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Rocket failure delays US hypersonic glide missile test in Alaska after China fired second missile 'that defies the laws of physics'

Nan Yang

May 1, 2010
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Rocket failure delays US hypersonic glide missile test in Alaska after China fired second missile 'that defies the laws of physics' and increased panic in the West
  • A rocket failure has reportedly caused a delay in the US military's test of its hypersonic weapons system
  • Military scheduled a test of its Army-Navy common hypersonic glide body (C-HGB) in Kodiak, Alaska
  • Earlier on Thursday, Pentagon released a statement touting success of test of component prototypes
  • China has carried out two tests of an orbital vehicle believed to be a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile
  • First test took place on July 27 while second took place on August 13, intelligence sources have claimed
  • Scientists are still trying to work out exactly what the 'weapon' is capable of and say it appears to 'defy the laws of physics' and is unlike any technology the US has developed
  • Beijing has acknowledged one of the tests, but says it was actually launching a 'peaceful' civilian spacecraft
PUBLISHED: 15:00 EDT, 21 October 2021 | UPDATED: 19:37 EDT, 21 October 2021

The United States military had to delay a test of its new hypersonic weapons system due to rocket failure, according to Reuters on Thursday.

A booster rocket with a hypersonic glide body attached failed to launch during a test at Kodiak, Alaska, according to ABC News.

The aborted launch was part of the joint 'Dark Eagle' program jointly run by the Army and Navy to develop land and submarine based hypersonic missiles.

It came just hours after the Pentagon released a statement touting the successful testing of hypersonic weapon component prototypes at a facility in Virginia.

The C-HGB hypersonic glide missile, that the Navy and Army are developing, is launched by a conventional rocket and then glides to its target at speeds of up to 13,000mph. It can maneuver in flight making it near impossible to shoot down.

It comes after it was revealed that China carried out a second test of what is believed to be a hypersonic orbital missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, intelligence sources have claimed.

The new test is believed to have taken place on August 13 and involved a similar 'hypersonic glide vehicle' to one launched into space on board a Long March rocket in July, which was first reported earlier this week.

The new technology is reported to have caught US officials off guard, particularly as the system 'defies the laws of physics' and appears superior to anything in the American arsenal.

Beijing has acknowledged one of the tests, claiming it launched a 'peaceful' civilian spacecraft. But analysts believe the craft can actually be tipped with a nuclear warhead which would be able to evade missile defenses.

ABC News cited a US official on Thursday who said that a booster rocket with a hypersonic glide body attached failed to launch during a launch test at Kodiak, Alaska. The image above shows a March 19, 2020 test of the joint Army-Navy common hypersonic glide body (C-HGB) that is being developed for launch from both land and submarine

ABC News cited a US official on Thursday who said that a booster rocket with a hypersonic glide body attached failed to launch during a launch test at Kodiak, Alaska. The image above shows a March 19, 2020 test of the joint Army-Navy common hypersonic glide body (C-HGB) that is being developed for launch from both land and submarine

Although the Army has not revealed how far or fast the C-HGB flew in the test launch, the Pentagon has previously said that this weapon would allow the Army and Navy to 'strike targets hundreds and even thousands of miles away' and that it will get up to a speed of Mach 17

Although the Army has not revealed how far or fast the C-HGB flew in the test launch, the Pentagon has previously said that this weapon would allow the Army and Navy to 'strike targets hundreds and even thousands of miles away' and that it will get up to a speed of Mach 17

Hypersonic weapons travel in the upper atmosphere at more than five times the speed of sound, or about 3,853 miles per hour.

These tests 'demonstrated advanced hypersonic technologies, capabilities, and prototype systems in a realistic operating environment,' the Pentagon said in a statement.

The United States has actively pursued the development of hypersonic weapons as a part of its conventional prompt global strike program since the early 2000s.

Companies such as Lockheed Martin and Raytheon Technologies are working to develop the hypersonic weapon capability for the United States.

Meanwhile, analysts are busy trying to decipher what China has managed to test in the hypersonic realm.

Government scientists are struggling to work out exactly what the new Chinese craft is capable of, with one source telling the Financial Times that it appears to 'defy the laws of physics' and is unlike any technology the US has.

The White House has refused to comment, while the US Department of Defense has refused to confirm or deny the existence of any hypersonic weapons tests.

China is thought to have carried out two tests of a hypersonic orbital nuke - the first on July 27 and the second on August 13 this year. Observers believe the 'weapon' is an updated version of a Soviet concept called a 'Fractional Orbital Bombardment System', or FOBS. It is designed to evade powerful US radar systems and anti-missile defences designed to shoot down traditional ICBMs by flying in low-Earth orbit, making it harder to spot, track and destroy

China is thought to have carried out two tests of a hypersonic orbital nuke - the first on July 27 and the second on August 13 this year. Observers believe the 'weapon' is an updated version of a Soviet concept called a 'Fractional Orbital Bombardment System', or FOBS. It is designed to evade powerful US radar systems and anti-missile defences designed to shoot down traditional ICBMs by flying in low-Earth orbit, making it harder to spot, track and destroy

China, the US and Russia are engaged in a global arms race that now includes the development of hypersonic missile technology. Here, the MailOnline has compared (from left) each country's main nuclear weapon, the latest hypersonic technology they have tested, their most up-to-date aircraft carriers, main battle tanks, and cutting-edge jets

China, the US and Russia are engaged in a global arms race that now includes the development of hypersonic missile technology. Here, the MailOnline has compared (from left) each country's main nuclear weapon, the latest hypersonic technology they have tested, their most up-to-date aircraft carriers, main battle tanks, and cutting-edge jets

China launched the dummy weapon into space on board a Long March 2C rocket (pictured) during a test in mid-August which it did not disclose at the time and was only revealed at the weekend by security analysts assigned to work out its purpose

China launched the dummy weapon into space on board a Long March 2C rocket (pictured) during a test in mid-August which it did not disclose at the time and was only revealed at the weekend by security analysts assigned to work out its purpose

Pictured: China launches the Shenzhou-13 spacecraft on October 16, carried on the Long March-2F carrier rocket, to Chinese Tiangong space station

Pictured: China launches the Shenzhou-13 spacecraft on October 16, carried on the Long March-2F carrier rocket, to Chinese

The first test was disclosed earlier this week, when the FT quoted five intelligence sources who said that China had tested what appeared to be an orbital hypersonic nuclear missile some time in early or mid-August.

Beijing subsequently acknowledged the test, but said it had taken place on July 16. Intelligence sources now believe the test which the FT initially reported and the test acknowledged by the Chinese are different.

The newspaper now reports that the first test took place on July 27, before a second test of the same technology a little over two weeks later, on August 13.

Observers say the weapon appears to be an update of Cold War-era Soviet technology called a 'Fractional Orbital Bombardment System' - or FOBS.

Soviets developed the technology to get around powerful US radar arrays designed to detect the launch of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) tipped with nukes, and defence systems designed to shoot them down.

FOBS works by putting the nuclear warheads into a low-Earth orbit, allowing them to circle the globe and manoeuvre in flight before coming down on their targets.

This makes the warheads harder to detect, track and destroy than those carried on board ICBMs.

China appears to have updated the concept by fitting the nuclear warhead on to a 'hypersonic glide vehicle', which is designed to travel faster and manoeuvre easier - making it even harder to stop.

After the second test was disclosed, Hu Xijin - the editor of the state-owned Global Times newspaper - said the US needs to be 'rational' and accept the idea of 'mutually assured destruction'.

'The US must abandon the crazy idea that it can strike China and Russia, but they can’t strike it,' Hu tweeted.

However, he stopped short of confirming the test had taken place - describing it as 'speculation'.

A follow-up editorial in the Global Times also stopped short of confirming the test, but said - if true - the development of hypersonic missiles would 'help contain the US strategic arrogance over China and further exclude the possibility that the US blackmails China with nuclear weapons.'

The paper claims that US policy has been to develop nuclear weapons that will allow it to strike other nations while they cannot strike it - but calls this 'an unattainable mad idea' and says Washington must accept a reality in which all superpowers can strike one-another, describing it as a 'balance of nuclear terror'.

'Absolute security does not exist in today's world,' the editorial concludes.

The Chinese foreign ministry has yet to make a statement on the latest test claims.

Several countries, including the US and Russia, are developing their own hypersonic glide vehicles - though neither of them have put them to the same use as China.

China has shown off hypersonic glide vehicles before, including one mounted to the nose of the DF-17 nuke which featured prominently in military parade in 2019.

Analysts believe something similar was launched into space on board a rocket during its two recent hypersonic tests, and then released into low Earth orbit - circling the planet before being brought back down and aimed at a target.

It is thought the craft missed by some 24 miles, but the test still stunned analysts who believed China was far off being able to launch such technology.

Beijing did not report the test or its results at the time, but after it was disclosed earlier this week the country's state media mocked America by saying it is a 'new blow to the US's mentality of strategic superiority over China'.

An op-ed in the Chinese state media outlet Global Times, Beijing's mouthpiece, said the test means 'there is a key new member in China's nuclear deterrence system', adding that this is a 'new blow to the US's mentality of strategic superiority over China'.

It is just the latest move in a global arms race between Russia, China and the US which is taking place against the backdrop of mounting tensions between the superpowers in the eastern Pacific.

All three countries are engaged in wholesale updates of their militaries including the development of new nuclear technology with which they can strike each-other at range.

Russia and China have, in recent years, unveiled new and more-powerful ICBMs which are capable of launching multiple nuclear warheads at targets many thousands of miles away.

The United States, Russia and at least five other countries are also working on hypersonic technology, and last month North Korea said it had test-fired a newly-developed hypersonic missile.

Russia has previously tested a hypersonic cruise missile known as Zircon, but it flies below the atmosphere and uses fuel to power itself to hypersonic speeds rather than the Earth's orbit.

The Pentagon did not comment on China's testing of the hypersonic missile, but did acknowledge China as their 'number one pacing challenge'.

'We have made clear our concerns about the military capabilities China continues to pursue, capabilities that only increase tensions in the region and beyond,' John Kirby, a Pentagon spokesperson, told Fox News. 'That is one reason why we hold China as our number one pacing challenge.'

An op-ed in Beijing's state media outlet Global Times said: 'If the FT report is to be believed, it means that there is a key new member in China's nuclear deterrence system, which is a new blow to the US' mentality of strategic superiority over China.

'It is important to note the unstoppable trend that China is narrowing the gap with the US in some key military technologies as China is continuously developing its economic and technological strength.'

'China doesn't need to engage in an 'arms race' with the US – it is capable of weakening the US' overall advantages over China by developing military power at its own pace,' the editorial added.

It is just the latest episode of nuclear sabre-rattling to come out of Beijing, after a senior Chinese diplomat suggested that Beijing should abandon its long-standing policy of not using nuclear weapons first in conflict.

Sha Zukang, the country's former ambassador to the UN, told a summit of Chinese nuclear policy experts that it is time to 're- examine and fine-tune' a long-standing commitment to only use nukes in retaliation as the US 'builds new military alliances and as it increases its military presence in our neighbourhood.'

Beijing's current policy - which has been in place since the 1960s - has given China the 'moral high ground' but 'is not suitable . . . unless China-US negotiations agree that neither side would use [nuclear weapons] first,' he said at a meeting in Beijing last week

Zukang's comments - which come as China builds hundreds of new nuclear missile silos - are significant because Beijing often floats changes of policy through senior diplomats. The body he was speaking to - the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association - is officially independent, but has strong ties to the Communist party.

China became a nuclear power in 1964 with its first successful test of a bomb, and adopted its 'no-first-use' policy four years later. It states that Beijing will never be the first to use nukes in a conflict, but will use them if struck first.

China unveiled a hypersonic glide vehicle during a military parade in 2019, which is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. Beijing has now used a hypersonic vehicle to test a low-orbiting weapon capable of defeating nuclear defences

China unveiled a hypersonic glide vehicle during a military parade in 2019, which is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. Beijing has now used a hypersonic vehicle to test a low-orbiting weapon capable of defeating nuclear defences


It mirrors a policy that Russia implemented between 1982 and 1993, though abandoned due to fears that the weakened state of its army following the break-up of the Soviet Union could encourage an attack by the US.

The US has a policy to never use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against a majority of other nations including all those without nuclear weapons - but has exempted China, Russia and North Korea from the policy.

Global nuclear policy is rapidly changing as a number of Cold War-era treaties - notably New START and the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty - expire, with Washington hoping to renegotiate them to include China.

Zukang, in his speech, said it is 'only a matter of time' before such a deal is negotiated, but that Beijing should be prepared to take a more-aggressive stance until the trio put pen to paper.

China is in the midst of a major upgrade of its nuclear forces, which in recent years has seen it unveil more-advanced intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and hypersonic nuclear missiles that are thought to be un-stoppable by current missile defence systems.

Beijing is thought to possess around 320 nuclear warheads that can be fitted to those missiles at present, but is also thought to be in the midst of a major expansion of that arsenal.

It comes after the discovery in July of two huge new missile silo bases under construction in remote desert regions of China.

Experts believe the first, near the city of Yumen, will eventually house 120 silos while the second, near the town of Hami, will house 110. A dozen more are under construction near Jilantai, with older sites also being upgraded.

Each silo can house a nuclear missile, with each missile capable of carrying up to 12 nuclear warheads if China upgrades all of them to carry its latest DF-41 rocket.

That means China's nuclear arsenal could theoretically expand to 875 warheads. Hu Xijin, editor of the state-mouthpiece Global Times newspaper, has previously argued that it should expand to 1,000.

The move would elevate China above the low-ranking nuclear powers such as the UK, Pakistan, France and India which have stockpiled warheads in the low hundreds.

But it would still be well short of the US and Russia, the world's two largest nuclear powers, which possess arsenals of around 4,000 warheads each.

The construction of hundreds of silos also marks a major shift in the make-up of China's nuclear threat, which currently relies heavily on mobile road-based launchpads and nuclear-capable bombers. China also has four nuclear-armed submarines.

China is expanding its military as its economy balloons to rival that of the US, having lagged behind for decades.

Both sites were identified by distinctive tents erected over the top of the under-construction silos that hide their inner workings from spy satellites

Both sites were identified by distinctive tents erected over the top of the under-construction silos that hide their inner workings from spy satellites

In addition to building new nuclear missiles and silos, it has constructed new aircraft carriers, tanks, fighter jets, spy and attack drones, along with new rifles for its troops.

Beijing has used the new hardware to take a more aggressive stance in the Pacific: Imposing its rule on Hong Kong, menacing Taiwan, and laying claim to a number of uninhabited islands in the South China Sea which it has constructed military bases on top of.

It has also been pressing its claim to a number of other islands whose ownership is disputed, creating tensions with other regional powers such the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and others. Similar disputes are underway in the East China Sea, around islands claimed by Japan.

China claims rights over the South China Sea in its entirety, which would hand Beijing control over hugely valuable international shipping lanes, fishing grounds which neighbouring countries rely on for food, and deposits of coal and oil which dot the seabed.

The US and its allies have been pushing back on these claims, and frequently conduct what they call 'freedom of navigation' operations through waters that China claims as its own in defiance of Beijing.

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Rocket failure delays US hypersonic glide missile test in Alaska after China fired second missile 'that defies the laws of physics' and increased panic in the West
  • A rocket failure has reportedly caused a delay in the US military's test of its hypersonic weapons system
  • Military scheduled a test of its Army-Navy common hypersonic glide body (C-HGB) in Kodiak, Alaska
  • Earlier on Thursday, Pentagon released a statement touting success of test of component prototypes
  • China has carried out two tests of an orbital vehicle believed to be a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile
  • First test took place on July 27 while second took place on August 13, intelligence sources have claimed
  • Scientists are still trying to work out exactly what the 'weapon' is capable of and say it appears to 'defy the laws of physics' and is unlike any technology the US has developed
  • Beijing has acknowledged one of the tests, but says it was actually launching a 'peaceful' civilian spacecraft
PUBLISHED: 15:00 EDT, 21 October 2021 | UPDATED: 19:37 EDT, 21 October 2021

The United States military had to delay a test of its new hypersonic weapons system due to rocket failure, according to Reuters on Thursday.

A booster rocket with a hypersonic glide body attached failed to launch during a test at Kodiak, Alaska, according to ABC News.

The aborted launch was part of the joint 'Dark Eagle' program jointly run by the Army and Navy to develop land and submarine based hypersonic missiles.

It came just hours after the Pentagon released a statement touting the successful testing of hypersonic weapon component prototypes at a facility in Virginia.

The C-HGB hypersonic glide missile, that the Navy and Army are developing, is launched by a conventional rocket and then glides to its target at speeds of up to 13,000mph. It can maneuver in flight making it near impossible to shoot down.

It comes after it was revealed that China carried out a second test of what is believed to be a hypersonic orbital missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, intelligence sources have claimed.

The new test is believed to have taken place on August 13 and involved a similar 'hypersonic glide vehicle' to one launched into space on board a Long March rocket in July, which was first reported earlier this week.

The new technology is reported to have caught US officials off guard, particularly as the system 'defies the laws of physics' and appears superior to anything in the American arsenal.

Beijing has acknowledged one of the tests, claiming it launched a 'peaceful' civilian spacecraft. But analysts believe the craft can actually be tipped with a nuclear warhead which would be able to evade missile defenses.

ABC News cited a US official on Thursday who said that a booster rocket with a hypersonic glide body attached failed to launch during a launch test at Kodiak, Alaska. The image above shows a March 19, 2020 test of the joint Army-Navy common hypersonic glide body (C-HGB) that is being developed for launch from both land and submarine

ABC News cited a US official on Thursday who said that a booster rocket with a hypersonic glide body attached failed to launch during a launch test at Kodiak, Alaska. The image above shows a March 19, 2020 test of the joint Army-Navy common hypersonic glide body (C-HGB) that is being developed for launch from both land and submarine

Although the Army has not revealed how far or fast the C-HGB flew in the test launch, the Pentagon has previously said that this weapon would allow the Army and Navy to 'strike targets hundreds and even thousands of miles away' and that it will get up to a speed of Mach 17'strike targets hundreds and even thousands of miles away' and that it will get up to a speed of Mach 17

Although the Army has not revealed how far or fast the C-HGB flew in the test launch, the Pentagon has previously said that this weapon would allow the Army and Navy to 'strike targets hundreds and even thousands of miles away' and that it will get up to a speed of Mach 17

Hypersonic weapons travel in the upper atmosphere at more than five times the speed of sound, or about 3,853 miles per hour.

These tests 'demonstrated advanced hypersonic technologies, capabilities, and prototype systems in a realistic operating environment,' the Pentagon said in a statement.

The United States has actively pursued the development of hypersonic weapons as a part of its conventional prompt global strike program since the early 2000s.

Companies such as Lockheed Martin and Raytheon Technologies are working to develop the hypersonic weapon capability for the United States.

Meanwhile, analysts are busy trying to decipher what China has managed to test in the hypersonic realm.

Government scientists are struggling to work out exactly what the new Chinese craft is capable of, with one source telling the Financial Times that it appears to 'defy the laws of physics' and is unlike any technology the US has.

The White House has refused to comment, while the US Department of Defense has refused to confirm or deny the existence of any hypersonic weapons tests.

China is thought to have carried out two tests of a hypersonic orbital nuke - the first on July 27 and the second on August 13 this year. Observers believe the 'weapon' is an updated version of a Soviet concept called a 'Fractional Orbital Bombardment System', or FOBS. It is designed to evade powerful US radar systems and anti-missile defences designed to shoot down traditional ICBMs by flying in low-Earth orbit, making it harder to spot, track and destroy'weapon' is an updated version of a Soviet concept called a 'Fractional Orbital Bombardment System', or FOBS. It is designed to evade powerful US radar systems and anti-missile defences designed to shoot down traditional ICBMs by flying in low-Earth orbit, making it harder to spot, track and destroy

China is thought to have carried out two tests of a hypersonic orbital nuke - the first on July 27 and the second on August 13 this year. Observers believe the 'weapon' is an updated version of a Soviet concept called a 'Fractional Orbital Bombardment System', or FOBS. It is designed to evade powerful US radar systems and anti-missile defences designed to shoot down traditional ICBMs by flying in low-Earth orbit, making it harder to spot, track and destroy

China, the US and Russia are engaged in a global arms race that now includes the development of hypersonic missile technology. Here, the MailOnline has compared (from left) each country's main nuclear weapon, the latest hypersonic technology they have tested, their most up-to-date aircraft carriers, main battle tanks, and cutting-edge jets's main nuclear weapon, the latest hypersonic technology they have tested, their most up-to-date aircraft carriers, main battle tanks, and cutting-edge jets

China, the US and Russia are engaged in a global arms race that now includes the development of hypersonic missile technology. Here, the MailOnline has compared (from left) each country's main nuclear weapon, the latest hypersonic technology they have tested, their most up-to-date aircraft carriers, main battle tanks, and cutting-edge jets

China launched the dummy weapon into space on board a Long March 2C rocket (pictured) during a test in mid-August which it did not disclose at the time and was only revealed at the weekend by security analysts assigned to work out its purpose

China launched the dummy weapon into space on board a Long March 2C rocket (pictured) during a test in mid-August which it did not disclose at the time and was only revealed at the weekend by security analysts assigned to work out its purpose

Pictured: China launches the Shenzhou-13 spacecraft on October 16, carried on the Long March-2F carrier rocket, to Chinese Tiangong space station

Pictured: China launches the Shenzhou-13 spacecraft on October 16, carried on the Long March-2F carrier rocket, to Chinese

The first test was disclosed earlier this week, when the FT quoted five intelligence sources who said that China had tested what appeared to be an orbital hypersonic nuclear missile some time in early or mid-August.

Beijing subsequently acknowledged the test, but said it had taken place on July 16. Intelligence sources now believe the test which the FT initially reported and the test acknowledged by the Chinese are different.

The newspaper now reports that the first test took place on July 27, before a second test of the same technology a little over two weeks later, on August 13.

Observers say the weapon appears to be an update of Cold War-era Soviet technology called a 'Fractional Orbital Bombardment System' - or FOBS.

Soviets developed the technology to get around powerful US radar arrays designed to detect the launch of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) tipped with nukes, and defence systems designed to shoot them down.

FOBS works by putting the nuclear warheads into a low-Earth orbit, allowing them to circle the globe and manoeuvre in flight before coming down on their targets.

This makes the warheads harder to detect, track and destroy than those carried on board ICBMs.

China appears to have updated the concept by fitting the nuclear warhead on to a 'hypersonic glide vehicle', which is designed to travel faster and manoeuvre easier - making it even harder to stop.

After the second test was disclosed, Hu Xijin - the editor of the state-owned Global Times newspaper - said the US needs to be 'rational' and accept the idea of 'mutually assured destruction'.

'The US must abandon the crazy idea that it can strike China and Russia, but they can’t strike it,' Hu tweeted.

However, he stopped short of confirming the test had taken place - describing it as 'speculation'.

A follow-up editorial in the Global Times also stopped short of confirming the test, but said - if true - the development of hypersonic missiles would 'help contain the US strategic arrogance over China and further exclude the possibility that the US blackmails China with nuclear weapons.'

The paper claims that US policy has been to develop nuclear weapons that will allow it to strike other nations while they cannot strike it - but calls this 'an unattainable mad idea' and says Washington must accept a reality in which all superpowers can strike one-another, describing it as a 'balance of nuclear terror'.

'Absolute security does not exist in today's world,' the editorial concludes.

The Chinese foreign ministry has yet to make a statement on the latest test claims.

Several countries, including the US and Russia, are developing their own hypersonic glide vehicles - though neither of them have put them to the same use as China.

China has shown off hypersonic glide vehicles before, including one mounted to the nose of the DF-17 nuke which featured prominently in military parade in 2019.

Analysts believe something similar was launched into space on board a rocket during its two recent hypersonic tests, and then released into low Earth orbit - circling the planet before being brought back down and aimed at a target.

It is thought the craft missed by some 24 miles, but the test still stunned analysts who believed China was far off being able to launch such technology.

Beijing did not report the test or its results at the time, but after it was disclosed earlier this week the country's state media mocked America by saying it is a 'new blow to the US's mentality of strategic superiority over China'.

An op-ed in the Chinese state media outlet Global Times, Beijing's mouthpiece, said the test means 'there is a key new member in China's nuclear deterrence system', adding that this is a 'new blow to the US's mentality of strategic superiority over China'.

It is just the latest move in a global arms race between Russia, China and the US which is taking place against the backdrop of mounting tensions between the superpowers in the eastern Pacific.

All three countries are engaged in wholesale updates of their militaries including the development of new nuclear technology with which they can strike each-other at range.

Russia and China have, in recent years, unveiled new and more-powerful ICBMs which are capable of launching multiple nuclear warheads at targets many thousands of miles away.

The United States, Russia and at least five other countries are also working on hypersonic technology, and last month North Korea said it had test-fired a newly-developed hypersonic missile.

Russia has previously tested a hypersonic cruise missile known as Zircon, but it flies below the atmosphere and uses fuel to power itself to hypersonic speeds rather than the Earth's orbit.

The Pentagon did not comment on China's testing of the hypersonic missile, but did acknowledge China as their 'number one pacing challenge'.

'We have made clear our concerns about the military capabilities China continues to pursue, capabilities that only increase tensions in the region and beyond,' John Kirby, a Pentagon spokesperson, told Fox News. 'That is one reason why we hold China as our number one pacing challenge.'

An op-ed in Beijing's state media outlet Global Times said: 'If the FT report is to be believed, it means that there is a key new member in China's nuclear deterrence system, which is a new blow to the US' mentality of strategic superiority over China.

'It is important to note the unstoppable trend that China is narrowing the gap with the US in some key military technologies as China is continuously developing its economic and technological strength.'

'China doesn't need to engage in an 'arms race' with the US – it is capable of weakening the US' overall advantages over China by developing military power at its own pace,' the editorial added.

It is just the latest episode of nuclear sabre-rattling to come out of Beijing, after a senior Chinese diplomat suggested that Beijing should abandon its long-standing policy of not using nuclear weapons first in conflict.

Sha Zukang, the country's former ambassador to the UN, told a summit of Chinese nuclear policy experts that it is time to 're- examine and fine-tune' a long-standing commitment to only use nukes in retaliation as the US 'builds new military alliances and as it increases its military presence in our neighbourhood.'

Beijing's current policy - which has been in place since the 1960s - has given China the 'moral high ground' but 'is not suitable . . . unless China-US negotiations agree that neither side would use [nuclear weapons] first,' he said at a meeting in Beijing last week

Zukang's comments - which come as China builds hundreds of new nuclear missile silos - are significant because Beijing often floats changes of policy through senior diplomats. The body he was speaking to - the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association - is officially independent, but has strong ties to the Communist party.

China became a nuclear power in 1964 with its first successful test of a bomb, and adopted its 'no-first-use' policy four years later. It states that Beijing will never be the first to use nukes in a conflict, but will use them if struck first.

China unveiled a hypersonic glide vehicle during a military parade in 2019, which is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. Beijing has now used a hypersonic vehicle to test a low-orbiting weapon capable of defeating nuclear defences

China unveiled a hypersonic glide vehicle during a military parade in 2019, which is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. Beijing has now used a hypersonic vehicle to test a low-orbiting weapon capable of defeating nuclear defences


It mirrors a policy that Russia implemented between 1982 and 1993, though abandoned due to fears that the weakened state of its army following the break-up of the Soviet Union could encourage an attack by the US.

The US has a policy to never use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against a majority of other nations including all those without nuclear weapons - but has exempted China, Russia and North Korea from the policy.

Global nuclear policy is rapidly changing as a number of Cold War-era treaties - notably New START and the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty - expire, with Washington hoping to renegotiate them to include China.

Zukang, in his speech, said it is 'only a matter of time' before such a deal is negotiated, but that Beijing should be prepared to take a more-aggressive stance until the trio put pen to paper.

China is in the midst of a major upgrade of its nuclear forces, which in recent years has seen it unveil more-advanced intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and hypersonic nuclear missiles that are thought to be un-stoppable by current missile defence systems.

Beijing is thought to possess around 320 nuclear warheads that can be fitted to those missiles at present, but is also thought to be in the midst of a major expansion of that arsenal.

It comes after the discovery in July of two huge new missile silo bases under construction in remote desert regions of China.

Experts believe the first, near the city of Yumen, will eventually house 120 silos while the second, near the town of Hami, will house 110. A dozen more are under construction near Jilantai, with older sites also being upgraded.

Each silo can house a nuclear missile, with each missile capable of carrying up to 12 nuclear warheads if China upgrades all of them to carry its latest DF-41 rocket.

That means China's nuclear arsenal could theoretically expand to 875 warheads. Hu Xijin, editor of the state-mouthpiece Global Times newspaper, has previously argued that it should expand to 1,000.

The move would elevate China above the low-ranking nuclear powers such as the UK, Pakistan, France and India which have stockpiled warheads in the low hundreds.

But it would still be well short of the US and Russia, the world's two largest nuclear powers, which possess arsenals of around 4,000 warheads each.

The construction of hundreds of silos also marks a major shift in the make-up of China's nuclear threat, which currently relies heavily on mobile road-based launchpads and nuclear-capable bombers. China also has four nuclear-armed submarines.

China is expanding its military as its economy balloons to rival that of the US, having lagged behind for decades.

Both sites were identified by distinctive tents erected over the top of the under-construction silos that hide their inner workings from spy satellites

Both sites were identified by distinctive tents erected over the top of the under-construction silos that hide their inner workings from spy satellites

In addition to building new nuclear missiles and silos, it has constructed new aircraft carriers, tanks, fighter jets, spy and attack drones, along with new rifles for its troops.

Beijing has used the new hardware to take a more aggressive stance in the Pacific: Imposing its rule on Hong Kong, menacing Taiwan, and laying claim to a number of uninhabited islands in the South China Sea which it has constructed military bases on top of.

It has also been pressing its claim to a number of other islands whose ownership is disputed, creating tensions with other regional powers such the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and others. Similar disputes are underway in the East China Sea, around islands claimed by Japan.

China claims rights over the South China Sea in its entirety, which would hand Beijing control over hugely valuable international shipping lanes, fishing grounds which neighbouring countries rely on for food, and deposits of coal and oil which dot the seabed.

The US and its allies have been pushing back on these claims, and frequently conduct what they call 'freedom of navigation' operations through waters that China claims as its own in defiance of Beijing.

This is the consequence of de-industrialization, happy education, and political correctness. Hope China learns its lesson.
If I remember right, it failed again and again, not a single success. Please correct me if I missed any successful test.
what did you expect? have you seen the low quantity & low quality of scientists & engineers the incompetent american educational system has been producing? barely 40% of american high school grads go to college and outta those, only 10% actually graduate and outta that 10%, only 5% are actual engineering majors and that too, of a very mediocre quality.

and they wanna compete with the nation of China that has more engineers and scientists than america's entire population!🤦🏻‍♂️🙄
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China should still pay much more to high level engineers. Right now only software engineer side get high salaries. Celebrities still get too much money for doing nothing except being prostitutes. Engineers though paid quite a lot relative to other disciplines, should get at least double. But only the real engineers and higher level ones not just any typical engineers.

I have worked with Indian engineers who cannot even measure things using calipers properly. Some of those guys are scary arrogant. For example measure diameter of a bar using calipers and the guy doesn't know you have to take smallest reading instead of just any reading. Always measuring a larger diameter. India trains millions of engineers but only 1% are real engineers. China trains millions but maybe only 20% are good and real engineers. US maybe half are good and real engineers.
If I remember right, it failed again and again, not a single success. Please correct me if I missed any successful test.
You mean like this...

During the test, which was carried out in partnership with DARPA and the US Air Force last week, the missile was released from under the wing of an aircraft, and seconds later a rocket booster kicked in propelling it faster than the speed of sound, or Mach 1.
Then a secondary engine built into the missile, called a "scramjet," turned on and accelerated the missile to hypersonic flight.
Hypersonic speed is considered anything faster than Mach 5, or five times the speed of sound, equivalent to just over 100 kilometers (60 miles) per minute or about a mile every second.

You mean like this...

During the test, which was carried out in partnership with DARPA and the US Air Force last week, the missile was released from under the wing of an aircraft, and seconds later a rocket booster kicked in propelling it faster than the speed of sound, or Mach 1.
Then a secondary engine built into the missile, called a "scramjet," turned on and accelerated the missile to hypersonic flight.
Hypersonic speed is considered anything faster than Mach 5, or five times the speed of sound, equivalent to just over 100 kilometers (60 miles) per minute or about a mile every second.

Thanks. Seems I missed that one.
It's scramjet, but not much detail revealed. No range, no how many seconds it last.
China has a lot more nukes than 320. That figure has never been verified and it was an estimate from over 30 years ago. China has never denied or confirmed how many nukes it has, but I think we all know there is a massive buildup going on right now. I would be very surprised if China doesn't currently have at least 1000 warheads in stock. Most likely they will be building towards parity with the US and Russia.

The US is behind in the hypersonic missile field. This, like many other fields, in fact, countless other fields, is a result of major miscalculations and a lack of strategic focus brought on by being distracted by two decades of the War on Terror, where a small group of neocons basically dictated American foreign policy to wash money into the military industrial complex and destroy Israel's enemies by destroying Muslim countries.

The US will likely be able to field a hypersonic missile system within the next 5 years, but China and Russia won't stop developing theirs. In fact, China is building massive infrastructure and wind tunnels that will be able to test Mach 10 hypersonic vehicles and missiles, while the US currently only has infrastructure to test up to Mach 5. Let's not even mention the fact that China and Russia are essentially allies, and these are the two most powerful hypersonic powers. The US is very outmatched in this regard.
Thanks. Seems I missed that one.
It's scramjet, but not much detail revealed. No range, no how many seconds it last.
It has been proven on this forum that the Chinese members lacks critical thinking skills and your comment is further evidence of that.

The HAWC is about proving the PROPULSION aspect of the overall hypersonic weapons program.

DARPA is concerned with developing advanced technologies well ahead of what’s immediately practicable, and thus the HAWC program incepted in 2014 doesn’t seek to create a viable weapon, but rather to refine the prerequisite propulsion and airframe technologies. That leaves important characteristics such as guidance capabilities un-elaborated.
See the highlighted? That worries the PLA leadership because it revealed the true intent of the US hypersonic VEHICLE, not necessarily weapons, program. You guys here should worry, as well.

To be 'un-elaborated' means modularity which equals to TACTICAL FLEXIBILITY. That means the vehicle is more important than the warhead section.

In lieu of an explosive warhead, how about a reconn package like how the SR-71 did it? Once this hypersonic reconn VEHICLE done its job and fuel expended, it will just self destruct.

In lieu of being launched from a missile launcher like a silo or a truck or ship, all of which are surface based, being air launched mean RESPONSE FLEXIBILITY. A single air carrier like a B-1, B-52, or even C-17, can take a package of weapons most or part of the way, then deploy the missiles in precise intervals, attacking a target in multiple directions at different time further creating confusion for local air defense. It does not even have to be a single carrier but how about a flight of F-15Es with each carrying two hypersonic missiles? The flight could attack multiple targets with increasing geographical depth inside the enemy's territory.

Yeah...The US is 'behind' China, for sure...:enjoy:
24 miles is not accurate enough for Non nuclear weapons. It need to be more accurate.
Indeed... :enjoy:

Electric catapult
Electric railgun
Hypersonic missile

Maybe you want to claim US 5G is also ahead of China.
As I said often on this forum, the US have no problems with anyone believing we are 'behind' them. As far as am concerned, the ones who boasts the most, like China and Russia, are the ones most uncertain of their status and ours.
As I said often on this forum, the US have no problems with anyone believing we are 'behind' them. As far as am concerned, the ones who boasts the most, like China and Russia, are the ones most uncertain of their status and ours.
The one who boast the most is US and indian. China is in fact very modest. We don't boast doesn't mean we are behind..

Let me give u an example.

This CVN is so advanced that it has never participated a single war exercise since it's commission in 2017. :enjoy:

Typical self bragging american fanboy video. Why didn't it mention the electric catapult has so far failed all test and no solution is found? This aircraft carrier is the most wasteful ship and not most advance CVN.

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