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instead of fighting with the symptoms we need to expose the rootcause of GanguFacism in a Rational, Structure and Detached manner.
Perhaps you should begin by editing the original post and providing citations for all of the many claims in this research document.

For now it kind of reads like the "green new deal", that genius Democrat bill which will help Trump win again next year.
But then it will unite India.

If you are talking about firing nuclear bombs at each other, neither Pakistan nor India will survive.. It's not Either or OR, it will be Neither and Nor.

So there will be no India or Pakistan to begin with.. just millions of hectors of nuclear wasteland will remain where no one will be able to grow anything for another century or so.

If we Pakistanis are ready for this, then why should we even wait for India to attack? Just attack this terrorist mata with nukes and get over it while losing your own lives.

if you nuke india now the world Economy would force india not to respond.
So you mean a war with India will unite it for another few decades?

Small steps in the right direction. We didn't try it seriously in the past.

Wake me up when you reach the destination...

Because world is full of hypocrisy and India is a big market for big countries so they ignore you until you people allow them to milk you.

Forget world, what stops Pakistan from declaring RSS a terror outfit?
Forget world, what stops Pakistan from declaring RSS a terror outfit?

Nobody knows what RSS is in Pakistan thats why everybodys getting the lecture, Pakistanis included
Forget world, what stops Pakistan from declaring RSS a terror outfit?
If you don't know then let me tell you we already declared not only RSS but also BJP / Modi terrorists.
Nobody knows what RSS is in Pakistan thats why everybodys getting the lecture, Pakistanis included

If you don't know then let me tell you we already declared not only RSS but also BJP / Modi terrorists.

Dang one says nobody knows RSS, other says its already declared as terrorist...
You guys need to smell coffee and wake up ...

Oh by the way if that is true then it must one of most awkward scene that PM IK is congratulating a terrorist and his party and not only that he looks forward to work with them..Is this the reason why people call Pakistan supports terrorists and terrorism ?
Dang one says nobody knows RSS, other says its already declared as terrorist...
You guys need to smell coffee and wake up ...

Oh by the way if that is true then it must one of most awkward scene that PM IK is congratulating a terrorist and his party and not only that he looks forward to work with them..Is this the reason why people call Pakistan supports terrorists and terrorism ?
View attachment 580830
Imran Khan calls Modi government ‘fascist’, ‘supremacist’

Small men in big offices: Imran Khan calls India's no-meet decision arrogant


You guys need to smell coffee and wake up ...
You smell Cow Muttar and came to sense and stop trolling here.
Dang one says nobody knows RSS, other says its already declared as terrorist...
You guys need to smell coffee and wake up ...

Oh by the way if that is true then it must one of most awkward scene that PM IK is congratulating a terrorist and his party and not only that he looks forward to work with them..Is this the reason why people call Pakistan supports terrorists and terrorism ?
View attachment 580830

dude we have no problems with any Tags people give us. if they give us another Tag as people who nuked incredible india, it wont Make a difference
Imran Khan calls Modi government ‘fascist’, ‘supremacist’

Small men in big offices: Imran Khan calls India's no-meet decision arrogant


You smell Cow Muttar and came to sense and stop trolling here.
@Viny can't help it, living in rape heaven that is India, no mediocre or ordinary individual like our friend here, be it from the prolific slums or Cities or from lower castes can dare speak against Rapist Hindutwa goons in power but invite the cowardly Rapist Hindutwa gangs.

So all Viny dearest can do is act like those good little goons found in abundance and find excuses to support RSS Sanghis.
Imran Khan calls Modi government ‘fascist’, ‘supremacist’

Small men in big offices: Imran Khan calls India's no-meet decision arrogant


You smell Cow Muttar and came to sense and stop trolling here.

No doubt that why you call him Mr. U-Turn...
Anyway...be prepared for another UTurn too ... :)

dude we have no problems with any Tags people give us. if they give us another Tag as people who nuked incredible india, it wont Make a difference

I would not like to read history which says people who nuked incredible India.
I would love to see beautiful Pakistan and lovely pakistanis and continue enjoying PDF

@Viny can't help it, living in rape heaven that is India, no mediocre or ordinary individual like our friend here, be it from the prolific slums or Cities or from lower castes can dare speak against Rapist Hindutwa goons in power but invite the cowardly Rapist Hindutwa gangs.

So all Viny dearest can do is act like those good little goons found in abundance and find excuses to support RSS Sanghis.

May Allah bless you...sounds you are seriously ill....
Get this shit out of your head, it would bring peace and inner solace.
May Allah bless you...sounds you are seriously ill....
May your "whatever" hug you and kiss you and the rest that you wish for Kashmiris yourself but do report next time and try to stay calm and peaceful. Nearly 71% of Rapes in india don't even get reported and it is still Rape Central of the world.

So what do you wish for Kashmiris dear? Im sure its peace.

Thank you for your misplaced concern but if I was ill then you must be chronic. Your posts suggest you are not taking your meds regularly.

It is not just Imran and Pakistan my selective amnesia suffering ignoramus dearest, lol...

Here is Times Of India quoting secular Indian Politicians who recognize the same about RSS/BJP:


Jharkhand mob lynching: Opposition attacks BJP-RSS combine
ANI | Jun 24, 2019, 20:18 IST
Family of Tabrez in Jharkhand on Monday
NEW DELHI: The BJP-RSS combine on Monday came under attack from political parties over the lynching of a Muslim youth with leaders asking whether this was the "New India" Prime Minister Narendra Modi had promised during the elections.

Several leaders lincluding former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti, AIMIM leader Asaduddin Owaisi and Congress leaders Ghulam Nabi Azad and PL Punia criticised the Central government over the lynching of 22-year-old Tabrez after he was allegedly forced to recite "Jai Shri Ram" and "Jai Hanuman".

PDP leader Mehbooba Mufti tweeted, "

Tabrez Ansari was lynched to death in BJP ruled Jharkhand

P Ohio i
. A Hindu mob thrashed him ruthlessly because he refused to chant Jai Sri Ram. Is this NDA 2.0's New India? Yeh kaunsa tareeka hai sabka vishwas jeetnay ka?"

In a veiled dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Leader of the Opposition in Rajya Sabha Gulab Nabi Azad mocked his idea of "New India" saying "old India" had no hatred, anger and lynchings.

"I request you to keep New India to yourself and give us our Old India where there was love and culture. Hindus used to feel the pain when Muslims and Dalits used to get hurt. When something used to get into eyes of Hindus, Muslims and Dalits used to shed tears for them," he said opening the discussion on the President's address from the Opposition side.

His party colleague Punia said, "Perpetrators of such crime are linked to BJP-RSS and no action is taken against them. No one acts against such people related to BJP. On the contrary, the message given through such incident is that those who do this kind of thing will be encouraged."

He added, "It was a very tragic incident in which a man belonging to a minority community was beaten to death while he was asked to repeatedly chant Jai Shri Ram. This is a sad reality and a matter of shame for the country."
How the White Nationalists Who Love Trump Found Inspiration in the Group That Gave Us Narendra Modi
Mehdi Hasanmehdi.hasan@theintercept.com@mehdirhasan


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi before the ceremonial reception of Zambian President Edgar Chagwa Lunguin at the presidential palace in New Delhi, India, on Aug. 21, 2019.

Photo: Manish Swarup/AP

Question: What is the connection between controversial Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi — who is visiting Houston this Sunday for the “Howdy, Modi” summit, as well as a meeting with President Donald Trump — and a spate of white nationalist terrorist attacks across the West?

Answer: Anders Breivik.

You remember Breivik, right? The homicidal Islamophobe who massacred 77 people in Norway in 2011? Brevik, who was sentenced to 21 years in prison, is now viewed as a “saint” by far-right activists. Christopher Hasson, the Coast Guard lieutenant and self-proclaimed white nationalist accused of plotting the assassination of prominent Democrats and journalists, has cited Breivik as an influence. The Christchurch shooter Brenton Tarrant described the Norwegian mass murderer as his “true inspiration” and even suggested that they had been in contact, while the El Paso shooter Patrick Crusius, in turn, expressed support for the “Christchurch shooter and his manifesto,” as did the San Diego synagogue shooter.

But where did Breivik himself draw inspiration from? It probably won’t shock you to hear that he name-checked a range of conservative and far-right commentators from the U.S. and the U.K. in his rambling and racist manifesto. But it might surprise you to discover that this modern icon of white nationalist terrorism also mentioned India, and in particular Hindu nationalism, on a “remarkable 102 pages” of his 1,518-page screed.

For Breivik, it is essential that far-right, Islamophobic movements in Europe and India “learn from each other and cooperate as much as possible.”

Breivik calls on his “Hindu Nationalist brothers” to “rise up” against the Muslim conquerors of India, and extols Hindu nationalist groups because “they dominate the streets” and “do not tolerate the current injustice and often riot and attack Muslims when things get out of control.” However, he complains, “this behaviour is nonetheless counterproductive.”

“Instead of attacking the Muslims,” he continues, “they should target the category A and B traitors in India and consolidate military cells and actively seek the overthrow of the cultural Marxist government.”

For Breivik, it is essential that far-right, Islamophobic movements in Europe and India “learn from each other and cooperate as much as possible” because “our goals are more or less identical.” He even provides a list of online resources for his readers — and it includes the website of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh among them.

The RSS is a far-right, male-only paramilitary volunteer organization, founded in India in 1925. Breivik may have been lauding the RSS in 2011; but back in the 1920s and 1930s, the founders of the RSS were heaping praise on Europe’s far-right, totalitarian regimes — from Mussolini’s fascists in Italy to Hitler’s Nazis in Germany.

M.S. Golwalkar, the second leader of the RSS, wrote about how he was inspired by Nazi Germany, which he said displayed “race pride at its highest” and was “a good lesson for use” in India. V.D. Savarkar, who coined the term “Hindutva” to refer to the RSS’s vision of India as a Hindu state, claimed that “Germany had every right to resort to Nazism, and Italy to Fascism.” He even compared India’s Muslims to “Jews in Germany.” A former member of the RSS — and acolyte of Savarkar — would later assassinate Mahatma Gandhi, in protest of the latter’s pro-Muslim views.

So where does Modi fit in here? The Indian prime minister is the leader of the right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party, which is accurately described by Breivik in his manifesto as “the political arm of the RSS.” Modi himself began training with the RSS when he was 8 years old; by the age of 22, he was a full-time “pracharak,” or missionary, for the group. As chief minister of the state of Gujarat — the scene of brutal anti-Muslim pogroms in 2002 — Modi oversaw the distribution of high school textbooks that described Hitler as a leader who “lent dignity and prestige to the German government.”

Is it any wonder that the Hindu nationalist from India has formed such a close friendship with the white nationalist in the White House?

Today, as prime minister, Modi continues to bestow praise on the likes of Golwalkar and Savarkar. He considers the former to be his ideological mentor and “Pujniya Shri Guruji” — a guru worthy of worship — and the latter to be an epitome of “courage, patriotism, and unflinching commitment to a strong India.”

Meanwhile, on Modi’s watch, the secretive RSS has seen a spike in membership — to around 6 million members — and an unprecedented level of political influence in the nation’s capital, despite the fact that a former inspector general of police once described the group as “the country’s No. 1 terror organisation.”

The rise of Modi, the RSS, and Hindu nationalism has led to an explosion of hate crimes in India. “Today, under Modi’s iron-fisted regime, Christians, Dalits, Muslims, Sikhs, and every Hindu who disagrees with the hate, violence, and supremacy of the RSS lives in fear of their lives,” South Asia affairs analyst Pieter Friedrich explained to Houston City Council on Tuesday, as part of a last-ditch attempt by anti-Modi activists to prevent the prime minister’s high-profile summit in the city. Mobs have beaten and murdered Muslims for allegedly slaughtering or even transporting cows; churches have been burned and vandalized.

“Fascism,” as Yale University scholar Jason Stanley told me earlier this year, “always involves something like white nationalism, but it doesn’t need to be white nationalism.” Is it any wonder that the Hindu nationalist from India has formed such a close friendship with the white nationalist in the White House? They have fascism in common. Modi, though, is much more dangerous than Trump — unlike the latter, the former is a true believer, a proud ideologue.

It is therefore difficult to disagree with Friedrich. “Rather than ‘Howdy, Modi,’” he told council members on Tuesday, “the City of Houston ought to be saying, ‘Adios, Modi.’”


Obviously, Trump-Modi share the same worldview and wish to shape it according to their liking... hence, any illusion inside Pakistan that Trump would be a mediator in IoJK and stop the Genocide of PakKashmiris in IoJK must be put to rest. Infact, burried deep inside Afro-Pak Ocean.

Modi did what he did with full US backing... Modi is doing what he is doing..with full US backing. Modi will do what he shall do with full US backing.
Hindutva Ideology: A Threat to Peace and Economy of South Asia

Hinduism is a religion and Hindutva a political propaganda. Hindutva is an ideology seeking to establish the hegemony of Hindus and the Hindu way of life. It is based on ostracism, discrimination, terrorism, racism and fascism. The Hindutva slogan nullifies Indian claim of secularism, and is tantamount to the annulment of their decades-old deceitful impression of the world’s largest democracy. Secularism means to safeguard all the segments of society and protect the life, property and honor of every citizen without racial and religious discrimination. On the contrary, presently and practically the Hindutva ideology of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) means genocide, plunder, plight and pillage of the non-Hindus living in India.

It is important to understand the term in all its shades because of its past, present and particularly future significance since it poses a threat to the peace and economy of South Asia, which will consequently have adverse impact on world peace and economy.

In 1923, V. D. Savarkar coined the term in his essay, Hindutva: Who is a Hindu? He emphasized on the need for political mobilization of Hindus into one nation. Hindutva ideology splits the residents of the United India into “us” (Hindus) and “them” – followers of other religions – and discards Indian nationalism in favor of Hindu nationalism.

Later, the RSS leader, M. S. Golwalkar, drew inspiration from Hindutva and coined its synonym, “cultural nationalism” in contrast to “territorial nationalism” in his book, A Bunch of Thoughts (1968). He emphasized that everyone born within the territory of India is not a nationalist; the nation is defined by a common “culture”.

Presently, Hindutva is the ideology of RSS and the BJP – the party in power and political front of the RSS. For RSS and BJP, Hindustan is not only the fatherland of the Hindus but also the holy land, in contrast to the Muslims and the Christians born in Hindustan having their holy lands far off in Arabia or Palestine. The followers of Hindutva ideology perceive Indian Muslims and Christians as the descendants of foreign invaders.

The ghar wapsi (return to your home) campaign by RSS and the demolition of renowned Babri Mosque are the results of Hindutva ideology. The RSS and BJP reject the concept of composite culture that Indian National Congress and others propounded. They are fueled by an extremist ideology that negates other religious minorities’ right to live peacefully in consonance with their way of life. RSS and BJP’s philosophy is contrary to coexistence and harmonious living, and rather preaches forcible submission. For instance, nowadays Muslims are tortured and even mercilessly killed for slaughtering cows.

The empirical findings illustrate that religious extremism or notion of racial superiority have always led to antagonistic consequences for the humanity. Every state has its political impact on its neighboring states and unfortunately, an extremist fascist India is vigorously affecting the entire region with its hegemonic policies.

BJP and RSS have not only disturbed the peace of the Muslims of India, they have also made lives of the Indian Christians, Sikhs and Dalits miserable. Actually, Narendra Modi has sown the seeds of dismemberment of India that is quite imminent given his pernicious policies of Hindutva.

In this age of civility and modernity, there should be no room for extremist and fascist ideologies and victims of such ideologies must be supported regardless of their religion or ethnicity. The current impasse leading to absolute curfew in Indian-occupied Kashmir after illegal revocation of Articles 370 and 35A from Indian Constitution is also a product of Hindutva ideology. Presently, despondent and destitute people of Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir are the perfect example of victims of Hindutva ideology adopted by BJP government led by Prime Minister Modi.

A democratic state protects the weak and vulnerable individuals and segments of society. The future vision for South Asia should be to ensure the end of poverty and marginalization. Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah rightly realized that the Hindus are determined to obliterate the religion, culture, politics and economy of the Muslims of subcontinent. Therefore, under such circumstances, he said that the Hindus and the Muslims are two nations and cannot live together peacefully. He further maintained that for permanent peace in the subcontinent, a separate homeland for Muslims was the dire need of the time. Hence, he determinedly raised the clarion call for the creation of Pakistan.

Today, due to Hindutva ideology which is akin to Nazi mentality, even the opponents of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah are saying that he was right. The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the murderer of thousands of Muslims of Gujarat. He is a religious extremist and has ignited the peaceful lives of Indian Muslims. He had set houses on fire and burned the Muslims alive in Gujarat which depicts his militant, peevish and pugnacious intent and ideology.

Now he is repeating the same draconian drama in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir. India has imposed indefinite curfew and it has been weeks that Kashmir Valley is incarcerated, which is unprecedented in history. The followers of Hindutva ideology are shedding the blood of Kashmiris who are fighting for their right to self-determination that was guaranteed by resolutions of the United Nations Security Council. In such circumstances, how can peace be maintained and the economy progress in South Asia? The detrimental policy of Hindutva promoted by RSS and BJP is a great menace that impinges upon the fate and future of the people of South Asia. The region is bound to remain volatile and conflict-stricken unless the hegemonic ambitions of India for grandeur are not stopped. If the strategic stability of South Asia keeps festering, the dream of economic prosperity cannot come true, security of the region will be put into peril and the quest for peace will remain elusive.

However, there is an opportunity in the crisis created by BJP government. After decades Kashmir dispute is again before international bodies such as the United Nations Security Council and Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. Pakistan must act more vigorously in exposing the Hindutva ideology before the international community since it is a threat to the peace and economy of South Asia.

BJP and RSS have not only disturbed the peace of the Muslims of India, they have also made lives of the Indian Christians, Sikhs and Dalits miserable. Actually, Narendra Modi has sown the seeds of dismemberment of India that is quite imminent given his pernicious policies of Hindutva. Hindutva ideology is sufficient for the dismemberment of India and the total demolition of the Indian national fabric. If it continues, nobody would be able to put a stop to the internal discord, division and destruction of India. It is only a matter of time that due to Hindutva ideology India will face serious internal and external crises.

The writer is an Advocate at the Supreme Court of Pakistan based in Islamabad and the author of book titled Kashmir and Human Rights (2016).
E-mail: barristerafzalhussain@gmail.com
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