumored) a couple years ago China proposed to buy more Su-35 engines but Russia would only sell the engines with more Su-35 purchases. China refused because PLA concludes Su-35's have no place in its airforce fighting the Indian or the American airforces.
I do agree chinese are getting smarter and better in aviation industry with each passing day.How can you compare chinese pilots and their technical expertise with indian air force ? It's the man behind the machine .
Indians who decorate their jets with lemons and chillies are still losers even if they get their hands on F-22 raptor.
I Agree. The chinese were mostly interested in the su-35 engines. Nothing more.

in multiple wargames the j-10b aced the su35.

PAF should purchase 55-65 J10bs until the J31/Azm project matures.

with regards to russia at best we should purchase more Mi35s, Mi17s and Ak15 assault rifles.
I dont think Pakistan is in any way capable of handling any restricted access much less sanctions. It is a house of cards which will fall at the slightest of nudge
But History has proven it otherwise Araz sb. Our resolve to acquire nuclear weapons was one of those examples.
Yes we are in a very tight spot economically and one of our major source for income relies on foreign remittance sent by our brothers and sisters abroad, however we cannot remain oblivious to the rapid changing geostrategic and geopolitical situation around us.
Sanctions are coming one way or the other as soon as US leaves Afghanistan. The tone is already being set by the new US administration with similar pieces popping up in NYT portraying Pakistan as part of the problem and not solution, Very Obama style.
The only thing we can do now is to brace ourselves and be prepared where comes new alliances and warming up of relations between former enemies.
I do not however agree that we are a mere deck of cards that will fall at the slightest hint of sanctions. If history is anything to go by we are much more relisent than that other wise our nuclear program would have been rolled back decades ago like many other countries.
Mig 31 Foxbat. An IAF did a sonic boom over Islamabad in 1997 or 1998 and we had nothing to shoot it down.
Not Mig-31 sir but IAF had a MIG-25 Foxbat sir
Not only Islamabad but many other cities including Sialkot, We can shoot down that thing but decided not to pay attention.
We have had a capability to shoot down Mig-25?? i didn't think we had a capability to shoot it down, we have SAM with a range of only 40 KM (HQ-2) , and had no BVR and our F-16 can attain a max altitude of 55,000 feet while MIg-25 of IAF cruising 70,000 feet near MACH-3 speed, we had no capability to intercept IAF Mig-25 then sorry to burst your bubble bro
Some 20 plus out of 80 plus F-14s have survived. Sanctions can hit one very badly.

In the case of Pakistan, the Americans have found alternative means for arm twisting instead of imposing full frontal sanctions. But the end result is going to be same: suspension of F-16 sale and support. But I too do not think that sanctions or any other form of restrictions would come if Pakistan purchased Su-35. The problem in purchasing Su-35, however, is the really bad impression of the R-73 and R-77 that the PAF has acquired after Op. Swift Retort.
But not to forget this bro Su-35 is based upon Su-27/30 family of jets so India knows its weakness as well as weakness of R-77/R-73 bro and also bro TVC is maintenance prone
SU35 doesn't fit in PAF anatomy. Chinese J10c with AL31 is the best choice.
Not with AL-31F but WS-10 sir
India had SU 25 not 31.
India had a Mig-25 if you go to wiki or global security website, and Su-25 is attack jet not superiority or spy jet comparable US A-10 close support and interdiction jet, only Russian attack jet was in the IAF was MIG-27
Get J16 and then eventually J31 or J20 .. call it a day
J-20 is out of question, banned for export, may be improved version of J-31 named J-35 will come with PAF colors in near future
Game changer for the Indians. Rafale with its AESA and meteors will easy squat all the SU-35. SU-35's techs are not made to compete in today's high-tech air battles. Despite Russia's boast, the Snow Leopard is still a PESA. With today's advanced missiles (even the American AIM-120C or D), a SU-35 has no chance of escaping once a missile is locked onto it.
Su35 is mini AWAC so it will surely be able to beat Rafale, no??
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